Hot Topic: Inflammatory Language, racism, and current community standards.

It’s been a fair while and things seem to not be calming, hence where we’re talking.


God that guy who said poopies were racist, then used extremely racist terms to describe your innocuous reaction image was fucking hilarious.


I know right? I still see them around often, usually kicking up slightly smaller fusses.


I always find that weird and really telling, like when someone says that orcs are a racist depiction of black people because orcs are dumb and strong. I always do a double take at stupid shit like that.


I actually need to get sleep. But I saw several solid points made. I’ll throw my own two cents in once I wake up.


Strongly agree my response is whiney and out of place for the discussion, just felt like a good time to be stated, though not necessarily the right place, but where is?

Strongly disagree on ‘putting our foot down and choosing one way or the other’. FC is not the booru, nor is it Tumblr. FC is FC. We need to stop looking at who is old, who is new, stop worrying about the individual and finally figure out what FC needs to be, as its own entity.

A term I have thrown around a lot in private discussion is that it seems as though there is an inability to be “grey” on this site, and your comment demonstrates that point perfectly. Instead of having to choose to be black or white, 4chan or facebook, lets find our own shade somewhere inbetween.

My personal idea of what is best would be a case by case system where an incident, post, trend, is analyzed by its engagement and reputation. If someone says to someone in chat “Shut up you fag” and they respond “Not as faggy as you”, we’re gucci. If someone says in chat “Fuck of spik” and the person responds “Hey, I don’t appreciate that word”, and they are continued to be called by the derogatory, then there is an issue and moderation should step in.

I have faith and confidence that as a group, a moderation team that has not been hand picked by a single faction or person, can come to a reasonable solution to most issues.


It really is a combination of conveying tone and reading the room.
If I call Za a faggot or something, he knows damn well I am joking and mean no offense.
But if I drop that on someone I don’t know, then I have to make the fact that I’m joking obvious, not just to me but to them.
When people double down on the joke at newer people, the joke is often lost on them.


I would like to clarify that if a post is offensive/ has slurs it should be okay, as long as the whole post isn’t focused on it.

For example, depicting fluffies completely like a stereotype, fur color and all, cussing like a madperson and walking around on two legs is a bit much.

We are basically just depicting a species swapped human at that point and that can throw people off.

In no way, shape or form should we start to censor words.


I’m mostly just upset that it’s the mods doing it. Like, I see a normal user post something racist or something that makes me uncomfortable, I can just block them. But with mods? No, I have to see it.

And yeah, words and images do affect people. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable to be around racist slurs and I’d like it if I could filter them out.


So from what I gather, it’s okay for the mods to say nigger and kike whenever they want; but if we, the lowly peasants, so much as dare to make a joke that someone finds offensive, then we get a baseball bat up the ass. Right? I think that’s about right.

Like, seriously, fuck off with this shit. FC regularly features images of small animals getting their intestines ripped out through their mouths, and watching their newborn offspring get buttfucked with knives, and other depraved nonsense. Go look up the enfie babbeh tag if you want some real nightmare fuel. But we’re drawing the line at naughty words? Okay, sure, that makes sense.

This isn’t a safe, friendly space. If you want to frolick around in the hugbox (and I doubt half the people complaining even know the origin of the hugbox label) category, that’s your right. Everyone loves a nice hugbox story once in a while. But FC itself is not a hugbox. It doesn’t exist to make you feel warm and fuzzy and safe inside.

Let people filter them out if they want. That’d at least have some funny side-effects. But trying to ban wrongthink here is not the way to go. A majority of people here come from places where it was acceptable to use such language, and I think unilaterally changing the whole experience for some reddit immigrants is just a bad idea.


There isn’t much for me to add that wasn’t already said by someone like Karn or iFluffy, but to basically give my personal thing:

It’d be like tge old say: You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all of the time.

When I first came here, a lot of this stuff was weird and seem tryhards. But I just took the time and look for stuff that I did enjoyed and ignored what I didn’t. I get what you’re trying to go for, but you can’t really please everyone coming here. Not every site is gonna be for everyone, much less for a site for this very weird little thing. Yes, some things can be get out of hand, but it can feel like folks are gonna make a mountain out of a molehill here then it needs to be. Yes, I get some folks are gonna leave, but you really shouldn’t bend over backwards to please every last will someone has.

I think some folks shouldn’t really get upset about a given thing, then folks won’t make stories, artwork and the like about it where folks had linked to pics. If anything, the mods should crack down a bit on the comments rather the art and stories to nip the seed in the bud rather then try to prune the fully grown tree.


I’m gonna preface this. I am ONE Jew. There’s an old joke that the only thing two Jews can agree on is that a third Jew is wrong. My opinion is not universal.

I think Asswich is funny as hell. There’s another fluffy comic I hate, though. It’s the one of a fluffy in talit (religious wrap) and peyot (long side curls), being told, “Maybe you can marry our daughter.” That comic is hateful as a whole room of nutzos. Yeah, you know what I mean by that. It damn near made me abandon the community first time I saw it.

There’s a huge difference between satire and direct correlation. Fluffies being sent to the ghetto? Funny as shit. Fluffies made to look like Jews and sent to the ghetto? No.

I hope this makes sense.

Basically, if it could turn up in a Mel Brooks film, you’re good. I call it the Law of Mel. Make fun of fluffies and nutzos, not Jews.


There’s been a massive uptick in racist content and comments on this site and it ties directly to when the new moderators got appointed.

Take this for example:
Those don’t even look like fluffies, it’s just racist depictions of black people and Jews without any commentary. The line can easily be drawn there without creating a slippery slope, same with “Don’t post slurs in the comments.”

Or check the comments section of this story (which is also about this problem):

The toxic (easily violating Rule 9) behavior by the users defending casual racism along with the fact multiple creators have been driven out by the amount of allowed bigotry on this site should be reason enough to make changes to the rules.

This is just going to spiral into more and more racist content getting posted, anyone who feels threatened by that getting driven out, and then that resulting in the racism getting worse.

And the fact that it’s moderators posting this means bigots are going to feel even more emboldened and think this site’s a safe space for them.

There’s no part of fluffies that requires tolerating the level of bigotry that’s surging on this site.

This site is supposed to be about fluffies, there’s no reason to bring in real world bigotry unless it’s part of the story.

Edit: The immediate response to my pointing out the racism issues was bad faith attempts to strawman what I said and nitpick my arguments rather than actually address the problems I raised.
Check the actual comments not what people are claiming happened.


This. “Literally just posting something racist as the joke” isn’t ‘satire.’

It isn’t even ‘ironic’ bigotry, it’s just bigotry the user thinks is funny.


The second one is a parody of Mexican TV shows, and possibly TV from other Latino countries. (I’m only passingly familiar, sorry.) The first is a take on a common stereotype.

That’s about as far as I can comment. I’d like to hear from Latino users on the subject.

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“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.” - Descartes

I worry that this might happen with the racism stuff. We already have extremely strict rules about animal abuse, because our content otherwise seems inviting to actual animal abusers. The booru found this out the hard way when someone murdered their pet rat and posted photos.

4chan, too, has had an incident where someone posted “my ex moved out and left his pet rat, doubles say what I do with it” which lead to it being tortured to death (again complete with photos).

We aren’t 4chan, we aren’t the booru. We can’t be, because we have rules against animal abuse, against harassment, against box shaming. Saying it’s a 4chan thing that has to be preserved doesn’t work, because we didn’t preserve those other things.

But if we defend blatant racism, and those not comfortable with it leave, then the void they leave behind may be filled by those who think the blatant racism is funny. And I worry that when that happens, the racist content increases and becomes more blatant because hey, that’s the audience now, isn’t it? Until gradually, it stops being a joke at all.

I don’t know. I don’t think I like it.

A fluffy in a mexican hat isn’t racist, it’s just a hat. And Asswitz caused a big stink (pun intended) even when it was posted, as I recall. An abuser calling his brown fluffy a slur is a story beat, rather than a statement about liking racism, because abusers tend to be bad people. But when the punchline is “check out this racist caricature in fluffy form”, it feels weird to me, just like it feels weird when I see people praise a subspecies that is just a mouse or a seal and talking about how they want to kill it.

As for those pointing at poopie babbeh stuff, isn’t the majority of that stuff about how poopie babbehs should not be abused and would make perfect pets and only bad evil bitch mares are mean to them? It’s a justicebox where even if you turn them all into normal people, the focus isn’t “racism is good and funny actually”, but “this black kid has a shitty home life so I’m adopting him into a better one where he gets the love he deserves”. And even in the stories without that justicebox, I’ve never seen a mare scream about having birthed a nigger baby, so it’s not like the fluffies would use slurs either?

But … yeah those are all my thoughts.


Bruh, soy Latino…

Thing is may be because i don’t really care about racism (considering that I’m a minority (am i ? )) and usually the people that uses that kind of stuff to hurt people its because they don’t know other things on their simple minds.

But if the staff say “no more” its no more


Ive come from spaces on the internet where moderation is very poor or practically nonexistent, but in being in those spaces ive seen that most people use slurs or similar things as “shock value” or a way to use taboos without direct self harm. There are very little places slurs are allowed today and the places that do tend to have them run rampant as a result of people feeling “caged” into only being able to say certain things in other spaces.
While personally, I dont care about slur usage and shock content. I do see how this effects others and their views on the site and community. I believe in full freedom of speech, unrelenting and full-bodied.
I would just make it where the Controversial tag is explicitly stated and used for such things. If a person gets upset about something in it, just remind then that the tag is exactly for that and just have it disabled.


Staff wants your help in determining how much is too much, and when more becomes no more. Without trying to find out which side is right and removing the other side. Without trying to find the wall.

We all have our own opinions, you know. I don’t give a rat’s anus about racisms and other -isms, and you could be drawing craziest shit you could imagine. Slap religious clothing on them fluffies, stereotypical features, hurtful carchphrases. I don’t care, as long as it’s parody, pastiche, sarcasm, post-irony, and not just you using fluffies to fuel your hateful propaganda.

Don’t dunk on gay people. Don’t dunk on Jack, Jill and Joe for being gay. But make fun out of gay stereotypes, cause for me that’s fair game. That’s how I was raised, that’s how I grew up far into very late 20s before online culture started seeping into my life.

But I’m just one guy, and admittedly I can push things too far myself. All I said in this topic is my own opinion, as a member of the community and not a member of staff. And remember that every single janny here is just human, and it’s hard to stick brooms up our asses and always be on our best behavior to - as someone mentioned - be a shining example for everyone else. I’m not sure if there’s a single person in this community who is mentally well, to be honest.

Someone mentioned that making fluffies less fluffy and more human in a racist way - slapping “talit and peyot” on them - is too much. They’re not fluffies anymore. I can see that. I could get behind that.

I 100% don’t want to lose the edginess of this community, and removing racism with strict precision comparable to surgical procedure would take some of that away. I don’t want fluffies to be sanitized, I don’t want us telling people what fluffies can or cannot be about, as long as they’re fluffies and not… furry smut draped in fluffy colors.

But I think it would help us to work out some framework of a slightly more respectful behavior maybe, or a way of categorizing what is or isn’t fluffy works, so on so on. Hence, again, this whole topic.


Yes, imagine how hard is to decide*“is this a fluffy”* based on the length of the legs. I’m not saying that shouldn’t take measurements against the idiots, but don’t expect that people won’t be angry about all this.

And when i say “no more is no more” means that in de end with our opinion or not, you guys will have the last word