How many fluffies could you take on in hand-to-hand combat?

Ok, so I had this idea. What if there was a fluffy vs. human arena anyone could fight in. I’m talking someone enters the pit and they have to fight off wave after wave of fluffies and as each wave increases, their numbers multiply and for every 5th wave their intelligence increases.
There are also special waves, such as stallions doped up on breeding drugs, a large amount of babies that results in a following wave of the mothers seeking revenge after they’ve been forced to watch the slaughter and then pumped full of rage inducing hormones and drugs.
The person enters with what they have on them, they have their clothes (street attire, like what you would wear on a day to day basis.) and your fists. Spectators are allowed to enter and watch the gladiator fight, and they can even pay to have certain weapons dropped into the arena. For the fluffies, it would depend on how high the intelligence they have, so for example a hugboxer could have a branch put into the arena that the fluffies can use to fuck with the human, basically the concept is whatever the fluffies can use themselves is what they’re allowed, for the humans, it depends on the wave level, for example an abuser can pay to have a cattle prod put into the arena for the human to use. Neutralboxers are also allowed in, they can cheer on their preferred side and they have access to the special waves . The fight ends when the human is taken down.
So, how many fluffy waves do you think you could take on till your consumed by the tides of fur and babbling?


Let’s be honest, I’m not in the best shape and I’ve got a thing about shit; so at least 4 adults but my max would most likely be 10/12 depending on how full their bowls are. I wouldn’t be able to hurt anything younger then a teenager though, bleeding heart and all

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Considering the fluffies in my headcanon are a lot stronger, larger, and more intelligent, and I’m thin as a stick and hate killing even spiders, not many.

As a based floppa gigachad 200 kilograms 3 meters tall, all of them


If you had a way to consistently one shot them, like you figured out a good stomping notion or had something sharp, pointy, or bludgeoning, I think you could go on effectively forever. Exhaustion would be the limiting factor.


The amount a fluffy could injure a human is totally dependent on headcannon so there’s going to be some variety.

If we consider that they were designed for kids and therefore made as harmless as possible:
-Soft “hooves”, maybe even like leather
-Weak teeth
-Borderline useless horns for unicorns

Aside from a unicorn poking you in the eye, which would only happen if you were somehow down on their level, you could probably just kick and step on them with zero risk until you got tired.


Based on my head canon, however many until I got tired. They were designed to be child safe, so the damage they can do to an adult is almost nothing.



I have the same problem with poop, but if they were emptied beforehand, even with extra beefing-up to compensate, I could probably handle quite a few. Plus, I use a wheelchair, which may give me a psychological edge over them (based on how RL animals tend to react around it, plus fluffies’ fear of cars). Run some down, send the rest into a blind panic, swoop in and snatch ‘em up at my leisure.

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I am beating them all regardless of the headcanon


51 and I’m ded.


me but with fluffies and hopefully some pants




Fluffies are so harmless that exhaustion would really be the only limiting factor. That, or if there were enough fluffies to turn the arena into a two-meter deep drowning pit of squished fluff and organs.

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Indefinite amount of fluffies. Rip and tear until it’s done.

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You know that thing where you enter a puppy pen and get bowled over by a dozen puppies all clamoring for love and attention?

Yeah that arena audience is gonna need refunds because I’m just there to get a hyper-aggressive fluffy cuddle session. Hugbox edition, you win by hugging all the (feral, human-fearing) fluffies.

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You know I actually like that idea of doing different editions based on who enters the arena

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Give me a baseball bat and a can of Red Bull and I’m not stopping till the blood pool reaches my ankles


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