How do fluffy ponies taste?

Just like it says here, I have seen many posts where fluffies are turned into dishes. So, if fluffies were real, how would they taste?


well it all depends.
many people say they decompose fast as due to being artificial, and hit rigormortus really quick. so killing them soon before cooking is nessisary. heck some prefer to cooking them alive even.
some say they taste best after being petrified, as the fear coursing through them makes them taste wonderful. some have theorized they may be sweet and heavenly if killed and cooked in their happiest moment, though thats harder to do properly so no one realllly knows, and its easier to scare them before prep


With their tongue HUeEhEhuehUEhEHUEHheh


What do you want it to taste like?


Like the old saying goes: Everything taste like chicken!


I would imagine alot like pork, seeing as they are little pigs. Maybe a bit of game, if they were active.
Certainly something that would need a good preparation and pairing.


For real, if they can bioengineer something that speaks in real life, they can most certainly make its meat taste like apples as far as i know


I like to speculate it tastes like Guineapigs

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the feck do Guineapigs taste like??

Pretty close to hamster


I would imagine that they’d be like a extra fatty yet rather sweet beef, with the marbling being, on average across all cuts, somewhat superior to that of beef under the same conditions. That said, I’d expect ferals to be stringy and tough, and all of them to taste slightly of what they ate. As in kibble-fed ones would taste kind of bland like the kibble, whereas grass-fed ones would taste better and city ferals would taste pretty awful due to their proclivity to eating garbage. Cannibals would taste like very savory beef, with less sweetness than regular fluffies. I’d also expect that the average domestic to carry enough fat on them to cook the rest of their body to ashes.


" tastes like a cross between duck and rabbit . When properly prepared, the meat of a guinea pig is rich, fatty, and flavorful, while the skin, when roasted over a hot fire, gives pork crackling a run for its money"

From google lol


I love animals and wouldn’t do this but I honestly wanna know what people would do if someone went to Petsmart, bought a handful of guinea pigs, and just started grilling them in the parking lot


i’d probably cry deadass


This is about Peru i think… guineapigs were essentially livestock since Incan times. Ooooh imagine Fluffies in differant time periods


like chicken, probably.


Spam and the smell of public bathrooms.


I don’t know why don’t you tell us, write a story

I always imagine them to taste like pork. This is due to them being created with pig DNA (personal headcannon of course). Their fluff would be like cotten candy.

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I feel like the older fluffies would be a very greasy and gamy meat like bear meat and mutton mixed together. It would be acceptable in stews and chili but not much else.

Of course the foals are much easier on the palate and have a consistency close to veal.

I have a head cannon that the wings of Pegasus fluffies would actually make the best “buffalo wings” being larger than a chickens and less tough than a turkey’s along with the “benefit” of rhino poaching going away as the fluffy horns were easier to obtain for certain Asian markets.