How to explain or introduce someone to fluffies

The simple answer is you don’t. You’ll either look like a brony or a psycho.

Let people find their own way here.


It’s one of those things I don’t think I could ever personally introduce someone to, but wouldn’t bat an eye at talking about if they were already interested, which is what we essentially do here. A major problem is their child-like nature and, if someone doesn’t ‘get’ it, might be liable to think you’ve got something wrong going on in your head (especially if, uh, they accidentally see more of the really controversial shit first).

If they want to know the appeal, I guess it’s something along the lines of Happy Tree Friends, if anyone remembers that: the cutesy stuff clashing with oftentimes horrific things gives it an almost train wreck feel that you can’t help but be drawn towards (and of course it’s fun to laugh at weirdbox or d’aww at hugbox). If confronted about it, I’d absolutely make sure they understood I wouldn’t want actual harm to come to animals or kids.


See, this is one of the reasons why I don’t glorify abuse in my stories, or portray it as justified. This is why I portray the people doing it as bad people.

Because if people I know in real life did find about about my stories, and believe me, I’m not gonna tell them, they’d see a superhero/sci-fi/fantasy story that happens to have fluffies in it, not torture porn.


Don’t bother let them discover it themselves.
If you must, invoke Happy Tree Friends first and see how they respond to that
If they like HTF they may be okay with fluffies.

I’ve had to show a number of people what kind of website I run.
I’ll often show them works that I’ve #featured first.
You have to get them used to the concept first, before showing them the demented shit.


Well that doesn’t leave much left to show.

How do you mean? So far only 20 pieces have been #featured

That’s what I meant.
Most fluffy material is demented.
Funny but demented.

I definitely would not recommend it but if its someone you trust and think would get the appeal start of small.

I usually think of the while Psychological aspect of fluffies, power dynamics, righting wrongs that havent happened to us, the god complex thing ect ect

This is how furries begin their pitch, and I can say it’s not very convincing :sweat_smile:


Depends on who they are and how chill they are.
If they’re close to you and of a similar mindset, then just show them some of the more tame stuff while you explain the basics.
If it’s someone that you don’t know as well I recommend not sharing the hobby at all, as some people might not understand it at all.

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Note: you might learn something about your friend like, “What’s the big deal? You think that’s cursed? Look at this!”

I know one guy whose friends have flat out said that if anyone who likes porn that disturbs him should be shot dead, no questions asked.


“The first rule of Fluffy Community is don’t talk about Fluffy Community.”

But in all seriousness, I’ll never advocate people keeping things bottled up and unmentionable.

Not everyone is safe to open-up to, but if you really want to share this part of your life with someone, safe people do exist.

With any particular person, ask yourself why you want to introduce them specifically, and if you really feel like you can trust them with this.

If you decide to go forward with it, any explanation will really have to be on a case-by-case basis. It’ll depend on the person and the nature of your relationship.

Be prepared for lots of questions.

Hope this helps somewhat.


looks back on thread

Well. It does seem like a majority opinion of the people on this thread is to be a resounding “don’t”. But I’m going to add myself to the voice of dissension here, and second what @Elias and @RoseTea said.

As a hugboxer, and a believer in the value of the non-abuse elements of the fiction, I think fluffies can be appreciated for reasons outside of abuse and the grimdark elements. This approach has been my motivation to research the hugbox, neutralbox and non-abuse history of the booru, as well as my want to pay tribute to my favourite hugboxers and neutralboxers.

So yes, I wouldn’t mind to talk to some people about my involvement with the fluffy fandom. it would raise eyebrows, sure, but involvement in this fandom has engaged my creativity in ways I had not expected. And I think there has to be some value to it that we can share to people without having to mention the darker elements.


When I tell about fluffies, I always introduce them through the lighthearted comedy the fandom started with. Cute stuff like Fluffsplosion, Mutagen, and Marcusmaximus are a great introduction to fluffies, and light enough that even if whoever you’re introducing fluffies to didn’t like it, they’d still just brush them off as something not to their tastes.


Well, of course fluffies can be appreciated outside of abuse. But, even if the brutal elements were to be excluded, I doubt I would tell anyone. It may be connected to my general stiffness in talking about my interests, but still, I’m afraid of the few people I genuinely want to be on good terms with not to see something they might judge me for.

And could you please edit that typo of mine out? It’s driving me mad.

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Start with a long unhinged rant about how you’re not crazy.

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You can call me Yoshikage Hitomi. I’m currently 37 years old. Not that you care, but I reside in northeast Cleveland’s villa district, also I’ve yet to marry. In order to make a living, I work for Hasbio department stores. After a long day’s work, I return home no later than 8 PM. I don’t like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I’m always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a point to get no less than 8 hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, it’s always coupled with 20 minutes of stretching to decompress from the long work day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day’s challenges, and after my last checkup I was given a clean bill of health. For as long as I can remember, I’ve done everything in my power to live a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace. This may be a foreign concept, but I choose not to concern myself with winning or losing, life’s troubles, or enemies who bring sleepless nights. That is how I cope with this backwards life we find ourselves living, it’s what brings me happiness in a world fraught with hardship and misery. Of course, if I were ever to talk about fluffies, I will point out to you that I’m not crazy.


Killer Queen, Bomb Type 3, Bites the Dust!!


Yeah. That should do it. It really sells how crazy you are.

If this is a sex thing for you, it is all the more important to emphasize that it isn’t a sex thing.