“Shitbrick? Oh Shitbrick?” I called out to the pillowed fluffy pony in the darkness of my cellar.
“Huu huu huu… weggies… huu huu huu huu huu,” the pitiful fluffy wept, his pitiful head protruding from hole in the side of the sorry box which was otherwise his prison. “Daddah? Fwuffy wan weggies back. Fwuffy wan no-no stick back… nu wan wowstest huwties… Huu huu huu huu huu.”
In any other context the shit-rat’s pathetic wailing would irritate me, but now, the sounds of its suffering were the sweetest nectar to me, nourishing my blackened soul. I had slept like a baby that night, and awoken early, creeping down to my wine-cellar to witness the further suffering of the creature.
“Pwease daddah… fwuffy wiww be gud. Can hab weggies back? And no-no stick?”
The idiotic creature had no idea that its legs and penis were gone forever. Its unreasonable hope that I might return them irritated me though. I needed the fluffy pony to be utterly crushed, and without hope. Its fantasies of having its limbs returned to it would simply not do. Looking over to the table with its pile of mashed and bloody limbs gave me a wonderful idea.
“You mean, these leggies?” I asked Shitbrick, pointing at the legs, sticky from its congealed blood. Fluffy pony biology was a wonder of science, with quick clotting blood, to help them survive “accidents” such as little children dropping them on the floor. It made them perfect for my needs.
“Yes! Can Bwowny hab weggies back? Weawy?” the thing asked me, hope shining in its eyes once more, “An no-no stick?”
“Ah ah ah,” I said, tutting and shaking my head, “Your name isn’t Browny any more is it? What is your new name?”
“Huu huu,” the fluffy pony snivelled, “Fwuffy nyu name am… Shitbwick.”
“That’s right Shitbrick,” I said, salivating at his delicious misery. “And don’t you forget it. Now, about those leggies.”
Moments later, I had the fluffy sat on the counter-top of my kitchen, the staff temporarily shoed away, so that I could continue Shitbrick’s torment. I put some olive oil into a pan, and put it on a high heat. The fluffy looked at me hopefully from his sorry-box prison, his little head poking out of the hole I had had cut in the side, looking at the pile of legs and his mangled and shrivelled penis, as if he was expecting some daddy magic to restore him.
But there is no magic. Not in our universe. The universe is cold.
“I wonder, Shitbrick… have you ever heard the expression, its a dog-eat-dog world?”
“Huu,” sniffed Shitbrick, before responding to me, “Nu… fwuffy onwy know dat dogs am bawky munstahs.”
“Indeed,” I replied, pondering his simplicity, “But the point is, not all of us can be the top dog. Not all of us can be the predator. Some of us eat. And some of us are EATEN”
I leaned in closer and rasped the last word at him, making him flinch away, wishing to retreat further into his sorry box prison, though it was barely big enough for him to move inside.
“You see, little Shitbrick. I am the top dog here. And you. You are the lowliest shit imaginable. I can do whatever I want to you, and what I want to do is… eat all your leggies.”
“Wha?” gasped Shitbrick, as it dawned on him what I meant, “Nu! Nu num weggies! Fwuffy need weggies fow wun an pway! An fow gib babbehs huggies!”
“I’m sorry Shitbrick, I truly am. But you have been very bad and need to be punished.”
And with that, I began to chop his mangled legs into thin strips, before placing them in the frying pan.
“Nuuuuuu! Weggies!” Shitbrick wailed and begged.
As I ate his legs in front of him, I fed as much on his tears and utter despair as I did upon his flesh. Shitbrick choked on his tears between his screaming and begging, and when I finally fried his penis in some sesame oil and chopped garlic, his despair was absolute. I made a point of leaning in close as I fastened my titanium teeth around his once proud member, and consumed it in front of him, destroying any hope he had remaining in a single bite.
“Nuuuuuuuuuuu! Daddah! Why num fwuffy no-no stick? Huu huu huu… Fwuffy nu can hab speciaw huggies, ow gud feews, ow babbehs… ebah again! Huu huu huu huu huu!”
It was then that I decided to return Shitbrick to his shit-rat family.
“Greeny? Oh Greeny?” I called out, entering the ball-room that I had converted to a fluffy safe-room. In the distance, I could see the fluffy foals running back to their mother.
“Quick! It am munstah daddah!” I heard one baby chirp.
Carrying Shitbrick under one arm, I strode over to the fluffy family, to see the foals hiding, huddled in their mother’s fluff. The red, blue and brown foals were hiding their faces in their mother’s fluff, but the green foal, who had once been a pegasus, like her mother, was sat shivering in front of Greeny’s face. It was clear that the mother had been grooming and licking her all night, trying to make her wingies grow back, so pathetic was their hope.
“Speciaw fwiend!” wailed Shitbrick, breaking the silence.
“Bwowny!” squeaked Greeny, looking up at her mate, “Why inside boxy? Mummah need hewp! Wingy babbeh hab wowstest huwties!”
“There is no hope for your baby.” I simply told her. “And your special friend has a new name now. Tell her your name,” I commanded, glowering at the broken thing.
“Huu huu… Fwuffy nyu name am… Shitbwick…” he wept, ashamed to be seen in front of his family like this.
“D-daddah?” chirped the blue baby, bravely looking up from its mother’s fluff.
“Babbehs! Oh babbehs!” Shitbrick wept, his love and joy mingling with his despair.
“Daddah!” the babies called out, confused at their father’s misery.
I gently set Shitbrick’s sorry box down on the floor, inside the fluffies litterbox, which I had not bothered to train them to use, considering I had staff to clean up after them. In spite of this, they did seem to use it about half the time.
“This is your new home Shitbrick. From now on, you will eat nothing but shit. Fluffies!” I yelled at the others, “From now on your daddah is called Shitbrick. If anyone calls him anything else they will have WORSTEST HURTIES and I will NUM one of their LEGGIES. You will shit in your father’s food bowl. It is all he will ever eat, or he will die of starvation.”
The fluffies were stunned into silence for a moment, then all began wailing, weeping, chirping and begging at once.
“Fwuffy nu wan num poopies!”
“Dat am mean name!”
“Daddah am munstah!”
“Do you reject my rules?” I simply asked them.
“Daddah am meanie munstah!” the red baby declared, defiantly stomping its hoof on the ground. “Wet daddah go ow get wowstest hoofie owwies an sowwy poopies.”
I blinked and looked at the idiotic creature for a moment, then replied, with my fist.
I smashed the fluffy pony foal into the carpet, punching it again and again and again with my iron fist, until it was nothing but a pulp of flesh and blood, spreading out into the carpet.
“Wed babbeh!” the mother and father cried in unison.
“Bwuddah!” the other babies wept.
“NOW!” I roared at the top of my voice, “Do any other fluffies want to break my RULES?”
After that moment, I no longer experienced any disobedience.
After a proper breakfast, I decided to watch the fluffies on my security cameras, to see how they would react when I was not there to enforce discipline. It was entertaining at first, but then their natural instincts kicked in, which disgusted me.
For a long time, Shitbrick wept, ashamed to be seen in his crippled state, even though his dismemberment and emasculation was hidden within the box. In contrast the mother fluffy was stunned into silence, once she finished weeping for her pulped red baby. Blue, Brown and Greeny-wingy were cowering in her fluff, trying to hide away from the cruel uncaring world and the monster daddah I had become. It was a long time before any of the fluffies spoke to one another.
“Speciaw fwiend!” cried Shitbrick, “Fwuffy am so hungey, pwease bwing nummies to fwuffy…”
Greeny looked up from her babies.
“But… daddah say Shitbwick nu can num nummies… can onwy num poopies naow?” she said, not wanting to disobey my orders.
“Huu huu… munstah daddah nu am hewe naow… pwease gib nummies… Fwuffy nu can mobe in meanie boxie…”
“Nu! If gib Shitbwick nummies, daddah wiww gib moaw babbeh fowevew sweepies!” the mother cried out, beginning to weep again, “Mummah mus pwotect babbehs, tiww dey am big an stwong!”
“Huu huu huu… Nu am cawwed Shitbwick… Dat am meanie namie! Fwuffy am Bwowny! Fwuffy am speciaw fwiend!”
“Nu!” Greeny shouted, getting angry at him endangering her brood. “Shitbwick am dummeh poopy fwuffy naow! Make daddah angwy! Teww daddah to huwt bestest babbeh! Make daddah gib wed babbeh fowevew sweepies! Naow Shitbwick can onwy num poopies!”
And with that, she strode over to the litterbox, and shat all over the face of her until recently special friend, covering him in her turds, and leaving plenty more in his food bowl for him to eat.
“SPECIAW FWIEND!” Shitbrick bawled, finding her betrayal even more painful than my own.
He wept for a very long time, and didn’t eat for two whole days.
But eventually, he was simply too hungry, and began to eat his own family’s shit.
Oh the fun I had.
Every day, I would torment Shitbrick. I would goad him, taunt and tease him, make him tell me his new name, and kick his box around the room. If he spoke back to me, I would insert hot chillies into his nostrils and asshole, which quickly made him learn to keep silent.
But that was not the best of it. The best thing to do was play the fluffy family home videos I had made of him running and playing with his foals, of him cuddling and enfing his special friend, of him eating the most delicious sketties, just a few days ago. Making him watch these videos made him wail with despair, as he realised everything he had lost and could never regain. I always ended a home video viewing by personally shitting on his face.
The creature was truly broken.
The other fluffies were obedient and quiet, doing as little as possible to draw attention to themselves. I made a point of being delightfully nice to them, insisting on stroking and cuddling them with my claw hand and iron fist, even as they quaked and quivered in terror. I fed them sketties and made them say “Fank you daddah”, all to provide contrast to Shitbrick’s relentless misery.
It was delicious.
The next day, I was furious. It transpired that the brown foal had been sneaking kibble to his father, breaking my rule that his diet would consist solely of shit. I knew I had to punish the baby fluffy, and severely, in order to make an example of him to the others.
“BROWNY BABY!” I yelled, making the fluffies scatter and hide.
After a few seconds of searching, I found the foals hiding under a My Little Pony blanket, hoping beyond hope that I would not find them.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” I roared, grabbing the brown foal by its fluff and hauling it in front of my face.
“Bad upsies!” the baby wailed, shitting all down my claw hand arm.
“YOU! You have broken the RULES!” I yelled at it, straight in its face, as it wept and begged. “And for breaking the rules, you will lose something special!”
“Nuuu! Daddah! Pwease!” begged the brown foal.
“Nu huwt Browny babbeh!” his mother wept
“Daddah…” was all that Shitbrick could manage to croak from his excrement encrusted prison.
“It is TOO LATE!” I told them, squeezing the crap out of the small brown foal, before dangling its back legs into my mouth, and biting down hard with my titanium teeth."
“SCREEEEEEE! SCREEEEEEEE! SCREEEEEEE!” the baby howled like a banshee, barely pausing for breath as I ripped its legs from its body, and quickly chewed and swallowed them.
Blood poured from its leg stumps and its little penis peed all over my carpet. Seeing its tiny lump of flesh in front of my face angered me further, so I went in for another bite, ripping its cock and balls from its body, provoking yet more screaming and shocked disbelief at the sudden violence.
“THERE! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?” I asked the fluffies, spitting the foal’s genitals into his father’s face. “You broke the RULES! You fed Shitbrick KIBBLE! He is to eat nothing but shit! Now, shit on him! Shit on your father’s face, or I swear I will eat ALL OF YOUR LEGS!”
I then sat back and watched as the remaining fluffies scurried over to their weeping father and shat directly onto his face. Meanwhile, the brown baby slowly dragged himself over to his mother, his bleeding rear leg stumps and amputated genitals leaving a trail of crimson on the grass-green carpet.
“This is what happens if you disobey me fluffies. Remember.”
The next day, my butler informed me that my package had arrived. Excitedly, I brought it to the fluffies safe room, and set the package down in the middle of the floor. Unwrapping it, I revealed a large fluffy carry case to the scared but curious fluffies. Inside was the largest and most aggressive earthy stallion I managed to locate at the local shelter. He was bright red, with a black and yellow striped mane. His name was Bruno.
“This is Bruno,” I told the fluffy family. “He is the new special friend for Greeny. Bruno, this is Greeny, and her babies, and that,” I said, motioning to the excrement encrusted sorry box with a fluffy head protruding, “Is Shitbrick. Shitbrick only eats poopies. You should make sure he has a lot to eat.”
“Hewwo nyu daddah,” said Bruno, walking slowly out of his crate. “Bwuno wike dis homie. Dis woom am big. Much bettah dan at shewtah.”
“That’s right Bruno. And it is all for you. This is your herd now.”
Bruno trotted up to Greeny, who was quivering with fear. He sniffed her fluff, and licked her ear.
“Gweeny smeww wike… pwetty mawe!” huffed Bruno, and immediately started sniffing at her hind quarters.
“Nuu! Gweeny nu wan Bwuno be speciaw fwiend! Gweeny aweady hab speciaw fwiend! Gweeny hab…”
I looked on in awe as she glanced over at Shitbrick in his torture dungeon. His face was coated with a layer of dried shit so thick that he was barely recognisable as a fluffy anymore. A pitiful wail was all he managed to respond with.
“Bwuno wike dis!” Bruno declared, “Bwuno gib mawe speciaw huggies an gud feews! Make babbehs!”
“Nuu! Gweeny nu wan!” the green pegasus mother protested, as her babies scattered and ran. Even the browny baby slowly dragged himself away.
“Yu gib speciaw huggies naow, ow get sowwy hoofies!” Bruno insisted.
“Nuu!” Greeny begged.
Bruno then brough his right hoof down on Greeny’s face, once, twice, and a third time, making blood pour down the mare’s nose and breaking all resistance. She wept and wailed as he mounted her from behind.
“Speciaw fwiennnnd!” she cried out to Shitbrick.
“Gweeny! Nuu!” Shitbrick cried back, actually rocking his sorry-box prison back and forth in a vain attempt to save her from Bruno.
“ENF ENF ENF!” Bruno cried as he thrust himself in and out of the helpless green pegasus.
“Nuuuuuu!” cried Shitbrick, feeling even more ashamed.
I clapped and laughed.
“Bwuno am nyu daddah naow,” Bruno was telling his miniature herd, as they watched and listened in terror. “Gweeny am speciaw fwiend.”
The other fluffies nodded, knowing there was no way they could resist him. Bruno was easily twice the size of Greeny, and the other fluffies, although they were weaned and nearly fully grown now, at heart they were still foals.
“What am udda fwuffy names?” Bruno asked.
“F-fwuffy no hab names,” the blue foal filly explained, “Fwuffy’s am Bwuewy-babbeh, Gweeny-wingie-babbeh, an Bwowny-babbeh…”
“Hahaha!” Laughed the cruel Bruno, “Fwuffy nu hab namies? Den fwuffies am dummeh fwuffies. Bwuno gib namies naow. Gweeny baby nu hab wingies… Onwy stumpies. Bwuno fink Gweeny baby am cawwed Stumpie.”
“Fwuffy nu wike dat namie!” Stumpie protested, but from that day on, she was known as Stumpie.
“Bwowny babbeh nu hab weggies,” Bruno continued, “Fwuffy am dummeh two-weggie fwuffy. Bwuno fink fwuffy am cawwed… Dummeh.”
“Nuuu… nu wan be dummeh babbeh!” the brown foal wept, “Wan be Bwowny babbeh, wan weggies back!”
“Hahaha! Nu can hab weggies back. Am dummeh-babbeh.” Bruno insisted, “And wastest babbeh, hmmm… Babbeh am Bwuey, and am hab aww weggies. An smeww wike…” he paused to sniff her, “Pwetty mawe!”
The young blue filly backed away slowly, her eyes widening in horror at the sudden realisation.
“Bwue fwuffy am cawwed… ENFIE-BABBEH!”
I spent the evening listening to her screams.