Josef The Troll Ch. 3 [END] [By BFM101]

At a little over two months old, Dan technically shouldn’t have hit puberty this early, but Josef reasoned that due to his lack of limbs, a lifetime of his dick rubbing against things most likely had jumpstarted his libido.

Josef stayed silent on the issue though, Dan needed to work out his own feelings and come to the conclusion that jizzing onto his bed every night wasn’t the best solution on his own. All Josef had to do was wait a few days and…

“Daddeh, can Dan hab speciaw-fwiend.”

It took less than 24 hours for Dan to tire of fucking his bed and start asking for a mate, either his libido was higher than Josef expected or his loneliness was worse. Most likely a combination of both.

“Dan, why do you want a special-friend? Isn’t daddy’s love enough for you?”

“Dan wub daddeh, bu Dan wan hab speciaw-fwiend, wan hab babbeh an famiwy. Pwease daddeh, dan be bestesh daddeh, wike yu.”

Josef had to hide his smirk when he heard that, partly because Dan was so sincere about it, but mostly because Dan couldn’t be a father. While his sexual appetite had increased his sexual maturity hadn’t fully formed yet, Dan’s testicles wouldn’t be producing viable sperm for at least another month.

It was a protocol designed by Hasbio after the first in-house case of enfie-babbeh as a way to prevent Fluffies from pregnancies when far too young, they’d planned to lower, if not completely remove all sexual traits from Fluffies before the final launch but obviously they never had the chance to.

Josef knew this, he’d been privied to Jonathan’s research during his mad-bomber days, but Dan clearly didn’t, his mind had a cheque for babbehs than his body couldn’t cash, and Josef was going to take full advantage of that.

Josef took a breath and put on his best sad face as he knelt down and stroked Dan’s fluff. “Dan… before you get too excited, yes I CAN get you a special-friend…”

“YAY speciaw-fwiend, Dan hab biggesh heawt-happies an…”

“Dan please listen. Daddy can get you a special-friend, but the mare I can get you belongs to a friend of mine, she’s his Fluffy and he loves her like I love you. If I bring her here for you, she can’t stay here, she has to be with her daddy, but I promise you when the foals are born I’ll make sure you see them whenever you like.”

Dan looked a little apprehensive, he wanted so badly to be a father, but he also wanted to be there for his babbehs, but he didn’t want to give anyone heart-hurties by being selfish.

“Daddeh weawwy mean Dan can see babbehs wen-eba?”

“Whenever you want buddy.”

“Den Dan ok wiv speciaw-fwiend nu bein hewe. Hab heawt-huwties, bu nu wan speciaw-fwiend daddeh hab dem cos Dan am meanie.”

Josef smiled. “You’re very brave Dan, I promise you’re gonna love this girl.”

Giving Dan a final scratch on the head, Josef stood up and pulled out his phone to call his friend.

Well, friend was a strong word.

“Ricky? It’s Joe, I got a favour to ask.”

Dr Ricardo ‘Ricky’ Guerra stepped into Josef’s home and whistled. “Goddamn, your place is something else Joe. How much Nazi gold this place cost you?”

“A little bit less than what you pay monthly for olive oil you greasy prick.”

Ricky and Josef smirked at each other, they had met briefly during their time in the university during a convention, both showed an interest in Fluffy physiology but their alpha egos clashed, resulting in a fractured but workable relationship. Ricky moved into Fluffy doctorate officially and was the only person Josef trusted other than himself and Katherine to look after Crimson.

Though whenever he did, Ricky loved to remind Josef that his doctorate was legit, whilst Josef was just a piece of paper he couldn’t even use.

“You got the girl?” Josef asked, eying the carrier in Ricky’s hands.

“Course amigo? You think this is amatuer hour of something?”

Ricky held up the carrier to let Josef get a better look, inside was a yellow earthie mare with a purple mane, humming happily to herself as she rocked back and forth on her legless body.

Saffron was different to Dan in that she was born without legs, a biological mishap in the womb. Her owner had saved Saffron from her own mother as she tried to kill the ‘dummeh nu weggie babbeh’ and subsequently adopted the little filly. Of course that filly was now a mare, and mares get babbeh crazy, once Saffron starting wanting foals and repeatedly being told no by her worried owner, their little harmony was shattered.

Seeing help, Saffron’s owner took her to Ricky’s clinic, to see if there were any health concerns with a pillow pregnancy. As tempted as Ricky was to rob the owner blind with check-ups and pillow maintenance, they seemed genuinely concerned for Saffron and not at all like the scum-fuck he usually served, plus Saffron didn’t deserve to have her demands rewarded. So instead Ricky lied, saying that Saffron’s health would be at risk if she got pregnant, but at the same time her babbeh craze would never leave, she would bounce between crazy and depressed and never be the same Fluffy again. The humane option would be to put her down now and save her the trauma.

It hurt Saffron’s owner but they agreed, surrendering Saffron to Ricky and leaving before they had to watch their pillowed friend die. Only Saffron didn’t die, Ricky kept her around with the plan of throwing her to the rowdier stallions in his care as a new toy, until he got word of Josef’s experiment and decided to keep Saffron on hand, just in case.
“Hewwo nice mistah.” Saffron said smiling at Josef. “Am yu daddeh’s fwiend.”

“Sort of, it’s a long story. I hear you’re here to see my Dan, is that right?”

“Yeh, daddeh say Saffron be soon-mummah nyo, gib babbehs bestesh huggies an miwkies.”

“Ok then, follow me.”

Josef led Ricky and Saffron through to Dan’s room, Ricky had to stifle a laugh when he saw Dan was already in a harness with a very evident hard-on, the look on the unicorn’s face was a mixture of determination and discomfort, a subtle reminder of how this easy task of reproducing was harder than Dan had expected.

But then Josef took Saffron out of her carrier and placed her in front of Dan, the two Fluffies smiled at each other.

“Hewwo, am Saffwon, am yu Dan?”

Dan nodded, his erection shaking as he did. “Am Dan, Saffwon wan be speciaw-fwiends?”

Saffron eyed Dan, he looked a little small to be giving enfies, but she trusted her daddy and nodded in agreement. “Yeh, wan be speciaw-fwiends, wan be mummah.”

Ricky gently picked Saffron up and turned her around so that Dan could see her special-place, instantly he started bucking his hips but Ricky had deliberately put her just too far away where Dan’s penis could touch her, but he couldn’t penetrate her.

“HNNGGGH, Wai enfie nu wowkin?” Dan whined as he pushed himself just to gain the smallest amount of distance he could.

“Oh, sorry about that, let me fix that for you.”

Ricky pushed Saffron back a little bit and Dan felt his nu-nu stick enveloped in a warmth that he could never have imagined. Josef and Ricky expected him to cum right there and then, but he held off and started bucking faster and faster.


Not wanting to share in the awkwardness of watching, Josef and Ricky took their leave, shutting the safe-room door behind them.

“Little dude’s pent up.” Ricky chuckled.

“Lifetime of feeling his dick on the carpet, you bet he’s pent up. Have you told Saffron the plan?”

Ricky nodded. “She knows she can’t stay here and Dan can’t come with us, she’ll make a big fucking deal out of it but once I get her singing mummah songs she’ll get over it. After that, who knows?”

“Do what you like with her, I won’t need her again.”

“Can I ask you something Joe, I get this experiment of yours, provide a pillowfluff with a happy life and he’ll still end up depressed. Doesn’t keeping Dan from his ‘foals’ just give him more of a reason to get upset.”

Josef smirked. “You forget Ricky, absence makes the heart grow stronger, the longer Dan is aware from Saffron and their foals, the more excited he’ll be when they get here. Obviously they won’t be, but I’ve got at least a month to think up what to do then.”


Josef and Ricky looked at the door, both a little stunned by Dan’s impeccable timing.

Naturally there was some protests between Dan and Saffron who both wanted to stay with each other, but Josef and Ricky managed to convince them both they would see each other again. Dan spent the rest of the day in a slump but a gentle reminder from Josef that he would be a father soon cheered up right up.

“Daddeh, wen can Dan see babbehs?”

“Dan, it’s only been one day, it takes about 30 days for babies to be born.”


“Six lots of five days.”

“BU DAT AM FOWEBA AWAY! Dan awweady miss speciaw-fwiend an babbehs, wan be dewe fow famiwy.”

“Tell you what Dan, let me help you out.”

Josef walked over to the calendar on the wall, he counted out 30 days from yesterday, then added on 3 extra days to be safe, Fluffies notorious for refusing to stick to an established schedule. He put a big circle over the end-date then crossed off today and yesterday.

“See this, this should be when Saffron gives birth, everyday I’ll cross off another day so you can tell how close we are until your babies arrive, then when they do we’ll go see them.”

“Dat wong time, bu Dan hab biggesh heawt-happies tu be daddeh, am weady tu wait.”

“Good boy, now let’s get you some sketti to celebrate.”


In the basement Crimson heard Dan’s scream and winced.

“Hate dat wittew fucka.”

Shuddering the screech out of his mind, Crimson returned to gnawing on the Fluffy bone that had been left on the floor.

Josef noted a drastic change in Dan’s behaviour over the next few days, obviously he was a lot more excitable, but that excitement was sustained over several days, for the entirety of the first week Josef would find Dan staring at the calendar, as though willing each day to change, He didn’t watch TV anymore, he didn’t ask for cuddles with Josef, in fact other than eating all he did was stare at the calendar.

Josef expected the excitement to be palpable, but this was far more than he anticipated.

Things took a turn in the second week, when the anticipation started to wear off to be replaced with worry.

“Daddeh?” Dan asked as Josef placed a bowl of kibble in front of him. “Wha happen if Dan nu can wun an pway wiv babbehs?”

Josef paused for thought, this was the most words Dan had said to him in a week and it caught him off-guard a little bit.

“Dan, I told you Fluffies don’t have legs. You don’t, Saffron doesn’t, and your foals won’t either.”

“Bu… babbehs need tu wu an pway, it how dey git be big an stwong.”

“You didn’t run, you didn’t play, and you grew up just fine. I thought you were passed this buddy.”

“Ok, am sowwy daddeh, Dan nu knyo wai fink bout weggies.”

Josef sighed and stroked Dan’s mane. “It’s ok Dan, no harm done.”

Josef left Dan to his dinner and went back to the kitchen, leaving the pillowed stallion to softly sob into his kibble.

After that, Dan had a new worry every day. What if his foals hated him because he couldn’t give them huggies? How would he keep them all safe if he couldn’t chase after them? What if they made fun of him for being a no-leggie dummy?

Josef kept trying to convince him that his foals wouldn’t have legs and there wouldn’t be any problems, but Dan was adamant that babbehs have legs, and that Dan was the outlier for not having any.

“Why do you think that Dan? When have you ever seen another Fluffy with legs? They don’t exist, Fluffies don’t have legs.”

“Den wai Dan see dem in sweepy-pictas.”

“Not this again, Dan I explained to you that those are just dreams, they aren’t real and if you…”

“DEY AM WEAW! Dan KNYO Fwuffies hab weggies, Dan babbehs wiww hab weggies an Dan am jus dummeh nu-weggie Fwuffy, nu gud daddeh, nu gud speciaw-fwiend, dummeh Fwuffy who nu can wook afta own babbehs. Dan nu desewve famiwy.”

Josef took a moment, his natural instincts to smack Dan in the face for shouting back at him were stronger than he realised. After he’d calmed down he took a deep breath and looked at Dan.

“Dan, I don’t know where these ideas in your head are coming from, but I can promise you it’s all only in your head. Your foals are going to be just like you, not a single leg between any of them, they will need your help to look after them, but anything you can’t do, me and Ricky will do for you.”

Dan sniffled and shook his head.

“Daddeh am wong.”

Dan placed his head down onto his bed and cried, Josef had thought Dan might get worried about his children since he wasn’t there to look after them, but this anxiety coupled with his growing belief that his children would have legs despite never having seen a Fluffy with legs all led Josef to believe that his psychological torment was finally clashing with Fluffy programming, and the torment was losing.

Seeing his experiment about to come to an end, Josef pulled out a trump card, the only thing he could think of that would pull Dan out of this depression, even for a moment.

“Do you want to go see Saffron, see her tummy-babbies?”

“Nu, Dan jus wan die.”

“And that was it.” Josef said as he took a sip of his coffee. “He brought himself to the wan-die loop simply because his own programming told him that he was wrong. I was able to curb it at first with food and companionship, but once foals came into the equation, and Dan’s anxiety of not being able to run and hug and play with his children, as well as just the general fear of being a father, a young father at that, and there was no stopping him. I wonder if I tried this again if removing foals from the equation would yield longer results.”

“Pwease, fow da wub of fuk, daddeh nu du dis gain.” Crimson scowled at his owner.

“You’re no fun. Besides look at what we accomplished, we’ve proven that a happy life filled with comforts, happiness and spaghetti still aren’t enough to keep a Fluffy from the wan-die loop, even the prospect of a family, the one fucking thing these creatures want above everything else, only made things worse.”

“So daddeh was wight, show dem dummeh piwwow fukas dey am aww wong.”

“Yeah… except they banned my account after the first video, and anything I’ve done afterwards on a new account gets immediately flagged. That doctrine of theirs is stronger than I realised.”

“WHA? Yu fukin mean Cwimson be stuk downstaiws fow aww dese fowebas an it aww fow fukin nuffin?”

“Not for nothing Crimson, think of the science we’ve helped.”

“Fuk da sci-ense. It dank as shit down dewe.”

“Ok, ok, I probably should’ve told you that earlier. Tell you what, we’ll take a trip to Ricky’s see if he has any fat babbehs for you to nibble on.”

“Dat gud, fow a stawt. Aneeway, wiv dis dummeh sci-ense dun, wha yu du wiv da weg-wess kunt.”

“Oh don’t worry, he’s being dealt with.”

Down in Josef’s basement strapped to a table and able to turn his head, Dan was forced to watch a wall of TV screens as the trumpets on the sound-system blared around him.

I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby I’m sure.

He tried to shut his eyes but the images were already burned into his head, hours upon hours of it, he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t escape, he was stuck watching these screens forever more.

And I just can’t till the day when you knock on my door.

Fluffies, hundreds of them, thousands even, each and every one of them with legs.

Now every time I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down.

Hugging, hitting, running, fighting, playing, dancing, enfing. All the things Dan knew a Fluffy should be able to do, but he never could.

Cause I just can’t wait till you write me, you’re coming around.

Each TV flashed a new image at random intervals, Josef had amassed enough footage for a little over 48 hours of content, each of it going so fast that Dan would never get use to seeing all of it. He would be forced to see what he’d been missing his whole life, for what little of it remained.

Now I’m walking on sunshine, whoa, I’m walking on sunshine, whoa.

Dan flooded his faces with tears, his heart being broken again and again and again with each passing second. He was a monster, he was a dummeh no leggie monster, and his daddeh had lied to him his entire life.

I’m walking on sunshine, whoa.


And don’t it feel good, hey.

“Actually while we’re talking about Dan.” Josef said putting on his coat. “What did you do to his mother?”

“Wha daddeh mean?”

“Well I found the chirpy bones in your litterbox when I emptied it out, but nothing big enough to fit his mother, and I’ve not seen her body lying anywhere in the basement. Just curious what you did with her.”

“Cwimson hab his fun, daddeh nu need tu wowwy.”


In a dirty alleyway, as far as the fat mare could make it from Josef’s house, Violet gave birth once more. After the warm comfort of a human’s home, this was a severe downgrade, but there was plentiful food in the trashcans and little in the way of dangers.

Nothing resembling the red monster who gave her bad special-huggies.

With great difficulty, Violent gave birth to a large litter of seven foals, she knew it would be hard to look after them all but she was finally a mummah again, and she would do everything she could to protect them.

Once the afterbirth pushed out of her, Violet turned around to look over her foals, three of them were varying shades of blue, she took the two darkest blues and placed them on her teats for the first feeding.

“Yu twu am pwettiesh babbehs, yu git fiwst miwkies.”

Somewhere deep in the foals minds, the ego boost of ‘prettiest’ clicked on, and they greedily suckled as much as they could.

Violet turned to the next two, a light black colt and a light blue, almost turquoise filly, she carefully replaced her two bestesh babbehs with them both.

“Yu two am wess pwetty babbehs, yu git wess miwkies.”

The two new foals seemed to sense their mother’s trepidation hastened their guzzling.

Violet picked up the next two foals, one sandy brown, the other puke green, neither of them worthy of being pretty babbehs.

“Yu bov am ugwy babbehs, mummah wub yu but yu git wittew miwkies.”

As Violent placed the two foals onto her teats, the two of them latched on hard and filled their bellies with what little they could get. Both feeling an unknown fear that they’d never be this full again.

That just left the last foal, a filly, but her coat was bright red, her mane showing to be a vibrant orange, and her Pegasus wings just starting to flap curiously in her blind little world.

She was the mirror image, of her monstrous father.

“Bad babbeh!” Violent cried as she kicked the filly in the face, splitting her tiny little lip open. “Yu stay way fwom mummah an gud babbehs.”


Violet heard the filly cries of pain and confusion, her filly, her daughter, and she felt like shit. All babbehs were good babbehs, even the ugly ones, and it wasn’t her fault she had a bad Fluffy for a daddy. Violet relented and took the filly back.

“Yu am wowstesh babbeh, bu mummah stiww had wittew miwkies. Mummah gib yu miwkies wast if hab anee, cos mummah am gud mummah.”

Placing the red filly onto her teat, that first wash of milk swam into her mouth, mixing with the blood from her split lip before washing down her throat.

Something awoke inside the filly at the taste, she wouldn’t understand what it was for a long time, but that first taste of blood had set her on a path she couldn’t escape from, nor would she ever want to.

As it turned out, she had more in common with her father than just his colours,

Thanks to @recreationalsadist for letting me use his Ricky character, hopefully the two doctors get a chance to meet again someday.

As for Crimson’s daughter? We’ll seen her again soon enough.


We might have a second crimson coming into the world



Hmm, little anticlimactic in the actual arc of the character, I wanted to get the moment of realization. But the super-torture at the end had me walkin’ on sunshine, whoa-oh


Loved it. Using Walking on Sunshine was a good choice


Followup with Saffron’s fate:


Awwwww I was hoping Josep can shut up those fuckers for once but getting banned is frustrating :triumph: for once should have called for Jonathan to hack in and cause chaos on that site.

Poor Dan…it ends as how a fluffy with broken dreams.

Damn Violet is alive??? And Crimsom let her lived? Shocking! :scream: Oh dear if that filly survive… basically we get another ver of Crimsom running around the forest.


so whats our new little terrors’ name gonna end up being? scarlet, ripper, widow? will she end up eating any of her siblings? so many questions


I like Scarlet, I might take that one over my original idea


How…fucking annoyingly programmed. Little shit was hardwired to know he had legs, what a ripoff. I wanted to see him doubt some more.


I keep rereading this.

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Its great the 2 puns made here about devils daughter