Ice-cube's story Part 1 - Comic by Naughty_Fox

Hello! Here you have my latest comic, which is inspired by a drawing that I saw some time ago about a family of fluffies freezing to death. In fact, the first drawing of my comic is my version of said drawing that inspired me and which was drawing by Backstubb ( )

Enjoy! :fox_face:


I think the original one was by shaferarks ? I guess


Now he gets to die alone! Yay!


To be honest, I have no idea. I saw that drawing a long time ago and I barely remember the art style, just the concep.

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Well, his family was alreday death so i think that the only change was that bit of hope before he die on the freezer

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But this time, he’s in the airless dark.

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I remenber now, it was Disintegral work :slight_smile:


Now you’ve got a foal-cube to enjoy in your drink next time!


Even thought the foal has been cleaned I’m sure that It must taste like sh*t :laughing:

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Oh, nice. Are you absolutely sure? I would like give to him/her credit.

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Yeah! What do you think will kill him first, the cold or the lack of oxygen?

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As small and skinny as he is, the cold, unless he breaks himself running into walls in a panic.

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I think the first panel is very similar to this piece by backstubb but you’ve obviously fleshed the idea out way more

Its a great piece!


OM! Yes! That was the drawing that inspired me, i was looking for It. Thanks!

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alone AND in the darkness
double price

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Che Queres cervezas?
Dale, oye por que hay un fluffy en el refrigerador.
Para saber si esta andando.