Hell Hath No Fury Ch. 2 [By BFM101]

It was several days before Bluebell could leave her nest. How many times she couldn’t say for sure, but the sun passed over her head more times than she could count before she was finally ready for her quest.

The bruises healed quickly, her broken leg still had a dull ache but she could walk and even jog for a short amount of time, and she was able to fight off hunger through chewing on the bushes that surrounded her nest. What caused her the biggest problem was her missing eye, since depth perception was now basically non-existent to her, she had to spend most of her recovery time learning to just walk again.

It was a long, and frustrating task, but eventually she was able to keep herself in a mostly straight line.

Finally she was ready to move on, with no clue as to when her next meal would be, she spent her last night in her nest eating as much grass and leaves, even a few berries she’d been able to pick off a bush, as she could to keep her going for the journey ahead. As she chewed on a nice green leaf, she looked around her nest and felt… cold, the place hadn’t felt like home since the invasion, the prospect of never seeing it again didn’t scare her the way it would’ve before her attack. Before her betrayal.

No, this was Benedict’s home, it was when she found him, it was when they agreed to be special-friends, and it was now even if he wasn’t here. It was another part of him that she had to remove herself from.

As Bluebell stood up to leave a purposeful piss all over the spot where Benedict used to sleep, she heard a soft rustle coming from the bushes, a flash of fear hit her, followed quickly by anger, no fucking way was she about to let another invader attack her. She was ready now, no longer burdened by pregnancy, no longer weighed down by civility, whoever was outside would either die by her hand, or kill her before they she suffered anymore, and Bluebell was fine with either option.

In the low moonlight, Bluebell could just make out a figure in the darkness, it was a Fluffy, a large one at that, not as large as Roarke or Boulder but big enough to make her pause for a second. She shook that hesitancy out of her head, she couldn’t risk that, not now. She returned her focus to the figure, they hadn’t yet noticed her, rather their attention had been focussed on the pondwater. The figure bent down and slowly started lapping up the water, Bluebell heard them make a soft humming sound, enjoying their theft of her watering hole.

Not taking any chances, Bluebell slowly positioned herself, aiming her horn at the intruders side, all she needed was speed, one good spear in their side and she could have them over and done with before they even knew she was there. With nothing left the lose, she charged at the intruder, her thundering hoofs muffled just enough by the soft dirt of her home.

It was by the slimmest margin that she missed, her aim – already not a great thing for a Fluffy – still off-kiltered by her missing eye, she slid just past the intruder, almost knocking herself into the pond as a result. With bloodlust on her mind, she quickly turned back around and charged again, this time the intruder was able to jump out of the way, their hastened breathing told Bluebell they were scared, something she intended to take advantage of.

“Wha duin? Wha twy huwt Ty-wah?”


“Ty-wah nu knyo, pwomis, jus need wittew wawa fow dwinkie, den gu.”


Bluebell charged again, but in her haste she missed a patch of wet mud on the grass, her hoof slipped out from under her and she crash landed in a filthy mess, her body – and her pride – bruised from her failure.

This was it, her first act in her mission of vengeance and she failed even that. Her head dropped into the mud and cried, waiting for the intruder to kill her, to do whatever he wanted to her, she deserved it for thinking she could pull this quest off.

Instead the intruder walked around the face her, a look of – what seemed to be – genuine concern on their face.

“Wai nyu fwiend hab sad-wawas?”

Bluebell sniffed and looked up at him. “Yu… yu nu gib Bwoobeh wowstesh huwties? Nu foweba sweepies?”

The intruder looked shocked she would ask such a thing. “Wai Ty-wah du dat? Ty-wah am bad Fwuffy, take nyu-fwiend’s wawa wivout askies fiwst. Nu knyo aneewun heaw, tuu dawkies tu see yu. Ty-wah am sowwy.”

The intruder, Tyler his name appeared to be, bent down and offered his neck to help give Bluebell purchase to pull herself up, she ignored his offer and clumsily brought herself to her feet, still unsure what to make of him. From this close she could see he was an unicorn like her, his Fluff was bright red except for a baby blue patch on his stomach and a blue mane.

Tyler just smiled at her, but that smile vanished when the moonlight shone onto Bluebell’s face, and he saw her missing eye.

“Wha happen tu nyu-fwiend’s see-pwace?”

Bluebell scowled and turned away. “Nu fow dummeh tu knyo, gu way.”

“Was it acc-see-dent? Was it meanies? Ty-wah bet it was meanies, Ty-wah nu wike wen meanies gib huwties? Make Ty-wah wan gib DEM huwties insted.”

Bluebell couldn’t help but scoff. “Yu jus wike da west, Bwoobeh bet yu gib wots of huwties tu gud Fwuffies, bet yu gib wots of bad speciaw-huggies too.”

To her surprise, Tyler smiled and shook his head. “Nu, wook.”

And he turned around to reveal that, in the place where his genitals should be, he had a large scar with a tiny hole near the bottom.

“Owd daddeh take way Ty-wah’s speciaw-wumps an nu-nu stik, nu can gib bad huggies eben if wan tu, an Ty-wah nu wan gib bad-huggies.”

“Wai yuw daddeh take way speciaw-wumps?”

“Ty-wah hab biggesh wump huwties fow wongesh time, teww daddeh bu he nu hewp, jus waugh at Ty-wah. Ty-wah awmosh gib speciaw-huggies tu daddeh’s swippas, bud at am bad fing, an Ty-wah am gud Fwuffy.”

“Wha am swippas?”

“Dey am nu-fwuffs dat hoomins put on feetsies tu stay wawm, dey nice an fwuffy, wike a Fwuffy, bu nu am a Fwuffy. Bu afta wong time wiv nu gud-feews, Ty-wah’s nu-nu stik get vewy sensitibe. Den daddeh bwing home nice wady, fink daddeh wan hew tu be speciaw-fwiend, teww Ty-wah tu be coote. Nice wady gib Ty-wah tummeh-scwatchies, bu nice wady acc-see-dent-wy gib Ty-wah’s nu-nu stik gud touchies an…”

Tyler looked away, slightly embarrassed of the story. “Ty-way make wots of nu-nu joose. Sum git on nice wady’s face, fink sum gu in hew mouthie-pwace tuu cos she make spitties wike Ty-wah du wen num da soapies by acc-see-dent. Ty-wah twy tu say sowwy, by nice wady wun way, den daddeh hab biggesh angwies an take way Ty-wah’s speciaw-wumps an nu-nu stik. Nu wong afta, daddeh take Ty-wah fow wongesh dwivsies in metah-munstah, den thwow Ty-way intu twee pwace an weave. Ty-wah been ousside Fwuffy eba since.”

Bluebell stared at Tyler in silence for a moment, mulling over his story. It was too sad and pathetic to be a lie, she found herself, almost pitying him.

“Bwoobeh am sowwy tu heaw dat.”

Tyler shrugged. “It am ok, happen wong time gu, Ty-weh be ousside Fwuffy fow many fowebas nyo, an knyo how make gud pee-pees.”

“How du Ty-wah stiww hab happies? Du Ty-wah nu hab biggesh angwies?”

Tyler thought for a second and shook his head. “Nu, it am in da pasties, nuffin tu be dun bout it. Du nyu-fwiend Bwoobeh hab angwies? Am it bout wost see-pwace?”

Bluebell was hesitant to tell Tyler what had happened to her, too angry, too embarrassed, but the need to get it off her chest overrode her fears, and with a soft voice she told him.

“Meanie Fwuffies bweak intu Bwoobeh’s homesie, Bwoobeh was soon-mummah an nu can wun gud. Meanies gib Bwoobeh wowstesh bad huggies fow wots of bwite-times, gib Bwoobeh huwties tu speciaw-pwace an weggies an teethies, an dey take see-pwace tuu. Wose tummeh-babbehs tuu.”

Tyler just sat on the dirt and stared at her. “Oh… dat, dat am… Ty-weh nu finkies of wowdies tu say tu dat. Am dose meanies wai Bwoobeh hab angwies?”

To his surprise, Bluebell shook her head. “Nu, Bwoobeh hate meanie Fwuffies, wan dem gu foweba sweepies, bu dey am meanies, awways gun be meanies. Nu, Bwoobeh hab biggesh angwies fow speciaw-fwiend, he hab choosiest u hewp Bwoobeh an tummeh-babbehs ow wun way, an he wun way wike wittew babbeh.”


“Yeh, Bwoobeh hate biggesh babbeh dummeh Ben-ah-dik, nu knyo whewe he gu, bu Bwoobeh gu find him, an gib him wowstesh huwties.”

A silence fell over the two, even Bluebell was shocked at how easily thoughts of violence were coming to her. After a moment, Tylet’s face lit up.

“Ty-wah hewp Bwoobeh!”


“Ty-wah hewp Bwoobeh find dummeh Ben-ah-dik, hewp gib him huwties.”

“Wai Ty-wah du dat, nu am Ty-wah’s fighties tu git intu.”

“Ty-wah nu wike meanies, meanies need hab pun-is-mint, Ben-ah-dik am biggesh meanie fow weaving soon-mummah speciaw-fwiend. Ty-wah wan hewp, caww it pay-mint fow takin Bwoobeh’s wawa wivout askies.”

Bluebell hemmed and hawed, unsure if she wanted Tyler to accompany her or not, on the one hand he was bigger and stronger than her, plus having a second thinkie-place would come in handy. On the other… what she was planning to do to Benedict when she found him, it would likely terrify the stallion.

After several seconds she let out a sigh. “It am tuu wong intu dawkie-time tu hab tawkies bout dis, Ty-wah can stay hewe, OUSSIDE of nestie, tiww bwite-time, den Fwuffies tawkies bout hewping. ONWY tawkies.”

Tyler smiled and nodded. “Dat gud, Ty-wah happies fow tawkies. Fank yu fow wettin Ty-wah hab sweepies hewe.”

The red stallion moved to hug his new friend, but Bluebell jumped backwards, growling at his attempts to touch her. He at least looked ashamed of his actions.

“Ty-wah sowwy, nu finkies gud.”

“It am ok.” Bluebell relented. “Bwoobeh nu tell yu nu huggies, bu wememba fow neks time.”

Tyler nodded and found a place to sleep, choosing a patch of long grass on the other side of the nest. Bluebell returned to her dry and shelters patch of dirt and lay down, she expected to be up for ages, one eye trained on Tyler the entire night in case he tried anything.

Instead, once her head hit the ground she was pretty much out in an instant, her dreams awash in bloodied visions of all the horrible things she had planned for her ex.

It brought a smile to her resting face.


Tyler is unironically very lucky to be a eunuch in this situation. I swear if he wasn’t she would have torn them off the very moment she locked eyes with his junk. I imagine the poor girl has reactive trauma triggers up to her eyeballs and I wouldn’t blame her at all.


I am surprised at how reluctant to die fluffies are, I imagine the thirst for revenge helped him.


Tyler better be as good a guy as he seems.


@Ace slippers. Hehe


An interesting companionship has developed! Bluebell’s probably gonna need all the help she can get on her revenge mission.

I’m excited to see what trouble these two will get into!


Poor Tyler , his owner just laugh it off and by chance “shoot off” his gf and off his nunu stick such tragedy.

At least thats one issue Bluebell won’t have to worry about.

Her path continues hope it have better plan this time.

Cant wait for the next part.


Bluebell has resting bitch face and I’m here for it


I know Tyler’s favourite Lonely Island song.


Dey am vewy awticuwate foh fwuffies! Smawt convewsashons!

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Let’s hope an intense chase occurs in chapter 3. I love those.