hush (Moesius)

I once played with the idea of having one, was quickly dissuaded by the noise.
Got a betta splendens instead.


better choice :v

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Disturbingly true.

Earlier this very year, my dog was out doing her business when some people passed by our yard. She went to the chain-link, privacy-screened fence to see them and they fucking bear sprayed her in the face. Not spur of the moment. They hung around for several minutes before they did it. Fuckers.

There are far too many degenerate scumbags on this earth. And not the fun kind.

Good on you, saviour of felines.


Nani the fuck ?
What in the name of fuck I mean come on .

Yes for once im struggling with words.


Yeah. It was fucked up beyond words. Still makes me paranoid as hell when people walk by the yard and she barks at them. I worry about what people will do. Savages.

Sheā€™s okay, though. By the grace of the elder gods, she turned at the right time and their aim was shit so she only caught a glancing blow. One eye swelled shut for a few hours but she was otherwise unharmed. No lasting psychological damage that I can tell.

I watch the security cameras religiously when sheā€™s outside, now. She does not leave my sight.

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I dont even like doges that much Iā€™m more a cat person.
But this, is just uncalled for bullshit.
People donā€™t need any excuse to be assholes they just are.

And there is worse out there from Million Pity to Pit of despair.
ā€¦Donā€™t google that seriously donā€™t


Iā€™m just a general animal person. Love 'em all.

Except pigeons. Fuck pigeons.

Oh, Iā€™m familiar with Million Pity and the like. Fucked up, but not surprising.


Weheeel pigeons are not as bad as seagulls. I live in a coastal city and seagulls are a fucking bane.
I donā€™t mind most animals i just prefer cats.

The world is fucked up, simple as.
But sometimes, people show they arenā€™t all fucked up monsters.
Every little bit helps.


Ugh. Seagulls. Those thingsā€¦ Iā€™m living in a landlocked area and theyā€™re here, the scourge of fast food restaurant parking lots.

Funny enough, they prefer the A&W and avoid the McDonaldā€™s across the street. Soā€¦ our gulls have standards, I guess.

What they donā€™t have? The balls to fuck with the local corvid population. We have a lot of magpies and crows. Itā€™s a year-round avian gang war.

Anyway, not sure about the news story piece that inspired the artwork but I do hope the dog turned out okay. This picture is pretty amazing, inspiration source aside. Great job.


pigeons are cool D: not the pigeons ;n; ā€¦
but those shits though :

they are pigeon of the sea :v

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Is that a weevil? My insect identification powers are garbage.

Unlike pigeons, seagulls can take a punch in the beak and come back for more. :smiley:

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they are named ā€œgendarmesā€ in french xD and yeah, this is the same words for the rural cops :v
so google translate is no help


Iā€™m against violence on birds :v (knowing you can kill them easily : damage a wing, cause brain trauma etc ā€¦)
but pigeons are more brave considering their size. I rarely saw a seagul on the ground turning around people for food.


Just finished reading up a bit on it. Interesting!

We have similar pests in Canada. Uhā€¦ the bugs. Not the cops. Those are a different species of pest.

The gulls here stick to their parking lots. The locals are the crows and magpies and the borders shift all the time. Iā€™m largely a team crow supporter. They also seem to have taken to me since I started burying their dead when I come across them.

I stopped supporting the magpies when I watched them literally curb stomp a blue jay.

Birds are nuts.

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well for us itā€™s not pest (even though IT GROSSES ME OUT !!!) it live in forest and eat dead wood

and the ones I know (the seagulls), they are stick to the roof of houses, waiting for someone with food in the hand, roaming the halleys between bars, or shit-bombing a car, or just vibing on water (sea or river) and they beat every other kind of birds ^^ā€™

yeah :v they are wild, they are the offspring of dinosaurs after all xD

(and Iā€™m team sparrow :3 ā€¦ they are rare but still, always a delight to have one on your balcony *^ *)

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Oof. The number of garden pests is intense here. I plant stuff that entices the bees and birds and other stuff to consume the unwelcome. Right now, Japanese beetles are the bane of my raspberries.

Yep. That sounds like gulls without opposition. Punks. Be assured that in some places, theyā€™re getting their tailfeathers kicked by more hardcore birds.

Sparrows are adorable and very much a pleasure to see. They used to dust bathe in my front garden before I fixed it up.

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oh, we have some butterflies, slugs and snails here ^^ā€™ a true mystery when you know it didnā€™t rain at all the whole summer

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I just wanted to point out real quick that I removed the reference entirely. I donā€™t think itā€™s particularly the most disturbing thing Iā€™ve ever seen, but Iā€™d like to make a blanket rule about avoiding having such content be posted on the website in the future, even behind two spoilers.

This isnā€™t a knock on you, donā€™t worry! Itā€™s just that in the future, if you have references youā€™d like to share, please do it via external links, do not upload real animal abuse on the website. That stuff gets hosted and Iā€™m the one whose head ends up on the chopping block for it. No harm no foul, just keep it in mind in the future, thanks!

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