Opinions on hugbox?
I love it. But, yeah, obvious given the thing by my name.
A debilitating crutch like all the box shit
It’s not really a question that’s easy to answer because it’s too vague. Like all art, there’s good and bad, and it’s also subjective. Good hugbox for me is good hugbox. What I like will differ from other people. Really the question is what you think about it.
You can’t really appreciate the horrible
without the wonderful to contrast it with.
And honestly, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If anything I think the other ingredients, so to speak, matter a lot.
It’s a nice shorthand for genre expectations, but the stories I’ve liked the most have mixtures of the other boxes in them. Some of those most touching art does too.
The other side of the coin, the other weight that keeps Neutral functioning. Woefully underused in Horrorbox.
Hugbox is best box!
I think it’s important, it helps to balance the website, for example If it was all doom and gloom, I personally wouldn’t want to come back as often.
On the other hand if there’s too much people that come to see fluffies meet harsh reality might not want to come to the site as often. Hope I make sense
why are you asking?
It makes a lot of sense. I do agree that balance is needed, but I’d argue there was more doom and gloom as the booru went on. Things may seem more in balance now, but it wasn’t the case in 2018 to 2020, and there was a history of transgressions from certain people that led to a vicious cycle of sorts.
Its why I feel there is a need for more hugbox - not only to show there is more to the fandom than just doom and gloom, but also to remind people that it pays to be nice to each other, as well as their fluffies.
Nah. Beatbox is better.
it’s the one where a fluffy is on a verge of death, and you are just beatboxing?
Well, I refuse to dybbuk-box under any circumstances.
I do not like to hugbox. I use my Mom for hugging instead
A literal hugbox has been used in a few stories and often winds up more like a trash compactor than a soothing friend.
It’s tough to calibrate optimal hug pressure for a creature so weak as to be hurt by all.
Outfitting the most beloved Fluffies with protection, aesthetically styled of course, is recommended.
Foal durability must be improved via natural selection but an adult can be outfitted with protective attachments styled as per your individual tastes.
Of course these products are available wherever huggie machines, ball fetch machines, blockie cranes, voice-activated tumbly machines, and both variations of good feels machines are sold. Automatic release and shut off when a certain pitch of scream is achieved. Use of non-Hasbio products voids the warranty, but warranties on Hasbio Fluffies is irrelevant due to the low public value on the first generation product anyway; the helmet is worth more than what it protects.
Good. But I feel like there’s too much of it. It should be the life-saving breath you gulp when your head breaks the surface of all the abuse and sadbox you’ve immersed yourself in. Not what you swim in, finding small pockets of abuse and sadbox along the way.