This is one of my favourite fun facts, but some cheetahs are so anxious that zoos bring in golden retrievers to be friends with them. They’re raised together so that they’re best buds when they reach adulthood.
I figured something that’s literally programmed to be friendly and lovable would make a great friend for a cheetah. Also, cheetahs make chirping noises! I’m imagining a fluffy being confused that the spotty kitty munstah sounds like a baby.
It’s a very versatile concept too, it’s a peak hug box setup but you could also have it go wrong and the cheetah eats the fluffy. Or a feral Smarty sneaks into the enclosure and the cheetah eats him to defend their buddy. Or the fluffy gets the cheetah addicted to skettis and the zookeeper has to discreetly swap the skettis out for entrails and explain to the fluffy that these are special skettis for kitty munstahs. And then the fluffy is dumb enough to believe it which leads to it getting addicted to “kitty munstah sketti” because the cheetah wanted to share
I might write a story about this once I get the motivation to.
It’s a good concept,personally one of my favorite stories where a fluffie adopts a kitten ,only here would be more “Brothers” there is a lot of Hugbox material here.I’ve always wanted to do a story of a fluffie adopting a puppy and nurturing it until it becomes the protector of its family.
Fluffies plus zoos always seems to equal either something very sweet like this or something comically abusive like the FluffyChimera comic about the seafluffies getting fed to the crocodiles and I’m not sure which one I like more.
Shit, you’re right. Fluffies keeping cheetahs sane or chilling with capybaras in one enclosure, fluffies getting torn to shreds by hyenas in another. I gotta write that down.
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Well behaved fluffies and capybaras are something I would like to see, and if you want something similar with Sea fluffie, the manatis are known to be a loveable creature, they are the perfect companion to a well behaved sea fluffie.
Without wanting to tell you how to do your job, I would think of a merit system, where well-behaved fluffies earn points and misbehaved fluffies lose points, and when they earn a certain amount of points they become friends with friendly species. And as they lose them, if they reach a lower limit, be reduced to toys or food for predators. It is obvious to tell them in a disguised way that they are to be revealed, so that they do not pretend to be good.
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