Last Hope The End part 4 of 5 Duncan (FluffySadist)


[2 Months after part part 3]

I and everyone else in my family waved goodbye to the carriage carrying my parents, as they made their way to Stablelot for the royal wedding of Velvet and Sandro ii. I don’t understand why only they were given invitations? like I’m getting old enough to where I’m no longer a “foal” and the weather is about to get cold soon. I want to see somewhere else other than Green roof, Ugh! We all started making our way back inside the house, the dates for when they were going to come back were pretty simple either right before next month or early into next month so I have around 15 day’s. As we entered I got at least one thing I could look forward to, looking at my growing mane! It was still pretty short but it was a nice brown color it being the same as my Mom and Dad. Meanwhile Toby’s mane was a was a bright yellow, and Narmi’s was a warm grey. I spend a few moments waiting for everyone to leave, before going to my hidden area. (It was an abandoned building a little down the road that hadn’t been redeveloped yet.) Once there I double check nobody followed me and go to take out a box I had hidden opening it, revealing a rusted old knife. I begin to swing it at some makeshift dummies I had set up, training my hardest.

I couldn’t let anybody know I was here training with a weapon (Especially my parents!) because if they did it would only worsen my reputation, I know they already see me as a “problem child” I keep hitting the dummy with harder and harder strikes until finally feeling myself filled with rage I hit the dummy a little to hard and the knife snaps in two. Dammit that was my only one! I sit down and think to myself. How am I ever going to be good enough If I… Agh! I leave and start heading home and once I get inside an idea hits me, since both of my parents have left… that’s means I could use my dad’s sword. I though about this for a second, I could get in deep trouble if I’m caught but. I begin to head upstairs slowly making my way to my parents room and as I put my hoove on the doorknob I could hear a voice from behind me. Fuck it was Grandpa Jay I’m in some much trouble!
“Duncan finally I found you! I built some kite’s and I was wondering if you would want to go and fly one!”
Thank all that was holy he doesn’t know! I start to turn around seeing Jay holding a large box and so I speak.
“ugh… Suwe! that sounds wike a gud time!”
Grandpa Jay smiles and speaks.
“Great then let’s go!”

I go with Jay and we both go downstairs to see everyone waiting for us and as we all start walking. I see that we were heading up on the roof where we all take a seat and Jay starts taking out the kites and as he does that Grandpa Merlin speaks.
“since am Mummah an’ Daddeh am out of town an’ dah weathah am about to get cowd soon. We thought about doin’ somethin’ speshuw!”
Uncle Willy is the first to get his kite, than Narmi get’s hers and than Toby, than me. I see that the kite I was given was a nice orange color. Me and everyone else start flying the kites as we all sit, and To be honest flying the kite feels kind of therapeutic in a way. I fly it for a bit until dusk, where the only one left was just me, Jay and Merlin. Jay looks at me as I fly my kite and speaks.
“Hey Duncan I’m not trying to intrusive in any way, but I noticed you have been looking a lot more down recently, is something wrong?”
I sigh and debate if I should tell him anything but ultimately decided just to speak.
"Duncan feews wike neithah my Mummah an’ Daddeh cawe that much about me. Wike aww theiw attention am towawds dah “heiw” Toby an’ dah “gowden babbeh” Nawmi! duncan feews wike am not gud enough… "

Saying that out loud felt a lot more painful, I also stop flying the kite. I could feel Jay put one oh his Talons on my shoulder and speaks.
“Duncan I’m sorry, I never knew you felt that way.”
I sigh as Merlin sits down besides me and speaks.
“Duncan Mewwin wished 'ou towd fwuffy dis eawwiah…”
Merlins put’s his hoove on my shoulder too as I sigh than he speaks again.
“Hey Duncan if it wouwd make 'ou feew bettew, we couwd go get a dwink!”
Hearing that I felt a little surprised with Jay speaking.
“What! C’mon he’s still a growing boy!”
Merlin get’s up and goes over to Jay speaking.
"Su what I’be been dwinkin’ since Mewwin was young an’ I tuwned out… Mostwy otay!
Merlin smiles as I chuckle, and Jay eventually agrees to come with us. With his only rule being only a few drinks.

After slamming down my 12th drink, we all got on our hind legs and started to dance with Merlin singing.
♫ Hey ho off we go! ♫
♫ Dwink to dah bottom! ♫
♫ Intiw we cowwapse! ♫
♫ An wake an’ dwink again! ♫
I could hear laughter in the tavern as we get down and, I and Merlin go get another drink. And once we had em, we toast and drink. I felt so Merry! looking away from Merlin I saw Jay (Who was a little less wasted) Comes up to us and speaks.
“I- I- I think it night now. Others worried probably.”
We don’t even react as Jay starts pushing us out and we begin to walk slowly home. Once we exit the city we all start to dance together with Merlin and Jay even getting up close to each other to kiss. Once we get back to the house we open the door and all collapse than a few seconds later I could see Narmi looking at us with a annoyed expression.
“Su that’s whewe ‘ou been, ou week!! Toby, I nee’ am hewp to bwin’ dah dwunks to bed!”
Hearing Narmi I giggle as I close my eyes falling asleep. Fin

[Cassandra-Outskirts of Seaside]

With me finally acquiring the deed I felt so proud of myself. Working at any job I could find but ultimately becoming a teacher I finally had enough to buy my own house for me and my two (Now Grown) children. We all walk inside carrying our belongings looking at the place. It was a decent size for me and my children al of us having our own rooms, and there was even furniture left by the previous owner. Finally before we had a chance to do anything else I looked at my children and spoke.
"otay’ nao it’s time. Since wewe goin’ to be wibin’ hewe nao. Ouw past nu can be weawned by anyone! Su wet’s take them out.
Both of them do what they are told and they take out the robes and masks, with me doing the same. One of my children Ree speaks.
“dis feews wike a betwayaw…”
I look at her and speak.
“Cassandwa feews su to, buh if we am to wibe without feaw nobody can know ouw past.”
I remove one of the floorboards and take everything and bury it with us looking at it for a second before speaking.
“To ouw fawwen Owdah, comwades, an my husband. We wiww awways honow 'ou.
And with that I put the floor back finally erasing our past for good.

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the ending done in at least a week, and of course constructive criticism is appreciated. May you have a good day!

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