Be fluffy
Fluffy name be Apple, cos of green and brown fluff
Am pillow-fluff
Had mean daddah
Daddah bought me, saying he needed a new friend for his fluffy called Roy
Daddah hurt Apple really badly
Cut of leggies!
“Nuuuu! Daddah! Pwease nu cut off weggies! PWEEEEAAAASEE!”
Put Apple in sorry box, and never let Apple out
Then… Daddah no give nummies to Apple
Soooo hungy… worstest tummy owwies
Daddah trained Roy to poop in sorry box
Only nummies for Apple were… poopies
Had to num poopies… huu huu huu
Was poopie-fluff for a long, long time
Then, one day, Roy nummed an “Lectrical Wire”
Thought it was sketties
Roy went forever sleeps
Daddah cried
Daddah loved Roy, hated Apple
Sent Apple to shelter
In shelter, things better
No sorry box
No num poopies
Have pillow
Have toys
Have some fluffy friends
Some fluffys no like Apple
Say mean things, and poop on Apple
Nice store lady give them sorry stick
Cleans up Apple fluff
Gives huggies
Never had huggies before
Gives nice nummies called Kibble
Apple LOVE kibble!
Mummahs and Daddah’s come, with little mummahs and little daddahs
Lots of little mummahs
Little mummahs say “Daddy? Can I have this fluffy?”
Daddah say, “Otay honey.”
Little mummahs always choose pretty baby fluffies
No want ugly green pillowfluffy
Apple cry for long time
Stop asking little mummahs if they want be new mummah
All Apple friend fluffys go away, to new homes
Apple too sad even to eat
Then, one day, little mummah come in to store
Little mummah am play with pink pegasus
Little mummah ignore Apple
But strange thing happen
Daddah look at Apple, and Daddah look sad
Sit down at side of pen, reach in and stroke Apple
Apple like strokies!
Daddah give Apple scratchies too
Apple like scratchies!
Little mummah say “Daddy? Can I get this pretty pink pegasus?”
Daddah say, “Okay sweety”
Apple know Daddah will leave now.
Apple be all alone again
But Daddah say “We’re gonna take this one too, I’ll look after him.”
Apple have NEW DADDAH!
New Daddah take good care of Apple
Give pillow
Give fluff TeeVee
Give Toys
Give huggies and scratchies lots and lots
Give kibble
Sometimes give nummies called SKETTIES
Apple LOVE Sketties!
Apple love Daddah and Daddah love Apple
Apple so happy in new home!
Apple so happy, Apple cry sometimes
New Daddah have name, name am Richard
New mummah have name, name am Sandra
New mummah have mummah too
Mummah-mummah am name Rebecca
Pink Pegasus am name Rainbow, because have rainbow mane
Rainbow am very pretty
Apple say “Apple wuv Daddah Wichawd, an mummah-Sandwa, an mummah Webecca, an Waibow.”
Daddah laugh at Apple, but say love Apple too
Rainbow help Apple
Bring toys
Stacks blockies with Apple!
Will change channel on fluff TV
Rainbow am so nice
Wish Apple could run and play with Rainbow
Daddah sometimes sit with Apple on lap
Watch hoomin TeeVee
Watch thing called “News”
Daddah watch news a lot
Sometimes, daddah get sad watching news
Sometimes, daddah cry
“Why cwy daddah?” Apple ask
“Its… I can’t talk about it…” Daddah say
Apple try give daddah bestest huggies
Make Daddah heart owwies go away
Sometimes, daddah have bad dreamies
Shouts in sleepies, screams too
Mummah Rebecca have to wake him up
She give bestest mummah huggies, and daddah ok then
Huggies fix heart owwies
But heart owwies come back
Sometimes, daddah not have bad dreams for long time
Sometimes, daddah have bad dreams every dark time
Sometimes, daddah watch news with Apple, and cry
Apple give daddah huggies, and ask “Wat wong daddah?”
But daddah no tell fluffy
Daddah take fluffy in carrier
Go to store
Go to vets
Apple no like vets, but it am only “checkup”
Then strange thing happen
Am loud BANG noise, it am balloon popping
Daddah get very afraid
Daddah start shaking, saying “I’ve gotta save him! I’ve gotta save him!”
Mummah Rebecca say it am “Panic Attack” and “flashback”
Daddah am crying
Mummah Rebecca give bestest mummah huggies
Have to take Daddah and Apple home in metal vroom monster
One day, Daddah have to go for Daddah “Check up”
Daddah take Apple, because Apple “good for nerves”
Apple sit on daddahs lap, give huggies
Apple am helping daddah! Help daddah feel calm
Daddah take Apple to place called “VEE-AY”
There are lots of other daddahs there
Some wearing white and blue not fluff- called Uniform
Some have green uniform
Some daddahs not have all four hoofies
Hoomin hoofies are called “Arms” and “Legs”
Have to ride in “wheelchair”
“Daddah, why other hoomins nu have weggies? Like Apple?”
“They lost them Apple,” says Daddah
Apple no understand, how could they lose leggies?
Daddah say it happen in place called “Irak”
When daddah see hoomins without leggies, he start to cry
Apple snuggle daddah
Daddah meet with nice doctor lady
Lady say she will help daddah
Help stop bad dreamies
Help stop heart owwies
Help stop “panic attack” and “flashback”
Say fluffy have important job
Huggies for daddah, good for calm daddah
Lady teach daddah “relaxation breathing”
Apple and daddah go to see nice lady every week
She talk to daddah, but mainly listen
Daddah start to tell her
About “Irak”
Daddah was in thing called “Marines”
In bad place, called “Fallujah”
Daddah had good friend, called “Danny”
Daddah start to have panic attack!
Nice lady help daddah calm down
Apple give huggies
Daddah do relaxation breathing
Manage to make panic attack go away
Next time, nice lady ask about Danny again
Daddah manage to keep calm this time
Apple hug daddah, and listen
Danny and Daddah were in Fallujah
Danny step on something, called EYE-EE-DEE
Danny hurt by splosion
Lose leggies!
Blood everywhere
Daddah hurt too, but only “knocked out”
Daddah wake up though
Daddah try to save Danny
“I’ve gotta save him! I’ve gotta save him!”
Daddah am crying, but not having panic attack
Apple am crying too
Daddah tried to save Danny, but Danny “bled out”
Danny am dead. That mean, forever sleepies
“Daddah am so bwave! Twy to save fwiend Danny.”
Daddah keep crying, Apple give huggies
Nice lady ask, does Apple remind Daddah of Danny?
Daddy say, yes, love Apple and save Apple
Because daddah no save Danny
Apple say “Fank you Daddah, Daddah save Apple.”
Daddah say:
“Apple, you’ve helped save me too.”