Last Hope Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 1 Part 1 (FluffySadist)


(Even though it’s not required to understand this story, I suggest reading the original Last Hope if you haven’t, this is for context on characters, locations, events, etc. Enjoy!)

[109 Years After King Maximus’s Unification Of Motor]
[97 Years After Velvet’s Coronation]

[Orange-Kingdom Of Motor-Capital Stablelot]
[Blue-Confederation Of Chicago-Capital Chicago]
[Purple-United Hives-Capital Hive City]
[Brown-State of Nickel-Capital Nickel City]

“Wiwian can see it… Soon dah white towah wiww twembwe an’ wiff it a cwosswoads wiww open wiff two paths. sawbation ow awmageddon.”
[Quoted Ramblings of King Lilian “The Mad” Of House Doe]

Looking up from my comfy bed I could look out and see all the stars shining from up above. The wind’s from the Seaside coast giving a slight chill. To the left to me was my blue slate Bwuddah Lip, and sitting on the floor to my right was my Daddah! Who when looking at him through the star light, his bright shiny orange coat and dark green mane shined throughout the room. The reason all of us were here was simple, my Mummah made me a promise to me and my Bwuddah that during her cleaning tasks at the Manor, she was going to sneak a book and read it to us! And so was it that only a few seconds later we could hear the door open and there she was, holding a book! She walked towards us, giving a light smile, her dark blue coat and neutral red mane covered in dust. She looks at Daddah kissing him and speaks.
“How was am day hon? pwobabwy bettah den mine! That duke am wowkin’ Mawia to death I teww 'ou!”
Daddah speaks giving her a hug.
“We fiwwed out a wot of owdews fo’ fuwnituwe today! Epi eben heawd Mw Jones say that if things keep goin’ dis weww, we maybeh open a second cawpentwy shop in dah city!”
Mummah gives a big smile before turning to us speaking.
“How am the two most fabowite babbeh’s in dah whowe wide wowwd! My sweet babbeh Wip, 'ou wook wike 'ou’be gwown! an my obah sweet babbeh Emiwy, by dah wook on am face Mawia knows ‘ou’be been wookin’ fowwawd to dis!”
I can barely contain my excitement! she walks towards us and both of my parents sit in the center as my Mummah strokes my light pink fur with her hoove and takes out the book and speaks.
“Nu teww anyone Mummah took dis! I saw dah cobah an’ it wooked intewesting!”
The cover of the book was orange with a large sword in the center and the following words down below “Hero’s of Motor
She started to read, telling us of the first story of Maximus and the unification of Motor. As she read I felt myself getting so invested and entranced. And when we got to the part where he got sick and I started to feel sad. Than she got to the next part talking about Velvet and her rise to Queen, and looking down I saw the page showed the coat of arms of the Doe dynasty, it being the crown of Motor with a two colored background purple and dark red. Than Mummah turned the page and read to us the story of Soul. His quest to go out and save his family only to find them dead… And his revenge against the evils of DarkWing and the Order! The image on the page was Soul holding his sword Excalibur and the coat of arms of the StrongWing dynasty, with it being two black wings and Excalibur with a crown on top of it. I was curious about what was going to be on the next page, was it going to be about Velvet’s son Maximus ii and his conquest of outer Motor? Or was it going to be about someone else? What was next on the page would leave me… speechless. The Royal Guard devoted protectors of the King/Queen, the shield of Motor, the everyday fluffies that rose to the occasion and were made hero’s. The image at the bottom was of several Royal Guard in full armor declaring allegiance to a new monarch and the symbol of the guard, a shield with a golden raccoon in it’s center. I looked at my hooves and in my mind I knew what I wanted to do in my life. Lip spoke yawning as he closed his eyes.
“These stowies am su bowin.”
Mummah chuckles as she closes the book(much to my disappointment) and speaks.
“It’s pwetty wate an’ 'ou hab schoow tomowwow, goodnight!”
Mummah and Daddah begin to walk away heading to their room but just before Mummah leaves I speak.
"Mummah Emiwy needs to ask ‘ou somethin’… "
She stops for a second before walking over and looking at me and speaking.
I speak making sure not to wake my now sleeping Bwuddah.
“Mummah Emiwy wan’‘s to be a Woyaw Guawd! Emiwy wan’‘s to be a hewo wike Bewbet an’ Souw!”
She smiles as she lay’s the book down next to me and once she does speaks to me.
“Emiwy if that’s what ‘ou wan’ to do, Mummah awweady knows 'ou wiww be pewfect at it. Goodnight wittwe hewo!”
And with that she leaves, and I look up at the stairs thinking. I’m going to be a Royal Guard!

[2.5 years later-6 months until the 100th year anniversary celebration of Velvet’s coronation]

I felt my face sitting the dirt street and I got my self up yelling.
My fat faced(now former) boss slams the door and I brush off the dirt on me. Fuck, that was my 4th job this year! How was I supposed to know the difference between cooked and slightly uncooked fish! I brush off the last pieces of dirt from my blonde mane hoping the fluffies the got food poisoning would recover soon, and begin to walk. It was a bright spring day in Seaside, I was near the coast of the great sea and it was packed with market stalls and fluffies. Walking I think about what I was going to do now that I was now unemployed… Fuck Mom and Dad are going to be so upset! As I walked I could see the great colossus towering above, with the rusting metal statue making a nice contrast with the multi colored stone buildings. Finally I came up with something, my friend Aubrey spends most of her time at the Temple of Jo maybe I could see her to make myself feel a bit better. I begin to walk to the upper levels of the city and the once plentiful markets are replaced by houses. And seeing the large white temple, I begin to walk up to it only stopping to admire the view with me being able to see ships coming in and out of the city, going to places I could only dream of…

Once I’m finally at the entrance of the temple, in the crowd of people I could see Aubrey. Her white coat and bright red hair made it easy, and I saw her sitting by one of it’s pillars smoking something with another mare I didn’t recognize. I start to go up seeing that the mare she was with had a blue coat and green mane, and Aubrey sees me speaking.
“Oh wook who it am! wet I guess 'ou got fiwed again!”
She smiles as I now see(and smell) that she was smoking that "herb’ and I could see the mare who she was with also smoking it. I speak.
“Hey at weast Emiwy had a job! Why do 'ou eben come hewe, 'ou awen’t wewigious at aww!”
Aubrey smokes again and speaks.
"Dah tempwe gibes fwee nummies dummeh! Awso dis am my new fwend Wosy by dah way. "
Rosy looks at me smirking and speaks in a mocking tone.
“Isn’t dis dah mawe who keeps tawkin’ about wantin’ to be a hewo?”
“Yeah! Aubwey wemembews when we just became aduwts, she went up to dah wecwuitin’ office an’ asked to join! She came out cwyin’ when dey said dey wewe awweady fuww!”
Aubrey and Rosy laugh as I start getting teary eyed. Aubrey notices and speaks.
"C’mon Emiwy, wewe just jokin’ awound! Come an’ sit wiff us, Aubwey has wot’s of “gwass” if 'ou know what I mean!
I look at her speaking as I start to turn.
“Just weabe emiwy awone! I’ww see 'ou watew!”
As I walk away I could ear them laughing.

Once I get down from the temple I begin to head home arriving shortly their after and entering I could see my Mom. She looks at me seeing that I have some tears in my eyes and speaks.
“What’s wwong honey!”
I speak as I put my things down.
“Got fiwed today… An’ Aubwey seems to hab a new bestes’ fwend nao.”
She hugs me as I speak.
“Am Daddeh an’ Wip hone yet?”
She speaks.
“Nu boff am stiww wowkin’ on a owdah.”
I nod as I begin heading to my room, sitting on my bed hoping this bad day would end. I grab the book and begin looking at it. Oh course I already knew everything 1000 times over but looking at it again slightly improved my spirits. As the hours passed Dad and Lip had come home, Lip was about to become a fully fledged carpenter soon and to be honest it made me feel bad (He is about to start his career while I’m doing nothing!) We all now sat at the dinner table eating until I decided to go to bed.

When I woke up in the morning I got on my things and headed to the kitchen. There I made some breakfast and I saw Lip enter sitting besides me, his dark orange mane unbrushed. And once he sees me he speaks.
“Hewwo sis.”
I speak.
Lip speaks again with him eating bread.
“‘Ou know Wip was thinking, out east theiws’s wots of uncwaimed wand. Wip was thinkin’ of maybe goin’ to one of dah fwontiah settwements an’ wowkin’ theiw. I couwd buiwd a pwetty big pwace!”
I look at him speaking.
“Emiwy doesn’t know, I’be heawd some pwetty bad howwow stowies fwom out west. About peopwe gettin’ town apawt bya twibaw, nummed awibe by a wiwd beast, ow eben gettin’ to cwose to dah gwow…”
Lip had a bit of fear in his eyes now and speaks.
“What dah heww am Dah Gwow!”
I speak with a tiny smirk on my face.
“When Souw an’ his companions bwew up dah compound. Dah bombs caused dah awea awound it to become uninhabitabwe. An’ su dah gwow was cweated, it’s said that any fwuffie that get’s to cwose to dah gwow stawts to get sick. At fiwst it’s smaww, a few bawd spots theiw, some coughin’ obah dewe. buh as dah sickness pwogwesses ‘ou wose aww of ‘ou haiw an’ begin wottin’ awibe dyin’ a howwibwe agonizin’ death. That’s dah gwow Emiwy wead about it in dah book.”
Lip put’s down his bread and speaks.
“I nu think am hungwy anymowe…”

After me and my family had breakfast my Mom asked me to go out to the market and get some groceries, so I was off. The first few minutes of me walking were pretty uneventful with the only highlight being the posters I saw giving information of the 100th year anniversary of Velvet’s coronation and the activities and celebrations that were being prepared (Jousting how neat!) Then I got to the middle section of the city I tried to be more hidden, I was approaching my “Friends” house and I didn’t want to see her at all! As I walked it looked like either nobody was home or she was still asleep. Than as I started to see the market in the distance I heard a… familiar voice and sighed.
“Emiwy wait!”
Aubrey ran approaching me and catching her breath, I speak.
“What do 'ou wan!”
She speaks.
“What Aubwey did yestewday was such a dick mobe, am su sowwy!”’
I slightly puff up my checks as I speak.
“Weww ‘ou shouwd hab thought about it befowe bwabbewin’ about me to that Wosy bitch!”
Aubrey hangs her head in shame as I begin to walk and she follows me speaking.
“Whewe am 'ou going?”
“Buyin’ some stuff fo’ my Mummah, nothin’ that exitin.”
Annoyingly Aubrey smirks as she follows me and I sigh knowing that once she makes that face theirs no way she’s leaving.

Once we were at the market it was still morning so things looked a lot less crowded. Walking I thought about getting a new job (who knows, ships are always looking for new deckhooves!) and I started buying what was on the list. And now approaching the center of the market I could see the statue of Velvet with a growing crowd surrounding it. Curious about what was going on, me and Aubrey went over seeing the head the Seaside guard with a piece of paper in his hand reading it.
“To aww citizens of Motow, His Majesty King Wiwian has just gabe out an owdah fo’ incwease in gawwisons fo’ dah outah tewwitowies. dis cuwwent quota am about 200 fwuffies, 'ou wiww be paid handsomewy.”
Oh it’s was just a recruitment drive for garrisons. I could see several fluffies offering to volunteer and for a second I thought… No if I was going to join it was to be a Royal Guard for the Kingdom I love. I begin to walk away but than I could hear The Head Seaside guard speak again.
“An’ just dis! ‘cos of some wetiwements, gwowff of dah Doe dynasty, an’ of his majesties pewsonaw wequest. 50 Woyaw Guawd positions hab opened up!”
Maybe getting fired wasn’t so bad after all…

Hearing the recruitment officer I was frozen in my seat. But what I was the first to sign up! I speak.
“What do ‘ou mean!? Nobody ewse has bowunteewed an’ am wiwwin’ to do hawd wowk.”
The recruitment officer shuffled his glasses as he continued to speak.
“‘Ou hab 0 expewience when it comes to combat, suwbibaw skiwws, wowkin’ as a sowdiah ow guawd, ow waccoon widin’. I’ww say though ‘ou am abobe abewage in knowwedge when it comes to dah doe dynasty an’ histowy.”
I speak in protest.
“Awen’t 'ou suppose to teach us those things!”
The officer shrugs as he speaks again.
“Am wite fwuffy guess, buh dewe’s stiww one massibe weason.”
I speak dreading the answer.
The officer speaks.

"Am a woman. An’ women nu bewong on dah battwefiewd, dey bewong in dah kitchen. Nao get out of my office.
I could feel my inner self shatter into a million pieces and quietly I get up and start to leave trying not to cry. I leave the recruitment officer and Aubrey sees me and already knows what their answer was. She gives me a pat on the shoulder as I sit down and begin to cry. But than less than a minute later I started hearing something… Screaming Aubrey speaks.
“What’s happening!”
I get up and also curious speak.
“Come wet’s see!”
We are now both running towards the screaming and the area it was in was in complete chaos with me seeing a crashed fancy carriage and smoke covering the area. I go up to one of the fluffies who was coughing and speak.
“What happened hewe!”
The fluffy clears his throat and speaks.
“Dah took him, dey took dah king’s cousin! A kidnappew!”

Hearing this I felt like I was at a crossroads. I though about the stroy and the officers words and… I knew my path. I speak.
“Come Aubwey, we hab to sabe him!
Aubrey protested a bit but eventually came with me, and as we got closer to the carriage it was a grim sight. Dead bodies… We looked around seeing if there was any evidence of their he was, and we found it in a trail of blood the led down an alleyway. going down we got onto another street and arrived at a large empty building with guards position all around it. Getting closer one of the guards spotted us approaching and speaking.
“Stahp! We hab an actibe hostage situation wite nao, tuwn awound!”
Stopping we pretended to turn around and once the guard turned his back we started to sneak going to the neighboring building and going upstairs until we arrived to the roof. I look at Aubrey and speak.
“Come! dewe shouwd be an entwance.”
She nods and we both jump landing on the building. We continue to sneak until we see a small entry way and open it getting inside.

Once their it was pretty dusty. The place had been abandoned for years it seemed. And every time we took a step I heard a creek. finally we got to a large open area and we could see him. The King’s cousin was a young bright yellow unicorn with a black mane, he wore fancy clothing and had several bruises on his face. There were also two kidnappers in the room, both were wearing masks arguing with each other. I heard one of them speak.
“'Ou wewe supposed to wide dah cawwiage not take him hewe! We hab dah entiwe guawd on us nao wetawd!”
The kidnapper to the left smacks the one to the right and goes to the door shouting at the guard.
I had no idea how we were going to save him but we had to do something. We kept sneaking getting closer to the ledge, there were only two of them and two of us than I saw something. A large pile of bricks and picking one up I spoke.
“Emiwy am goin’ to take out one of them, 'ou distwact dah othah. It’s dah best I can think of.”
And with that we get and jump, I aim the brick at one of the criminals heads.

The criminal I hit screams in pain as he falls to the ground unconscious and the other criminal who was still at the door yells as he runs.
The King’s cousin also speaks.
“Fank Anu, Owi am sabed!”
than as he pulls out his knife I could hear the door snap open, as dozens of guards force their way in. The criminal had 0 time to react as he was thrown to the ground, and I dropped the brick as guards surrounded us with raised weapons. Ori Speaks.
“Stahp! these fwuffies wescued owi!”
I could now see the head of the Seaside guard and he spoke.
Ori is now unbound as he goes over to me speaking.
“'Ou hab to be one of dah bwabest peopwe owi ebah seen!”
The guards were completely shocked, than walking thorugh the door I could see the recruiter looking at me speaking.
“That’s dah mawe fwuffy wejected, what am she doin’ hewe!”
Ori speaks confused.
The recruiter speaks.
“Yes she wanted to be a Woyaw Guawd. What am she doin’ hewe?”
Finally I speak looking at the recruiter dead in the eyes.

“Emiwy sabed him! an’ Emiwy awso defeated one of dah cwiminaws!”
Ori speaks plainly to him.
“‘Ou wejected hew? fine den, by fmy authowity as a membah of dah doe dynasty. Owi officiawwy obewwwites am wejection! She an’ hew fwend hab done faw mowe to hewp den anyone one of 'ou outside, dey am hewo’s!
I am left completely speechless and Ori looks at Aubrey speaking.
“Do ‘ou awso wan’ to be a Guawd hewo? he nu did mention 'ou.”
Aubrey shakes her head in rejection as she speaks.
“Dis am Emiwy’s dweam, not mine. Aubwey was just fowwowin’ hew owdews.”
Ori nods as he looks at me.
“Weww den, owi bettah get cweaned up. Wewcome guawds… Men? agh who cawes, buh sewiouswy fank 'ou.”
Ori starts to be escorted out as the recruiter shouts.
“Buh- buh- she’s a woman!”
Ori gives him the stink eye as he leaves and the recruiter looks at me trying his best not to burst out in a fit of rage. He speaks.
“Fine den… ‘Ou wiww be weabin’ fo’ Stabwewot in one week fo’ twainin’. Buh wet me teww ‘ou dis, dewe’s a weason why obah 75% quit. Su ‘ou bettah pwepawe fo’ dah wowstes’ moments of am wife, cos I know 'ou won’t wast one day.
The recruiter turns around and leaves and Aubrey looks at me speaking.
“How about we go hab a “hewo’s feast” aye!”
I speak barely paying attention to her words.
Dis am dah best day of Emiwy’s wife!” Fin

With the end of one journey, a new one begins! To be honest I was to exited to wait and decided just to start writing the first part. I hope you like it, I’ve been planning these characters and story for months now! I can’t wait to continue writing about Emily and her companions (That you’ll hopefully meet in part 2) and their adventures. With this story taking place a century after the first one, there is going to be so much more locations, characters, new species, and lore. I hope to have part 2 done in a few day’s to a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated. May you have a good day!