i keep having this idea of a “sketties-for-foals” machine, but instead it’s a “sketties-for-special-lumps” machine, encouraging fluffies to castrate each other like llamas.
self-inflicted sterilization for feral population control. and it’s not something they cant just make more of like babbehs, its the things they need to make more babbehs. male foals would end up highly sought after by both mares and stallions alike.
could lead to feral-on-domestic violence, but any good fluffy owner will have already had them snipped (or if youre a cheap fuck, you could just let it happen & your fluffy wouldn’t blame you for the loss of its special lumps)
this seems like an idea that ppl other than me would be able to do a better job with, so im dropping it here. Please, by all means, use it. :3c
What a horribly violent concept, it will lead to raiding parties of toughies and smarties going around ripping the dicks off of runaways and various strays. Hell if they get access to an actually owned fluffy and rip his off, it’ll almost certainly provoke the owner to get violent himself.
and feral stallions that get all self-important bc they still have their lumps & can impregnate all the baby-crazy mares make themselves into really REALLY easy targets hehe
Love it! But the real side effect would be the constant fluffy infighting in herds from them trying to constantly castrate each other. No fluffy would willingly give up their nuts but someone else’s. but either way they’re not breeding and they’re killing each other at a higher rate than ever.
That it a step further “Insert nonos for sketti” instead of loosing their balls they loose their dick, they don’t know the machine is gonna take away their “nonos” away leaves them unable to breed, but still with the lumps that cause the urge to breed. Plus if it doesn’t like burn the wound shut they’re likely to die from infection or blood loss.
Haha the cauterization of the mahcine not being set up right and acsidently leaving them with no hole to pee from.
Man that would make for an intresting abuse fic. A poor unfortunate alley way stalion who has to suffer being unable to pee sweeling up untill their bladder bursts…
Someone needs to write that. I’d volunteer, but I need sleep before I think about it.
Ooh,what about a beloved pet who gets neutered sloppily right before the weekend, whose bladder bursts because the owner goes on a sexy, romantic getaway?
That’s a good idea. It would have to be something relatively painless like a quick jab to the balls if a male backed up to it or it wouldn’t work out so well.
i think the bit that’s more fun is making the fluffies try to steal each other’s balls & not lost their own. like flag football but worse lol.
they could potentially trick the injection machine into jabbing them multiple times. and with the “insert no-nos for sketties” one, they would immediately cry to other fluffies about the “meanie sketty machine that ate their no-nos” (if they were crafty they’d trick other stallions into losing their dongs, but one of them’s gonna blab eventually)
You’d get a whole herd of eunuchs hanging around the sketti machine waiting for the next intact stallion