Josef Finds A Fluffy Ch. 3 [By BFM101]

The next day, Josef tried to put the phone call from his brother behind him, wanting to focus on his experiments. Katherine was curious about the call but he remained tight-lipped, he had his reasons for not telling her about his brother beforehand and he wasn’t about to start telling her everything.

Once Katherine realised that Josef wasn’t saying anything, she dropped the subject and the two of them made their move to find more Fluffies. Which surprisingly was harder than they realised; at this time Fluffies had been around for a while but not a lot of them had ventured as far out to their city, most owners had their Fluffies special-ordered meaning they worked hard to keep their pets inside, so while a few miles down the road there might be a whole heap of ferals laying in alleyways waiting for ‘new mummies and daddies’, here it was slim pickings.

“Any luck?” Josef asked Katherine down the phone, they’d split up to cover more ground.

“Jack and shit, and Jack went home. You’d think with all those stories about stray Fluffies walking the streets we’d be tripping over the little fuckers.”

“Must not be our streets. I’m gonna go up to the church, if I don’t find anything I’m just gonna head back.”

“Sound good, I’ll check by the school, maybe I’ll find kids feeding one or something.”

Both of them hung up and went about their duties, Josef took a detour down a back-alley behind a Chinese takeaway, hoping that the discarded food might attract a Fluffy. His gamble paid off when he looked behind a dustbin and found a pregnant mare with four underfed foals with her, the mare was a Pegasus, light blue fur with a lilac mane, sitting comfortably on her back was the fattest of the four foals, and even he looked rough, he was also a Pegasus, fur and mane the same blue and purple as the mare, just a few shades darker. Beside her was another son, a purple earthie with a dark red mane, and the only daughter of the lot, an orange Pegasus with light purple mane, not quite as lilac as the mothers, but close.

And behind them all, the last son, easily the smallest and most malnourished of the lot. He was a dark brown earthie with a black mane, not that Josef could see much of the mane from the shit that covered the foal. Josef had heard about poopie-babbehs before but this was his first time seeing one in the wild.

For a split second, he felt a tang of empathy.

“Pwease nice mistah, nu huwt Fwuffies. Fwuffy am soon-mummah, need wook afta talkie-babbehs an tummeh-babbehs.”

“Hey, hey it’s ok. I’m not gonna hurt you, I might actually be able to help you, I’ve got some space in my flat for a Fluffy and I was wondering if you’d like to come home with me.”

A simple lie, but for a simple-minded creature like the Fluffy, it was enough, the mare’s face lit up at the prospect of a home. “WEAWWY? Misttah be nyu daddeh fow mummah an babbehs?”

“Sure, why not? But don’t you have a… what are they called? A special-friend with you?”

The mare’s face dropped. “Speciaw-fwiend gu find nummies many bwite-times ago, neba com bak. Fwuffy hav bigges heawt huwties, nu abew tu find nuff nummies fow mummah an babbehs, hab wowstesh tummeh huwties. Nu gud fow babbeh.”

“Well no worries about that, I’ve got plenty of good food at mine. I don’t live very far, I’m just going to get something to carry you all in and I’ll be back shortly.”

“Fwuffy nu tuu big tu cawwy, babbehs can sit n mummah’s Fwuff, nyu daddeh cawwy aww at wunce.”

“I don’t know, doesn’t seem like there’d be enough room for all your children on your back.”

“Nu need aww babbehs, dummeh poopie babbeh can gu foweba sweepies.”

The brown foal peeped up. “Bu mummah…”

Almost instantly the blue Pegasus jumped off his mother’s back and backhanded his brother in the face. “Poopie brudda nu tawk tu mummah, she bestesh Fwuffy.”

The abuse and discrimination was new for Josef and he wasn’t sure how to process it. “Ok, well… I still want to be careful, so just wait here, I won’t be long.”

He left before the mare could argue with him and dashed back home to find a box or something solid for the whole family, brown foal included. Along the way he called Katherine.

“Hey Kat, I hit a good one, pregnant mare, already with four kids, including a brown foal and a… fuck what’s the phrase for favourite child?”

“A bestesh babbeh?”

“That’s the one, should be enough material there for some good mind-fucks.”

“Sounds good, but I was just about to call you, I’ve found us a money-maker.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just wait till we get home, you’re not gonna believe this.”

Josef shut the door and picked up the tape recorder again, he’d brought home the mare and her foals and had them set up in the kitchen with some kibble he’d bought earlier. Naturally the mare made a big deal out of ‘bestesh skettis fow bestesh miwkies’, but she was too hungry to properly argue with him and ate the kibble without much complaining.

Josef made sure that the family was distracted then pressed down on the record button.

“Fluffy Experiment Number 1 has failed due to human error, and shall not be continued due to the cost of cleaning. Instead Mr Josef Mongola and assistant Miss Katherine Townsend shall be moving towards more psychological based experiments, in the hopes of understanding how the Fluffy brain operates. Which leads us to Fluffy Experiment Number 2, subject has not been named yet, she is a feral Pegasus, pregnant and with four foals, two earthie colts, one Pegasus colt and one Pegasus filly, also unnamed.”

Josef paused for a moment, trying to figure out the best course of action for the mare.

“Subject has already shown examples of favouritism in her young with both a, quote; ‘Bestesh babbeh’ and a ‘Poopie babbeh’ amongst her foals. Experiment will examine the Subjects reaction to losing her foals until she is left with her only ‘poopie’ child, the goal is to see if by taking away her other children, will the subject learn to love her least favourite child, or will she turn even more violent towards him. It has not yet been decided what is to be done about her unborn foals, will update later with more results.”

Josef put down the recorder and went back through to the kitchen, inside he found the mare and her two middle children happily eating away, while her poopie son was cowering in the corner and the best son was eating the poopie’s kibble. Josef bent down and picked the bestesh up by his scruff, illiciting a small spurt of piss from the little bastard.

“EEK, bad upsies.”

The mare turned and huffed at Josef. “Wet down bestesh babbeh, nu am fow bad upsies.”

Josef ignored her and looked at the bestesh. “Why were you taking your brother’s food?”

“Poopie babbeh nu git nummies, bestesh babbeh need mowe nummies tu gwow big an stwong.”

“I see, well in this house everyone eats, including brown babies.”

Josef dropped the bestesh down, landing with a soft thump on his butt, the mare instantly came over to hug her favourite child better, ignoring the mews of her forgotten brown baby. Josef refilled the brown’s bowl and brought it over to him, making sure none of the others came near him.

“I’ll let you off now because you didn’t know the rules, but if any of you steal food from someone else again, and you will be punished.”

Josef watched as the fluffy family cowered in fear and made a note to buy a sorry-stick before the week was up. Once he was satisfied that the brown son had eaten enough, he gathered the Fluffies around him and knelt down in front of them.

“Now then, if you’re all going to be staying here, you’ll all need names.”

Instantly the foals, the brown baby included, started jumping around. “Wub namesies, wan namsies.”

“Easy there kiddos, calm down, mum goes first. Let’s see, let’s call you… Teal.”

“Name am Teaw, wike nyu name.” The mother smiled at her new name, Josef could already see her scheming little mind at work behind her shifty eyes. He turned to the bestesh baby, the little fucker was eye-balling the brown foal, thinking of ways to hurt his brother.

“You can be, Lapis.”

“Wapis hab bestesh namsies fow bestesh babbeh.”

Josef rolled his eyes and moved onto the next two, the purple colt and the orange Pegasus filly. “We’ll call you Royal, and we’ll call your sister, Tangerine.”

Royal puffed up his chest. “Woyew hab betta namsies dan brudda.”

“Nuh, Tang-a-ween hab bestesh namsies.”


“HEY, no one has the best name, all names are equal here. Which brings me to our last foal.”

The brown foals looked up, his eyes brimming with wonder at what name he’ll be blessed with. Only for Lapis to punch him in the face again.

“NU! Poopie brudda nu git namsies, poopie brudda onwy fow numming poopies.”

Josef picked Lapis up again, resulting in more piss on the floor, and gently flicked him in the testicles. At this point Josef didn’t know about Fluffies sensitive pain threshold, he just thought flicking the shit in his nuts was funny.

“Anymore shit out of your mouth and I’ll wash it out with soap and water, and I know you all hate water.

“Wawa bad fow Fwuffies.” Teal spoke that silly instant reply phrase like she had no control over herself. Josef rolled his eyes and turned back to the little brown guy, already ‘huuing’ himself over his injury.

“I think I’ll call you, Decaf.”

“Dee-Kaf? Fank yu fow nyu namsie daddeh, wub Dee-Kaf.”

Josef rewarded Decaf with a quick scratch on the head. At that moment Katherine returned.

“Alright guys, that’s mummy, all of you keep calm, I’ll go introduce you all.”

Josef left the kitchen, ignoring the glares from Teal and Lapis, and went to greet Katherine, noting she had something wrapped up in her cloak.

“Hey, you were gone a while, I got that mare and her kids set up in the kitchen, named them and everything. What you got there?”

“This? This is a goddamn gold mind Joe.”

Katherine slowly moved her coat and let Josef see what she was holding. It was by far the most impressive Fluffy he had ever seen, and would remain a top 3 for the rest of his life. It was an Alicorn stallion – Josef didn’t know much but he knew they were rare – it’s fur was a shimmering gold with an iridescent ruby red underneath, and a mane of white gold brilliance, it had good muscle structure, a curly tail and – despite Josef’s best efforts not to look at it – a surprisingly large penis for Fluffy.

“Hewwo? Am yu nyu daddeh?” The Alicorn asked Josef in a surprisingly softer voice than he expected.

Katherine stroked the Alicorn’s mane. “This is your new daddy, Josef, meet Stud.”

“Stud happy tu meet nice daddeh, mummah Kat-a-win find Stud wooking fow nummies, take him to nyu home fow bestesh nummies.”

Josef was in awe of Stud’s glory. “I’m glad to hear that Stud, you’re welcome to whatever we have to offer. I’ve got ome other Fluffies in the kitchen if you want to meet them.”

“Yeh pwease, Stud wike nyu fwiends.”

As Katherine carried Stud through to the kitchen she gave Josef a look that said she’d explain everything later. The door opened, and almost instantly Teal screeched.


She kicked Decaf towards Josef and Katherine and backed away with her other foals. “TAKE POOPIE BABBEH MUNSTAH, WEAVE BESTESH BABBEH AWONE!”

Stud looked genuinally hurt. “Stud nu am munstah, onwy wan make fwiends.”


It was hopeless getting through to her, Katherine took Stud and left the kitchen, Josef following close behind.

“I’m sorry Kat, I’ve heard that Fluffies are weird with Alicorns but I never really understood what that meant. I guess I see it now.”

“It’s ok, I should’ve asked if she was a bitch first. Judging by the way she gave up her brown baby, she might be worse than I thought. Has she asked for skettis yet?”

“Basically as soon as I opened the door.”

“Hmm, classic bitch mother syndrome. But that could lead us to have some fun with her, we’ll put her in your room and we’ll keep Stud in mine.”

“Hey, why do I get the mean bitch in my room?”

“Joe, you haven’t slept in your room in six months cause I’ve got the bigger bed. Besides, once I tell you about Stud here, you’ll see why you’ve got a slightly better deal.”

Katherine took Stud and Josef through to her room and lay Stud down on the bed, he happily trotted on the soft mattress for a bit before sitting down and curling his legs up.

“Fank yu fow softesh nestie mummah, Stud hab biggesh heawt happies.”

“Not to worry Stud, you just get comfortable and I’ll tell daddy what you told me.”

Stud lay down, enjoying the comforts of his new surroundings, while Katherine turned to Josef, her face beaming with joy.

“He’s a runaway Joe. He escaped a breeding farm, been trying to find his ‘special-friend’ and their foals ever since.”

“Stud wan find speciaw-fwiend, nu see Wuby in many fowebas. Owd daddeh twy tu make Stud habe enfies wiv udda mawes, teww Stud he jus ‘Fuk ma-sheen’. Bu Stud nu wan enfies, jus wan find speciaw-fwiend and babbehs, Stud wub babbehs, wub wittew yewwow hornie babbeh Petaw, and wittew wed wingie-babbeh Wex…”

Katherine waved her hand to keep Stud quiet, barely listening to him to begin with. “Yeah, yeah, you keep yourself comfy Stud. Joe, let’s talk in private.”

Katherine led Josef out of the room, keeping the door open so Stud knew they hadn’t left.

“You see Joe, he’s a breeder, and an Alicorn with THAT coat will make us a LOT of money.”

“I don’t know Kat, we’ve never done the whole breeding thing before, besides if we start advertising we have a red and gold Alicorn, surely his owner will come looking for him.”

“That’s the best part, he’s not chipped, probably an illegal farm. If anyone comes looking for him they have no grounds on which to take him. And breeding is easy, these fuckers already want to bone down, all we have to do is introduce them.”

“You sure it’s that easy, seemed to me like Stud wasn’t that interested in ‘boning down’, seems he wants his mate back.”

“Oh don’t you worry about that, I’ve worked something out.”

Katherine turned back to the bedroom and knelt down beside Stud, putting on her best sad face again. It unnerved Josef how good she was at that.

“Stud, I’ve had a talk with daddy, and I don’t think there’s anything we can do about your special-friend, I fear she might still be on the farm, and we can’t go there without putting you at risk.”

Stud looked absolutely heart-broken. “Bu, Stud wub speciaw-fwiend, wub babbehs. Nu can weave dem.”

“I know you can’t Stud, but look on the bright side, those babies have their mother looking after them, I know they’re going to be safe and sound with her.”

“Dat twue, Wuby am bestesh mummah. Stud hab saddies nu can see famiwy gain, bu knyo dey be ok.”

“I’m glad to hear that Stud. And if you want, me and daddy can introduce you to some new pretty mares, see if any of them want to be your special-friend, I know it’ll be tough but Ruby would want you to be happy.”

Stud thought about it for a moment, Katherine could see his person want to find Ruby fighting with his programmed desire for babbehs, until eventually the programming won out.

“Ok, Stud see pwetty mawes, do it fow Wuby.”

“There’s a good boy, now you get some rest and mummy will bring dinner through in a moment.”

Katherine got up and left the room, gently closing the door behind her. Josef looked at her with a mixture of awe and fear.

“You are scary good at that.”

“What can I say, I’m a natural.”

“So what’s the plan now, we can’t just keep giving her mares to fuck then having them want nothing to do with him. Can we?”

“That is exactly the plan and will be the focus of my next experiment. How long will it take for a family-man stallion to break down when he can’t find a special-friend? I’ll keep breeding him with any and every mare that walks through that door, let him do his thing, then once she’s nice and pregnant, tell him that the nasty mare only wanted babies, but maybe the next one will be better. Lather, rinse, repeat.”

“That is cruel, and I love it.”

“Thanks babe, now let’s talk about your little family in the kitchen.”

Josef led Katherine through to the kitchen, Teal and her three foals had made a small mess of scardie-poopies and were still freaking out over the ‘monster’ while Decaf sat in the corner, crying alone. Katherine heard Josef curse under his breath at the stink and giggled.

“FLUFFIES, line up.” Josef called out to the frightened family, hoping some order would calm them down. Thankfully it did, a little, as all five Fluffies gathered round their new owners.

“Everyone, this is your new mummy Katharine, she’ll help look after you all. Kat, this is Teal and her foals, Lapis, Royal, Tangerine and Decaf.”

“Lapis am bestesh babbeh.” The little fat bastard couldn’t wait to tell his new owner about his status.

“Why I bet you are, look at that big belly, you must be fed very well.”

Lapis’ little mind felt there was something wrong with Katherine’s statement, but he couldn’t figure out what.

Katherine carefully stepped over the Fluffies to get a bown of kibble. “Well I’ve got some work to do, but daddy and I will be setting up your beds soon, so just stay calm, have some water and we’ll get you all nestled in.”

Josef took the cue and poured a bowl of water for the Fluffies, then another bowl since he didn’t trust them to let Decaf near the first. Leaving them to their drinks, he left the kitchen with Katherine.

“So what’s the plan with her then?”

“I’m thinking a little bit of gaslighting, start taking her foals away one by one then when she asks about them, tell her she never had them to begin with.”

“Ooh, I like it. You thought about what you’re gonna do with the foals yet?”

“Not yet, figured I’d just throw them away.”

“Give them to me, I got an idea on how to fuck with her.”

As Katherine laid out her idea for messing with Teal, Josef felt a strange sense of pride in her, until he met Katherine he struggled with trying to form emotions towards people, and for a while she was ok with that, but now he’d never seen her more animated and he loved seeing her happy.

Even if it was about hurting small creatures.

Both the Teal plan and the Stud plan took a couple days to come into fruition, Teal’s because they wanted to settle her in first, and Stud because they needed to set up a breeding page for him online. They got a ton of responses within just a few minutes and had to work out the best ones to go for.

Their first client was breeder from the city, he had a brown mare called ‘Peggy’ that he couldn’t get any of his regular stallions to breed with but he knew she had a recessive Alicorn gene and hopes that Stud could break it out of her.

The client, Samuel, sat in a chair on one side of the living room, Katherine sat on the other side, Josef standing behind her for support, they both noted that Peggy wasn’t with him.

“I see you’ve come alone.” Katherine stated after a few seconds of silence.

“Mare’s in the car, I’m just here to make sure you’re legit. I give the all-clear, my partner brings the bitch up.”

“And what can we do to ease your mind?”

“Start by explaining how this works for you. Example, the price, 1000 coins for one breeding session is a bit steep don’t you think.”

“Our price is fair because we offer something that no other breeding station can, and I’m not just talking about Stud’s golden fluff. We can give you full access to the foals, we want you to keep any and all that your mare has, we are not interested in raising young.”

Samuel’s eyes narrowed, still not believing Katherine’s words. “See that’s the other thing, if this Stud’s got a coat as great as you say he does, why don’t you want to carry that on, make more money out of the genetics?”

Katherine smirked and leant back in her chair. “Sam, can I call you Sam, the truth is my partner and I aren’t breeders, we’re scientists, and we’re conducting an experiment on Stud. Don’t worry, your part in this is minimal, you have my personal guarantee that Stud will breed with your mare and you will get the fruits of his loins impregnated into her. But Stud is a special kind of Fluffy, he’s a softie at heart, he wants a family, little wife and kids to come home to after a hard day, something we all want I guess. But we’re not going to give it to him, our experiment is to have Stud breed with as many mares as we can get, tell him they want to be his special-friend, then after he’s fucked them, say they want nothing to do with him. We want to see how long it takes to break him, the 1000 coin price is partly for the privilege of breeding with him, but also to cover us, this is a short-term investment after all.”

Samuel looked at Katherine, a little shocked at her revelation, he gave a short nervous laugh.

“That sounds just fucked up enough to be true, tell you what, I’ll pay the 1000 now for the session, if the foals turn out good then I’ve got some spare sperm-catchers back home, I could loan you a couple.”

Josef’s face winced. “Sperm-catchers? Do I want to know.”

“It’s an enfie-toy with a little glass vial inside, stallion fucks the toy, fills the vial and viola, one grade-A batch of Fluffy cum. I give you a couple of those, you gather as much of his stuff as you can and I’ll buy it off you, discounted of course.”

Katherine nodded. “Of course, if this works out for you then ring us up and we have a deal.”

Samuel smiled and shook Katherine’s hand, he then sent a text to his partner and waited, a couple minutes later there was a knock on the door and Samuel’s partner walked in carrying Peggy. Josef noted that there was a few faint bruises on her face, clearly Samuel’s stallions took issue with a ‘poopie’ mare.

Josef already didn’t understand racism in humans, in Fluffies it was even stranger.

Katherine walked over and took Peggy in her arms. “Hey Peggy, my name’s Katherine, I’m here to introduce you to someone very special, would you like to meet him?”

“Nyu fwiend nu gib Peggy huwties?”

“He won’t I promise.”

As Katherine carried Peggy into the bedroom, Samuel looked at Josef and grinned. “She’s good.”

“Oh, you have no idea.”

In the bedroom, Stud was laying comfortably in the bed, Katherine had put a towel down earlier and he was enjoying the soft, fuzzy feel of it. When the door opened his senses perked up and he smelt something, another Fluffy, and a mare to boot, Katherine placed Peggy down on the bed and let Stud come closer to her.

“Hewwo nyu fwiend, am Stud.”

Peggy gulped, Stud was by far the most handsomest Fluffy she’d ever seen. “Ha… Hewwo Stud. Am… Am Peggy. Stud am SUUUU pwetty.”

“Fank yu, Peggy awso vewy pwetty.”

“Peggy nu pwetty, Peggy am poopie-mawe.”

“Nu poopie-mawe, am pwetty Fwuffy. Wan be Stud’s speciaw-fwiend?”

“Weawwy, Stud wan gib Peggy babbehs?”

“Stud wan, and wan tu wub Peggy an babbehs fow aww fowebas.”

Peggy couldn’t believe her luck, this Fluffy Adonis wanted her as his mate, she instantly presented herself to him and couldn’t help by smile as Stud carefully mounted her. Katherine turned and left them alone, shutting the door just as Peggy yelled out.


The faint muffled ‘enf, enf, enf’ could be heard through the door but everyone ignored it, Katherine handed Smauel and his partner a drink as they waited for the Fluffies to finish.

“You sure you’ve never bred before?” Samuel asked Katherine.

“Not in any profession capacity, I’m studying animal midwifery and the course on Fluffies was drilled into me over the last few months. I know my way around a Fluffy, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Well, if you’re ever interested in making this permanent, my cousin Frederick has a farm just outside the city, Frederick’s Family Fluffy Farm, you might have seen it. Anyways, he’s looking for staff, tell him Sammy sent ya and that’ll get your foot in the door.”

“I’ll look into it, thanks for the advice.”


Katherine turned to Josef, enjoying the uncomfortable look on his face.

“And that’s why I put the towels down.”

Samuel went to get up but Katherine stopped him. “You stay there, I need to speak to both Fluffies alone, make sure they both understand the narrative.”

Katherine went through to the bedroom ignoring the stench of Fluffy sex, and found Stud and Peggy curled up together, Peggy already humming a ‘soon-mummah’ song.

“Hey Peggy, your daddy wants to see you, can you come with me please?”

“Bu, Peggy wan stay wiv speciaw-fwiend wonga, wub speciaw-fwiend.”

“I know, but he’s quite insistent, wants to make sure you’re ok.”

“Weww, ok, bu bwing Peggy bak afta.”

Katherine picked Peggy up and carried her out of the room feeling her wave goodbye to Stud. Katherine shut the door behind her and sat Peggy on a table.

“Peggy I have some bad news for you, Stud isn’t a good Fluffy, he was lying when he said he loved you.”

“Wha, dat nu twue, Stud du wub Peggy, wan Peggy tu be bestesh speciaw-fwiend.”

“He’s lying, he’s said that to 5 other mares this week. He tells you what you want to hear so he can get good feels, then he moves onto the next girl.”

Peggy was inches away from bursting into tears. “Bu… bu… Peggy hab Stud’s tummeh-babbehs, babbehs need daddeh.”

Katherine softly stroked Peggy’s fluff. “I know they do, and you don’t have to worry, they already have one. Samuel, your human daddy will help you look after them. Think about it, you’re going to have the prettiest babies ever, AND, you won’t need to have a meanie like Stud help you when you have the best daddy already.”

Peggy’s tears slowly disappeared from her face as she listened to Katherine and realised she was right.

“Kat-a-win wight, Peggy nu need meanie Stud, hab bestesh daddeh hewp wook afta babbehs. Nu wub Stud nu mowe, wub onwy daddeh an babbehs.”

Samuel took that moment to walk over and pick Peggy up. “That’s right girl, I’ll help you, you’re gonna have the best foals ever. Kat, Josef, thank you both for this. I’ll wire you the money as soon as I’m in the car, I’ll throw in a little bonus for the artistry.”

Katherine beamed at him. “Happy for the service, hope to hear from you soon.”

Samuel and his assistant took Peggy and left the flat. Josef still shocked at how well that went. “Kat, you are scary good at this.”

“Natural talent honey, which reminds me.”

Katherine opened the door to the bedroom again, finding Stud franctically pacing inside.

“Whewe speciaw-fwiend, wan see speciaw-fwiend, wan see babbehs.”

Katherine did her sad-face routine again. “Oh Stud I’m so sorry, Peggy doesn’t want you to be her special-friend, she just wanted you to give her babies and nothing else. I should’ve checked her first, I’m sorry.”

“Bu Peggy wub Stud, towd hewsewf.”

“She doesn’t, she was lying to get what she wanted. Maybe the next one will be better.”

Stud broke down into tears and wrapped his hoofs around Katherine, wailing about just wanting a family. Josef left her to console the stallion while he set about his own work, gas-lighting Teal.

Teal awoke the next day fresh and relaxed, her new mummy and daddy had been so kind, they hadn’t given her skettis yet but she had to wear them down to that. Maybe she could pretend to care for his poppie-babbeh and trick them into rewarding her.

Teal stood up and softly rocked the two babies on her back awake, letting them fall gently into…

Hold on, two? She should have three babies on her back, she turned and looked, Lapis and Tangerine were still half-asleep having just fallen off, Decaf slept alone in the corner, where was Royal?

“Woyew? Woyew? Come out tu mummah.”

Nothing, not even a peep, Teal started getting worried.


Almost instantly Josef and Katherine burst in the door, had Teal been smarter she might have thought they were waiting at the door for her call.

“What is it Teal, what’s wrong?” Josef asked with the best concerned voice he could fake.

“Woyew babbeh gun, mummah nu can find him.” Teal was desperately looking all over for her missing son.

“Uh Teaw, all your foals are right there.”

“Nu, need find Woyew, babbehs am missin.”

“Who’s Royal, you’re not missing any babies, they’re all here.”

“NU! Dummeh daddeh, Teaw hab FOUW babbehs, nyo hab wun wess.”

Katherine stepped up. “Teal, can you come here a moment please.”

Reluctantly, Teal stepped forward towards Katherine, her eyes still looking for her missing baby, Katherine put the back of her hand to Teal’s forehead.

“Hmm, you’re running quite hot, I think you have a case of hysteria.”

“His-teewia? Wha dat?”

Josef took the lead. “I think you’re right Kat, I’ve seen it in some soon-mothers before, they start hallucinating their foals before they’re born, think they’ve already given birth.”

“Bu, Teaw heaw daddeh gib Woyew namsies many bwite-times ago.”

“I swear I didn’t Teal, I would’ve remembered.”

Teal sat back down, she could’ve sworn she had more foals, did she? She’d been outside alone for a long time, maybe something had messed with her thinkie-place.

Josef reached over and stroked her mane. “Take some time to rest up Teal, I’ll get breakfast sorted.”

“Ok daddeh.” Teal’s voice was soft, lost in confusion.

Josef and Katherine left the family and had to fight form bursting out into laughter in the hallway.

“Oh man, that was too easy. You think she bought it?”

Josef shook his head. “Not a chance, but she can’t prove it, she’ll be on-guard the next few days so let’s wait until we take another one. What you do with the body?”

“Freezer, I need him to still be fresh for the final trick.”

Just then there was a knock at the front door, neither Josef nor Katherine were expecting anyone.

“You haven’t booked in a breeding session today right?”

Katherine shook her head. “Not till tomorrow. You get started on breakfast, I’ll see to the door.”

Josef gave her a quick kiss and went through to the kitchen, Katherine approached the front door, a little nervous about the early time, but she opened it all the same.

Behind the door was a man, a man she could’ve sworn was Josef until she noticed a taller, stockier build, darker blonde hair and a short beard on his face. The man smiled at her and stuck out his hand.

“Hi there, Jonathan Mongola, pleased to finally meet you.”

Katherine just stood in shock, seeing an older Josef standing right in front of her. Jonathan saw her shock and chuckled.

“I’m guessing my baby brother’s neglected to mention me before now. Let’s see if we can rectify that.”

I hope people catch onto Stud’s connection to the main timeline, Josef’s cruelty transcend generations.

Chapter 4


So good!


So the big fluffy d!ck is hereditary!!!


the biggest dickus


Now Josef need find Onix or JD to continúe the Big dick lineage.


You should write fluffy erotica my dude, there’s probably a market for that.

Honestly Kat is such a psychopath I wonder how she came to owning Lily and how her redemption arc is gonna go in the other story if she’s willing to that to a good fluffy like Stud.


Coming soon: Fifty Shades Of Fluff.


shut up and take my money.

i want all the sorry enfies i can get!!!


I love the part from teals point of view its entrancing to see whats going on in that little brain of hers

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honestly just began reading this so I dont know WHAT that means, stud’s connections…I’ll get there when I get there.

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I’d recommend reading the release order which can be found on The Josef Timeline mostly because the Mongola Saga was shaped with each new entry rather than as a chronological whole

To help you out, Stud is the father of future character Rex, and Rex plays a big part in Josef’s story

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which I am doing! I mean I am just…going through these as I work through the day but I finished THIS arc- this book actually, Im hoping onto the next one. I really enjoy your writing!

And thanks for the info!

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No problem, there is quite a lot and I probably contradict myself more than once, but if you have any questions I’ll answer them as best I can