Shut up kebabbeh. I’m not eating you. Fluffies are too gross to eat.
It is the warm season, a good way to reduce their numbers.
Munch munch them all.
These are the puns I come here for.
How I’m going to hear them begging for mercy if they are with their mouth busy?
trying to figure whether it works better going forward or back, like forward they can see it coming, or backwards so you can hear them beg as you push them down on the spike
Please tell me they’ve been marinated in something other than shit.
This brings up the question of how long do fluffies live once spiked like this.
you wasted good food with those shits -_-’ don’t even try to put it on the grill next to real food
mmmmm fluffkabob
That’s a brilliant name for a foal-kebab!
Ah shish kabob, on my current settings I have really teeny tiny thumbnails and thought I was clicking on a halloween/horror/human centipede errr fluffy centipede image.