How far is too far?

That’s the right idea!
I want everyone to be able to enjoy whatever it is they enjoy,
and to make room for people that enjoy the other aspects of this fandom.


Incidentally I think I come from the opposite end where the hugbox got me into it first. Though like @Somethingcheeky said it’s not the depravity that I’m attracted to when I check out abuse but it’s creativity and what it brings to the world(s) that it exists in. Whether it be Carpdime, Magentademon, or even Mcgonagall those creators and so many more’s interpretations are what form my understanding. Hell though I’m very much not interested or even disgusted by the abuse found in gr1m’s work it would be like censoring a culture’s dark side by denying it and not exploring it.


Ok boomer.


ok zoomer


Jokes on you, I’m a zoomer, and I’m proud.


yeah, same here. i guess it’s a draw


Well, there’s no limits with fluffiest. If you feel insecure about the brutality, use the right tags and put a warning.


I just don’t like bothering people.

That ended rather nicely.

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I think trying to form the fandom in a way that’s palatable to outsiders is a sucker’s game. What if we dropped the baby talk or the colorful horse thing because people think it’s weird? Some people think hugbox is a fucked up fetish thing too. People will either be into it or not.

Yeah it sucks being associated with something that has a bad rep, but I don’t think turning the fandom into something it’s not is the way to go. That’ll just make it worse for the fans to please people who would likely never care or will never stop judging.

I like how fucked up the art can get. I like the range of emotions that can be wrung out. I like how this fandom goes in places most fandoms wouldn’t dare. That’s one of the things that sets it apart. Imo, the one limit is to not be a dick to people (like creating hate art of Hugbox OCs like you mentioned). Well, that and illegal shit but that could tie in to ‘don’t be a dick about it’.

Although, I’m cool if things get pushed into a corner because it makes most people uncomfortable, as long as it’s there for people who do. Like certain things that were popular on the booru that don’t show up on the front page by default here.

To the OP, the more controversial stuff for the fandom is the mentioned human fucking fluffy works, enfie babbehs (which ngl is hard for me to type), works where fictional humans are hurt (or at least that was a thing Fluffybooru hated, I don’t know about here), and probably straight up non-abuse porn. Avoid these things and you’ll avoid stepping on most people’s toes. Not everyone but generally.

I’m more familiar with the booru’s sensibilities than this site, so keep that in mind, but hopefully that helps.


It does, thank you.

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There is no limit. Many of my favorite stories go further than that, just make sure it makes sense in the story and has a proper build up and result, etc.


Less I think in it trying to be palatable then setting a tone. At the end of day people who enter the fandom will do so. You never start a driving class by showing them car crashes right off the bat. Unlike that example you allow them to choose their own limits.


That makes sense. Kind of goes with the…certain things getting pushed into a corner thought.

I don’t know how well you can change the first impression of the fandom and to what extent it should go, but I’m for people being able to control what content they want to see.

I still want to point out that a good number of the fans were probably drawn in by the ‘car crashes’, lol


For whatever reason they came into the fandom is their own. Outside perception or not they still decided to come by so at least we should at least cultivate a welcoming atmosphere. Where they fall in the fandom shouldn’t be what is important but that they enjoy their time here without trouble.


The thing is, I think the fluffy fandom can be palatable. And I base that on how the earliest fluffy artists can and still have their work on deviantart. Marcusmaximus has his fluffy art on deviantart, as did Coalheart. And if thats two examples that are no longer active in the fandom, then I’d mention AIDS and Pinkyfluffy, both of whom have active deviantart galleries with their fluffy art on it. (especially in the case of the latter)

Speaking as somebody from the MLP community for almost a decade now (yes, you can call me a brony hurrdurr ) I’m not bothered by the colourful horse gimmick (though I also do like natural horse colours) And while I understand fluffspeak is an important pillar within the fluffy community, and I do have my own headcanon and appreciation of the subject, I am aware that many people may dislike fluffies ‘precisely’ because of the fluffspeak. While I don’t think fluffies should be overpowered Mary Sue OCs, I do think that good stories can be told with normal speaking fluffies. (Postfluff being the best example) Its one of the more debateable things within the fluffy fandom, and something I’d have to go about in better length in an opinion piece.

I do agree that a unique aspect of Fluffy fiction is that it pushes certain boundaries its MLP predecessor, and similar mainstream ‘cute cartoon animal’ stories don’t. I like to cite Avocado, because to me that is the type of story only fluffy pony fiction can bring. The same would apply to Crazystein, Meh’s NISC, the aforementioned Postfluff and so on. These are stories that are comparable to stuff like Farthing Wood, the Rats of NIMH and Watership Down. In that sense, and yes, I think the maturity and controversial nature of fluffies as a genetically engineered animal reflecting the follies of Man, would best suit it.

But the problem is that a lot of that nuance is gone. It was a nuance that guided a lot of the earlier fluffy pony artists and writers, but got lost over time as people became more focused on “shock for the sake of shock” or “trying to own the bronies”, even though the material was no longer anything close to MLP. I do agree its not something that can easily be borught back, if at all, but I do appreciate the people who tried to take a bit more mature approach to fluffies.


I think that’s a sentiment that we can all appreciate. For what this fandom is now is not what it used to be but we can/should strive. I would say there is definitely strong parallels with the Brony fandom in that. Like your examples show that hard edge that couldn’t truly exist in MLP is what brings us together. Whether that manifests as a grounding tragedy in a hugbox/neutral story or in karmic justice for an abuse comic.


ok doomer


For me, there’s no too far in ACTION but there is in CONCEPT.

One of my pet peeves is inconsistent headcanons. It’s why I have a problem with most hellgremlin (a few creators can do jerk-ass fluffies wonderfully, but they are the exception, not the rule).

If you can create a headcanon where the things that are happening make sense and feel logically consistent, then the sky’s the limit.

Note: This is for fluffy abuse only. Doing something like, say, having a parent abuse their child emotionally by torturing their pet fluffy goes way over the line because that’s human abuse.


I’m glad you chimed in. I really want to post more but I wasn’t sure what would offend or not.

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