So I’m thinking of making a story. It is going to be a person who finds a fluffy foal with bad colors. The person will take the fluffy in. My question to you all is what should happen to them? I don’t know how to make a poll, so it will be multiple choice. I plan to make multiple stories, but for the first what shall happen?
A) the fluffy is taken in and cared for. (hugbox/neutralbox)
B) the fluffy is a brat and turned to a good fluffy (neutralbox)
C) the fluffy is an incurable little shite and gets abused (abuse)
D) the fluffy grows up fine, but becomes a bad mummah (neutralbox to abuse)
I mean, the question is why? Assuming she had experienced shit over being poopie. Just try not to make it go hellgremlin and say all fluffies are like this.
Eh I just like suffering in general although I really just want a well written downward spiral which D seems to provide.
No it’s fair I’m just sorta sick of all fluffies being evil and horrible, and illogical stories Like she needs to be corrupted somehow, or have some experiences to make her this way. I fucking love bad mummah abuse though.
But for it to have any impact there have to be gud mummahs in existence, otherwise why should I care if the demon is kill it’s spawn that will also become evil. If that was the case I’d just instantly milkbag it the minute it gave birth because then it’d be expected.
Yeah I’m thinking it will be structured like this: raising up → Good adult → wants babies → good while Preggo → Gives birth → becomes awful as it thinks only its good at being a parent and not its owner.
Yeah but that takes away from the satisfaction to an extent, for me a fluffy has to be an asshole to other fluffies for me to hate it. Cause if it’s not unless the abuse is funny it’s not very enjoyable to me.
Have the foal be spoiled. Don’t just have it turn suddenly
yeah but keep in mind I only suggested this as y’know its only it and its kids (barring the the breeding bit) and the owner, maybe it runs away after a while and suffers the consequences?
How about her experience making her an “inverse bad mummah” that will kill or neglect the good colored foals and favor the poopie ones?
This could actually be a thing in real life.
Oh that’s good that’s really good in-fact I think there’s a text post on the reddit like this
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Honestly I prefer A or B though, as I’d still kinda empathize with it. We really don’t have enough neutralbox that goes into what owning a fluffy would actually be like.
found the Gayroomate audio dub
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I saw it and in fact even when it tries to make you feel pity for the neglected foal I was utterly disgusted because even when it’s mother hates it and it’s starved it still glorifies itself as “pretty babbeh” and keeps calling the other foal “poopie babbeh” honestly I just wanted to crush it’s jaw so it would stop babbling it’s tear story.
But the story itself was good
Well at least it died at the end Eh? and some things just can’t be changed can they?
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Maybe go with option D but it’s a bad-mummah because it’s just so stupid and doesn’t know how to take care of another living being at all I haven’t seen classic fluffies stupidity in a long time. Or maybe you can go for the other angle where it knows it was a poopeh so it hates all of its babies that aren’t ‘ugly’