Jail House Fluffy - By Hornlarry (Booru ID 41891)

Am baby fluffy
Love mummah sooo much!
Love milkies!
Love huggies!

See places open
Love mummah!
Love brothers and sisters!
Mummah have pretty blue fluff
Sister have pretty blue fluff too
Brother have pretty red fluff
Fluffy have pretty brown fluff
Love fluffy colours!

Can make wordies now
“Fwuffy wuv mummah!”
“Fwuffy wuv wun!”
“Fwuffy wuv pway!”
“Fwuffy WUV pway wiv baww! Baww am bestest game evew!”
Love wordies!

Toothies come
“Fwuffy am twy num kibbew wike big fwuffies!”
“Nuuuuu! Babbeh! Nuu num kibbew!” Mummah fluffy say
“Why nu num kibbew?” Fluffy ask mummah
“Scawy hoomins wiww come! Take babbehs!” mummah say
“Siwwy mummah… Fwuffy WUV toofies!”

Meanie humans came!
Said fluffy was “Ready”
Took fluffy away from mummah!
“Huuu huu huu… fwuffy hav saddies an miss mummah!”
“Nu wike be in cowd boxie!”
Fluffy cry for LONG TIME

Fluffy have new home
It am in pet store
Every day, human mummahs and daddahs come
Pick fluffies to be new friends
But no one pick fluffy
Say fluffy have “bad colours”
“Huuu huu huu… no one love fwuffy.”
“No one wan giv fwuffy huggies an love.”
“Huu huu huu huu huu…”

One day, nice lady come from “hugbox institute”
Say she need fluffies for “special programme”
Humans who live in giant sorry box, called “Jail”
Humans who live there, need new friends
Pick fluffy to be new friend!
Give fluffy name!
Name am “Biscuit”
“Fwuffy hav name? Weawy?”
“Name am Biskit? Biskit WUV nyu name!”

Nice lady take Biskit to human sorry box
Biskit meet nyu daddah!
Nyu daddah am name “Bubba”
“Hewwo daddah-Bubba!”
Daddah give Biskit strokies and scratchies
“Biskit WUV nyu daddah!”

Nice lady say goodbye
Bubba take Biskit to “cell”
Bubba sit Biskit down on table
“Wha? Daddah! Nuuuuuu! Huwties! Nuuuuuuuuuu!”
Daddah hit Biskit all over
Wowstest hurties! Wowstest hurties!
Daddah punch fluffy!
Daddah kick fluffy!
Daddah rip out fluffy fluff!
Daddah hurt speciaw lumps!
Daddah say am worthless, stupid shit-rat
“Nuuu daddah, nu am shit-rat!”
Daddah say, new name
New name am “Shit Biscuit”
“Nuuuu daddah, pwease nu caww meanie name!”
Daddah just give more hurties
“Nuuu! Pwease stawp daddah! Shit Biskit am sowwy!”

Shit Biskit no like human sorry box
Every day, Shit Biskit live in cold, dark sorry box
Every night, Daddah-Bubba give Shit Biskit worstest owwies
Shit Biskit cry all day long

One day, daddah say Shit Biskit have special job
“Nuuu! Daddah! Nu touch poopy place!”
Daddah-Bubba say, must deliver package to Spider
Put fluffy down in “Prison yard”
Fluffy have to walk over to Spider
It scary!
“Hewwo? Hoomin am Spidew?”
“Shit Biskit have package fow Spidew.”
“It am in Poopy-pwace.”
New human take Shit Biskit back to cell

New human say no am Spider
Say name am “Foal Fiddler”
“Why cawwed Foal Fiddwer?” Shit-Biskit ask
“Nuuuu! Nu touch no-no place!”
“NuuuU! Nuuuu Daddah! NUU AM MAWE! NU AM MAWE!”
Poopy place have wowstest owwies!
Shit-Biskit cry in puddle of poop and boo-boo juice

Next day, new daddah take package out of poopy place
Package am “wedged deep inside”
Dadday have to use “rusty coat hanger”
Daddah take out package
Put something else in poopy place
It am called “Shank”
Shit-Biskit have to deliver shank to Mexicans

This time, daddah put Shit-Biskit down on floor
Shit-Biskit crawl through cell bars
Have to crawl one, two, three cells
To Mexican human called Rodriguez
“Hewwo? Am Wodwigwez?”
“Fwuffy am cawwed Shit-Biskit.”
“Have shank fwom Foaw Fiddwer.”
Rodwigwez am nice daddah
Give Shit-Biskit nummies
Take out Shank from poopy place
Let Shit-Biskit sleep on bottom bunk

Next day, daddah am happy
Said that “Spider got shanked real bad.”
Give fluffy sketties!
Fluffy LOVE sketties!
Sketties am make mouth burny, but taste good!
Fluffy am so happy, fluffy cry
“Shit-Biskit wan live with Wodwigwez aww da tiem!”
Rodriguez just laugh
Fluffy am happy

Next day, fluffy have worstest poopy place owwies
“Why sketty poopies huwt poopy place so bad?”
Daddah-Rodriguez say “It am spicy sketties.”
Fluffy cry

Next day, guards do “random search” of cell
Find fluffy, and take fluffy away from daddah
Take fluffy to “infirmary”
“Hello fluffy” say human with worstest owwies
“I’m Spider” human say

“Nuuuu! Spidew! Nu mowe owwies!”
Spider say it am all Shit Biskit’s fault
Blame Shit Biskit for “shanking”
Spider have wowstest sorry stick
Called “Scalpel”
Give “Shanking” to Shit-Biskit
“Pwweeease! Nu mowe huwties daddah!”
“Nuuuu! Nu touch poopy pwace!”
Spider give poopy place wowstest shanking
“Nuu! Nu touch no-no stick! Nuuuuu”
Spider cut no-no stick in half!
Spider say have two no-no sticks now, boo-boo’s everywhere
“Huuuuu huuu huuu huuu huuu… No-no stick…”
“Huuu huu huu… No-no stick huwties…”

More guards come
Take fluffy
Give fluffy back to nice lady from “Hugbox institute”
Nice lady am “shocked”
Nice lady take fluffy home
Call fluffy Biskit again, and say am nyu mummah
Give fluffy nice home
Other fluffy friends
Kibbew to eat, and sketties on Sundays
But other fluffies make fun of Biskit
Call poopy-Biskit
Make fun of no-no sticks when mummah is gone

Fluffy love mummah
Biskit love other fluffies
But other fluffies nu love Biskit
Biskit always have wowstest owwies in poopy place
Biskit always have wowstest owwies in no-no sticks.
Biskit am dummeh-stoopid-poopy fluffy :frowning:

Link to Index of Hornlarry Stories


A short but sweet fluffy perspective story on life in the Fluffy Friends Prison Programme.


I guess some people got moved to death row after this. Or at least jail for life.


the other fluffys should get a stern talking from the mummah at the end of it, poor biskit ;~; i suppose it parallels how some ex-prisoners are looked down by society even when they were wrongly thrown in jail :frowning: but still, poor fluff


It is traumatically effective!