Last Hope Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 2 Part 1 (FluffySadist)


“Minus aww dah innocent deaths, am stawtin’ to think dah end of dah Doe dynasty am dah bestes’ thin’ to happen in awhiwe. Nu mowe weniency ow integwation, nu mowe cwazy ineffectibe wuwews. I know Tuwwos StwongWing am goin’ to make a fine king, hopefuwwy endin’ dis whowe twibaw pwobwem once an’ fo’ aww, an’ wetuwnin’ Motow to it’s pwopah gwowy!”
[Quote from a conversation from a New Junction Caravanner a few day’s after Judgement Day]

As we sailed back to Motor, I felt a sense of relief as the weather was pretty uneventful and we started to see land. for the next moments we debated about if we were going to go to Seaside and risk getting arrested, or maybe heading slightly north and ditching the ship. ultimately it was decided for the latter and we began to head north. And as we did I tried my best not to fall asleep, I had been awake since the sewer and looking out all night had really drained my energy. Once we saw a piece of land that looked uninhabited, Charles slowed the ship and when the ship touched land, we dropped anchor.
“You’re majesty it’s time to wake, we have arrived.”
I saw Ix standing over Enoch and his family, as they started to wake they covered their eyes from the sun, and got up with Jasmine spekaing.
“Whewe am aww dah peopwe?”
Charles spoke looking as Jasmine as he got down from the bridge.
“We decided to take a detouw Pwincess. dah city has a wot of peopwe, an’ we didnt wan’ things to get dah cwowded.”
Jasmine shook her head in understanding, with Enoch speaking.
“Whewe am ‘ou goin’ to be takin’ us?”
I speak chiming in.
“Stabwewot am majesty. It’s not faw fwom hewe an’ we hab peopwe that wiww be takin’ cawe of 'ou, as 'ou settwe in.”
Roxy speaks clearing her eyes.
“Am am nebah goin’ to get used to ‘ou sayin’ that. c’mon wet’s go, dis ship am stawtin’ to make fwuffy sick.”

As we got off the ship, we began to make our way to the main road connecting Seaside and Stablelot. The walk was about 10 minutes before we got there, and when we did I was glad that the road was empty. Starting out on our walk Jasmine spoke her tone having lots of curiosity.
“What does a king do? What does Stabwewot wook wike?”
Dar looks at Jasmine and speaks, with him giving a smile.
"A king’ ‘ou see… A King’ (ow Queen) guides a nation, weadin’ it. An’ awways does wite by dewe peopwe, nebah causin’ hawm of suffewin’.
Dar pauses for a few seconds and continues.
“An’ Stabwewot, it’s dah capitaw of Motow, dah big city. Daw tewws ‘ou, dewe am su many peopwe it’s quite amazing, an’ we eben hab an awena, an’ dewe dey put on fights, pewfowmances, an’ eben once a nabew battwe!”
Dar’s tone gets more exited as he continues, causing Jasmine (and me) to grin. Looking at him, he notices me and gives a slight shrug of his shoulders and my grin turns into a smile. After continuing to walk for a few seconds Roxy spoke.
“Whewe wiww we be stayin’ at?”

“Gwandmastah Gusto wiww know, he was dah one who sent us to find 'ou.”
Roxy speaks with a bit of shock.
“Gusto, his howiness! Oh my, what an occasion!”
For the next few hours we walked, only stopping once or twice for a rest or to eat and once we finally got to the gates of the city it opened as they guards recognized us almost instantly. The reactions of Enoch, Roxy and Jasmine were of shock and wonder. Even with the cities resent woes, compared to Nickel City the place was like a place out of legend. Walking through the streets, back to the place we talked to Gusto. I notice that even though there was still tons of cleanup (Thankfully for the sake of Jasmine, there were no dead bodies) there seemed to be a somewhat return to normalcy, with vendors reopening their shops, and people just generally on the streets again. There were also people looking at us, more specifically Roxy and Jasmine. Made sense Bat ponies were almost never seen in Motor and being in a new place, and not looking like anyone else… It was going to be a big adjustment for them.

Making our way to the house, Charles did the same knock that the guard who brought us here did and a few seconds later the door opened and we saw a guard and Charles speaks.
“We hab wetuwned, wiff him…”
There was an instant shock on the guards face as he took a few steps back, before giving us the signal to start heading inside and when we were all in he spoke looking at another room.
“Gusto, dey hab wetuwned!”
I started to hear hoofSteps coming to us and Gusto’s voice.
“Awweady!? Deaw Anu!”
Gusto turns the corner and we finally see him, his face still reeling from shock. He speaks looking at Enoch.
“Aftah aww these yeaws… Enoch it’s gud to see 'ou.”
Gusto begins to walk over to Enoch and than looks to see Roxy and Jasmine and gusto speaks again.
“An’ it’s nice to meet 'ou too as weww, ugh…”
Enoch chimes in.
“That’s my wife Woxy, an’ daughtew Jasmine. Gweat pwiest.”
Gusto turns to looks at us and speaks.
“‘Ou hab done us a sewbice that shaww nebah be fowgotten. Hab dah west of dah day to youwsewbes, dewe su much Gusto has to do. Meet back wiff me in a few day’s weawin’ am fuww geaw.”

Starting to leave I look at Enoch and give him a goodbye nod and a small grin, and once we exit we begin heading towards the our Barracks at the gate and I think about what I was going to do in the meantime, than Ix spoke in a low tone interrupting my thoughts.
“What do you think is going to happen?”
We all looked at Ix as she said that and Charles responded rubbing his chin.
“Who knows, diffewentwy a wot mowe wowk though.”
Now Dar speaks sounding a bit down.
“Think dewe goin’ to keep us hewe obah dah spwing? Ugh…”
Over the spring… Damn I hope not! Ix speaks.
“If they do, they better give us a promotion or something!”
I speak.
“Yeah, wet’s hope su.”
Now at the gate we enter and start making our way up greeting guards as we did. And once at our chambers I see all of our stuff where we left it, and my bed looking so comfortable.

I didn’t notice it as first but as I was about to lay down, I saw a note on the mattress… Curious I pick it up, was it from Mom, or my brother? Strange no name or address, beginning to open it there is just a single piece of paper with what was written on it, in some of the fanciest handwriting I had ever seen.
Dear Emily, I was apart of Lilian’s inner circle and I know about Enoch. I am not an enemy, actually quite the ally… I feel you are best with this sensitive information so meet me at observatory district, near the fountain at the sundown after you returned with him. Do not tell anyone, not even you’re unit. Judgment day was not an accident.
What was this! Hiding the letter from the others, I put it in my bag and think. What did the letter mean by not an accident, and why the observatory district. Laying down I couldn’t help but start falling asleep, my last thoughts being of what have I got myself into… Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few day’s to a week, and of course constructive criticism is appreciated. May you have a good day!

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Oh wow, I’m curious about that note! I hope that it’s nothing too dangerous, but where’s the fun in that? :sweat_smile:

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