Helping a Friend Out Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and you are currently on a walk with your mommy’s friend. You two are getting fluffies for you to have ‘replication-huggies’ with! You’re so happy!

“Mistah Joesep? When git bak housie?” You ask, as he sits you down in his vroom-vroom thingie along with some of the fluffies he collected.

“Soon.” He answers, continuing to drive the vroom-vroom thingie until he stopped at his house.

You two went inside, then to the room he calls his ‘basement’.

“Bestesh babbeh git nyu daddeh? Gib sketties NAO!” One of the baby fluffies demand, then your mommy’s friend grins.

“No. I think you’ll make a new friend here, actually.” He smiles at the baby fluffy, then places it in a cage. Wait, isn’t that the cage that the meanie fluffy’s in?

“Nyu fwend? Gib skettie- SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! NU AM ENFIE BABBEH! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” It screeches, hurting your hearing-hole a bit as you cover your eyes.

“Some of the foals are gonna be given to Crimson as a treat. As for the rest of the fluffies, it’s our job to get them very, very sick.” Your mommy’s friend explains, throwing a few more baby fluffies into the cage before walking over to a table and grabbing a box.

“Oh-tay. Wepwication-huggies tiem am nyo?” You question, as he nods and sits a fluffy down in front of you.

You had lots of ‘replication-huggies’ today, and then your mommy’s friend let all the fluffies go after spraying them with bottles of your sickie-juicesies. You think you may like this nice mister after all!

You are Dr. Josef Mongola, and you finally have enacted your plan. You decided to let the fluffies go to get other fluffies sick so you won’t have to do it manually. The best part? That Bestest Sickie Friend absolutely loves the idea of this. You’ll make sure your plan works by having two factors involved.

“FV-0446, you’ve been good. Have you ever had a friend like you before?” You ask them, as they look up at you and smile.

“Yeh! Wuv maek nyu fwiends!” They squeal, clapping thei stubby arms together and grinning.

“What if I told you I have a friend for you?” You ask, bringing out a Bestest Sickie Friend-sized cage and placing it down in front of them.


Crimson giving enfies to a bestesh babbeh is just a public service, honestly I don’t get why people call him a monster.

And Josef making his own sickie-friend? This can only end poorly. Or gloriously, depending on your feelings towards dead Fluffies.


Not sure if typo or joke, but either way; excellent.



(He quickly edits it to the right word before anyone else notices)