The revelation revealed…munch! munch!
keep the non bright colored ones plz
acorn could teach them to work in the garden and be their daddeh, and he’d have new friends to play with, and of course more poop for the garden to grow.
that’s not a good excuse to forgive his mother’s debt
Yummy gummy fluffs-
Yes, that stupi mummah had his deserved and by the way his stinking foals served for something
I count eleven foals, wtf?
Is she a clown car?
Death to all trespassers
Huh, kinda anti-climactic, I expected stillborn, zombie plant foals, or the foals suddenly exploding into gorry messes with flowers popping out.
Hey, at least keep ones who the mare dubs the “poopie babbehs” they will be given a chance to live, while she and the foals die. I think that would be a good punishment.
Well they got spawnkilled
There we go. Feel bad for them, honestly, they didn’t deserve this, but what the hell, I’m enjoying this.
No babies for bad mummah. Time for nummah.
I’m so glad they didn’t make it.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand why so many wanted the babies to survive, but I was worried the community’s expectations would mess with the outcome of what Fallen had planned. IMO it would have been inconsistent if they made it (I know I know consistency in fluffy stories good meme)
She gave birth minutes after eating. Her debt is still in her body with interest.
Plus Acorn is an invalid now. He’s gonna need help or he’s gonna die.
Yes, leave no survivors. Don’t love all your babies, loose all your babies.
Debt…no debt…either way…foals are food!
Whoopsie!!! Forgot a couple on the ground!! stomps! there ya go, just trying to help!!
Lets see if the flowers eat the Mummah from the inside out in a gorey fashion!