How to explain or introduce someone to fluffies

Naw, that gives it away. “… doth protest too much” and all. I retract my comment. It’s just, that’s usually the first thing I’ve seen/heard people ask when they first encounter this shit. “:anguished:… is this a sex thing? It’s gotta be a sex thing, right?”

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“It’s not a sex thing!”

“WTF, dude! Why would you say that unprompted?! Now I definitely think you’re beating off to those little horses!”

I’d probably show them a click video

Only the first or the fourth one.
The second and third were just wall-to-wall jellenheimers.

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honestly my spouse is into weirder shit so I immediately just linked things and told them abt it, they’ve even drawn some of their own fluffy things that im trying to convince them to post. They also designed abt half the fluffies in my comic’s herd.

if you guys like HTF and that sorta thing, you should look up peepoodo and the super fuck friends

fluffies arent for everyone ofc, i’d go slow and introduce them little by little. But know your audience ig?

spouse says “idk its a derivative of mlp but irl and its kinda fucked up and edgy ppl like to beat the shit out of the technicolor horses”


“remember MLP?”
“um…yeah…that was such a weird subculture.”
“right? well back in the day, an even weirder subculture developed, at first as an extension of MLP, but then to troll them.”
“huh…okay. Why?”
“well, for fun! see we’d draw these really cute critters that vaguely resemble ponies from mlp, then draw them being horrifically abused in hilarious ways!”
“wtf are you serious? You guys are into animal abuse?”
“wh-what? no! we just drew creatures that LOOKED like retarded ponies, and hurt them!”
“How is that NOT being into animal abuse?”
"N-no, you don’t get it! heh, see, fluffies aren’t animals, they’re biotoys! LIKE animals, but technically not, s-so there are no animal protection laws on them, so…you know what, nevermind, forget I said anything.
“yeah, I’ll try to…bye”

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