Jelly and Snowflake - Part 08 - The Great Escape - By Hornlarry

Over the next few weeks, there were many changes for Jelly and Snowflake.

To begin with, they now lived in the “utiwity woom” next to the kitchen. The utility room was scary. To begin with, there was no night light, so when “scawy dawk tiem” came, it was truly dark and scary. Worse still it had two monsters called “the washew” and “the dwyew” that lived there and growled all night long.

Claire had bought them a new bed to sleep in, which was nearly as big as their old pen. She had bought a new litterbox, and covered the floor with “newspapew”. The fluffies were told to poop only in the litterbox, which Snowflake managed easily, but Jelly still had “haxidunts”. If she pooped in the litterbox, Claire rewarded her with M&Ms. If she pooped on the paper, Claire would make a “tut-tut” noise and shake her head. If she pooped in the bed, Claire would give her… the sorry stick!

The sorry stick was made out of more “newspapew” rolled up into a tube, and Claire would beat Jelly on the nose with it. Jelly got mad at first, and tried to bite Claire’s weggies, but Claire wasn’t impressed by that, and just beat Jelly until she gave up. Eventually, Jelly started to realise that she could not win. She remembered to poop in the litterbox more often, and got rewarded when she did. Once this happened, Claire started to put less and less “newspapew” down on the floor. This meant there were less and less safe places to poop! Jelly had to remember to get to the litterbox before the poopies arrived, as if she didn’t, she would get bopped on the nose with the sorry stick. Even worse, sometimes Claire would reward Snowflake with an M&M to show Jelly what a good fluffy her sister was. This made Jelly seethe with white hot rage.

One day, Jelly was playing with a new toy that Claire had bought for her and Snowflake. It was called a “Baww” and Jelly really loved it. It would roll around all over the floor, and Jelly would chase it for hours. Then, without any warning, the poopies decided they were coming, and Jelly found herself explosively pooping all over the floor! She ran to the litterbox, and managed to get about half of it in the box, or at least on the “newspapew” but there was still a long stream of poop all over the floor. Claire would be mad.

“Nu! Jewwy am made bad poopies on da fwoow!” Jelly shrieked.

“Uh-oh, Cwaire will be mad wiv Jewwy.” scolded Snowflake, “Why am Jewwy such a dummeh stoopid babbeh? Jewwy wiw get sowwee stick… unwess…”

“Unwess?” Jelly asked, wondering what she could possibly do to avoid the sowwee stick.

“Weww… dewe is one way to nu get sowwee stick, but Jewwy wiw nu wike it.”

“Wat is way? Jewwy no wike sowwee stick!” Jelly begged, “Pwease teww Jewwy, Jewwy twy anyfing”

“Weww, Mummah Cwaire wiw be mad if see’s poopies, but if dewe is no poopies when she gets back…”

“But… how dewe be no poopies? Dewe be poopies aww ova da fwoow?”

“Jewwy gots to num da poopies. Den Cwaire no see dem.”

“NUUUU! Jewwy nu num poopies!”

“YES! Jewwy am dummeh stoopid poopie babbeh! Muss num poopies ow get sowwee stick!”


Unfortunately for Jelly, her shouting attracted Claire’s attention.

“Oh my god Jelly, you pooped on the floor again! I thought you’d learned to use the box!”

“Jewwy am twy mummah! It was a haxidunt…” Jelly began.

“You can’t keep pretending its an accident! I know you’re doing it on purpose.”

Snowflake ran over to Claire, and started to hug her weggie, shivering as if she were cold.

“Mummah, Jewwy am mean to Snowfwake.” she trembled “Jewwy am twy make Snowfwake num da poopies.”

Claire looked at the quivering white Unicorn mare, and back at the fat red earth fluffy. Jelly was wide eyed and sorry, but was shaking her head in denial. She had to be taught a lesson.

“You’ve been very bad Jelly. Its time for the sorry stick.”

“NUUUUUU! Jewwy nu wan sowwee stick! It weawy was haxidunt! Jewwy weawy was twying mummah!”

Claire didn’t listen though, and swiped for Jelly’s nose. It was so unfair! Jelly decided she wasn’t going to sit there and take this unfair punishment, so she tried to run away. It was no use though, as Claire just chased her around the room, spanking her butt with the sorry stick whilst Jelly screamed and cried. Eventually, Claire caught her, and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. Mummah was really mad!

“I am fed up with your SHIT!” Claire said, her voice icy cold, “I am sick of cleaning up after you.”

Then something awful happened, Mummah Claire forced Jelly’s nose into the poop. It did not smell good.

“Nuuu! Mummah! Pwease nu make Jewwy num poopies! Jewwy sowwee! Jewwy wiw use wittabox evewy tiem! Hu huu huuuuu…”

“Num poopies? Thats…” Claire began, with a strange look on her face. “Thats… a really good idea. From now on, whenever you poop on the floor, you have to EAT IT.”


Jelly cried and begged, but Claire just laughed and beat her with the sorry stick. To make things worse, she fed Snowflake M&Ms, and kept feeding them to her until Jelly had licked up all the poopies.

“Jewwy am nummed aww da poopies mummah… it nu taste gud… hu hu… can hav Emanem-tweaty to make nasty taste go 'way?”

“No Jelly, you’ve been bad, you only get M&Ms if you are good.”

After that, Claire left the room, and the house to go to her “scoowew” where she “weawend fings” this meant she wouldn’t be back for a long time. As soon as she was gone, Snowflake started to taunt her.

“HAHAHAHAHHA! Jewwy am stoopid-dummeh-poopie-babbeh! Jewwy hav to num poopies! Poopies am Jewwy’s favwite tweat! Jewwy wike numming dem!”

Jelly felt the rage building up inside her. It was all Snowflakes fault. Ever since they were born, Snowflake was always the “bestest babbeh” while Jelly and Bwuddew had to be “danceh babbehs” in order to get any milk. Now Claire was their mummah, Snowflake was doing the same thing all over again.

“JEWWY HATE SNOWFWAKE! JEWWY HATE CWAIRE! JEWWY HATE UTIWITY WOOM” Jelly screamed as loud as she could, and then brough her hooves down onto the Baww as hard as she could.


Something crazy happened. One second the Baww was there, and then it was gone, with just wittew bits of wubbew left in its place. Claire would be made when she saw that Jelly had broken it.

“Huu huuu huuuu! Cwaire wiw beat Jewwy wiv sowwee stick noww… huuu huuu huuuu…” Jelly wept.

Snowflake watched as Jelly cried. She slowly walked up to Jelly, and gave her another one of her “Ideas”

“Jewwy nu cwy…” she said, hugging her sister. If Jewwy weawy nu wike Utiwity woom, dewe is a way to escape."

“Escape? Wat is escape?” asked Jelly.

“Escape is same fing as wun away.”

“Nu! Da fwuffy stowe daddeh say wun away is bad! Wun away fwuffies get fowevew sweepies!”

“Cwaire nu wike da bad daddeh… Cwaire be afwaid if fwuffies wun away… be extwa nice and give extwa tweaties.”

“Tweaties? Jewwy wike tweaties. But how fwuffies wun away?”

“Dewe is a fing, called a doggy daww” said Snowflake, with a glint in her eye.

“Wat is doggy daww?” asked her sister

“Doggy am big yewwow mustah, dat Cwaire hav pictewe of next to beddy. Daww am fing dat goes to pwace cawwed Gawden. Doggy am play in gawden befowe doggy fowevew sweepies”

“Gawden? Wat is gawden?”

“It am pwace wiv wots of sketties!”

“Sketties? Jewwy wike sketties!” Jelly began, really wanting to get to this Gawden place. There was a small part of her that didn’t know if this was one of Snowflake’s “Gud ideas” or “bad ideas” though. First, snowflake told Jelly that if she cried, Claire would give her treats, and it worked. Then, Snowflake told her that if she pooped on floor, and then cried, she would get extra treats. This did work at first, but after a while, Claire got mad, and now it seemed like Claire didn’t love Jelly at all. All of this didn’t matter though, what mattered was finding the gawden and getting the sketties.

“How find doggy daww dat go to gawden?”

“It in kit-chen woom. We can do in dewe. It easy. Utiwity woom daww am weft open a wittew bit.”

Jelly looked over where her sister was looking. In her rush to leave, Claire had left the Utility room door open, just a little bit, and now the way to the Kit-Chen woom was open just enough for a fluffy to squeeze through.

Jelly ran for it.

Part 09>>

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Snowflakes machinations are finally coming to fruition. I’m impressed that she was able to play the long con. Interested to see what the aftermath will entail.


My suspicions have been validated. Dammit.


I should’ve seen this coming. How didn’t I think Snowflake’s behavior was sus? In the first place, I thought she disliked Jelly, and then I just threw the correct line of thinking out of the window. At this point, even if Jelly tells Clair about Snowflake’s machinations, she won’t believe her. Jelly is about to be checkmated.


Oh shit, Snowflake you horrid little beast! I retract my concern for your well being!


I think Claire is slowly evolving into some sort of abuser too


Wow, the good colored pretty fluffy was a total shithead the whole time? Who’d have thought?


Chaotic stupid vs Lawful Evil. :slight_smile:


Oh man, Snowflake turned out to be a bit of a cunt