Hornlarry's Story Links - By Hornlarry

Here are links to all Hornlarry Stories
If there is a hyperlink, it should be working correctly. If any don’t work properly please let me or a mod know.

Jellyverse Stories - In approximate Chronological Order
This isn’t the order I wrote them in, this is the order the stories occur in the Jellyverse.
Hornlarry’s Jellyverse Headcanon

In an alleyway behind an Italian Restaurant, two fluffies live in a cardboard box. They are cared for by Luigi, who runs the restaurant, but when he has to go away for a couple of weeks, they have a series of adventures (mostly hugbox, but with some sadbox and abuse).
Abandoned Part 1
Abandoned Part 2
Abandoned Part 3
Abandoned Part 4

Combine Harvester
What happens when a Southern farmer lets his fluffy start driving farm vehicles? (Dark Comedy)
Combine Harvester - Includes Art by RipOffMcGee

Jelly & Snowflake
Claire is 12 years old and grieving the death of her dog. One day she sees fluffies in a store window, and buys them on impulse. But keeping fluffies turns out to be much harder than she anticipated.
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 01 - Be New Mummah?
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 02 - A New Home
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 03 - Settling In
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 04 - The Evil Fluffy Store Owner
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 05 - A Spoiled Fluffy
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 06 - The Birthday Party
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 07 - The Bad Fluffy
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 08 - The Great Escape
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 09 - Give Special Huggies
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 10 - Fluffies in Pain
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 11 - Be Mummah Soon
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 12 - Da Biggest Poopies
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 13 - The Poopie Baby
Jelly and Snowflake - Part 14 - The Evil Fluffy
EPILOGUE: Jelly and Snowflake - Part 15 - Claire’s Fluffies

Alice’s Fluffies
Occurring about the same time as Jelly and Snowflake, this is the experience of Claire’s six year old cousin Alice in keeping fluffies, with cameos from Claire and her fluffies.
Alice’s Fluffies - Part 01 - The Vets
Alice’s Fluffies - Part 02 - The Big Brother
Alice’s Fluffies - Part 03 - A Fluffy Party
Alice’s Fluffies - Part 04 - Mummah No More
Alice’s Fluffies - Part 05 - The Accident

Jelly’s Sorrow
Taking place directly after Jelly and Snowflake Part 14 - What happens to Jelly when she is sent to a shelter? (Abuse)
Jelly’s Sorrow - Part 01 - Jelly’s New Home
Jelly’s Sorrow - Part 02 - The Snake Daddy
Jelly’s Sorrow - Part 03 - The Pillowfluffs
Jelly’s Sorrow - Part 04 - Jelly’s Punishment
Jelly’s Sorrow - Part 05 - The Poopie Box

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy
The stories of Red Conan, the Snake Daddy, and Snowflakes Babies all occur around the same time. I’ve posted them in approximately the order that I wrote them on the Booru. If you want to understand the wider Jellyverse, I suggest you read them in this order.

The Snake Daddy - Part 01 - A New Job
The Snake Daddy - Part 02 - Sketty Land
The Snake Daddy - Part 03 - The Snake Cult
The Snake Daddy - Part 04 - The Franchise

Red Conan - Part 01 - The Riddle of the Stick - Includes Art by Great White Nope

Snowflakes Babies - Part 01 - Snowflake’s Sorrow
Snowflakes Babies - Part 02 - Wheel Weggies! - Includes Art by Unknown Booru Artist

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 01 - Red Conan’s Sorrow

Snowflake’s Babies - Part 03 - The Beach

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 02 - Free at Last!

Snowflakes Babies - Part 04 - New Mummahs
Snowflakes Babies - Part 05 - FluffyCon - Now Includes Art by 12Monkehs

Nana & Blueberry - Includes Art by Carpdime

Red Sonja - Part 01 - A New Mummah
Red Sonja - Part 02 - Bad Dancies

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy, The Wall, & The Truth About Fluffies
Red Conan continues his quest for vengeance against the Snake Cultist “Snake Daddy” who tortured and murdered his fluffy mummah, Jelly. Governor Quimby runs for President by promising to build a Wall to keep Canadian feral fluffies out of the USA. Meanwhile, Claire begins to learn the Truth About Fluffies, and the implications for her family.

It all continues to be a bit messy. If you read the stories in order, it should make sense

The Wall

The Truth About Fluffies - Part 01 - Alice

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 03 - The Snake Cult - Includes Art by Great White Nope
Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 04 - The Herd King

The Truth About Fluffies - Part 02 - The Protest

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 05 - The Rescue
Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 06 - Snake Daddy’s Herd

The Hangover - Includes RARE and BAD Hornlarry Art!

The Truth About Fluffies - Part 03 - Love

The Wall - Part 02 - The Interview
The Wall - Part 03 - The Scandal

Red Conan & The Snake Daddy - Part 07 - Wevenge!

The Wall - Part 04 - The President

The Truth About Fluffies - Part 04 - The Glow
The Truth About Fluffies - Part 05 - The Nightmare
The Truth About Fluffies - Part 06 - The Awakening

The Wall - Part 05 - The Chunees

A Thing Becomes


The Truth About Fluffies - Part 07 - The Reunion

One night, you find yourself in the midst of a strange dream…

Non-Jellyverse and One-Off stories, in Alphabetical Order

This series was my most infamous, and led to me rage quitting after a single anon targeted me on everything I wrote. It is a grim story about an actual psychopath, and not merely the edgelord abusers of most fluffy abuse stories. As such, it contains some human abuse and thus is tagged as a Controversial Stories tag.
Psychopathy - Part 01 - The Psychopath
Psychopathy - Part 02 - Uncinate Fasciculus
Psychopathy - Part 03 - Orbitofrontal Cortex
Psychopathy - Part 04 - Amygdala
Psychopathy - Part 05 - Machiavellianism
Psychopathy - Part 06 - Narcissism
Psychopathy - Part 07 - Sadism
Psychopathy - Part 08 - Without Remorse
Psychopathy - Part 09 - Parasitic Lifestyle

Psychopathy Season 02 - Take It All Away
A follow up, taking place about a year after the original Psychopathy series.
Take It All Away - Part 01
Take It All Away - Part 02
Take It All Away - Part 03

Choose Your Own Adventure - Little Sister’s Fluffies
Parts 1-4 were written for people on the Booru, but if there is enough interest I will continue this for people with new episodes
Little Sister’s Fluffies Part 01 - Pre-written for the Booru
Little Sisters Fluffies Part 02 - Pre-written for the Booru
Little Sisters Fluffies Part 03 - Pre-written for the Booru
Little Sisters Fluffies Part 04 - Pre-written for the Booru
[Little Sisters Fluffies Part 05 - Newly Written Chapter Coming Soon]
Update My dog has been very ill (she needed an operation on her ear) so I’ve not had the muse strike me for writing fluffy stories. I am planning the next part though, and it involves snow, feral fluffies and superglue…

Goldilocks Series
A daddy can’t stand his daughter’s fluffy, but can’t get away with hurting it, so he decides to mess with its mind instead (Mild Psychological Abuse)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Sock Monster - Includes Art by Carnivious Duck
Goldilocks and the Big Bad Wolf - Includes Art by Quickhorn

Babies for Christmas
A follow up to the Goldilocks Series, a few years later (same Daddah, different fluffies)
Babies for Christmas
More Babies for Christmas

One-Off Stories

A shelter full of fluffies goes on a very special holiday (Abuse, Wierdbox)

Dave the Impaler
A story about a group of friends who start an urban farm, growing weed in the abandoned ruins of suburban Detroit, only to have feral fluffies repeatedly eat their crops (Abuse)
Dave the Impaler

A fluffy lives happily with his human owner, until things start to go wrong (hugbox, sadbox)

The Fluff Factory
A fluffy mummah secretly gives birth in a hellish fluffy mill, and tries to save her babies (Abuse, Fluffymill, Conveyor Belt)
The Fluff Factory

Fluffy Billionaire
What would happen if a Smarty fluffy inherited billions of dollars? (Abuse, dark comedy)
Fluffy Billionaire

Foal Runner
Its all new gameshow on Fluff TV - FOAL RUNNER! (Abuse, Dark Comedy)
Foal Runner

Freddy the Humper
Freddy is in love with his mummah’s slippers, and wants to give them “Special Huggies” (Abuse-ish, sadbox, slipper humping)
Freddy the Humper

Halloween Fluffy
The sad story of fluffies bred just for a single holiday season (Abuse)
Halloween Fluffy - Includes Art by Carnivious Duck

Jail House Fluffy
What happens when the Hugboxing Institute arranges for Prisoners to be given fluffy friends? (Abuse, Rape, Shanking)
Jail House Fluffy

The Journey
How long will Lucy’s Journey last and why won’t daddah tell her? (Neglect, Dark Comedy)
The Journey - Includes Art by RQ.

The Lawn Invasion
What happens when a family of anthrofluffies have their lawn invaded by feral humans?
Lawn Invasion

The Lawnmower Man
When a fluffy hating man with Learning Disabilities with riding mower meets a feral herd (Comedy, Abuse)
The Lawnmower Man

The Machines
What happens when a feral herd discovers a foal in a can machine next to a sketties machine? (Dark Comedy)
The Machines

Orange & Laura
A very sad story told from the fluffy perspective - Warning - check the story tags before reading
Orange & Laura

Ranking System
What happens when a warehouse full of Fluffies are forced to compete to produce art? (Abuse)
Ranking System

A little girl gets a beautiful fluffy, and her dad rescues a former pillowfluff (Fluffy perspective, sadbox, hugbox ending)

Stuffy Fluffy
What happens when a fluffy is neglected in favor of a Stuffy toy? (Neglect, Psychological Abuse)
Stuffy Fluffy - Includes Art by Carpdime

World War Fluffy
What if the Red Fluffy Kingdom and the Blue Fluffy Kingdom went to war? (Weirdbox)
World War Fluffy

I’ll keep editing this and adding more links as I go. I’ll add a link to this Library at the bottom of all my stories from now on


Hmm it doesn’t display all the info unless you leave a comment does it?

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Very weird.

I really do recommend these, you can read up to where a couple of the ongoings left off and they’re still very long and satisfying stories.

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I keep reading your name as “horny larry” and it makes me laugh :joy: