Heretic [by MEY]

It’s a Seuwat Wuvs Yu story btw

Pick stood atop a hill, staring warily at the big tree and the wall that made up the Castwe. Something was going on. Ever since that Waid so many bwight times ago, the only one where Seuwat had made talkies, Pick had been trying to figure out what made Seuwat specaw.

Many of the oldah Fwuffies would tell him what made Seuwat so specaw. Seuwat did this. Seuwat did that. The hewd was only here because of Seuwat and such, but it was all talkies. Just talkies. Pick had never actually seen Seuwat do any ting specaw. Not once in his entire life, and the things that the oldah Fwuffies said, only gave Pick more questions. He really couldn’t undewstan what made Seuwat so specaw, and why the hewd wuvved Seuwat so much.

Sure there was that one time where Suewat actually made talkies during the Waid, but all he said was Seuwat wuv yu, and in that weird voice that did not sound like any other Fwuffy that Pick had ever met before. Also the hewd said that Seuwat talkies made the Toughies bwave, but wasn’t it actually Skewew’s talkies that made them bwave?

That wasn’t the only question Pick had. He had so many more.

If Seuwat could use Fwuffy magic to stop the Wingie Munstahs from attacking the Castwe, then why didn’t Seuwat use the same Fwuffy magic to stop the Bad Fwuffies from Waids?

Pick still remembered Anwand angrily saying that Seuwat using magic to protect the hewd should be good enough, but why? Many of the hewd get foebah sweepies during Waids, just like many Nummie Findews get foebah sweepies from Wingie Munstahs, so why didn’t Seuwat using his Fwuffy magic to protect the hewd from Bad Fwuffies and stop these foebah sweepies?

Was it because Seuwat brought all foebah sweepie Fwuffies to skettiland? Why did they need to have foebah sweepies? Why couldn’t Seuwat just bring them to skettiland already?

Also, why couldn’t Seuwat use Fwuffy magic to just give the hewd nummies. He was able to make miwkies fo the babbehs, so why not bewwies, weaves and other such things? Why did Nummie Findews have to go out and get foebah sweepies from the Wingie munstahs?

And why did Seuwat kno when Waids were happening, but not when Wingie munstahs were in the fowest? Because some bwight times none of the Nummie Findews saw Wingie munstahs and some bwight time many Nummie Findews, so only some bwight times seemed to have Wingie munstahs, but Seuwat did not know which bwight times?

Those were only the questions about Seuwat, Pick had so many more. What were the Wingie Munstahs. Where was their nestie? Where did the Bad Fwuffies come from? Where did the babbeh pointy Fwuffies come from? Who makes the nummie piwes? He had so many questions, but he kept quiet and never asked the oldah Fwuffies. Why? Because Penciw told him not to, Penciw was the oldah Fwuffy that gave him the most oldah Fwuffy talkies and Penciw always said not to ask too much questions or some ting bad would happen.

“Wat am Pick doing?” Asked a familiar voice.

It was Penciw. His oldah Fwuffy bestest fwen was giving him a friendly smile and next to Penciw was Fowk, one of the new big Fwuffies that had become a new Nummie Findew.

“Pick find nummies?” Fowk asked.

Pick shook his head. “Pick am ju wook a pwetty fowest”

“Weally?” Penciw asked “Pick wook wike hab tu manni qwest-on gainse”.

Pick made an embarrassed smile, as Penciw gave him a pout. Penciw always seemed to know what was in Pick’s thinky pwace. Penciw was a Smarty after all. A Smarty and his bestest fwen.

“Penciw awways sa Pick am tink tu muchies”

Pick looked down in shame, he didn’t mean to think too much. It’s just his thinky pwace always had these questions, no matter how much he tried to tell his thinky place not to, and it really did not help that Penciw never told him why it was bad to have too many thinkys, but he still did feel bad. He felt like a bad Fwuffy and it gave him heawt hurties.

“Sowwi” Pick said softly.

Pick felt two Fwuffies nuzzle him, Penciw and Fowk.

“Fowk dun undewstan, tu many thinky am bad?” Fowk asked with a cute, confused look.

“Yus” Penciw replied “Pick hab tu many thinky bout tings dat nut nee thinky bout. Pick am Nummie Findew n onwy nee tink bout nummie finding”

“Derre oddah tings tu tink bout den jus nummies!?” Fowk asked with shock.

“Nu dere nut” Penciw replied with a snort “Penciw, Pick n Fowk am bestest nummie findew. Onwy nee tink bout fin bestest nummies fo hewd!”

“Wan am awso bestest Nummie Findew?!” Fowk cheered

“Dat wite! Penciw am Fowk oldah Fwuffy, su Fowk am bestest Nummie Findew wike Penciw!”

“Bestest Nummie Findew!” Fowk exclaimed

Penciw and Fowk had started singing about being the bestest Nummie Findew as they made walkies. Pick followed quietly, only able to make a small smile, but he felt a small anger. A feeling of annoyance.

The way that Penciw and Fowk had made talkies about him. They didn’t say it, but it felt like they were calling him a dummeh. Pick was a Smarty. He knew this because none of the hewd was ever able to answer his questions, even Anwand and Pisawo, so he had to be a Smarty for thinking of these questions in the first place, but all he got was that he had too many thinkies and asked too many questions. It was just so frustrating. Why did none of the hewd have these questions?!

However, Pick remained silent. It wasn’t just what Penciw said. Pick had asked these questions to other Oldah Fwuffies before Penciw told him to stop, and Pick could still remember the meanie looks they would give him, and he could shake the feeling that he was going to have hurties, so he kept quiet and focused on nummie finding.

Fork wandered the fowest energetically, with Penciw and Pick following behind. Unlike those two, Fork had only gone nummie finding a couple of times, so the fowest still filled her with wonder and awe. All the twees and the calming noisies. Wandering the fowest awways gave her as many heawt happies as a belly full of nummies, especially because she knew that she was on an important mission to find nummies for the hewd. Fork loved being a nummie findew. She loved her hewd.

“Be cawefuw Fowk” Penciw reminded her “Nu runsie tu faw, nee tu stik wit fwens”

Fork nodded enthusiastically with a big smile, before running back to Penicw, and nuzzling him. Awways wisten tu oldah Fwuffies, and Fork knew to wisten to Penciw especially, because he was the bestest nummie findew.

“Fowk wub be nummie findew!” Fork exclaimed.

Suddenly Penciw tapped her smeww place, causing Fork to jump back in surprise, with a cute eep.

“Y!?” Fork asked in surprised.

She suddenly remembered why, as Penicw looked at her with an annoyed pout”

“Woud noise mak munstah com” Penciw stated firmly

“Sowwi!” Fork exclaimed.

Fork suddenly realized that she was being loud again and Penicw was giving her another annoyed pout. She lowered her head in shame.

“Sowwi” Fork said quietly “Am ju hab su many heawt happies”

Penciw sighed, then nodded his head before nuzzling Fork.

“Dat am otay, bu Fowk nee ju wememba”

Fork smiled and began to bounce around happily.

“Can Fowk expow ju wittle bit?”

“Otay, bu nu gu tu faw”


Fork ran off excitedly in a random direction. It wasn’t about finding nummies, she just wanted to explow the fowest. See more nice things. Heaw nice sounds. Smeww nice things. She ran past some weafies and past some moving wawa, hopping and skipping with the biggest smile.

Being a nummie findew really was the best. .

She loved doing this. She loved her nummie findew fwens. She loved her hewd.

Fork walked up a small mound and saw Penciw and Pick down below. Neither saw her, but they were both making walkies in her direction, and she noticed that they were making walkies to a big bush. She made a small grin. She wanted to do something fun.

Running as fast as she could, she dove into the bush and waited. She could hear Penciw and Pick’s voices getting louder. They were coming close. She wanted to give them just a little scare. Pop out when they were near, and give them a little shock. She just had to wait. They were coming closer. She could hear what they were talking about. It seemed to be about Seuwat. She thought it was about how amazing Seuwat was, but then she heard something shocking.

“Pick tink dat Seuwat am nut weally specaw” She heard Pick say.

Fork could not believe her heaw pwaces, and it seemed neither could Penciw.

“Pick nu sa dat! Especaw in fwont of oddah Fwuffies!” She heard Penciw shout.

“Bu… bu iz nu faiw! Pick am nu hewp nummie findew o pwotect hewd…”

“Seuwat du Fwuffy magic tu pwotect hewd!”

“Den y Toughies nee gu n gib hurties? Y nut du magic tu pwotect fowest!?”

“Be… becaw… becaw…”

“Ib Seuwat can mak miwkies fo babbehs wit magic, den y Seuwat nu mak nummies fo hewd!?”


Fork made a quiet squeak. Penciw sounded really angry.

“Bu… bu…”

“Wook. Pick am nut fwist Fwuffy tu sa dis, Penciw kno oddah Fwuffy dat sa dis! Penciw fwen. Pick nu wan be cawwed Hewetic by Pisawo, Anwand n hewd!”

“Wa… wat am hewetic?”

“Hewetic am Fwuffy dat ask tu many qwestion. Hewetic wose hown n nu can sta in nestie. Pick nu see Hewetic befo, bu Penciw hab fwen dat ask tu mani qwestion! Fwen become Hewetic! Penciw awso kno dat Seuwat nut specaw, bu nu sa dat in fwont of hewd”.

“Bu… bu… y nut?! Hewd keep sa Seuwat am specaw n awways wuv Seuwat, bu Seuwat du nut tu hewp hewd. Hewd nee know dat Se…”

“Hewd am dummeh! Aww dummeh dat onwy wisten tu wat oldah Fwuffy sa, su hewd nu wisten tu yu. Onwy caww yu Hewetic!”

Fork grew angry. She had enough of this. Pick calling Seuwat nut specaw. Penciw saying the same and even calling hewd dummehs. She popped out of the bush angrily.

“Seuwat am specaw n hewd am nut dummeh!!” She screamed.

Pick and Penciw stared at her in shock, as Fork glared at them angrily. She didn’t like this. She didn’t understand why they were saying such meanie things about Seuwat and the hewd. She didn’t like the face Penciw was making.

“Hao… hao muchie Fowk… heaw?” Penciw suddenly asked.

Fork wasn’t sure why but she suddenly felt scawdies. The way Penciw had said that. The meanie, scawy look that Penciw was giving her. Penciw and Pick nu longer felt like her nummie findew fwens. They felt like meanies. Meanies that had said bad things about Seuwat and the hewd. Meanies that were going to give her worstest hurties.

“Fo… Fowk?” Penciw asked.

Fork ran.

She ran as fast as she could.

Ran as fast as her weggies could take her.

“FOWK WAI!” She heard Penciw scream.

She turned around briefly to see Penciw and Pick chasing after her. She knew that she had to listen to oldah Fwuffies, but she was too scawded to follow.

She knew she had to go.

She had to run.

Under a twee.


Up some rockies.


Across some moving wawa.


“FOWK STAPH!” Fowk heard Penciw scream.

Fork did not listen. She had too many scawdies to stop. She needed to run back to the Castwe and tell someone. Probably Pisawo or Anwand. Someone. Anyone in the hewd. A flash of fur came into view and Fowk came crashing right into something. Something soft and fuzzy. It was Needwe.

“Fowk!?” Needwe exclaimed.

“Hewp!” Fowk cried out.

Two more nummie findews had arrived, Speaw and Dawt.

“Fowk?!” Speaw asked “Y hab scawdies!?”

“Pick n Penciw… dey… dey caww Seuwat nut specaw n hewd dummehs!”

Pick and Penciw appeared, and Fowk quickly hid behind Speaw.

“Dat nut twue!” Penciw cried out.

Other nummie findews began to appear.

“Pin heaw shouties bu nu singies. Wut gu on?!”

“Pick n Penciw sa Fowk am-”






Pick made no talkies. He had a scawdie look, but he nodded.


“Wu… wu!?”

Fork could not make talkies. She had too many qwestions in her thinky pwace. Penciw was the liar. Why did he call her the liar? Why was she the hewetic? What was a hewetic again? She looked around and noticed that the other nummie findew were giving her scawy meanie looks.

“Nu… nu…”


Fork found herself surrounded. All the Fluffies giving her meanie looks. She wasn’t the Hewetic, but she had too many scawdies to say anything.


“Fowk sa Seuwat am nut specaw?!” Speaw stated angrily.

“HEWETIC!” Pin cried out.

“Fowk am bad Fwuffy” Needwe said with a frown.

Suddenly Fork felt hurties. A pain to the back of her head that forced her onto the ground. She began to cry, as the Fwuffies gave her meanie looks. There was only one thing she could think to say.

“Fowk am sowwi! AM so-”

Fork was knocked onto the ground, as she felt hoof hurties to the back of her head.

The other Fwuffies had surrounded her. They were all calling her “Hewetic!”


She couldn’t even scream, as they began stomping on her.

Hurties all over, from Fwuffies she called fwens.

Fork last memories of life were of crying and pain.

Pencil and Pick returned back to the Castwe with the rest of the nummie findews.

What had happened earlier had given him scawdies.

But he managed to avoid foebah sweepies. Fowk had gotten them instead. It filled Pencil with heawt hurties, but Fowk had heard them. If she didn’t get foebah sweepies, then she would have told all the oddah Fwuffies, then it would be Pencil and Pick who got foebah sweepies. If only Pick didn’t start talking about Seuwat nut being specaw in the first place.

Pencil glared at Pick, who looked back at him with a sad look. Pencil simply shook his head in contempt. Hopefully, this would never happen again. Now Pick saw what happens when you tell the hewd that Seuwat nu specaw. How scawy the hewd could be, and the hurties they give. Hopefully, Pick would never make talkies about this ever again.


Pencil noticed Pisawo in front of the Castwe doow. Next to him was some Toughies. Scwew, Kunai and Naiw. They all looked very angry.

“Pisawo?” Speaw asked “Wat wong”

“Fowk am nut Hewetic” Pisawo suddenly stated firmly

Pencil backed away slightly. He suddenly got a very bad feeling.

“Hao Pisawo kno bout Fowk!?” Needwe asked in surprise.

“Wai… Fowk nut Hewetic!?” Pin exclaimed in shock.

“Seuwat see ebeting n Seuwat heaw ebeting… Penciw, Pick! Seuwat awweady teww Pisawo ebeting”

Pencil and Pick looked at each other with concern.

“Seuwat sa dat Penciw n Pick sa Seuwat nut specaw! Fowk heaw ebeting n wun! Fowk wun into Needwe n Needwe twy tu sa dat Penciw n Pick am Hewetic, bu Penciw n Pick TWICK Fwuffies tu tink Fowk am Hewetic n gib Fowk foebah sweepies!”

The nummie findews looked horrified and Pencil began to back away.

“Fowk… am nut… nut Hewetic!?” Needwe cried out.

“Penciw twick… twick Speaw… n… twick Speaw tu… tu gib Fowk foebah sweepie!?”

Pencil turned around.

He only had one though.


However, Skewew was standing behind him and before he could react, Skewew turned around and hit Pencil with his back weggies, sending Pencil flying in the ground. Pencil looked around and noticed that Pick was also on the ground.


Pick said nothing. He just had a scawdies look and Pencil looked at Pisawo, who had a meanie look.

“Penciw… Seuwat towd Pisawo EBETING. Pisawo kno dat Penciw awso tink dat Seuwat am nut specaw, bu hab scawdies becaw o oddah Hewetic”.

“PICK SOWWI!” Pick suddenly cried out.

“Penciw n Pick tink dat Seuwat am nut specaw!” Pisawo announced “Penciw tink hewd am dummeh! Penciw twick Fwuffies tu gib Fowk foebah sweepies! Penciw n Pick aw hewetics!”

“PIN HATECHU PENCIW!” Pin cried out.

“HATECHU! HATECHU!” Needwe screamed.


Pencil tried to think of what to do. Skewew was stepping on his backies, so he could not run. He tried to plead for mercy instead.


“HEWETIC!” The Fwuffies cried out.

Pencil closed his see place. This was it, he was going to get foebah sweepies.

He felt some hurties on his head. A sharp, stinging pain.

Then nothing.

Pencil opened his see place in surprise. He did not get forebah sweepies, but there was something in front of him.

It was his pointy thing.

He looked at his pointy thing in horror, and as he looked at Pick, he noticed that Pick had lost his pointy place as well.

He looked at Pisawo in confusion.

“Pisawo wan gib Penciw n Pick foebah sweepies, but Seuwat sa nu. Teww Pisawo tu ju wemove pointy pwace. Penciw n Pick nu am pointy Fwuffy nu mowe. Am nut pawt of hewd. Am Bad Fwuffy nao! AM HEWETIC!”

Pencil looked at Pisawo in horror, as Pisawo and the hewd went back into the Castwe. Pencil tried to follow, but Skewew suddenly gave him hoof hurties to the face.

“Penciw nut hewd nu mowe!” Skewew said with a sneer “Am Hewetic! NAO GU O SKEWEW WIWW GIB FOEBAH SWEEPIES EBAN IB SEUWAT SA NU!”

Skewew didn’t have to say that twice.

With wawa in his see place, Pencil just ran as Pick followed behind him.

“DIS AM AWW PICK FAUWT!” Penciw screamed.

Pick had no wordies. Only heawt happies. So much had happened in this bright time.


It was becoming darkie time now, but instead of being safe behind the Castwe Waww like always, Pick and Penciw were still out in the fowest.


Pick felt like the worst Fluffy ever. Penciw did tell him to stop. Stop making talkies about Seuwat and asking all the qwestions, but Pick didn’t listen, and because of this, Fowk got foebah sweepies, Penciw and Pick were Hewetics, and now they were not even part of the hewd. The worst thing about all of this was that Pick was wrong about Seuwat. Wrong all this time.

“Seuwat weally am specaw” Pick said with a sulk.

“Wat Pick talkies bout?” Penciw asked with a pout.

“Wike Pisawo sa, Seuwat heaw n see ebeting. Seuwat kno bout Pick talkies wit Penciw. Kno bout Fowk wistening. Fowk wunning way. Penciw twic-”





Pick broke down in tears, and noticed Penciw looking at him with an angry pout, but then Penciw had a sad look.

“Penciw nu tink dat Seuwat heaw… Heaw ebeting?”

Suddenly Penciw looked around.


The darkie times were coming. It was getting harder for Pick and Penciw to see.

“Am Seuwat wistenin?” Penciw asked.

Pick nuzzled his fwen.

“Y Seuwat wisten? Pick n Penciw am hewetic” Pick said with hurties in his heawt.

Penciw had started to cry, as Pick gave him huggies. Pick really felt like the worst Fluffy. This really was all his fault, and he wanted to cry as well, but not right now. It was darkie time. They needed to find a nestie for sleepies first.

Hmmm HN Hmm HN Hn hn Hmm HN Hn hn Hmmm hn HM hnnnn

Pick looked around curiously. A soft melody. A songie with no wordies. Only a nice humming noises. Pick had never heard this before but it sounded very nice. However, he began to get scawdies when he noticed Penciw having a very scawdie look.

“W… wut am-”

“Shhhhh! Dat means wingies munstahs am neaw!”

Pick froze. He had forgotten about that. About them.


Penciw had already started running, and Pick could only follow.

Hmmm HN Hmm HN Hn hn Hmm HN Hn hn Hmmm hn HM hnnnn

The no wordies singie noisie sounded so nice, but Pick could only feel scawdies as he followed Penciw. It sounded close. The wingie munstah was near.

Hmmm HN Hmm HN Hn hn Hmm HN Hn hn Hmmm hn HM hnnnn

Pick froze. Another no wordies singie noisie. Another wingie munstah from somewhere else. Pick did not know what to do.

“Pick, dis way” Pick heard Penciw whisper.

Pick turned to Penciw who was hiding behind a tree.

“Dis way” Penciw repeated.

Pick quickly followed.

It was darkie times. Hard to see, but Pick and Penciw could still run. Past the twees and wockies.

Hmmm HN Hmm HN Hn hn Hmm HN Hn hn Hmmm hn HM hnnnn

A third no wordies singie noises. Another wingie munstah.

A feeling of horror.

Pick just wanted to hide. He wanted to cry. Beg and plead, but something inside his tink place just told him to keep running. Running and following Penciw.

The two arrived at a clearing. A wide open space. The singing had stopped, or at least that was how it would seem.

Yes there were times… I’m sure you knew…

When I bit off, more than I could chew…

But through it all, when there was doubt…

I ate it up and spit it out…

I faced it all…

And I stood tall…

Pick froze on the spot. Three wingie munstahs. He could still not see them, but he could see some bushes rustling, and why were they singing wordies now? And the wordies. It reminded him of Seuwat.

Pick suddenly stopped as he realized where he was.

The Biggest Waww. He had seen it so many times. He wanted to go there so many times.

He could just about see it in the darkie time light.

He wished he could have seen it another time.

And did it mmmmyyyyyy way
And did it mmmmyyyyyy way
And did it mmmmyyyyyy way

Now was not the time. The munstahs were still around.

“Dis way!” Penciw shouted.

Penciw was pointing at a wock nestie.


“Nu bu! Penciw n Pick nee wun n hidies!”

Even though it felt like a bad idea, Pick followed Penciw into the wock nestie. A wock nestie with only one way in and one way out. They were trapped.

“Nao wat!?” Pick cried out in horror.

“Hidies!” Penciw exclaimed.


“In darkies dummeh!”

The two hid in a darkie spot. Hid and waited. Waiting for the wingies munstah to come and most likely num them. Pick could only close his see place. It was the only thing he could think to do. Close his see places and wait for foebah sweepies.

But nothing.

Nothing in so many foebahs.

Just Pick and Penciw hiding in the darkies.

And then there was light.

Light as bwight as that light ball in the sky that Pick just had to open his see places. It was so bright despite the fact that were inside this wock nestie, and as Pick looked around in confusion, he realized he wasn’t alone.

There were three Fwuffies. White Fwuffies with blonde mane and tails. All a bit bigger than both him and Penciw. More notably, all three had wingies.

Three munstahs.

“NU HUWTIES!!!” Pick and Penciw screamed.

The three munstahs suddenly made waughies.

Cute waughies.

“Silly Fluffy. Lah nu… no give hurties. Fluffy am hewetic… hewe… he-RE… heREtic”

Pick looked at them in confusion, and he noticed that Penciw looked equally confused.

“Wingie munstah Fwuffy… nu gib huwties… caw Penciw n Pick am hewetic?”


Suddenly there was a loud noisie, and Pick turned around. One of the wock nestie walls had begun to move. It had become a doowsie.

“Gu… Go in do… doorsie” The munstah said.

Pick looked at Penciw with fright, and Penciw looked just as scared, but suddenly Penciw looked at them with an angry pout.

“Y… Y Penciw wisten tu munstah?”

One of the other munstah stepped forward and suddenly smiled. Pick backed away nervously because the munstah was showing his teethies. All as sharp as their pointy things. Even sharper than a Toughie, and Penciw had scadews.

“Ib… Ib… If…”

The munstah suddenly stomped on the ground angrily.

“Way nu wan talkies wike hooman!”

The first munstah stepped forward “Ewwa mummah… Ella mummah wi… like wen Lah talkies wike… like hooman!”

“Way nu cawe! Ewwa mummah onwy cawe dat Way singies wike hooman!”

Pick and Penciw stared at each other in confusion. Not really sure what the munstahs were making talkies about, but suddenly the third munstah came rushing forward. Up close, the munstah really was bigger than them. Pick had to look up a bit, just to match the munstah’s gaze.

“Lah. Ray. Nu mo talkies” The munstah stated.

The munstah looked at Pick with such scawy, cold eyes that Pick felt he would have made scawdy poopies on the spot, if he had any left, then the munstah looked at Penciw, who was backing away.

“Nu… nu… huwties” Penciw muttered.

“Den gu thru doowsie” the munstah stated.

Pick looked at Penciw nervously and Penciw looked the same. Neither had much choice, so they both made walkies through the nu doowsie nestie doowsie.

“The Heretics are in the arrival pen”.

Pick looked around in confusion. They were not in the fowest. They were somewhere different. He didn’t really understand what he was seeing. It was bright like bright times, but there was no sky. Similar to the wock nestie, but there was no twees or gwassies or wocks or wawa. Instead there were wawws like the Castwe waww but different, and more importantly were the not Fwuffies.

Much, much bigger than any Fwuffy, but able to talk like Fwuffies. Pick didn’t know why, but he already knew what to call them.


“Far, Lah, Ray. Good job you three. Please go to your safe room” One of the hoomans said.

“Yus mistah doctow!” The three munstah said, before making walkies away with big smiles.

Pick stared at Penciw for support, but Penciw just had a scawdies wook.

“Penciw… kno wat… gu on?” Pick asked nervously

Penciw only shook his head.

“Two Heretics. Names. Pick and Pencil”

“Hoo… hooman kno Pick n Penciw namesie?” Pick asked “Am nyu daddeh?”

Pick suddenly felt confused. What was a daddeh, and why did he ask the hooman that? Regardless, the hooman didn’t seem to be listening. He was looking at something and another hooman had arrived. Penciw was just quiet.

“Hmm… let’s see here. Pencil… M06. F12. B2. Higher levels of critical thinking. Quick, callous decision making thought process. Strong survival instincts. Prioritization of comfort over independence…”

Pick looked at Penciw, wondering if Penciw knew what was going on. The hooman was saying a lot of wordies, but Pick didn’t understand any of them. However, the way the hooman made talkies. It felt like how Seuwat made talkies. Not the same sound, but the way they made talkies.

“… take Pencil up to Skettiland”.

Before either could react, a hooman came in and took Penciw away.

“Nu huwties!” Penciw screamed.

Pick watched as Penciw shocked and squirmed, but the hooman took him away.

“Pwease nice mistah” Pick said “Pick am sowwi. Penciw nu am Hewetic! Am

“Hmm… Pick. M17. F26. B3. Notably higher intelligence and perception. Strong independent mindset. Analysis”.

The hooman was looking at him coldly, but then the hooman bent down so his face was closer and he had a nice smile.

“Pick, right?” The hooman asked.

“Yu… yus mistah” Pick replied hesitantly.

“Hello. Are you doing okay?”

Pick nodded nervously “Am… am otay, bu… wittle bit of scawdies”

“Do you mind if I pick you up?”

“Uppies?” Pick said with delight.

Pick felt confused. Uppies? Why did that make him happy?

“Wat am uppies?” Pick asked aloud.

The hooman looked surprised by this, then smiled.

“Interesting. Very high levels of perception… Priority”.

“Pewception?” Pick asked “Wat am dat?”

“It just means that you are very smart, Pick”

Pick smiled. He had a lot of heawt happies from hearing that, and even more so as the hooman picked him up. A feeling of warmth and safety. Followed by a feeling of disappointment, as Pick was put down.

Pick had no idea what he was sitting on. It was hard and cold, but he was higher up. Much closer to the hooman face, and the hooman put something down.

“This is an injection, Pick. Do you know what an injection is?”

“Nu mistah”

Mistah? Again a wordie he did not know, but one that was in his thinky place.

“Well an injection is something that will give you pointy hurties, but we need to do this. It will make things better for you, okay?”

“O… otay”

Pick felt nervous, but this mistah seemed nice.


The mistah was right. The in-jeck-sion gave pointy hurties, but Pick didn’t feel so bad because the nice mistah was giving him a kind smile.

“You are very brave Pick”

“Tank yu mistah!”

“Now you are gonna feel sleepy, and that’s okay”.

“Otay nice mistah!”

“Oh and if your thinky place tells you that you should not sleep. I want you to ignore it. It will make everything easier for all of us. Okay?”

“O… otay?”

Like the nice mistah had said. Pick suddenly felt very sweepy. So sleepy, but something felt wrong. This feeling that if he went to sweep, he would never have wakies. However, like the nice mistah had asked him to, Pick ignored it. Pick laid down. The thing he was standing on was cold and hard, but Pick did not care. He just wanted sweepies.

“Very good, Pick” The mistah said.

“Tank yu mi-”

The last thing Pick saw was the nice mistah’s kind smile.

Pencil looked around in confusion.

He had no idea where he was.

Well he did have some idea where he was.

A saferoom.

He didn’t know where this wordie had come from, but it was in this tinky place, and it was the only thing he could think to describe where he was.

Colorful walls.

A soft floor.

A lot of things. Things he did not recognize, yet Pencil knew what to call them. Toysie.

It just like the nut Fwuffies. Hoomans.

He was very confused, but he did feel safe here. As safe as when he was in the Castwe, and much safer with that hooman that gave him pointy hurties.

The hooman called it shots. That was a wordie, Pencil did not recognize, but the hooman said it was good for him, even though it gave him hurties.

He focus shifted as he noticed something or rather someone approaching. A Fwuffy with no pointy thing and no wingies.

“Bad Fwuffy!” He screamed.

The Fwuffy looked back at him in surprise, then shook their head.

“Am nut Bad Fwuffy, am Gen Fwive Gee Twee. Am Hewetic wike yu! Wat yu namesie?”

“Am Pen…”

He thought about it. His name wasn’t Pencil anymore was it. The hooman had given him a nyu namesie and for some reason he preferred this nyu namesie over Pencil, because the hooman had given it to him.

“Am Gen Wan Wan Em Tu” Gen Wan Wan Em Tu said.

Gen Fwive Gee Twee smiled.

“Gen Fwive Gee Twee sho yu safe woom. Welcom tu Skettiwand!”

Two people stood behind a one-way mirror sipping on some coffee.

“Did you watch the stream?”

“No, I was working. Why, did you watch?”

“Yup. Pen… uh… G11M2 was a ruthless one”

“What’d he do?”

“Trick some of the other nummie finders into thinking that Fork was a heretic. Got her killed”.

“Which one is Fork again?”

“OH MY GOD. The new nummie finders that was paired with Pencil… I mean G11M2 and Pick”.

“Wait Pick is the one in examination, right?”

“Why do I waste my time with you”

“Hey, unlike you I’m focused on OUR research… and I might have just been watching Skewer instead”

“Hah! Skewer do anything interesting today?”

“Nope. Gate duty as always… OH but it’s confirmed. He’s up next for sacrifice”.

“Ohhh really?”

“I’m actually gonna put money for the Hugbox”

“You know you’re gonna lose, right? More abusers watch SH than Hugboxers”

“Yeah but there are more rich Hugboxers out there and Skewer is still trending”

“He was pretty ruthless with Pencil though”

“I don’t care… and beside you said G11M2 was ruthless as well. Got Fork killed. He sounds like a dick that deserves it”.

“Man look at you. Skewer’s number one fan boy?”

“Shaddap… man I hope Skewer gets Hugbox”

“I hope he gets Abuse, just to fuck with you”


Good morning, afternoon and evening viewers of Seuwat’s Herd.

We are happy to announce that Skewer has been chosen as this week’s SACRIFICE

We will leave his fate in your hands.

  • Abuse
  • Hugbox
0 voters

And as always.

Thank you for watching our show.

Next episode: Sacrifice.


How do you pronounce “Seuwat”? I’m one of those inner-monologue-having types, and the voice inside my head doesn’t know how to pronounce that word.

Is the name a reference to George Seurat? The painter?’ The pointillist guy, did the Sunday Afternoon on La Grande painting from that movie?