That suit… if fluffies eisted I knew that would be a thing…
Very happy to see a fluffy console war starting!
for some reason, i want to see S.I.M.P. bot abuse, it resembles too much like a real foal and i want to see how different they tear
@infraredturbine ey mr turbine, may i use the S.I.M.P. bot in a comic
Sure, but don’t forget to give the credits linking it to the catalogue please
btw the creator of this amazing idea was @Lothmar
Sure thing my friend. Feel free to also use any of our lovely accessories such as the milk tank storage pillow. Just set your simps on the dock and the milk flows from internal storage to external as drunk.
Me noticing this a few minutes after posting:
XD I completely misjudged intention.
Funny fact: while working on the catalogue, this cursed drawing of it happened, and now randomAirPeople can’t sleep because of this nightmare:
Ah Geeze, the face joint gel packs must have punctured.
The price we pay for fluid motion and relative realism, what with the red dyed gel. ~Chuckle~
Who made what?
Fooken Five Nights at Freddy looking ass robot.
thanks, lol
what unholy being is that
There is another variant where it overloaded with milk, and the milk leaks where the “Blood is”. Its overall a fantastic design, one of my favorites to write about.
Personally I contributed:
FIAT Machine
Cyber-Fluff limbs
Cyber Fluff Battle Limbs
Sea Fluff Habitats.
I think that we’re going to do a featured product for future magazines, like the FIAT; if everyone liked the general format.
“Mother, why do you forsake me. I demand Nourishment from thy Teat”
game console and the essence of speed
i think i needed to describe the latter a bit more thoughtfully, since it doesn’t state clearly that it is supposed to turn the stumps into some kind of transmission, creating a literal small living car.
More so we just didn’t have enough room to write it. I was limited to about 100 words per entry for formatting.
well fair enough. making it so confusing is on me
Fluffy VR Connect for me!