Jennifer's Fluffies (QwertyTF)

Weird spin off of mother mare.


Jennifer: The star of the show many times over. Previously tortured a filly to the point of it having severe PTSD.

Maxine: Fucked up demi-goddess from out of town.

Eclair: Filly abused by Jennifer over a period of months.

Eclair was nestled against Maxine in a sling. “Mommy needs you to be brave and point out the nasty person that was so mean to you. If we find them, I’ll get you a new toy!” A sinister grin crept across Maxines face as she added, “And maybe a new friend.”

“Fwiend an’ toysies?!” The foal looked up at her mother with awe. And all she had to do was tell her who was the wowsest hoomins? Eclair could do this.

The pair walked into the store and Eclair immediately began squirming. “Dats hew! Dats da meanies!” Her little hoof had wiggled out of the sling and was pointed at a tired woman stocking the shelves. She was of average height and slightly overweight.

“Are you sure?”

“Ecwair nebbah wie.” She paused for a moment and then added, “Unwess mummah teww ecware tu.”

Maxine ruffled the foal’s fluff, “Well, that was easier than I thought. Good girl.”

The endless tedium of stocking shelves never got any better. Her one joy was the little rat she got to fuck with but it somehow got adopted. She sighed and put another box of kibble on the shelf. Finding another pony like that was going to take days and the job was so booooring without a plaything.

“Excuse me miss, I’m looking for advice on getting started with micro ponies. I feel like they’d be good playmates for my little friend here.”

Muttering under her breath Jennifer turned to face the customer. Her eyes bulged out of her head. It was that shit rat.

“Hewwo… scawwy wady…” Eclair said timidly

“…Hello…” Jeniffer replied through gritted teeth. Just act normal, nobody will believe a fluffy if you don’t give them cause to suspect anything. “…Micro fluffs, hmm? You’re going to want a special enclosure for them. I… can show you over here.”

Maxine scratched behind Eclair’s ear and praised what such a good girl she was being. Eclair was trembling in the sling but doing her best not to cry.

“These are our modular designs. You can mix and match pieces like a hamster cage. They’re also good if you ever feel like expanding.” Jennifer turned to the customer and was really starting to get creeped out. She could feel anger radiating off the woman. Jennifer was sure that the foal told on her. What a pain.

“I see. I think I’ll take everything you have in stock. I have a big project I’m planning. A I’m thinking of an obstacle course for the little fluffs to frolic through.”

“Ma’am. That’s at least $3,000 dollars.” Jennifer said incredulously, “And way more space than the fluffs we have here could ever fill.”

“Oh, that’s fine. What’s the point of having money if you don’t spend it?” And it’s not like Strawberry was doing much in the way of spending.

“Well… over here we have our micro fluffs like I said. They’re not the best sellers so we only have a small number of them.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll be picking one up later tonight.”

Jennifer felt uneasy as the woman wandered off to continue shopping.

Jennifer wiped her forehead as she closed the door and locked up. Another long day working with the public. She still couldn’t believe somebody actually adopted that shitrat but at least nothing seems to have come of it. Although… its mother was eying her like a piece of meat the whole time she was in the store. Whatever, it was just merchandise. Worst thing that’ll happen is she gets written up for wasting time.

“All done for the night?” a figure asked from the shadows. Its eyes were glowing green, “I promised my dear little girl a new friend if she pointed out who tortured her.”

Jennifer groaned. “Look lady, I’m not sure what that fluffy told you but she’s always been a little nut job. She’s-” Jennifer grasped her head. It felt like something was crawling in her skull, in her mind. The pain was so intense she fell to her knees.

“Just had to confirm something. You know, it’s very poor form to lie.”

Jennifer looked up, squinting through the pain. The crazy woman was standing over her with an evil grin. The hell was going on?

“You did some things to my precious little baby that I do not appreciate. Oh no, not all.” The woman tsked as she crouched down close to Jennifer’s face and stroked her cheek, “So we’re going to play a little game.”

The woman’s eyes flashed and Jennifer’s vision went hazy. Her fingers split apart joint by joint and plopped onto the ground. Then her wrist. Her other hand followed. Her body was coming apart at the seams and falling to the ground. All that was left was her head which landed with an unceremonious thump.

“Huh. Y’know, I was expecting just the one but… I can work with this.” The woman said in a deafeningly loud voice. Jennifer could hear her from so many places. So many ears. She looked down at herself. She saw tens of fluffies. All from different angles, all from the perspective of a different fluffy. She screamed.

A chorus of “Screee!” cried out in despair as the woman picked up Jennifer’s shirt. Microfluffs of all shapes and sizes were looking down at themselves in terror. “Wai ams fwuffy fwuffy!?” they all said in unison along with chirps for good measure.

“Because I’m apparently a one trick pony.” The woman said with a smirk. “Get it? Pony.” The woman took out a box and started shoving the tiny Jennifers inside it. “Well, I thought it was funny.” She closed the lid and whistled as she walked away into the night.

Jennifer felt… thin. Like she was a small bit of butter spread over a hundred rolls. She could focus on one part of herself but then the others would feel like distant appendages. Like a limb that’s gone numb. You know it’s there, but it’s not feeling like it should.

First she was a mare. Then a stallion. A baby. Her viewpoint kept shifting over and over. All of them separate. All of them were her. She could feel all of them at once, the fluff of one body rubbing against another. The hunger of the babies. A different kind of hunger in her stallions. Oh god the stallions. If she wasn’t paying attention parts of her would creep up to the mares as if on auto pilot. Jennifer really didn’t want to learn what it meant to go fuck herself.

The lid on the box opened and handfuls of her fluffies were taken out of the box. She could see a barebones enclosure as well as the box. Her mind struggled to take in the two locations at one time. Thankfully it didn’t last long, her fluff was all moved over before long.

“You have fun, I have some arts and crafts to do. Kibble, water, litter box. Camera.” Maxine gestured to each as she spoke, “Did not expect you to be a little fluffy collective, but that gives me all sorts of ideas and options.” The woman sounded giddy as she left the room and shut the door.

Jennifer really couldn’t make sense of the situation. All she could do was try and get a handle on it. She painstakingly sorted herself one fluffy at a time. Mares on one end of the enclosure, Stallions on the other. She tried to move the babies, but half of them couldn’t walk and the other half couldn’t even see. She used a mare to drag them over to the mare’s side of the enclosure one baby at a time.

Every time she brought a baby over one of her mares would instinctively move to feed it. It wasn’t a bad feeling but it was definitely a weird one. Feeding and being fed at the same time 16 times over was intoxicating.

Meanwhile her stallions kept trying to wander over to the other side of the box. It was a struggle to keep them confined, because what they wanted she wanted too. She really really wanted it. Other parts of her wanted babies too…

With herself mostly sorted out she took a moment to take stock of her situation. Jennifer was now a lot of fluffies. She wasn’t sure how many, it was hard to keep count when the parts of her that she wasn’t focusing on would mull about on their own. Her fluffies were different shapes, colors, ages and even genders. She suspected the babies were the smaller parts of her body like fingers and toes. There was a large red stallion that she was almost certain used to be her heart.

She had no idea how this happened to her, just that it did. The past few hours were a blur of disorienting perspectives. The woman that put her, all of her, in this box looked familiar but she wasn’t sure from where. Definitely gave her the creeps, was she behind it? As she sat and considered parts of her herd called for “Nyu mummah.” Something in her was telling her that the woman was to be trusted. That she was her mummah and was good. Part of her screamed. She wasn’t sure which one to listen to, but the one that called for mummah kept growing louder.

Her train of thought was interrupted by one of her mares relieving herself. The smell of feces filled the noses of 10 of her fluffies. “Nuh smeww pwetty.” she heard herself saying in unison. She didn’t care for the smell of fluffy shit before. Smelling it so many times at once? Nightmarish. Her vision shifted to the mares and she spotted a brown fluffy. She needed to get rid of the smell. The mares collectively grimaced as she forced the poopie fluffy to clean up the mess. At the very least, the taste was dispersed.

More fluffies had to go. The urgency pushed her and she found herself managing two fluffies at once. Two by two she’d walk them over to the litter box and handle things. Then she dragged her babies over and squished out the poop. She really did not like the sensation of her hooves on her chirpies but it had to be done.

Now she was hungry. The problem was, the water was on the mare side and the food was on the stallion side. She did not want them mixing. Part of her didn’t want them mixing. Another part was growing louder that wanted to. And it really really wanted to. The stallions ate while the mares drank. She’d then move them clockwise around the enclosure to swap places. Would she have to do this every time she needed to eat and drink?

She thought that sleep would help, but a sleeping fluffy didn’t mean much to her. Just a piece of her body she couldn’t get at for the moment. There was no rest for Jennifer’s mind.

Meanwhile, Maxine was in the zone. Styrofoam was being cut into shape and covered in sealant. Scenery began to take shape. A pool here, a pit there. Traps, mazes, traps and mazes. She’d have to do some testing but she had an inkling that her new friend was a renewable resource. Definitely can’t let the foals in on this but she might let strawberry play if he behaved.

Was it a bit much? Maybe. Her aunt turned a guy into a deer once and had him eaten by wolves so at the very least it was a family tradition. She’d start off small, a pool of water a foot deep that Jennifer would have to cross with her fluffies. Maybe add a commentary to it? Stream it? She could use some extra cash. She hummed a merry tune as she continued to build and design enclosures.

Suggest traps the Jennifers have to go through. She’s a renewable resource and can’t die for real unless there’s no more breeding pairs so it’s sort of clean! Sort of!


I wasn’t expecting a hive mind of microfluffies - where this is going has me very interested.

As for traps, I’d use anything long, painful and lingering - a quick lethal one like a mouse trap would only have a sudden spark of pain then it becomes easier for Jennifer to focus as there’s one less fluffy.

A fluffy slowly drowning/starving/bleeding out would provide constant torment until it finally dies, possibly enough torment for her to lose control and the male fluffies to follow their base instincts so she does end up fucking herself.


This was way more horrifying than I expected when you brought it up, and I fucking love it. I was expected the hivemind to be mutiples of a single fluffy but to be of different sex, age, and color was something else.

I was thinking a glue trap for at least one of many perils within that maze. You may caught a few of them before Jennifer stop herself and those trap can starved to death prolonging the suffering.


Yeah that was where I was going to go originally but then I realized I had a limit on the amount of fluffies if they were all mares. Problem solved, theoretically limitless amount of fluffies.

There’s also a ship of Theseus aspect to this now too since I’ve established that each fluffy was some specific body part or piece of one. Anyways I drew the start and finish of the first game and take a guess as to how many fluffies it took to cross a body of water.

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Ok, I have this idea for a story of nine, but it’s a long time from coming, so why not?
Fluffy memory game. It’s a checkerboard like floor, but with 4 or more colors, and only one color leads safely to the other side. Any other panel will fall loose and send the fluffy into a pit of whatever your heart desires them to die from. Put the safe color at the door leading into the room before sealing it, to see if they remember the safe color.

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Here’s a fun one—a simple memory game. Place a short maze in front of the fluffies that they have to find their way through. But there’s two big twists:

The first, there are trap doors at each dead end that drop the fluffies into the pool from the first game. The second, there’s a colored card at the end of the maze. If the fluffy that made it through is the same color as the card, they beat the maze and the card is swapped to a new color. If they’re not the same, the fluffy drowns.

The fluffies must beat the maze four times to win.