I need your help

Hi all!

I have a bit of a project id like to do but I require some help. I wish to make a database of every fluffy breed (not species like waterflufs though that could be an interesting project as well)

Here is what I would need:

  1. Consent from the original artists
  2. A name for the breed (by default the artists’s username)
  3. Art of the fluffies, especially artstyle tutorials as I also aim for this to be a reference of sorts

Now all I need to figure out is what the book will look like (reusing the creators work with permission vs drawing ilustrations myself) and how to go about this. If the interest is there I would love for this to be a community project but we will see how it goes.


I don’t draw. So I give you my permission to omit me from the book.


That sounds fantastic. I’ll throw my hat in the ring but I would still need to make tutorials for the two breeds I drew

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Hey I’ve done a lot of categorizing of my own stuff and its all got my signature on it so I consent!
All my lore n species are linked here!
How to draw guide (Because I also did that, what)

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Oooo, I’d love to help with this if ya need it! I for one have always drawn fluffies a little differently than most lol.

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Don’t forget Santanon’s Griffonfluffs created by Mattel’s Bio division. It’s a bit of old-ass OG fluffy lore from when the MLP connection was still pretty strong.


Sounds like you would be better off contacting the individual creators instead of making a general post