I want to make a catalog of all the subspecies and breeds that exist of these furry ponies
Boopco munchkins Boopco Branded Munchkin Fluffys (by Booperino)
An arduous but noble task. I will try and pitch in as many as I can. Do not that some of these stray somewhat from the “official”/general fluffy cannon.
Microfluffies: Tiny fluffies that grow at most to the size of a small mouse or regular foal. Visually identical to fluffies apart from their size
Cow fluffies?: Don’t remember the name but basically as it sounds, have thicker less fluffy fur. They have cow horns instead of unicorn horns and udders instead of crotch tits.
Aquafluffs: Amphibian fluffies that have a different body shape, fur and fins instead of legs.
Canibals?: Don’t know if you could call them a subspecies but basically identical to fluffies apart from having pointed teeth and different more uncanny eyes depending on the cannon
I’m very excited to see what you make!
I think you can see some examples in #fluffalo and #sea-fluffy or even #subspecies
does personal sub species count
I direct you to March of the Fluffies for more information.
Widely regarded by many (1) to be the seminal work on fluffy pony biology and herd dynamics, March of the Fluffies explores how herds, subspecies, and individuals interact.
(1) No one.
How have I never herd(yes that was intentional) of this? 17k words it’s going to be a long one but perfect read to further my knowledge of fluffies
We’ll, most of them were written about 8 or 9 years ago, so depending on how long you’ve been in the fluffy fandom, they’d be easy to miss.
Cannibals: are mutant fluffies with spiral eyes and jagged that eat other fluffies. But other than that, they are like normal fluffies.
Hunting Friends: are lab grown cannibals fluffies with cat eyes and pointed teeth. They can fly if they have wings. Longer, sharper horns. Are smarter than a standard fluffy. Sometimes mute, but can read and write. They can work with cannibals. They were made to hunt down and kill fluffies.
Well I know we have Bunny Fluffs, Bear fluffs, deer fluffs, jellenheimers which I think are like dogs? idk. And I also heard of a subspecies called terra fluffs where they have little ecosystems on their backs and are like those big turtles from movies and books, you know what i mean? But yeah those are the ones I know