Last Hope Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 4 Part 7 The Creature's From The Glow (FluffySadist)


“Dewe was awways somethin’ about Dah Gwow that captuwed peopwes imaginations. Eithah tawes of wong wost Owdah of Dah Mask tweasuwes hidden away, an entwance to dah Undewwowwd, ow a sacwed cabe said to howd dah ewixiw of etewnaw youff. Once 'ou am dewe, ‘ou nebah wan’ to weabe.”
[A paragraph from the book, Strange Tales and Supernatural Phenomena Across Motor. Authored by Joanie Mitt]

[Pov Charles]

As I made it outside I looked to see the terrible things that had caused all panic. There was over a dozen of these “Fluffies”, with some by the shop while others in the middle of the street. All of them looked so unnaturally thin, with them having almost no fur (Only a few thin patches) and their skin was so pale they looked like ghosts. They were all wearing thick leather armor that covered their entire bodies and for the head they wore nothing but I saw that they all had a face scarf, goggles and a hood. When they all saw us there was a moment of complete salience, with nobody making a move. Than all of them started running towards each other at the middle of the road and I spoke, with a hint of fury in my voice.
“What eben am 'ou!”
Whispers started emerging from the ground, followed by sounds of light laughter. Than one of them came out walking slowly, with them having multiple pieces of rusted scrap metal sloppily pierced into their face, causing infection and puss. And once he was halfway between them and us he spoke giving a crooked smile with the few teeth that hadn’t completely rotted away.
“Oh… Us? We am those fwom dah gweat Gwow, dah Puwe Ones we am. Ow am ‘ou to ignowant to eben undewstand fwuffy? Fo’ Dah Chosen knows am kind am to bawbawic an’ pwejudiced to accept anyone outside am definition of nowmaw…”

Oh damn me, I’m dealing with complete nutjobs… I speak to “The Chosen” as the rest of the “Pure ones” giggle.
“Wook ‘ou decwepit sack of shit, weabe these peopwe awone! Tewwowizin’ these peopwe, makin’… Sacwifices! Chawwes shouwd execute 'ou whewe 'ou stand, buh am on a bewy sewious mission. Su go back, wetuwn to whatebah piwe of fiwff ‘ou caww a home in the Gwow, an’ nebah wetuwn!”
I can see The Chosen give a obviously fake thinking expression, as he starts taking something out of his coat and speaks.
“‘Ou nu undewstand, nu ‘ou? Dah Bwite towd me fwuffy was chosen to take whoebah fwuffy wan’ fwom dis pitifuw biwwage, to sacwifice them in his gweat name. An’ if fwuffy don’t I’ww die! Nu mattah we’ww just hab to go fwooh ‘ou, an’ Dah Bwite wiww awawd me gweatwy!”
His followers walk towards him, taking out an assortment of weapons. as The Chosen pulls out a large sickle stained to old blood, and yells at the top of his voice.
With that we both started charging at each other.

I was unlucky enough to deal with The Chosen myself. I had seemed to have angered him greatly over my comments as with each swift swing of his sickle, I heard him growl like a wild beast. And the sickle wasn’t that bad of a weapon either, I could still dodge it pretty easily. But when it came to blocking the weapon, it was almost impossible as it was so fast. The Chosen speaks as our weapons block each other.
“Am ignowance am insuwting! Dah Chosen wemembews a time whenhe was wike ‘ou, Young an’ foowed by those Anuian fawse gods. Untiw fwuffy’s Sissy decided to go missing, an’ owd Ma an’ Pa towd fwuffy to go find hew. Weww dah chosen found dah gwow instead an’ it showed fwuffy… DAH TWUTH!”
With those last words, I felt a rush of strength coming from the Chosen and he was able to break my grip and strike me across the right side of my face. The pain as horrible! I felt a gash and my blood coming down as The Chosen cackled with is eyes looking more and more crazier by the second. Than out of nowhere he comes back to attack me, with me barely having time to respond.

I had no idea what was going on with everyone else, but I knew I couldn’t have been good as I heard what sounded like Mac screaming and I saw a glimpse Ozymandias running while being chased by two Pure Ones. But one thing was looking up though as The Chosen seemed to have used to much energy on that attack as he now seemed to be gasping for air and seemed generally more exhausted. I speak.
“What, gettin’ tiwed nao!? That hawf dyin’ body suwe seems to be faiwin’ 'ou!”
I block two attacks that were slower, and come back a fearsome swing. It worked! When the blade hit the sickle it caused half of it to shatter instantly, leaving only the handle and a small piece left with a jagged end. The Chosen screamed in fear at this, with him looking at me with new found fear in his eyes.
He started running, with me quickly following him.

He was a lot faster than I thought, with me able to keep a stable pace but unable to catch him. We went throughout the battlefield, with me trying my best to avoid all the chaos. And as I ran I saw two Pure Ones looked surprised at their leader running like a coward and it was that surprise that lead to a badly hurt Dac getting on his hind legs and picking both of them up before slamming their heads together in a rage. Causing an explosions of flesh, skull and brains. Keeping up, The Chosen who had started to gasp louder and louder yells franticly.
Nobody responded as we reached a dead end. Now with my sword raised there was nowhere left for him to go and he looked in terror as I speak.
“‘Ou nebah take on woyaw guawd 1 to 1, an’ nao 'ou must die!”
Surprisingly The Chosen speaks in a calmer voice.
“Find do what 'ou must, buh can it at weast be an beheading? Wouwd onwy take a second…”
I sigh and speak.

“Get on am knees an’ wook down.”
The chosen slowly begins to make his way towards me, with him getting on his knees next to me and bowing his head. I get on my hind legs and point my sword towards his neck, than I hear a shout from a voice rapidly approaching me.
It was Mac who had run towards me, and as I was about to look at him I was thrown to the ground. The Chosen had tried to bite my neck, with me looking at Mac’s voice causing the bite to land at my shoulder. And me and The Chosen collapse on the ground, him trying his best to get to my neck. It was no use though as Mac was one solid punch to the chest, sent The Chosen flying into a wall and I was safe. Mac speaks.
“Am ‘ou otay’!”
I speak getting up.
“That was such a dummeh mobe, am such an idiot sometimes! Thanks.”

We begin to make our way to The Chosen, who with the punch was now wheezing and couldn’t get himself back up. I speak.
“Am wittwe twick nu did wowk did it! One stab fwooh dah heawt wiww finish 'ou!”
The Chosen didnt pay attention to my words as he spoke to himself, tears starting flow down his eyes.
“Dah Bwight, Dah Chosen has faiwed 'ou… Accept dis sacwifice fo’ am fowgibeness…
With that he grabbed the broken Sickle from his leather armor and put it right at his throat and before I had a chance to even look away. He had already done it, and I as blood came rushing out.

As we came back to the fighting it was almost already over. With our training, and seeing their leader run. Most of them were already dead, with 2 running away back into The Glow. Other than a few scratches Ix looked unharmed, with Ozymandias not even looking like he fought at all. Mac was ok, but Dac he was hurt pretty bad. With large cut’s to his front legs and him breathing heavily. Ozymandias comes up to me, as Ix bandages my cut.
“Chawwes wook what Ozymandias found!”
He shows me the broken sickle, still dripping with the fresh blood of The Chosen.
“Pewfect fo’ ozymandias’s cowwection!”
Ozymandias heads to go put the sickle in his trunk and Mac and a heavily bandaged Dac come to us, with Mac speaking.
“We wouwd wike to fank ‘ou fo’ hewpin’ us deaw wiff those psycho’s. You’we offah we wiww take it, aftah today enough am enough we nee’ to mobe.”
Ix speaks with a light smile.
“Thank you! Head to Stablelot when you have all of you’re things, and head to Camp Driscoll. And don’t worry they already know who you are.”
Mac and Dac smile and nod as they head back inside their shop.

We spent the rest of the day in Outer Glow. Shortly after the battle people started coming out of there homes and once seeing that the people who had caused them so much pain were dead. A celebration had commenced across the city, with a giant bonfire set up in city square, where the bodies of The Chosen and The Pure had been set alight. And we were treated like hero’s returning from war, people coming up to us and all. As me, Ix and Ozymandias sat at a outdoor restaurant that offered us free food, Ix looked and spoke to me.
“So who should we get next?”
I speak, lifting an ale.
“It’s obbious, dah biwd.”
Ix speaks, lifting an ale as well.
“Than it’s off to Bomber Bay!”
Our mugs hit and we drink, us ready to head back out tomorrow. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few day’s to a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated. May you have a good day!