Hasbio waste room: rejections yard; site- #021 (AcemcGrimace)

This is the under sub-basement’s levels of hasbio’s factories and other biological companies.

This is hasbio’s waste room or also known as the mass bio rejections yard. This is a stadium sized room that is a solid perfect cube. As you can see at the right of the room almost at its center is a massive tube that pours hundreds if not mere billions of fluffies into this mass grave of fluffle hell. The following does enter this room daily which is stillbirth, defective Products, mutations or half-living and dead foal, even unsold and unwanted, alike however many more kinds of fluffle and different types of fluffle of every kind does enter into this place. It’s a collectively collected waste from many stores and cities.

There isn’t a exit or a escape plan nor a way out of this place. In fact, the massive piles of dead foals and fluffles are collectively just large massive floating islands of the dead over its own lake of endless fluffle blood.

The huge and massive glassed reenforced tank of red liquid is a collections tank of blood or also a collective gene pool. The tank is at the left corner of this concept. The genes or blood that is collected is mainly collected by the very large robot like Machine. The machine itself does more then just collect samples and genes. It even looks like a robotic entity from the matrix.

This so called matrix collecting robot is controlled and operated by two people at the top of it and monitored very close. Like wise, it collects genes, blood, fur, meat and bones. It separates the piles by colors then shaves the dead and skins them. All parts of the bodies is collected and recycled for other products and any other useful materials. Example the bones are grind into plant food or make-up products. The fur recycled into clothing, rugs or blankets.

If you look around the large mountains of Carcass there are other robots some are to help collect the dead or seek out alive fluffle. They help to maintain and manage the dead and the still-living bodies. At the bottoms of the mass mountains are burners to eliminate unused biological waste as the ashes are mixed with bone for plant food.

It is rumored that there is at least 30 more sites like this. This place is established by the hasbio and governments to help eliminate the mass population of feral fluffle and other issues such as other events within the lore of fluffy. Other rumors included inbred mutations that live off the dead. And, others say new fluffle diseases have formed under the site within its blood lakes.

The environment isn’t ideal for actual Survival of a fluffle pony however that doesn’t mean that one can’t at least survive a few horrible and horrific final days in this actual hell hole.

I hope this is a enough outline or idea for some of you or even a great concept for everyone and the fandom or I hope it can be added to lore.

Thanks and I hope you like it.


I could picture this as the default origin of the Jellenheimer.


Yeah I hoping that too. Or maybe their personal breeding grounds?


Welcome, a pleasure to meet you. Good start to a hopefully long career.

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Wat? Naw, I just a fan guy here and I just wanted to toss my two cents in is all. A few ideas, ya know?
Dude, at top, given me a idea of a backstory to some lore of the jellenheimers origins.


That’s some juicy lore right there that makes a good deal of sense to me. Great art by the way, the colors really pop. Happy to see more from you in the future.


It’s a true honor to have you comment sir. Thank you.


The sheer amount of constant nutrient intake to support that amount of biosolid would deplete the resources of the human race to feed itself at the levels it currently does.

Hasbio would be more powerful than G10 nations.

Especially if incinerators are deployed, or any of it is allowed to fester.

Ferals wouldn’t be able to cause enough damage to the environment to matter if humanity is harvesting at those levels. Unless most arable land is converted to algae farms in some distant horrifying dystopia anyway. Unless this doesn’t take place on Earth, but some far-off agrarian planet larger than Earth that nobody cares about fucking up?

Its neat. The scale is a bit 40k though.


As shucks you flatter me


Considering mega-corporations these days I wouldn’t be surprised the level of power Has-bio could possibly wield


I suppose something like Shadowrun or The Outer Worlds where corporations are the main government entities?

Ha. Dial up the satire. Voters don’t vote for people, they vote for cloned politicians programmed to behave according to party orthodoxy being produced by different companies. At the end of their term they get discarded like a Fluffy at a mill, and political opponents watch them get shoved screaming and naked into a dissection machine and fed to the incoming senators still growing in their tanks. Fuck, make it even funnier and add two seats that the Fluffies get to vote on, just to suggest that nothing is truly sacred anymore and anyone can find out tomorrow they are a biotoy that’s past its expiration date.
Like D20 Paranoia.


It doesn’t sound like this would be actually possible, but I’d kinda like to read about a small herd of post-apocalyptic-style fluffies learning how to survive in a place like that. It would probably involve a lot of headless cannibalism and an unjust hierarchy.

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