Last Hope Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 4 Part 1 (FluffySadist)


“Do not be mistaken, dah pwaces an’ wegends in dis book am compwetewy accuwate an weaw! Buh do not go out in seawch, fo’ dah woads Equin twabewed wewe wong an’ fiwwed wiff many howwibwe encountews I wish not to speak of. Take dis wawnin’ sewiouswy.”
[The opening paragraph from the book, Book Of The Known World. Authored by Equin “The Adventurer”]

[Pov Charles]

As I steered the ship carefully into dock, I came down from the bridge speaking to Emily and Dar for probably the last time in a few months.
“Bwin’ us back some soubeniws whiwe am gone!”
And just like that I saw Emily, Dar and Kri all leave the ship waving goodbye one last time, heading into a growing crowd of people… And just like that they were gone. I go to my bag opening it and start searching for the paper with the specialists and there location, as I do Ix speaks to me.
“These specialists Charles, were probably going to be doing a fair bit of traveling as well. Got it?”
I finally find the paper and lay it down by a small table, and we both look at it. Firstly you had Mac and Dac, a blacksmithing father and son duo. There location is pretty straight forward, says they have a shop at Outer Glow. Next is Quin, Lilian’s and Maximus iv’s longtime spymaster. And shit they were kidding with this one… Alongside being a spymaster Quin was responsible for several renovations to Cat’s Den Prison, with even a note praising how effective these new renovations and “methods” had been in getting confessions from prisoners. Her current location was long with it being in Maximus, somewhere near the Holy City of Akamer. Finally and probably the most challenging person to find, WingScratch. A former member of the Order of Talon, she was one of their most knowledgeable and highest ranked members who had defected and fled to Motor, with a note stating she was also being hunted by bounty hunters. Her location is just a big question mark, with the only clue given being that a disheveled female puffy griffon had been sighted by some caravanners at the outskirts of Bomber Bay. As I finish looking at the paper, Ix speaks.

“Who should we look for first?”
To be honest I had no idea, WingScratch seemed like the most time sensitive but it would be almost impossible trying to find her in that untamed wilderness. Quin seemed like a nice bet, but I had no desire at all go back out at sea to another land I had never been to. So there was only one logical choice.
“Mac an’ Dac am dah cwosest, wiff a diwect wocation. We can pwobabwy get to Outah Gwow in awound a week.”
Ix thinks for a moment, before speaking.
“Outer Glow?”
I speak as I grab the paper and put it back in my bag.
“It’s a ways nowff of hewe, dah pwace am bit of a shithowe. Buh it wouwd be wisest to get dah neawest speciawists out of dah way fiwst.”
Ix continues to think and finally with a soft smile speaks.
“Ix sees where you’re coming from, getting them first would be wise. Let’s do it.”

Making our way out of the ship we began making our way to a tavern, just to have a quick drink before hitting the road. As we walked across the docks I noticed the first dozen of ships start making their way to port, with them carrying mostly injured and coffins… Lot’s of coffins. Thinking about what these families are about to experience my mind came to my own family, I need to write to them as soon as possible. I need to tell Joey and Sue that their Daddy is ok, and to my wife Lorine that I was ok and always held her words in my heart. As we entered the crowded Tavern, we found ourselves a place to sit and I took out a piece of blank paper and a quill and ink and began to write as we waited.
"Lorine, Joey And Sue, I am ok. By now the news from Nickel City has reached you and to be honest it was bad as it sounds. I saw things that nobody should ever see. You know Reverend, one of my comrades? I saw him die right infront of me, I still get visions of it from time to time. But don’t worry I am not seriously hurt, and hope to meet you hopefully by late autumn/Early winter. Joey write back to me about how the harvest is doing? And Sue can you check my storage chest and see if I left my Firestarter, I think I forgot it. And finally Lorine I know how much you protested against me even doing this, so I have this to tell you. After this tour and after things calm down I will retire, I am getting to old to continue doing this.
-Love you all forever, Charles
-Misty Cliff, 8 Rooster Street"

I let and paper dry as Ix orders our drinks, we drink for around half an hour. With me trying my best to push the last couple of day’s out of my mind and try at least to have a bit of joy. After we pay and leave I tell Ix to go and set up a wagon to Outer glow, as I go to the post office. When I get there the place is crowded as hell, with dozens upon dozens of families all getting letters from I guess the troops still in Nickel city. As I approach the counter I notice that a few of the families were sobbing and looking at the letters they were holding I notice that they were a look more professional looking. I should have waited a bit… After giving my letter to the clerk and paying I leave the office and head to the entrance of Seaside, there I see Ix already on a wagon and I speak.
“Did 'ou see Emiwy ow dah othews pass?”
Ix shrugs and I hop aboard and after a few moments we begin moving. As we exit the gate I can see large banners all around with the words “Welcome Home!” And “Thank You!” If only they knew what was coming, those dragons said that the army was faced was only one. Ix speaks, looking like she was thinking the same thing.

“You think they’ll come back soon? We barely even achieved victory, what if they come back with an army five times the size!”
I could see Ix begin to hyperventilate with panic in her eyes and I speak, thinking quickly.
“That’s why Emiwy an’ Daw wewe sent out. If dey am abwe to get back wiff dah suppowt of Chicago an’ dah hibes, we wiww hab a fightin’ chance.”
Ix speaks looking slightly less scared.
“I don’t know Charles, how would they even convince them? And if either the Hive or Chicago knew they would have to work together… I wish them the best of luck.”
I speak, continuing to reassure.
“Nu wowwy ix, peopwe tend to get awong when faced wiff a biggah fweat. An’ when we get these speciawists we wiww cweate dah best’ fightin’ fowce dah wowwd has ebah seen. Dis “Ewohim” doesn’t know what he just got himsewf into.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few day’s to a week, and of course constructive criticism is appreciated. Also I have just finished the Motor geography section of the Primer and the population section, check it out if you want! May you have a good day!

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