Hunger for Bread - Part I - ( By: LostDauphin )

Picturing foals nursing on their mothers roots rather then growing off like umbilicals is actually quite adorable. :slight_smile:

Also hope you like the ribbon.

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I agree, it looks cute to me too, it’s a nice addition to the gardenfluffs

And, I loved the ribbon, I screamed like a girl when I saw the notification x’D :heart:


@Virgil Has that effect on people.

Thanks again V.


@Lurrkerr Thanks, and, I also idealized at the beginning that Johan beat the mother, but his father would surely punish him for wasting Cassafluffs unnecessarily, he is still a child, but in other comics with him as an adult there will be more abuse :wink:


Oh my god, I love the pain and suffering of that garden fluffy… mummah? daddeh? I don’t know but it’s exquisite!