Jelly and Snowflake - Part 10 - Fluffies in Pain - By Hornlarry (Booru ID 38784)

Claire was devastated. When she got home from school that day, she found that her dad had taken the afternoon off work, to rush Jelly and Snowflake to the vets. Apparently a pack of feral fluffies had attacked them, as somehow they had gotten out of the house! They were both hurt really badly, and Snowflake needed an operation. Claire’s mom had rushed her to the vets as soon as she got home, and they found her dad sitting in the waiting room, with a bandaged Jelly sitting on his lap.

“JELLY!” Claire cried and ran straight to her, with tears streaming down her face.

“Mummah!” Jelly croaked, as if she were barely able to speak.

“What happened?” Claire asked, placing her hands on either side of Jelly’s face and rubbing her nose against the fluffie’s snout.

“Bad fwuffies… in da gawden… huwt Jewwy… an Snowfwake… but Daddeh save us.”

“How? How did they get in the garden?” Claire asked, looking up at her dad.

“I think they got out through the dog door. We should have locked it, but I didn’t think they could get out of the utility room. One of us must have left the door open.” her dad sighed.

“Where’s Snowflake?” Claire said, looking around and feeling really worried.

“She’s having the operation now,” her dad explained. “She’s hurt real bad honey, but the vets can save her, don’t you worry.”

The operation lasted for over an hour. Eventually, the vet explained that one of Snowflake’s legs had been so badly broken, that they were unable to set it, and it had to be amputated. Also, her left eye had been badly injured, and they were unable to save it, so it had to be removed. She had also lost several teeth from being hooved in the face, and had bruises, scratches, and bites all over, as well as quite a bit of fluff which had been torn from her body.

Jelly was hurt as well, though not as badly. She also had cuts and bruises all over, and her mane had been all but torn off, ripping her flesh so badly that it needed stitches. Both fluffies were bleeding from their private parts, but no permanent damage was done. The vets also said that it was very likely that both of the young fillies were pregnant.

Claire took her fluffies home, and gradually nursed them back to health. On the very first night, Claire put Snowflake into her bed very carefully, worrying that Snowflake wouldn’t wake up in the morning. She moved the Fluffies bed and litterbox back into her bedroom for the first few days, just until she was sure they would be OK again. That night, she saw Jelly cuddle up next to her sister and lick her face, but Snowflake just slept, due to all the drugs the vets had given her.

“Nu hav fowevew sweepies Snowfwake… Jewwy wuv sissie… wiw giv bestest huggies to make owwies go way… huu huu huu…”

Claire and Jelly were both worried that Snowflake would never wake up, but the next morning she did.

“Mummah!” Claire heard a fluffy crying at about 5am in the morning. She scooched out of bed as fast as she could and went over to the fluffy bed.

“Mummah… Snowfwake hav wowstest owwies… hu hu hu… wat happen?”

“Some mean fluffies attacked you and Jelly, but you’re safe now,” Claire said, stroking her fluffy tenderly.

“Daddeh saved us,” said Jelly, licking her face.

“Oh huuu huuu huuuu… Snowfwake remembew… huuuuu huuu huuuu… meany fwuffies huwt snowfwake weaw bad… huuuuu”

“Am sowwee Snowfwake…” said Jelly, starting to cry.

“Mummah… can no see pwopewwy… wat mattew wiv see-pwace?” asked Snowflake, still sobbing.

“I’m sorry Snowflake, your see-place is gone,” Claire explained, starting to tear up.

“Gone…” Snowflake said, “wiww it come back?”

“I’m sorry Snowflake, seeing-places can’t ever come back,” Claire replied, tears pouring down her face now.

“Huuu huuu huuu… see-pwace gone fowevew… speciaw pwace huwt weaw bad, and weggie, weggie huwt sooo bad.”

“Weggie gone too,” said Jelly. “Da vet man had to ampwutate.”

“Ampwutate? Wat is ampwutate?” Snowflake asked.

“It means they had to chop it off. Its gone too, and won’t ever come back.” Claire said, sobbing as she did.

“Nuuuuu… fwuffy wost weggie and see-pwace… huuuu huuu huuu…”

Claire and her fluffies cried a lot over the next few days.

After a while, the fluffies started to recover. There was a scary moment when Snowflake started bleeding from her vagina, and had to go back to the vets. They discovered that she had been hurt more badly than they originally realised, but managed to give her some internal stitches, and sent her home the next day.

Jelly recovered quickly, but much of her mane would never grow back, as it had been torn out at the root. Still, she could get around easily, and Claire was impressed that she started to use the litterbox every time she pooped. Claire was even more impressed that Jelly helped her sister limp to the litter box as well, so that she could make good poopies. Jelly and Snowflake started being much nicer to each other, and to Claire, and Jelly in particular stopped demanding treaties all the time.

Claire fed them sketties several times, both to help them heal, and to overcome the shock. Eventually, Snowflake managed to walk on her own again, but she would always limp, and couldn’t play chasing games with Jelly anymore. The fluffies cuts and bruises and bites healed up, but Claire noticed that they were much more jumpy and scared now, as well as much more sad.

A week later, Claire noticed that both of the fluffies were getting swollen bellies, so she took them to the vets again for their checkup. The vets said that both of the fluffies were pregnant, which was not surprising considering what had happened to them. The vets explained that Jelly should be fine, but that there was a chance Snowflake might have complications. They offered to abort the pregnancies, but Claire decided that she couldn’t put the fluffies through any more suffering or operations. This caused a row with her dad.

Claire’s dad didn’t want any more fluffies in the house, let alone the “offspring of feral shit-rats”. Claire begged her dad not to abort the pregnancies, and her dad eventually relented. Claire agreed that she would explain what was happening to the fluffies, would look after them during the birth, would take care of the babies when they arrived, and would understand when the time came for the babies to find a new home to live in. Secretly, Claire hoped she might be able to keep one or two girl babies.

Claire’s father was not impressed. He got back from the vets and went straigt to his tool shed. Closing the door behind him, he locked it and turned on the light. The tool shed stank of piss, shit and fear.

“Hello Freddy,” Daddy said, looking at the fluffy tied to his workbench.

“Pwease… nu huwt fwuffy nu mowe…” the fluffy croaked, barely alive from days of abuse.

“You’re right,” daddy said, “its time to let you go, you have suffered enough. Here, have some water.”

“Need wawa,” the fluffy croaked, as it was severely dehydrated. It sucked on the damp sponge that daddy placed in its mouth.

“What do you say?”

“F-fank you daddy.” Freddy mewled. “Am daddy weawy going to wet fwuffy go?”

“Yes. I’ve just found out that Freddy is going to be a daddy too. His speciaw friends Jelly and Snowflake are going to have baby fluffies, and I need you to help look after them.”

“Weawy? Fweddy am be daddeh? Wiv babbehs?”


“An daddeh wan Fweddy wook aftew dem? Giv huggies an pway? Find nummies?”


“Nu?” said Freddy, confused.

“No, you’ll never be a daddy, or give hugs, or play with babies, or help them find nummies. You won’t do anything ever again. I’ve just come to give you more huwties and biggest owwies, and I wanted to make you cry first, you stupid piece of shit”

“Wah? Nu! Nuuuuu! Daddeh am mean… wan be wiv babbehs an giv huggies… huu huu huu…”

“Well, you’ll never giv any huggies ever again. Especially not any special huggies I think its time I shop something else off.”

“Nuuuuu! Nuu take any mowe weggies! Fwuffy need weggies for wun and pway!”

“You stupid fucking shit-rat - I chopped off your back legs with a shovel last week, and I sawed off your front legs the other day. I’ve already chopped off your tail and mane, so now there’s only one thing left to chop off.”

“Nuuuu! Nu chopping off! Fweddy nu wike! Pwease daddeh!”

“What is left to chop off? If you can guess I will make it quick”

“Huuuu huuu huuu… Fwuffy nu know wat weft… daddeh aweady take weggies an eaw an mane an taiw… huuu huuu huuu…”

“There’s only one thing left to chop off now… its your no-no stick and special lumps I’m going to slowly chop them off with some of my tools, and I’m going to do it very slowly and very painfully. It will be fun.”

“NUUUUUUUU!” Freddy screamed, as daddy drew closer.

Part 11>>

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Understandable reaction. I would still not condone it, but seeing your daughter’s pets get raped, beaten up, scarred for life both in body and mind…

I can definetely understand him wanting the perpetrators to go through the same hell they did.


I’d have a beer with Claire’s dad, looks like a chill guy.


based dad is based, at least someone in the family is dishing out some justice