Twig & Leaf - by Oculus

~by Oculus~

>You are a Fluffy

>you don’t have a name

>you are a feral. The only life you have known is that of the herd

>the herd is made up of three stallions and four mares, and half a dozen foals

>all of them have different beautiful colours. One is red, one is blue, and so on

>the smarty has a nice beautiful rainbow coat

>and as for you, you’re the ‘poopie’, the runt

>you have a colour like mud

>or as the herd puts it, a colour like poop

>when it comes to feeding time, everyone eats first, you eat last

>when it comes to movement, the Smarty, the leader, goes first, you go last

>the Smarty and his mares gets to sleep in the best areas, you have to sleep next to the pooping grounds

>when it comes to danger, you’re the first to be sent out

>nobody in the herd likes you

>all the males shun you, including the Smarty

>all the females hate you and throw insults at you

>you sometimes wish you were dead

>you wonder why the Smarties father had not stomped on you when you were born

>The Smarty leads the herd

>he has a name. He calls himself Brite

>Brite got his name from his father, Shainee

>And Shainee got his name from his father, Wight

>“Gran-daddeh Wight”, as Brite calls him, once belonged to the hummehs

>but was then driven away from them

>Brite does not know why

>Wight and his special friend roamed the wild, and raised their babbeh, Shainee

>Shainee then led the herd, and picked up ferals along the way

>under Shainee, the herd used to be much larger

>Shainaee had at least twelve fluffies under him

>including two “poopies”

>your daddeh and mummah

>then one day, not long after you were born, half the herd was wiped out

>you know not why

>only that, one day, Shainee died and a young Brite had to lead

>you were raised by one of Shainee’s mares

>you were told that your mummah and daddeh died

>the herd hates you, but seems to have some use for you

>you look up to Brite

>he rejects you, but he is the smartie

>strong, confident and daring

>you feel it is an honour to be under him

>and he has a really lovely Rainbow coat

>you wish you were like Brite


>the herd raids farms

>they don’t stop at one particular farm, they move about

>this has been the practice since the time of Wight

>the hummeh munstahs are said to have been giving huwties

>but things are desperate. the nummies are getting low. and the herd needs new nummies

>tomorrow, Brite plans to raid an orchard

>it is said to have a lot of nice red nummies

>you were sent out night before

>so far, there was nothing

>the farm seemed deserted

>you walked a few paces, and there was no hummeh

>not even a bawky munstah

>just the nice sweet, red nummies

>you want to eat a nummie, but you remember the time you ate one, and Brite knew

>the punishment was severe

>you were forced to eat poop for one meal or recieve more beatings

>you hurry to the herd

“Wand is safe.”

“Gud. Tomowwo, hewd go.”

>of course, you will be eating last


>One of the mares is left back at a safe place in a forest

>one stallion, the toughie, is guarding her

>the foals are young and still need milk

>Brite leads the party, along with the other stallions and three mares, including you

>you bring the raiding portion to the farm

>Brite and company goes about collecting the nummies

>all seems safe


>you look up

>Brite’s once beautiful face is completely disfigured in the blink of an eye

>he falls down, into the forever sleep

>the herd reels in shock

>as they do so, a mare, brightly coloured yellow, gets the super fast huwtie

>you see the blood burst from her front leg

>the huwtie must have touched her heart


>one of the stallions cries, urging the others to escape

>just as he does so a huwtie hits mouth, and his teeth break

>a second huwtie hits his eye, and he falls down, into the forever sleep

>you don’t what is going on

>but it must the hummeh munstahs

>the whole thing is a disaster

>you run

>you don’t look back

>you keep hearing the silent “thwips”

>there’s even a bang

>but either every thing in your body, your instincts are telling you one, and only one thing


>get to safety

>you have to tell whats left of the herd

>you reach the safe place

>only to be greeted with the worst of horrors

>the nurse mare is forever sleepies

>there is a huwtie in her chest

>the stallion also has a huwtie

>he is still breathing, but the huwties are near his eyes

>he keeps saying those dreaded lines

“Wan die… wan die.”

>the foals are all dead

>the hummeh munstahs knew

>they knew all along

>your herd is doomed

>you hear the footsteps

>its the munstah

>you run, run as fast as you possibly can

>you run into the forest

>you keep running, until you fall, head first, into mud

>the smeww is terrible

>you;re covered from head to toe in it

>but thats the least of your worries

>you see the munstah towering over you

>his eyes are blue, and he holds a thing of iron

>his clothes fluff is blue, like one of the stallions

>he eyes glance towards you

>you stand still, breath abated

>he turns away

>you are puzzled

>but you hold your breath as you turn your head

>the hummeh munstah walks away

>you hear the mumbling of the munstahs

“Thats all of the shitrats, I think.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I thought I saw one of them get away, but I guess I was just seeing things.”

“Eh, fuck it. At least we finally got rid of this herd of fluffies. That rainbow coloured one was a real son of a bitch.”

“We should have killed old Joe’s fluffy after the geezer died.”

“Eh, nobody expected these shitrats to form a herd.”

>the figures of the twin munstahs start to get smaller, as they retreat into the place of death

>you breathe a sigh of relief

>for some reason, he didn’t see you


>you return to the safe place

>you check again

>everyone is dead

>even the foals



>two foals are still alive

>a nice blue one and a nice yellow one

>maybe things aren’t so bad

>you carry the two remaining foals on your back

>you need to find a new safe place, and with it, new nummies


>a forever has passed

>you have found a safe place, you think

>its a cave

>there’s no one in there, for now

>you are hungry

>the two babbehs are hungry

>they have started to learn how to speak

“Mummah, bestest babeh wan nummies. Giv nummies!”

>they have a bit of Brite in them

>you have to leave the cave

>hopefully if you’re fast enough, you can get enough nummies to feed the herd for a while

>its been a while since you left the cave

>you got some nice berry nummies from a bush

>should be safe, Brite had eaten these before

>you see the Birdie munstah

>it has a head like Shainee, a mouth like one of the mares

>it dives right into your cave





>you run

>the birdie munstah has both foals in its claw


>you cry and you chase after it

>but, while you can only waddle, the birdie can fly


>as the two brightly coloured foals and the birdie munstah are fade into the sky

>the last of your herd, gone

>as you cry, and look to the sky

>you think to yourself

>What do you do now?


>its been a forever

>you’re alone in the forest

>at times while sleepies, you sometimes say

“Wan die?”

>you are sad

>but you don’t feel like dying

>you want to find a home

>you want find a new herd

>find a herd that does like you

>you didn’t like the herd of Brite

>they called you poopie and they gave you a lot of huwties

>they even made you eat poop a few times

>and the babbehs didn’t like you

>But what do you do now?

>you wander the forest

>you’re able to eat the various nummies

>there are munstahs about

>but lately, you have learned something about your poopie colour

>as long as you are near mud, or in a bush, the munstahs don’t see you

>you have to be careful not to breathe though

>its a difficult life, but you get by

>you’re lonely

>one night, you dream

>you don’t say “Wan die”, like you sometimes do

>instead, you dream of meeting another fluffy like you

>with a poopie colour

>someone who understands you for what you are

>and would give you the huggies

>you have seen huggies before

>you’ve even seen special huggies

>you can only see them

“Wan… huggies…”

>your hoof goes down to your nu-nus

>in the past, Brite had caught you touching your nu-nus

>you were forced to eat his poopie as punishment

>but Brite is not here

>as you keep rubbing, and thinking, you feel something you never did before

“Feew… good…”


>there is a large thing in the middle of a forest

>made of stone, with a bright line like one of the mares

>you have crossed it from time to time

>you think to yourself, who packed the rocks so tight that it made this thing in the forest

>was it the hummeh munstahs?

>one bright shinie day, you are eating nummies

>you then hear a most ungodly sound


>startled, you run and jump into a nearby bush

>you peek from the bush, and see a munstah of iron

>it has leggies that are round

>its eyes shine a bright light

>and it gives a terrible sound

>from within its entrails, a hummeh munstah emerges

>its a hummeh missus

>she’s carrying a weird thing made of squares

>she speaks to the squarish thing

“Lets play hide and seek, Leafie. I want you to count to ten.”

"Otay mummah!

Wun… too…"

>The missus enters into the entrails of the beast

>the beast drives off

>the sound from the thing sounds unmistakably familiar

>you approach it

>you creep towards the squarish thing

“Faaai… sicks… se’en…”

>you move to the side

>you’re crouched down

>you think its a fluffy, but you had best be careful

>you decide to retreat to a nearby rock

>you peer from behind it

“Nain…TEN! Wedy or not, here cum fwuffy!!”

>like a chick emerging out of an egg, the fluffy comes out

“Don’t wun mummah! Fwuffy wiww fine yu!!”

>its another fluffy! He has a green coat. Not a nice brightly coloured green. An ugly green, with splotches of brown. He seems to be about your age

>he’s looking around

>he steps out of his “egg”, and walks about


>you can tell he has never been to a forest before

“Mummah? Fwuffy scawed.”

>you come out of your rock. Might as well give it a chance

“Oh, hewwo dere! You a fwen?”

>Friend? You never heard of that term before


“Fwuffy name iz Leafie! Fwuffy wiv wit nais daddeh. Baht daddeh forever sleepie. Daddeh had a babbeh, a mummah, and mummah geh me Leafie nummies!”

>a fluffy from the hummehs. Something like Grandaddeh Wight. But not a beautiful colour. A poopie colour

>the fwuffy ignores you, then keeps on walking, calling out “Mummah?”

>You’re not sure what to tell him

>but the iron munstah did go in one direction

“Fwuffy knoe not were yu mummah iz, but mummah’s munstah wen dat wei.”

>you point to where the munstah left, but Leafie paid attention to something else


>you nod

“A lotta munstahs awound 'ere. Gah ta be cawefwul.”


>you don’t know much about this fluffy

>but you got something to do now

“Wet go find leafie mummah.”


>you walk down the road

>as you do so, Leafie stops to think

"Hmm… fwuffy fwen need name… Fwuffy knoe!

Fwuffy wiww caww you Tweag!"


“Like a Twee! Fwuffy look like twee, bu no leafsies.”

>so you got a name

>at least he’s not calling you poopie.


>its been a forever

>Leafie is a nice fluffy. He tells you about the “See-tee”. How it is like the Forest, but with lights and rocky places instead of trees. He talks about the life he once had. His daddeh once gave him a very nice room, with all the toys and nummies a fluffy could ever want. Leafie spent his days as a foal watching FluffTV, building blocks and playing upsies with his daddeh. And skettis. Leafie loves to talk about skettis. You never heard about sketti before. It must be something wonderful. Leafie says it is the greatest nummie. A yummy sauce, with nice nummie balls, mixed in with very long nummies. Leafie teaches you words you never heard of before. He also explains to your words that Brite uses, but you never understood

>in turn, you teach Leafie the way of the forest. You tell him which berries to num, and which ones to not num. Which flowers are safe, and which ones give you the sorry poopies. And the mushrooms. Never eat the mushrooms or you get the weirdie sickies. You also teach him to duck into a bush when a munstah approaches, or to hide in mud


>he’s not use to it. But he shuts up when the munstah turns up

>as you keep walking along the stone thing towatds the See-tee, you feel a happiness you never had before. Leafie does not judge you or dislike you. And he has a poopie colour, like you. It does make you wonder

“Leafie fwuffy hav any uder fwens?”

“Oh, wots! But dey nu wike fwuffy. Caww Leafie dummeh and poopie fwuffy.”

>he’s just like you. Well, not exactly. He’s still a little weak and always scaredy. He’s bringing you to the Seetee to meet his hummeh mummah. You only know the hummehs are munstahs, but, from the way Leafie describes it, maybe they’re not all bad. You’re looking forward to experiencing the skettis, the FluffTV and the blockies

>a few forevers have passed

>in the distance, you can see the bright lights of the Seetee

>each line is like moon, shining brightly

>at darkie times, the Seetee comes alive with the moon lights

>in brightie times, you can see the tall grey trees

>they have no leaves, only trunks of blue and grey

>it all looks really nice. As you two walks towards the Seetee, Leafie sees a recognizable sight.

“Dere it iz!”

>Leafie waddles towards what he described as a housie. It looked like the farm, the place of death, but instead of the brown colours, this housie, as Leafie calls it, has a bright color like Shainie’s. It looks beautiful.

>You feel jealous of Leafie. You almost hate him. You wish you had grown up in that housie, while he lived in the poopie. You wish you had the happy life of FluffTV, blockies and sketti.

“Mummah! Mummah! Leafie wiww fine yu!”

>Leafie is ecstatic. But he stops in horror as he sees his mummah before him. Not as the nice hummeh he once remembered, but transformed into something terrible, with a sorry stick in hand, and hay attached to the end.

“The old man dies and I’m stuck with this retarded shitrat. I leave you in a box in the middle of the fucking forest and you come all the way back here.”



>the blunt end of the stick hits Leafie. He screes and reels in pain. This is followed by the hay side hitting him, pushing him further


>as the hummeh munstah comes towards your friend, you feel the memory of the birdie munstah and the hummeh munstah. You run up to Leafie. You’re a fluffy, but there is one thing you can do.

“Leafie, Wun!”

>you stand before the hummeh munstah with her weapon. You hunch up. You’ve seen Brite do it before some munstahs. You’ve never tried it before, but you’re worried for Leavie.

“Weave Leafie awone, munstah!”

>the hummeh munstah is puzzled. But then it grimaces. It lowers its stick. Leafie is behind you, sulking, as the hummeh munstah gloats.

“I’ll leave him alone, if you two never come back.”

>the hummeh munstah slams the door. The nice housie now feels like the place of death

>Leafie limps behind you. He’s shocked, and deeply saddened, his whole world has come crashing down on him.

“Huu… huu… Mama… no… wuv…?”

>You walk up towards him. He’s completely destitute. The life of comfort that he once had is now no longer available to him. He’s sobbing uncontrollably.

“Wha wiww Fwuffy dew? Fwuffy ha’ nothan…huu…”


"No baww, no bwockies, no teevee, no sketties, no ma ma.

Leafie ha nuthan…huu…"


“Leafie wan die! Leafie wan die! Leafie is nuthan…”

>you raise your hoof and slap Leafie

“Leafie! Mummah iz a hummeh munstah! Mummah haet yu!”


“Leafie! Tweag ne’er ha a mummah or a housie or a bwockie, but Tweag twy! Hummeh munstahs kill me hewd! All hummehs are munstahs!”

“N-n-no Twee…”

“WISTEN! Hummehs haet uz! Dey kiww Tweag hewd! An dey no wuv Leafie!”

>Leafie is shocked. He doesn’t want to believe you. Even you think what you’re saying is wrong. But you have seen enough of the hummeh munstahs that you had enough

>You hold Leafie with both hooves. You look into his crying eyes

"Leafie, wisten. We ha’ da forest. We ha each udder.

An’ Leafie, Fwuffy ne’er had a fwen untiw fwuffy met yu."


“Fwuffy ned you. Leafie iz nut nuthan! So wisten. We go bak to fowest. An’ we twy.”


As Leafie sulks into the forest, you take one last look at the housie. You can faintly see the munstah in the window. You blow a raspbery at her, then defecate in her direction.

“Onwy sorry poopies for da munstahs,” you mutter.


>one moon has passed

>Leafie is still limping. You have been licking his wounds. You sing one of the songs he taught you.

"Pain, pain, go away

Come akian anuder day

Fwuffy wanna pway"

>Nighfall comes, and you are sleeping

>as you sleep, you can hear Leafie, trying to sleep, but muttering

“Huu…Wan mama… but no mama… wan die… wan die…huu…”

>you nestle up to Leafie. You place your hooves around him

>you realize what it is. a huggie. No one ever gave you a hug, and you never gave a hug to anyone. But you always seen hugs. And as you hug Leafie, you whisper to him a song he taught you.

"Row row row yore bote,

gentwy down da stweam,

merriw merriwy merriwy,

Life iz but a dweam."

>you feel the warmth that you always wanted. Leafie starts to coo, and sleep soundly.

>Leafie is your herd now, and you must protect him


>Leafie has been getting better. The forest-place near the city is visited by hummehs, who love to bring what Leafie calls baskets. Sometimes, the hummehs leave behind a lot of nummies, an ample opportunity for the two of you to feed

>one day, the munstahs leave behind some weird objects. You have never see them before. They’re brightly coloured, but don’t look natural.

“This no nummie.”

“Oh, Tweag! This is baww!”

>Tweag moves the baww around with his hooves. The smooth round shape allows it to roll.

“An dis is blockies!”

>He shows you the two square things, and how they stack up. They have little symbols to the side, and can be put together to make bigger symbols.

“See Tweag! L-E-A-F! Leafie!”

>he moves the blockies again

“T-W-I-G! Tweag!”

>this is fun. The baww is fun. The two of you place the baww and bwockies in the basket, and retreat into the forest. You have seen some of the makings of the hummehs, and you now understand Leafie a little better


“Ca’ da baww!”

>Leafie and you have been playing baww for a good while now. The blockies are also fun to play during the rain. And one, nice, bright, day, during what Leafie calls the “Summa”, Leafie comes up to you and says,

“Wets pway Tag!”

>You smile, and say “Otay!”

>You then run like the wind. Or as fast as a fluffy waddle can call a run. You run through the forest as Tweag sprints after you.

“Hee hee! Leafie gon’ catch fwen!”

“Hee! Nuu can catch Tweag!”

As you run, you fail to notice a twig in front of you. You trip, and then you roll, your roly-poly body tumbling down the slope.


>A worried Leafie runs after you but also trips, the dummeh. Both of you tumble like roly polys until you land in mud.

>covered in da brown mud, Leafie looks for you. He’s worried.

“Tweag? Tweag?!”

>You burst out of the mud, and scream


“AAAH! Fwen scawed fwuffy!”

>You laugh. Leafie also laughs. The two of you laugh loudy in the mud. But as you keep laughing, the two of you look at each other. Intensely.

>Leafie throws his hooves around you. Its a huggie. He coos softly, “Fwen.”

>You smile, and hug Leafie back. The two of you remain in a hug for a long time.



>Leafie leaves the hug. Then, with his mouthie place, be brings his lips to yours. You never felt this before

“It a kissie.”

“A kissie?”

“A kissie for speshul fwends.”

>You try it on him. The two of you kiss at each other. Quick kisses at first. Then longer ones. You feel his tongue playing with yours. You have seen Brite do this with the other mares. But now you know what it is. And you’re doing it with Leafie.

>The two of you crawl out of the mud, then head to a nearby stream to smeww pretty. While you’re bathing, Leafie licks your ear.

“Tweag taste nice.”

>You chortle.

>After climbing out of the stream, and while walking towards the safe place, Leafie finds a flower. He then gives it to you.

“For my fwen.”

>You smile.


>It is night

>both Leafie and you have been giving each other a lot of huggies and kissies

>the two of you can’t stop

>it just feels so… nice

>Leafie looks at you.

“Fwuff fee’ hawt.”

>you want to suggest him to go to the stream to coo’ down but, the thing is, you also feel hot. And its not quite the same kind of “hot”.

>you can feel Leafie’s hooves touch your nu-nus. He’s rubbing them while kissing you

>you never tried this before. You let your hooves reach his nu-nus. You’re a mare, and he’s a stallion. You can feel the length of his special nu-nu. He’s big. About as big as Brite when you’ve seen him give his special huggies to his mares

“Ver’ speshul fwen.”

>The two of you keep kissing while playing with each other. You then turn your back, and raise your rear to Leafie, inviting him.

“Giv’ speshul huggies.”

>Leafie mounts you. You feel his nu-nus go into your nu-nus. Its weird at first, but,as he keeps moving. It feels good. Even better than the time you did it with your own hoof.

“Enf enf enf.”

“Enf enf enf.”

>You both moan in the cave. Two special friends, alone in the forest. The two of you keep going faster, and faster, until,


You can feel Tweag’s sticky goo enter your nu-nus. You coo and say, “Good feews.”


>You don’t know how many times the two of you have done this. But its definitely a lot. And then, one day, you feel like you can’t move.


>Leafie is worried for you.

“Tweag! Is speshful fwen otay?”

>As he places his hoove on you, he rubs your tummeh. He then feels a kick.

“A tummeh babbeh! Tweag is a soon-mummah! And Fwuffy is a soon daddeh!”


>You are Leafie

>you got a very important job to do

>you’ve got to get nummies for your soon-mummah

>you’re still new to all of this

>your special friend, Twig, has been helping you along the way

>she’s a good friend. Better than the friends you had when you were living in the Seatee with your daddeh

>and now she’s your special friend

>lately, she became a soon-mummah, and has found it difficult to move

>you need to get the nummies for her

>its tough but, you know how to hide from the munstahs and get the food

>you’ve loaded up on berries. This should be good enough for the day

>as you walk towards the cave, you hear a cry above you

>you see what it is

>a birdie munstah!

>the birdie swoops down, and is heading in the direction of-

>your cave!

>you run! Leafie is in danger!


>You are Twig

>you want to run about and play, but it has been more and more difficult lately

>Leafie has been doing his job of getting you nummies, but you feel worried for him all the same.

>suddenly, you hear the cry of the Birdie munstah!

>and before you know it, it stands before you.


>you are afraid. But you had enough.

>you get on all fours. Despite the pain, you look the munstah in the eye

“Weave Fwuffy awone!”

>The birdie lunges at you, but you throw a hoof at his face

>the two of you tussle until you see a figure peak into the cave

>It’s Leafie!"

“Speshul fwen!”

>He leaps into the air, and lays a hoof upon the munstah wing

>as he hammers his hoof away at the wings, the munstah cries

>the Birdie munstah runs away, screeing in pain

“Yeh, go away dummie birdie munstah! An ne’er come back!”

>the birdie munstah is gone. Both Leafie and you breathe heavily.

>He then hugs you.


>You are Leafie

>you’re still new to all of this

>but you’ve been getting better at finding nummies

>and also at hiding

>you can’t fight all the munstahs

>but you try

>fighting and scaring off the birdie munstah has awakened a sense of daring in you

>you may not be the leader, but you feel stronger

>you don’t miss the life you once had in the housie anymore

>carrying the nummies in your mouth, you carry it to your speshul fwen


>You are Twig

>you once never had a name

>and once you were only the poopie member of the herd, the last to eat, and the last to leave

>but now you’re the head of a family, a special friend, and soon, a mother

>you can feel the pain coming. Leafie is nearby

>you cry out


>as you push with all your might, you hear a sound you have not heard in ages, since your first fight with the birdie munstah


>Your babbehs are born. One is brown, like you. And has a horn. There’s another, a female, with nice brown green mix. She looks just like her daddeh. There are few more babehs that come out, but they’re all a mix of the same shades of brown and green

>this is a good, you feel. Your babbehs do not have the bright colours of Brite’s herd, which will make hiding from the munstahs better. And in time, your herd will grow stronger

>You are Twig. And this is your herd.


The second story I wrote to the booru, now uploaded to the new website. I’ll be uploading my Fluffybooru textposts over the course of this week and the next before I start uploading new content.

Pastebin entry: Twig & Leaf -

This particular piece is not yet on the reddit, but will be uploaded later.


Camo fluffy herd! I love it.


Poopy Fluffies are superior in survival but not in business

Colourful fluffies are superior in business but not in survival


I really like stories with smart, tough fluffies. A good break from the usual retarded mutant horse content.


That made me wheeze.


I wonder if I should apply the site’s unique formatting to this piece. It was written in greentext, but the sites formatting is an interesting thing.



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I liked it a lot, congratulations

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In the end I felt listening to epic music from Fluffy looking at the horizon!

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