How have none of you psychopaths drawn anything based on this yet?

So I was listening to YouTube while closing up at work & came across this

I’ve heard about these experiments before but never learned this much detail about them. The video is pretty well made.
Thinking about dogs being experimented on like this was upsetting, but it would fit pretend fluffies perfectly. Imagine a family member finding another fluff hooked up as just a head like this, begging for help and not being able.

Anyway I’m no artist, just thought I’d leave it here in case someone else is inspired.


#feedback can we define what the community post category is so that people don’t confuse it with shitposting/personal

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It was based on The Brain that wouldn’t Die, but I think it has very similar vibes.
Drawn by Dragonixa for Servo1991


The sequel to cult classic “I have no mouth”, “I have a mouth and all I can do is scream”


ive literally got 2 reanimated Frankenstein zombie fluffies becaUSE ONE WASNT ENOUGH FOR ME I GUESS

That wasn’t my intention, as I said the idea hit me & I didn’t think I could be the first to think of it.

I don’t exactly consider myself part of the community, this was only meant to be a temporary account until the morbid curiosity wears off.
I’m not familiar with very much and I never even expected to become as familiar as I am so far.
I did however, look for any type of forum section before settling on “community post”. Wasn’t trying to spam.

I suppose I could have worded it, “how have I not yet noticed anything like this when looking through some of the most popular art”

Time for me to check out your stuff now

Pump the brakes home slice, I wasn’t singling you out for anything or accusing you of spamming.

It’s just a common occurrence as of late that people use the community category, which is usually reserved for site announcements and member outreach.

Clarifying what is a community post vs a shitpost/personal one would help ease everyone’s confusion.

Maybe separate personal posting from shitposting since shitposting has a connotation that may dissuade people? @staff


Plus, a lot of people aren’t in #shitposting-and-personal.
I know it was a while before I joined myself.


Somebody did! Great art too.


In this case, it’s fine in community posting
I’ll be back once my shift is over

Alright, the way I read it at the time was as if I had missed a rule somewhere & didn’t want to be “that guy”

Maybe more on the sci-fi than the real life experiments side, but there was a story (or maybe a comic) about a guy who would routinely get super angry and kill his fluffy, then curse at himself and go to some kind of special doctor who would save the fluffy’s brain and memories and somehow reconstruct its body.

The fluffy would then wake up, thinking its previous death was just a bad dream and go on about its life. This would go on for a few iterations.

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Probably because it hasn’t been though up until this point?