Last Hope Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 4 Part 8 Journey to the West (FluffySadist)


“It’s kind of twagic though, isn’t it? Once dah twibaw’s am taken cawe of, an’ cowonization can stawt up again. 'Ou 'eww nebah see a pwace as pwetty as dis again. Buh Tuwwos isn’t that sad, sometimes ‘ou just hab to sacwifice things fo’ pwogwess.”
[A Quote from Tullos StrongWing talking to one of his commanders, about Outer Motor and it’s fate.]

[Pov Emily]

After that incident with the Tribal’s, the next few days were mostly uneventful. Dar was pretty upset when we first began moving again, with me being the one driving the wagon as he decided just to sit down. When it came night I had a talk with him, saying that identity isn’t something defined by other people and it seemed to make him feel better. In the morning we gathered some supplies and resumed our journey. for hours there was nothing but wilderness, but I didn’t mind it though. Seeing this places beauty was unlike anything I had ever seen before, with us seeing all of nature living in harmony. Finally by the end of the day we had reached a small village, it being settled by a small river. Even though there were not shops, the people there recognized me and Dar were Royal Guards and offered us some free food to take on our travels. Asking one of the villagers if he had ever heard of WindTrail, I was given a confused expression before he spoke saying that to go ask at bomber Bay that was only a few hours from here. And so we slept and left in the morning heading to Bomber Bay, the halfway point to Chicago.

As we started to see signs labeled with bomber Bay on them I spoke, still looking at the road infront of me.
“We shouwdn’t stay that wong, wess den an houw.”
Dar speaks.
“How 'do ‘ou think Chawwes an’ Ix am doing?”
I speak.
“Fine pwobabwy.”



As we got closer to Bomber Bay, we got the first look at it’s tallest structure. A old concrete building that went high up into the sky with a circular metal structure at its end. And the building also had large letters that went down and spelled the following “RO SEV LT AIR FOR E BAS” Arriving at the open gate, there was a open area for wagons where we got off. And Dar offered to take the Raccoon to the stables, leaving and coming back a few minutes later. Now ready to head inside Mom spoke sounding a bit amazed by the location.
“Dis pwace am quite intewestin’ isn’t it, nebah been dis faw out in fwuffy’s wife…”
I speak as we enter.
“Emiwy knows how it feews…”

Entering the market section of bomber Bay we got a first hoove look at it’s “Famous” architecture. From a distance, across the flat terrain you could see the residential district. With dozens upon dozens of large rusted metal tubes, with some having large rusted triangles attached to them. Making our way across, I spoke looking at Dar.
“Emiwy am goin’ to seawch fo’ info on Windtwaiw, ‘ou mind gettin’ dah suppwies?”
Dar nodded and he and Kri left towards the food stalls, while me, Aubrey and Mom headed into a caravanner Bar. Once we got there I saw a large two story wooden building, with a sigh with the top part reading “Billow’s Tavern and Inn” and the bottom part “Chicago Albion’s exchanged and accepted here.” I speak.
“Am suwe dah weww twabewed peopwe hewe know whewe windtwaiw am, wet’s go.”

Entering the Tavern I am struck by the strong smell of liquor and body Odor, with me feeling a bit hazy for a few seconds. There were a ton of people for all walks as well, with most looking to be fluffy and puffy traders from Chicago but also a lot of local traders and citizens as well. Squeezing our way through the crowds we reached the main stand, with the bartender speaking to me.
“Wook’s wike we got us a sowdiew! What can Tubo get ‘ou?
I speak, taking my helmet off.
“Sowwy, buh fwuffy’s mission wequiwes me to be dwy. Say do 'ou know whewe emiwy can find Windtwaiw?”
Tubo thinks for a second before speaking.
“Tubo doesn’t know it’s exact wocation, buh fwuffy think those guy’s do.”
I look to see a bunch of puffy griffons sitting in a private booth. They were different from the rest, they were definitely not traders. They all wore medium sized metal armor, with it painted a light shade of gray and all of them looked mean looking. Tubo spoke again.
"Been hewe awhiwe know. Tubo heawd dey am mewcenawies seawchin’ fo’ one of those tawon fewwews that weft dah owdah. I’d be quick if tubo was 'ou…”

Those are the mercenaries looking for WingScratch! I hope Charles and ix have already found her… Looking at Mom and Aubrey, I see them sat waiting to order a drink and I speak.
“Emiwy wiww be back soon.”
Mom speaks looking at me.
“Otay’, Mawia am cuwious about dis wed dwink dey hab!”
Putting on my helmet I begin to Head to the group of puffies, they see me and stop there conversation with them giving stone faced looks. I stop when I am near them and speak.
“Excuse fwuffy, Emiwy was wondewin’ if 'ou know whewe windtwaiw am?”
The look at me now slightly condescending and one of them speaks, him being short and squeaky voiced.
“Why would we tell you that, you some sort of investigator!”
Another speaks.
“Yeah, what you even doing?”
I was about to speak, ready to defend myself than I heard a voice low but soft voice behind me.
“What is going on here!”
The squeaky voiced puffy spoke.
“Oh Alexander you’re back already! Nothing, just this fluffy broad bothering us.”
I look to see Alexander, a puffy with a black lower body, and light gray feathers, his armor was different from the others as it had two golden stripes going down each shoulder and I looked to see on his face he had an eyepatch on his left eye, with a thin scar doing down the area. Alexander speaks again, looking at the squeaky puffy.
“Really? I saw you’re faces as you were talking, disrespecting a fellow warrior is a new low even for you BigBeak.”

The puffies begin to chuckle as BigBeak looks embarrassed (Can’t lie that name is pretty ironic) Alexander sits down in the center of all of them and looks at me speaking with a smile.
“Name’s Alexander, leader of the Black Talon Mercenary company. Or would it be a guild in Motor culture?”
Alexander thinks for a second before clearing his mind and speaking again.
"Sorry about that, how rude! you’re name?
"I speak giving a small smile.
Alexander speaks as he raises his right talon and I go and shake it.
“Is there something you need from us, Emily?”
I speak.
“Do 'ou know whewe Windtwaiw am Awexandew, nu can seem to find it anywhewe in Motow. Buh Emiwy knows it’s neaw Chicago.”

Alexander speaks while opening up his bag.
“I wouldn’t say that it’s close to Chicago. More like WindTrail is apart of Chicago.”
He takes out a map and I can clearly see the name WindTrail near the Motor Chicago border but apart of the Chicago Confederation, Alexander speaks.
“The Motor city close to Chicago is The Dock, if you were confused.”
I smile and speak.
“Fank 'ou su much!”
Alexander smiles and as I was about to leave, he speaks one last time.
“It was nice to meet you Emily, fellow soldiers need to help each other out. To bad the person were tracking down is a disgrace to the name soldier, but I shouldn’t say that much. Goodbye!”
As I head back to Mom and Aubrey, I see both of them with mugs and Aubrey sees me and speaks.
"Su whewe am it?

“Dah city am apawt of Chicago, acwoss dah bowdah.”
Both Mom and Aubrey look a bit surprised at first, but Mom speaks sounding reassuring.
“Weww, at weast we know whewe it am. Hab nu idea why Wip wouwd ebah wan’ to mobe to pwace that faw 'way though.”
we spent around 45 minutes in the tavern with us leaving, and heading to the wagon. Dar and Kri were already there, with the wagon now full of food and supplies, and the raccoon now looking well fed. Dark speaks, with him already in the drivers seat.
“'Ou got info on Windtwaiw?”
I speak as I and everyone else enter the wagon.
“It’s not in Motow, it’s actuawwy acwoss dah bowdah.”
Once we are all seated, the wagon begins moving again and Dar speaks.
"Su it’s in Chicago… Shouwd be dewe in 4 day’s time, I’d get comfowtabwe if Daw was ‘ou. Goin’ to be a wot of sittin’. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in around a week. And for the finale I am going to make it basically two parts in one, so both a Charles and Ix story and a Emily and Dar story. May you have a good day!

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What Emily said to Dar was nice. I liked it.

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