As Clint began to bite into his lunch, a Burger and Fries, he hears a light knocking at the door. While normally Clint would just think his fluffies were playing by the door, they were in the safe-room at the moment, so Clint got up from his lunch and walked over to the door.
“Hello?” Clint says, opening the front door. To his surprise he sees nothing but hears a faint “Hew-oh uh- HMPH!” came from below Clint. As Clint looks down, he could see a small Teal coated Fluffy, with an almost White mane and tail. “Uh… Hi?” Clint says, getting down on a knee to get closer to the foal.
“Babbeh hab tummeh owwies, nee’ nummies.” the small Foal says, puffing his cheeks up and trying to look big. “Well, I do have plenty of Nummies, but I only share with good Fluffies who ask nicely. Can you ask nicely for nummies?” Clint says, tempting the foal with the promise of food.
“W-weww… C-can babbeh pwease hab nummies?” The Foal ask, letting the air out of his cheeks, his face now looking more like a normal foal, rather than a Bestes’ Baby.
“Sure! Hop on.” Clint says, reaching a hand down to let the foal climb on. “W-weawwy?! Babbeh get nummies nao! Jus’ wike dat?!” The Foal ask, slightly surprised at the ease of asking nicely. “Yeah, Fluffies who ask nicely sometimes get what they ask for.” Clint said, watching the foal climb his hand and sit down patiently. “Wow! Daddeh an Mummah mus’ be siwwy den! Dey teww babbeh tu gu and ged nummies fwom big homesie, an-an say dat nee’ tu be big and be woud su dat hoomin can heaw babbeh!” The Foal explained, now being set down on the counter where Clint had his lunch sitting.
“Oooooh! Nummies!” The Foal began to run at the burger, only to be stopped by Clint. “Woah their buddy, those are my nummies, I said we can share, so don’t be greedy now, okay?” Clint said, moving his hand away from the foal. “Here, try a few of these first then let me know if you want more, okay?” Clint said, placing down a few fries from his bag.
“Yay! Wub nummies! Tank ‘ou nices’ mistah!” the Foal said, before mushing the fires in his mouth and giggling. Clint sat and watched the foal while he tucked back into his burger, surprised at how well behaved he was so far… Then an idea came to mind.
“Hey… Where are your Mom and Dad?” Clint asked, the Foal stopped eating and swallowed. “Weww, Mummah am at pwace wiff boxie and twashies, an’ Daddeh weft tu get nummies aftah dey teww babbeh tu weabe and ged nummies tuu.” The Foal explained. “Well, do you have any siblings?” Clint asked. “Si-sibw-ins?” The Foal asked. “Brothers and Sisters.” Clint explained.
“Oh! Weww Babbeh habe uh… one sissie… an’ one bwuddah… an’ one mowe bwuddah… An’… Dat it!” The Foal giggled as he began to munch on another fry. “Well, after your done eating, how about I give you the rest of these nummies for your family?” Clint said, gently petting the foal, who was now cooing at Clint’s touch. “W-weawwy! Tank 'ou nice mistah! Babbeh wub nice mistah!” The Foal exclaimed, the Foal began to ‘dance’ out of pure joy. “Babbeh make good dancies fow nices’ mistah! Wub nices’ mistah!” The Foal said, dancing happily to some tune that no man could ever understand. “Aww, thank you little buddy! I like those Dancies very much!”
“B-Buddy?! Babbeh hab namesie?! Babbeh wub Buddy! Buddy wub nices’ mistah!” The Foal cheered, dancing even more cheerfully than before. Clint, now with a face that read as ‘aww shit I didn’t want to name it’ stood up from his seat, picking up the foal and fires, taking the Foal out to the backyard. “Wowies! Su many Fwuffies! Nices’ Mistah hab wots ob fwuffies!” Buddy said as he waved to the outside fluffies, some waving back, and some just smiling and going back to what they were doing.
“We have some Wingie-Pointie Fluffies here, that doesn’t bother you?” Clint asked, surprised at the Foal’s reaction to seeing some of the Alicorns. “Nu, dem am just fwuffies! dey nu da same as Buddy, buh dey stiww fwuffies! Buddy eben habe Wingie-Pointie Sissy!” Buddy explains. “Oh… Well, how about you lead me to them and we can deliver these nummies?” Clint said as he opened the fence’s gate to the nearby Alley. “Yay! Buddy weabe nices’ Mistah!” Buddy said, pointing Clint around a few corners before they came upon the sound of Ferals.
“Huu-huu…” Rang out thru the alley way as Clint and Buddy walked. As the two turned and saw the alley, they saw what looked like a scene out of a horror film, at least, a fluffy horror film. A Pegasus with a Solid Pink coat and a short Yellow mane was towering over a matching Teal coated Fluffy, the mare on the ground below the Pegasus was a Unicorn, and behind her a few feet away were three foals, one smashed to a pulp, the other two hugging and crying for their dear life, all while begging for their mother’s life. “DUMMEH MAWE HAB DUMMEH MUSTAH BABBEH! NU DESEW-… Oh Fwuff-” The Pink Pegasus said, just before being kicked square in the jaw, being launched into the nearby wall of the Alley by Clint.
“Go take care of your mom and siblings Buddy, okay?” Clint didn’t even need to say anything as Buddy immediately ran over to console the bleeding Teal Mummah, the two other babies soon joined him, giving Clint a chance to talk with the rude Pink Mare, And by talk, Clint meant a severe, life ending punishment.
As Clint got closer to the Pink Pegasus, she tried to talk, pleading in a bloody gibberish “PWINGCESG S-SOGIE, N-NU MOGE HUWGUIS!!!” The Pink Pegasus Mare garbled. Clint simply strode up to her, stamping one of his boots onto the mares tail. Without a word, Clint picked up the Mare, her tail still under his boot, and at the first sign of tension, the Mare began to cry out in pain as the thick matted hairs of her tail were slowly being pulled away.
Clint pulled more and more, the tail not tearing free was pulling the actual stump the hairs grew from more and more. Clint had his arms around the Pink Mare’s front legs, the Mare, still screeching and crying for something, but the strangest thing about these cried were that Clint just couldn’t seem to understand them! Clint kept pulling away, hearing audible pops coming from the Pink Mare’s lower back, as Clint pulled more and more, the mare’s spine popped and pulled apart, the pain causing the Pegasus to cry and scream bloody murder, the cries reverberated thru the brick walls of the Alley, Thankfully, the neighbors knew that Fluffies usually fought around here, so no one bothered to check and stop Clint.
Not a prime living location, but to a fluffy, it was good enough.
Clint pulled more and more, the body of the Mare slowly beginning to tear, the mare’s cries now beginning to lessen and lessen in volume the more Clint pulled her body apart. With a brief stop to re-adjust his grip on the Mare, she tried one final time to plead for her life. “PWASHSOHD NUG HUTWSHED FWUUGBY” the mare said, her eyes bloodshot, her mouth now falling apart from the jaw down.
Clint simply answered her by setting his other foot on her tail, and with a final pull, the mare’s stomach had ripped open, an ungodly tearing of muscle and sinew came from the body of the mare, as her lower half began to fall. Her cries were loud, then they grew more and more quiet, the blood staining most of Clint’s pant legs. Clint held up the bifurcated Mare’s top half, the life drained from her eyes as her lower intestines began to fall out of the gaping hole the tear had made. Clint tossed her to the side, hearing a wet ‘SHLAP’ noise coming from the Mare’s body as it hit the floor. With the way it fell, Clint saw that she looked like she had gotten stuck in a pipe, her upper half, now slumped over, lifeless.
Clint turned to see Buddy comforting his two brothers, their mother now laid still and lifeless. As Clint got closer to try and comfort the three boys, Clint heard a noise coming from the other side of the Alley, Clint looked to see a Black Fluffy with a large bag of food, most likely scraps, meet his eyes. Before Clint could try and explain the scenario, the Fluffy dropped the food and ran away screeching ‘Munsta!’ and ‘Sowwy Babbehs!’ Buddy looked up only to catch a glimpse at the Black Fluffy, just as he left Clint’s sight. “D-Daddeh?”
Clint’s heart dropped, hearing the one thing that made this situation so much worse. “Buddy… I’m so sorry, I-” Clint began to say before Buddy looked at Clint, his face now covered in the pure dread of the reality he faced. “N-nice Mistah… P-pwease… Pwease nu weabe babbehs… Nu weabe Buddy…” Buddy said, his two brothers, a Black Unicorn and a Sherpa Blue Earthie, were already crying, sobbing that their mother was gone, not even realizing they had been abandoned by their Father.
“Of-… Of course Buddy, come here.” Clint said, scooping up Buddy and his two Brothers, taking a second too look down at the sister, her top half smashed down by the, now dead, Pink Pegasus Mare. “Lets take you home.” Clint said, making his way back to his house, the sound of three crying foals sounded the entire way.
A huge thanks to @Mexi
I notice that a lot of the stories based around their post was Abuse and I wanted to take a stab at something ‘different’
you can find their post here. Hope you all enjoyed the adoption of Buddy and his Brothers!