Last Hope Chapter 5 part 8 The Long And Winding Road (FluffySadist)


Laius said this with him immediately running up to Merlin and him speaking as he got there.
“I was wookin’ awound just expwowin’ dah twain, den Mewwin wan into some mawe an’ she’s not awone she had su many foaws wiff hew!”
What this was completely crazy how the hell did she even find this place! Laius stops for a second closing his eyes and sighs before speaking.
“Mewwin,Dwiscoww,Jay an’ Souw can ‘ou aww come wiff me, wet’s go hab a wittwe ‘chat’ wiff dis mawe. An’ gwab am weapons to!”
Hearing this order I grabbed Excalibur looking at Monica and speaking.
“I’ww be back soon.”
Monica speaks as we hug each other.
“'ou bettah be, goodbye.”
As we begin to head to the next train car Laius looks back at everyone staying and speaks.
“Whiwe whewe gone watch obah Mastah Howse, aftah whewe finished wiff dis ‘incident’ whewe goin’ to stahp dah twain an’ get some west. Tomowwow we begin dah wawk back to Motow.”
And with that we head into the next train car ready to confront her.

When we entered the car it was a lot different than the one we were in. It barley had any working lights with it even being sometimes hard to see a times with the sun starting to set. Than not long after we entered we saw her and the foals at the corner the car. By the look of her Order robe’s the color was a bright yellow but with all the dust it had faded considerably, her mask was a sun design with it having multiple triangles coming from all sides and only having eyes slits and a small hole to fit her horn. What was beside her I was most surprised, there were around 2 dozen foals all scattered around her with all of them wearing robes and some being masked while most were unmasked with them having terrified expressions and tears in their eyes. The age ranges of the foals were quite strange as well, with the oldest of them not really being foals but early adolescents. While the youngest foals looked like they were only born a few days ago, the mare after looking at us for a few seconds speaks.
“get 'way ‘ou fuckin’ monstews, what am ‘ou goin’ to kiww us wike 'ou did to ebewyone ewse! wike Sun’s husband!”
Before any of us even had a chance to react the foals started screaming in terror and started to yell.

With all the yelling and chaos coming from the foals I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for them so wanting to calm down the situation I speak.
“Whewe not goin’ to huwt ou, wook see!”
As I put Excalibur away I look at the others and give them the signal to do the same. Merlin, Driscoll and Jay put there weapons away with Laius eventfully doing the same after I give him the stink eye. It seemed to work with the foals quieting down and Sun having a body language that was slightly less confrontational Laius speaks.
“How did 'ou get hewe?”
Sun who was now comforting the foals speaks, with her sounding like she was on the brink of tears.
“Sun’s husband he… He towd me of dis pwace an’ if things stawted to chaotic to bwin’ aww of dah Owdew’s young hewe.”
All of the Order’s children… holy shit! I speak.
“how did 'ou gathah aww of these babbehs su fast?”
Sun speaks putting one of her hooves up her mask I’m guessing to wipe a tear.
“Sun wowks as a teachew, aww I had to do was gathah my chiwdwen an cwass den go to dah nuwsewy to gathah dah newbowns aftah that we wewe out.”
Looking at Sun I could see a colt and a filly hugging her closely they must be her children, and after a few seconds of thinking I had no idea what I was going to do with her and the foals than Laius spoke.
“By dah owdah of hew majesty 'ou am naoa pwisonah, stay hewe as Waius needs to tawk wiff my entouwage.”
And before I even had a moment to react Laius pulled us all away from Sun and the foals to where they couldn’t hear us and he began to talk bluntly.

“We nu can feed 20+ peopwe, we hab to weabe them hewe!”
Hearing this a part of me understood where Laius was coming from, but another part didnt want to just leave these people here. I speak in response.
“we nu can just weabe them hewe! sun said she was a teachah, she maybeh know woute to get back to motow.”
Laius responds in a annoyed tone.
“wook Souw Waius knows 'ou mean weww buh we nu hab dah suppwies!”
I respond in a more firm tone.
“Dey can hab mine if it comes to it.”
Laius speaks sighing.
"Wook I’ww think about it! it’s dawk nao su Waius think we shouwd aww just get some west.
Without speaking I and everyone else start to head back to our train car with Driscoll speaking as we head back.
“Shouwd somebody watch them?”
Laius responds.
"I’ww assign peopwe in shifts.
As we headed back to the car it was pretty silent with Laius speaking to everyone.

“Dewe am peopwe in dah othah caw. Owdah membews mostwy foaws Waius doesn’t considah them a fweat buh wouwd wike a few of us to take shifts. Am goin’ to be stoppin’ dah twain nao, we weabe fo’ Motow in dah mownin’.”
Laius heads over to the door with the buttons and jumps up to the seat than to the buttons hitting the red one. I could feel the ground shake for a few seconds as we all heard a loud screech coming from below us and the train slowing down until it finally came to a complete stop. After that a few decided to volunteer with me feeling way to tired to want to do it, so finding a spot on the train seats I begin to fall asleep. Once it was the morning we all hard breakfast and after that Jay and Laius sat down together overlooking a piece of paper and some strange metal thing as we all packed our things. Once they were finished Laius spoke looking at me.
“get dah pwisonews Souw.”
With a nod I head into the next train car to get Sun and the foals.

I isn’t long until I see them, once I was noticed they flinch and look in concern I speak.
“Whewe headin’ to motow it’s time to weabe.”
Sun looks at me and speaks in an angry tone.
“An’ what am ‘ou goin’ to do wiff us when we get dewe!”
To be honest I had no idea how to ansawer that question but with a calm voice I speak.
“Wook Souw knows dah Queen of Motow if I tawk to hew Souw can pwobabwy find a pwace fo’ ‘ou an’ dah foaws to wibe, ‘ou just hab to twust me.
Sun sighs and a few seconds later she looks at the foals and speaks.
"Stay wiff Sun cwosewy whewe weabin’.”
And just like that they all got up and started to follow me to our train car. Once we got there the others were already outside and seeing that me, Sun and the foals exited. Less than 5 seconds after we left I saw MAster Horse look at us and he spoke in sjock and a little bit of reliaf.
Cassandwa… 'Ou got out!”
Cassandra? Must be her personal name or something, she speaks.
Miwo am awibe… I thought 'ou wewe dead!”
Wait Master Horse’s name is Milo, how am I just learning this just now? Laius goes over to Cassandra and speaks.
“Am goin’ to nee’ 'ou to take off dah mask.”
Cassandra looking at him for a few seconds eventually complies surprisingly taking off the mask revealing her face. Her coat was a warm beige color with her mane being a light grey. As she put’s the mask away Laius gives the signal and we were off beginning the long walk back to Motor. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week, and of course constructive criticism is appreciated.