Going down the first things we saw were lots of sewer pipes. Being in this dark dingy sewer I felt reminded of the pathway to The Compound. As we continued to travel deeper and deeper I didn’t see anything the gave the indication of a “Hive” Continuing to look we got to a small portion of the sewer that was a little more open than the rest of it and I saw a strange sight. Infront of us laid two graves both with helmets on them, it took me a moment but I realized they were Reborn helmets. I processed to ask Jay what was carved on the graves and he told me. The name of the grave to the left was Lup, member of the Blue Sky tribe. And the Grave on the right was Ip, member of the Morning Light tribe. I looked at the graves for a moment before eventually rejoining everyone else continuing the march. As we went deeper and deeper we started to see more signs of changeling activity, the sewer the pipes that were previously intact now had clear signs of damage and large chucks of metal had been removed from them and the walls surrounding us started getting darker and darker with them coated in some sort of sticky… Thing?
Deeper in I was sure we were finally here, the pipes were now completely gone and evidence that this place was a changeling living space was obvious. We could see abandoned rooms from all around, some were just rest areas while others were cooking areas, weapon and armor making stations, and even areas for young! The place looked like a ghost town it made me think was their attack going to be all or nothing? Waling down a hallway we reached a large carved out room, at first it didn’t seem like that much just a bunch of dark clumps (Gross!) but as we were walking to the other room I could hear a voice coming from the back shouting.
“There’s something inside these things look!”
A crowd started to be formed and pushing my way through I could see what everyone had started to talk about. Inside the clumps we could see something it was dark but a hint of blue could be seen than as we looked Nuit spoke sounding like he had a revelation.
“These… These things are eggs! These things are unhatched changelings, DESTROY THEM!”
Almost immediately we all started to take out our weapons and began smashing the eggs open, I could hear the developing changelings gasp only once when there eggs were broken, their developing lungs unable to handle the air flooding inside.
Once all the eggs were destroyed there were a few seconds of silence as we all made sure there were none left, than as we prepared to continue I could feel the ground began to shake as I could hear something coming from above. We all raised our weapons in anticipation the shaking got worse and worse than finally I cold hear something coming from above.
Changelings started coming out of holes in the ceiling falling down on us, I had no idea if they were hidden above us or they could detect what we were doing and had hidden passages to the hive. We had a small advantage fighting them with them having to pick up their weapon we could easily just cut them down, but they just kept coming and coming. As we fought them Nuit spoke to all of us.
Following Nuit’s orders I began to leave with all of the Flames Knights 10 knights joining me, than just as I make it to the door Merlin pulls me aside and I cane see my family looking at me, Merlin speaks.
“Nuit onwy mentioned 'ou, do ‘ou wan’ us to fowwow!?”
I thought for a second, and ultimately made a decision I speak to them.
“Souw can do dis, be safe aww”
Merlin after I say that nods and I leave heading into the nest room with the others. for a moment I consider bringing them with me but after thinking about what Chrysalis had done and her power couldn’t risk them getting hurt and if I and the others had failed they would have a chance to escape. We had entered a large chamber with a giant hole in the ground, with it only being dimly lit by candles. Walking for a bit we came to a spiral staircase with it going down into the hole, having a feeling Chrysalis chamber would be down here we headed down making sure not to make that much noise so the changelings wouldn’t be alerted. Once we reached the bottom it was almost pitch back with the limited light from our torches showings dozens of separate hallways and passages, I felt like we had entered a place that went on for eternity. Than as we all walked in a straight line I flinched as I sworn I saw a silhouette of something moving. Thinking I was just paranoid we continued than, we made it. The room not far from us was brimming with light with the rooms outside walls being a lot more fancier than the rest. Quietly making our way up Zaza spoke in a whisper.
“How are we going to approach this? Chrysalis with her tentacles could kill us in an instant!”
I think for a moment thinking of ideas before finally settling on one I think would give us the best chance, I speak.
“Chwysawis am bewy stwong buh she onwy has 2 see-pwaces, an when Souw was wiff hew I fewt we got awong pwetty weww, su Souw wiww twy to distwact hew wiff a conbewsation, an’ whiwe I do that ‘ou aww get behind hew an’ wite hew up.”
Zaza and soon the others nod as we extinguish our torches, and I head inside to meet her
Infront of me was something I could only describe as a long giant black mass, what is this? Than as I continued walking I saw the only part of her that remained the same her face. Her eyes were closed and I thought she must have through some sort of transformation some how! Than after nearly walking a quarter way around the room she opened her eyes and looked at me. It was silence for a few seconds, she didn’t attack me and after taking a deep breath she spoke in a calm tone.
“So Soul we meet again, you’ve been quite the nuisance with that whole fire things, but I’ve go to say I’m impressed going in all by yourself is something few would do. And by looking at your face I know, I’ve changed quite a lot since you last saw me but hey you can’t birth an entire civilization without going through some ‘growing pains’. What brings you here, did those old nuts really think you could take me by yourself?”
Chrysalis gives a small smile as she chuckles, and thinking of the first thing I could come up with I speak also in a calm tone.
“Dah chicago weadewship sent fwuffy just to gib 'ou simpwe message, if ‘ou end aww of dis biowence wite nao dey am wiwwin’ to wet ‘ou an’ am subjects wibe.”
Chrysalis thinks about it in a joking manor than speaks.
“I don’t think so… You see Soul I am a living god and I don’t see fit that I be subject to others that fear me, to be held hostage in my own hive!”
I speak in a little more of a assertive tone.
“Su am just goin’ to kiww ebewyone! None of those peopwe on dah suwface hab done anythin’ to ‘ou am am hibe! Den what happens aftah that, am Motow next on dah choppin’ bwock!”
Chrysalis looks like she took offense from my Motor comment and at the corner of my eyes I could see the Talon Knights slowly making their way behind her. Chrysalis speaks getting a little more assertive and aggressive.
" Soul I will make this clear only once. The people of Motor have never wronged me and any way, they never locked me in a cage for literal decades, or treated me like a weapon to be used and exploited. Actually quite the opposite, you and the masked one were the ones to free me and treated me like I was a person, I hoped maybe because of that that once Changelandia had been rightfully liberated. That an alliance could be formed between The Kingdom of Motor and Changelandia. So Soul I will offer this, I know deep down you are still a good person who’s been manipulated, so leave right now and I will forgive you and order my drones that you and you’re family are to be spared, yes even including the Talon knight that the one in the robe and pointy hat seems to be fond of. And all of you will be allowed to return to Motor completely unharmed."
I speak directly to her, looking at her dead in the eyes.
Chrysalis had a face of pure shock that quickly contorts into one of pure rage than speaks as her tentacles start appearing and I raise Excalibur ready to give the signal.
Her tentacles begin approaching me rapidly but I’m able speak in time!
“Fwame Knites attack hew!”
Chrysalis face is now back in shock, and her tentacles slow considerably allowing me to cut them down. Than as she turns her head an explosion could be heard.
Fire begins rapidly consuming her and she begins to scream in pure agony, I could see as her body and face began melting with her trying to summon tentacles but they to just melted away until finally Chrysalis like the other changelings exposed to fire was nothing more than a molten blob. We did it, it was over… Running over I couldn’t help but think how awful the stench was, and once I got to the other side of the room I saw Zaza and the rest the the Knights celebrating we hugged each other and looking. I saw one of the flame knights no longer had a gas tank attacked to them, they must set it off causing the explosion. Taking a moment just to collect our breaths, I knew soon we would have to go back and rejoin the others.
And I wondered if the changelings had a way of detecting that their queen was dead, would commit mass suicide or something? (Sure would make things a lot easier!) Than out of the blue as we were about to walk a small voice could be heard from an area the the chamber that was dark. All of us stopped and looking we could see a silhouette with bluish eyes with a greenish tint to them. Raising our weapons the silhouette jumped out into the light screaming in a soft voice as they did.
“Please don’t kill me I surrender, please I am not like her! She treated me horribly and abused me, please I will not hurt you!”
Looking we saw what looked like a small Changeling (small like the size of a foal) but in some way’s she wasn’t like a changeling, she had actual hair and a horn reminding me a lot of the old Chrysalis but smaller. Looking at her we had no idea what to do than one of the knights speaks.
“She’s obviously with em so c’mon you know what to do strike her down!”
She was cowering as she sobbed, and as a Knight approached her raising his sword I stopped him speaking as I did.
“nu! 'ou see she’s obbiouswy nota fweat, dis feews wwong!”
The talon Knight gives me a look of anger but stops, I begin walking towards her ging down on her level speaking.
“it’s otay’ wewe not goin’ to gib owwies tu 'ou. fwuffy’s name am Souw, what’s am name, who am 'ou?”
She get’s out of a cowering position and wipes away the tears as she looks at me speaking.
“My… My… My name is Viltra, I am the-”
Viltra is cut off as we could hear shaking coming from all around us, And a shadow had now fallen on us and I could hear a Talon soldier a speaking.
“Holy mother of shit…”
Than just as I was about to turn to see what was going on, I could hear a voice speak it being much deeper but still familiar.
Holy shit things are about to get crazy in the next part! Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the finale done in a few day’s, maybe a week. And of course constructive criticism is always appreciated, and may you have a good day!