“Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
[Matthew 6:10]
When I felt a kick coming from my back left hoove, I was jolted awake. Over me stood Charles and I could see that it was morning, he spoke.
“Come wet’s go.”
Getting up I took a moment to get myself ready as I grabbed my bag and stretched, looking I could also see everyone else already awake and eating whatever they had. Kristof spoke.
“Ebewyone weady, astwus wiww be most pweased by dis.”
Dar speaks as he walks towards Kristof.
“She bettah honow ouw deaw!”
Kristof shakes his head rapidly as we start heading out, following Kristof to the residence of Astrus.
As we began the walk my mind came back to the moment when I killed “Daddy” I didn’t mean to kill him, oh dammit! My mind get’s darker and darker as I repeat the memory in my head, the only solace being that what I did was in self defense and that if I didn’t he would have killed me and my unity. Now in the city I could overhear a few conversations from passing people about what happened. It seemed like there was multiple openings to the sewers, and a few of the gang members were able to escape but were chased out of the city. I wondered for a bit if they were going to return, but stopped as we now entered deeper into the city. It was a lot more cramped hear with the buildings being closer than normal and sometimes we even had to walk in a single file line just to the through but eventfully we stopped at a 2 story stone building decorated with chiseled ornaments, and Kristof arriving at a door knocked on it a few times before the door opened and we entered.
Looking around I saw a palace of the upmost luxury, with pieces of fine art and expensive furniture all around and walls painted in all sorts of extravagant colors. Passing a few rooms we eventually arrived at the upper floor balcony, where we could see Astrus and several guards and servants attending to her needs. As Kristof approaches her he kneels and Astrus looks and gives him a stern face, before speaking.
“It am finished?”
He speaks getting up.
“Yes madame.”
She smiles and looks at a servant and gives a wave, than looks back at us and speaks.
“Gud, may whewebah dey am nao cause them gweat… Suffewin”
the servant returns with a box and Astrus opens it, and begins to take a piece of paper out as she speaks.
“Of couwse by ouw agweement Astwus gibes ‘ou dis. 8 yeaws ago we had a foaw come that matchs dah descwiption ‘ou pwobided, an’ we know whewe fwuffy an’ his mummah wibe. Hewe’s dewe addwess, boff of them am stiww awibe.”
Finally! Charles grabs the papers and looks at it and speaks after a few seconds.
“8th hiww stweet, outah city fawmin’ distwict #3.”
Astrus speaks providing context.
“It’s southeast of hewe. An’ befowe ‘ou go one wastes’ thin.”
Astrus pulls another thing out of the box, this time 4 small pieces of paper she speaks.
“Awso take these, dewe id’s that we identifie ‘ou as guest, an’ awwow ‘ou to come an’ go fweewy. It’s dah weast Astwus can do fo’ am sewbice hewe.”
Each of us take’s a card with our name on it and we start being escorted out by Kristof, after we get back to hte door he speaks to us.
“guess dis am goodbye, say if ‘ou ebah wan’ to come back hewe. Kwistof wouwd be mowe den happy to show 'ou awound, gud wuck.”
Kristof salutes us and we salute back as we leave beginning our walk southeast.
The walk was a pretty long one, and getting to the district was a pretty confusing experience. It seemed every turn we took we were given contradicting street signs, and it didn’t help that the way the roads turned made it seem like we were going in circles. But eventually after going to the coast and following it until we reached the cities inner wall and we crossed it arriving at the farming districts. To describe the farming districts compared to the greater city would be… Poor almost all of the houses here looked as if they were a just of wind away from falling apart, with some even missing entire parts of the walls. It was obvious that this area of the city was for those considered “unwanted” trying to find our way to district 3 I could also see the large farming fields with plows and wagons to their sides, as I continued looking Ix spoke.
“Where here!”
Looking in her direction I could see a sign with words plastered on it. “Farming District 3” as we entered we started looking for Hill street, looking all around I couldn’t see it anywhere! I kept looking and looking! Oh… Hillstreet=Hill, There’s a hill with a row of house’s to the right of me…
Walking to the houses we began to read at the doors 1,4,5,7, 8! Going to the door of the old rundown building, I hesitated for a bit thinking that the fluffy that was about to open this door was going to be our future king. But with a deep breath I knocked on it, and a few seconds later I heard hoofsteps and a voice.
“Pwease! Woxy knows whewe wate on dah payment, buh dis am a bewy inappwopwiate time just gib us anothah week!”
Roxy? Inappropriate time? Before I have time to speak, Charles goes up to the door and speaks.
“Am dis dah home of Wiwwow an’ Enoch?”
I hear the voice again.
“What am ‘ou goin’ to do to myhusband dis time, beat him up again!? We hab nu mowe money weft to gib ‘ou! An’ who dah heww am Wiwwow?”
So Enoch is here! But what is Roxy talking about not knowing Willow? I speak trying to calm her nerves.
“If 'ou think wewe debt cowwectows wewe not, am husband 'ou see… Fwuffy am a wot mowe impowtant den 'ou weawize.”
I could see the door open slightly, with us getting a glimpse of a bat pony looking at us with her wearing rags and having a bat pony color palate (Black and gray) that was slightly lighter than average. She speaks.
“What am ‘ou tawkin’ about, who am 'ou!”
Ix speaks getting infront and shocking Roxy when she sees her.
“We are Motor’s Royal Guard, we seek you’re husband as… He is the now the rightful King of Motor and must be brought ther-”
We could see Roxy faint as she begins to fall to the ground and I am barely able to catch her. After a few seconds of me putting her down near the door, we could hear a voice coming in deeper from the house.
“Honey? Honey, what’s goin’ on?”
It was him. As we heard a door open our eyes met a unicorn stallion with a dark blue coat and black mane with him also wearing ragged clothing but also being a bit underweight as well. He looks at his wife than at us in panic speaking.
“Who dah heww am 'ou, what hab 'ou done wiff hew!?”
Ix speaks fast.
“She just fainted you’re- I mean, she’s ok!”
Dar speaks.
“Wook whewe not hewe to huwt 'ou, actuawwy quite dah opposite…”
Dar begins to bow and as soon as we see it all start bowing as well and Dark finishes.
“Whewe hewe to sewbe 'ou, am majesty.”
The room grows silent for a few seconds as we all get up and see Enoch walk back a few steps before finally speaking.
“Dis has to be a dweam, dis am cwazy!”
I speak.
“Nu it isn’t, am fathah was King’ Wiwian. He an’ dah west of dah doe dynasty wewe kiwwed duwin’ dah towah cowwapse, 'ou am nao dah wightfuw king.”
Enoch speaks again putting a hoove over his head.
“Nu am not! fwuffy’s fathah was a cawabannah who was kiwwed duwin’ a bandit attack befowe fwuffy was bown!”
As Enoch says this Roxy begins to regain consciousness, and as we watch Enoch begin helping her up we can start hearing something that sounded like a horrible cough and Enoch speaks again looking in the direction of it.
Enoch starts to run as Roxy looks at us speaking.
“Stay hewe an’ nu mobe, fwuffy’s mummah in waw, Mawy am bewy sick an’ Woxy needs to be wiff hew.”
As she begins to follow the same direction Enoch went, we hear a sickly voice coming from the direction.
“Who cawwed me by that name? Wet me se them!”
Slowly beginning to sneakily walk to the direction of the voice, we turn a corner and see, the ghost princess.
She was was a Pegasus with a aging yellow coat and light orange mane. Or at least she was as just by a glimpse you could see how pale and sickly she was, with her limbs trembling. Enoch and Roxy are there as well and Roxy sees us and as she is about to shout, Willow or I guess her disguised name “Mary” speaks.
“Wet them in, Wiwwow needs to speak wiff them!”
Both go silent with Willow’s sudden outcry and we start heading in with her looking us and speaking.
“My wub, Wiwian he am dead?”
Charles speaks looking down.
“Yes, he an’ awso dah entiwe doe dynasty. Dey died when dah towah cowwapsed, we am dah wast’ of his Woyaw Guawd.”
Tears begin to form in Willow’s eyes as she turns her head and looks at Enoch’s shocked face and speaks.
“Wiwian am am fathew, 'ou am his heiw.”
Than something surprising happened, Willow with the last of her strength started getting up and Roxy tried to stop her, but was stopped with a wave of Willow’s hoove. Willow made her way to a desk where there were multiple lit candles, and going to the upper wall she began banging at it until finally something opened. Reveling a hidden storage area, there she took out a long case and brought it back to the bed, she speaks.
“Hewe, dis shouwd pwobe it.”
Willow opens the case, and I see the object in it. Excalibur… Soul’s legendary sword, the sword that slayed the countless enemies of Motor. I look at the still visibly noticeable cutoff mark of where the sword was repaired. Willow hands the sword to Enoch and looks at us and speaks.
“Weabes us fo’ a moment.”
As we exit the room and close the door I could hear the coughing getting worse and worse, but not any of the speaking. And also as we sat silently I looked at another room and noticed a foal sized silhouette looking at me. I tried to get a better look, but they closed the door when they noticed. It was about 20 minutes later before I heard the door open, there I saw Enoch and Roxy leave with both of them having somber faces’ and the room behind them was now dark. Willow, She was now with Lilian… Finally Enoch spoke looking at the room where the silhouette was.
“Jasmine, Daddeh an’ Mummah need to see 'ou. It’s about gwandma…”
The door opened and finally I saw who the silhouette was. It was a Filly with a white coat and growing dark red mane, but the most interesting thing was her wings. They were white and had thick hair, but strangely they also had the thin skin like a bat pony. She speaks sounding slightly afraid.
“Who am these stwange guests, what’s goin’ on!”
Enoch speaks.
“Gwandma she’s in a bettah pwace nao. an’ theses bisitows, come about ouw hewitage an’ dey say wewe needed.”
Charles speaks.
“Wiww 'ou come wiff us am majesty? If 'ou nu things maybeh tuwn into a cwisis.”
Roxy speaks sounding upset.
“An what’ just weabe ouw home, go an’ wibe in some foweign wand!”
Suddenly as they spoke I remembered something… the letter! I open my bad and rummage through it, eventually finding it a bit crumpled but undamaged. I give it to Enoch and speak.
“Hewe Wiwian wwote dis fo’ 'ou, am eyes onwy.”
Enoch opens the letter and begins reading it, and as his face goes down the page… he begins to sob. Once he is finished both Roxy and Jasmine go up to him and give him a hug, Dark speaks.
“If 'ou come wiff us to motow, we can make suwe ‘ou an’ am famiwy am giben bettah wife.”
Both Enoch and Roxy look at Jasmine with Roxy speaking.
“We wibed hewe ouw whowe wife, goin’… It wouwd be quite dah change. Enoch?”
Enoch puts away the letter and begins to look around the dilapidated house, finally speaking.
“if it am twue that enoch am heiw of wiwian. Enoch wiww go, fo’ dah sake of fwuffy’s wife an’ babbeh. Buh wet fwuffy teww ‘ou enoch has nu expewience ow knowwage in weadewship. time to stawt packin’.”
As Charles made the final swing with a shovel, Willow was buried. with me, my unit, Enoch and his family all looking at the grave, silently in the midst of the setting sun. they were all packed with whatever they could carry, with us also helping. Enoch spoke.
“Goodbye Mummah… Dis feews su much wike a dweam.”
I speak.
“Nu wowwy am majesty, as am guawd. We howd an oaff to pwotect ‘ou an’ am famiwy at aww costs. 'Ou am not awone.”
Roxy speaks.
“How am we goin’ to get dewe? Dah wawk to innah motow wiww take months on hoobe.”
Charles speaks with a slight grin, trying his best to sound hopeful.
“Who said anythin’ about wawking?”
As we made out way to the harbor, we saw the ship we took all messy and cluttered. But still in one piece, as I came back from a quick chat with the harbormaster. that we were about to leave. We boarded trying our best to clean it up, and Charles lowering the sails and now at the wheel spoke.
“Off we go, we’ww be at Seaside in dah mowning!”
And with that we left the harbor. Walking I saw Enoch and his wife and Daughter, all sleeping in a pile together and turned looking out at the water thinking. I have a feeling that these next few months… Aren’t going to be pleasant at all. Fin
Thank you for reading my story! Finally have the first chapter finished, and after a break it’s only going to get crazier from here! Of course any constructive criticism is appreciated, may you have a good day!
[Epilogue-StrongWing Messenger-Northern Motor War Camp]
As I got off the ship I ran across the snowy ground with armories and barracks all around. I turned to my right and saw It, the Duke’s tent with a large coat of arms at it’s entrance. Now in the dark tent, I saw the back of the Duke, with him looking at a map and shouted.
The duke turned to me and began walking over with a cane. For the fist time I saw his greying orange coat, and brown mane, and the crown on his head and the armor he wore. He spoke in a scratchy voice.
“What am it!”
He grabbed the document from my hoove and began looking at it, his once angered face turned to surprise, than after that a smile I could only describe as a bit sinister formed, and he spoke.
“Send a message to dah commandah of dis camp, pwepawe my fowces at once fo’ twansfah to Stabwewot.”
As I begin to leave for the door I stopped for a second, as I saw the Duke go over to a portrait of Soul in royal garment and spoke.
“Souw my gweat ancestow, those wicked Doe’s hab pewished fwom dis eawth! Anu has bwessed ouw famiwy, it’s time I wetuwn stabwewot.”
As the Duke speaks, I also see something strange by a wall, blueprints. Blueprints that resembled the Imperial Palace, and showed highlighted parts with words written next to it “Vital for structural integrity” and not just that, I saw instructions for making something called “Explosives” I feel my heart getting heavy as I take a few steps back and hear the Duke finish his sentence.
“An’ wightfuwwy take back what was stowen fwom 'ou! Wiff ouw new fwiends fwom dah east joinin’ us as weww…”
I feel a heavy object hit me in the back of the head as I fall down, collapsing as I see my own blood. Than I see something horrible… A Monster, a beast walks around me that vaguely looked liked a fluffy. But was hairless and had such unnatural teeth It looks at me in it’s black spiked armor and speaks in a deep horrible voice.
“You just had to look did you? You could have just kept going…”
I could now see the Duke walking towards me, with him trying his best not to laugh. And the monster looking at him with a unnatural toothy grin, than it looked back at me and took out a sword aimed at my neck and spoke.
“Nothing personal.”
The last thing I saw was the monster swinging at my neck, and it was darkness.