Last days for Hasbio Catalogue part II (InfraredTurbine)

Sup folks!
So, these are the last days for Hasbio Catalogue part II entries!

No idea what I’m talking about ?
Hasbio Catalogue part II - Now with community Ideas!


smol art to add our project :3
Yep, that’s an effect that I plan to expand and see how far I can go with these xD

ps: About the project:
I’ll start drawing all the ideas after August 20th!. Before it, I’m just focusing on the design of the new catalogue. I want it to look better than the first one, but without losing its originallity and so on… well, you can expect great things ^^

Hope you guys brrrrrrrre ok and have a nice week!
~ Turbine

For commissions, feel free to contact me here, on discord or carrier pigeon;
Hasbio Catalogue part II


How many entries do you have for the Catalogue so far?

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around 16 by now :slight_smile:

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I still owe you verbage! And I think I have one more idea!

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It’s a great project, I just read everything, Good luck with that!

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“Smart Poopie Anal Spigot” - a permanent anal plug that allows the fluffy to poop only when their anus is both over and pointed towards a special litter box with built-in RFID indicators. Comes in both “fail open” versions (if the battery runs out, the fluffy can still poop) or “fail closed” editions (if the battery runs out, the fluffy will just build up poop until something ruptures and they die). Added bonus: if the fluffy runs away, they will probably die from not being able to poop.

“Professor Wreck deNono’s Vagina Dameda Dentata” - A special implant, insertable and removable by a veterinarian, for mares that you don’t want to be “violated.” Should a randy “special friend” penetrate the mare’s no-no place, the automated teeth shoot into his member and inject a special cocktail of toxins that both destroy the blood vessels in the member and set the nerves on fire. The pain is enough to make the male fluffy want to commit suicide and might cause cardiac arrest. If the fluffy survives the ordeal then the penis is permanently ruined, having no feeling and being unable to become engorged with blood. The mare is unharmed. Great for laughs.


@FluffiesAreFood actually the ideas have a small fee to appear on the catalogue since they’re kinda like commissions, but that’s descripted on the original post xP

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would love to see something drug/medicine related for fluffies. kinda like how they have CBD treats for pets to calm them down and promote other health benefits, or like the various tools and tricks to get animals to take meds, ala hiding the dog’s pill in a piece of cheese lol.

another one would be some kind of learning laptop that’s dumbed down enough for them to use, like V-Tech has. nothing too crazy, parental filtered all to hell and back obviously, but maybe have a fluffy A.I. that can take more specific voice commands since there’s not gonna be a lot of typing lol.

who knows, maybe with enough time they could be sweet-talked into getting around some of the filters for their respective fluffy to check out other, less safe sites lol

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. . .Im not pitching it myself but reading someones thing on micros in test tubes had me thinking about ants and Trophallaxis.

I know there’s an idea there of a fluffy type designed with Trophallaxis traits, but im definitely putting it on the back burner for now. ~Chuckle~


tropawhat ? xD

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Trophallaxis is the transfer of food or other fluids among members of a community through mouth-to-mouth (stomodeal) or anus-to-mouth (proctodeal) feeding. Along with nutrients, trophallaxis can involve the transfer of molecules such as pheromones, organisms such as symbionts, and information to serve as a form of communication.[1] Trophallaxis is used by some birds, gray wolves, vampire bats, and is most highly developed in social insects such as ants, wasps, bees, and termites.

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