“Fwom dah mightiest king, to wowwiest sewbant. Aww shawe one thing’ that unites them aww, death.”
[A Motor Proverb]
[Pov Emily]
That was strange, did I hear that right… Viltra? That wouldn’t make any sense, she would have to be over 100 years old! Suddenly as I keep thinking, Billow calls out to me, him already at the door.
“Are you coming! A summon from the Grand Queen is something you don’t take lightly!”
I quickly run over to the door and look at Billow, speaking as we both exit.
“Hey Biwwow, Emiwy was just confused fo’ a second. When 'ou said Biwtwa, I had thought of dah owiginaw Biwtwa Emiwy wead about. Wewe ‘ou actuawwy tawkin’ about descendant of Biwtwa, wike a Biwtwa ii?”
Billow looks at me for a few second, the clear look of condescension returning to his eyes. He speaks as me, him and the others might a right turn.
“I don’t know where you got that from, when I said Viltra I was talking about her! We Changelings don’t give the same name to a Queen twice!”
This was crazy! The same Viltra who lived during those legendary times, the one who saw so much! I speak without thinking.
“Emiwy nu can bewiebe it! Biwtwa dah daughtew of-”
Billow shuts my mouth, and gives me a horrible stare. After a few seconds and everyone turning to look at him, confused and shocked. He finally speaks, his tone venomous.
“Never speak her name her ever, it is forbidden! This is you’re first and only warning…”
The rest of the journey was pretty silent. To get to the Grand Queen’s chamber we had to go down even deeper into the hive, until it seemed that we were about a mile underground. The most bottom part of Hive city was only lit by dim lamps, it’s corridors feeling so tight. And there wasn’t much down here at all, the only thing we saw was about a dozen Changelings carrying eggs. Than finally after 30 minutes of walking we had made it, 50 Royal Guards defended the large circular door that lead to her chamber. Billow goes up to one of the guards, the guard in question being the oldest and was probably the commander and speaks.
"I brought them to answer the Queens summons, you can open the door and let us in.
The guard speaks, looking confused.
“Ugh, Us… Billow ummm sir, the Queen had requested only the visitors, you are to stay here until their business is concluded.”
Billow looks in shock for a few seconds, than looks back at the letter. Than after a few seconds of reading it, walks towards us and speaks in a growl.
“If I learn you haven’t treated our Grand Queen with the-”
Dar interrupts, his voice sounding as though he had enough.
“We get it!”
Billow continues to growl, while the Changeling Royal guard speaks, looking at the others.
“Open the door!”
With that, the large circular door slowly starts being pulled open. Us heading inside soon after.
When the enter the chamber we weren’t greeted by anything, just a large circular stone wall that kept going on at both sides. Than as I was about to speak the door beings to shut, the Royal Guard speaking one last time.
“Knock when you’re finishe-”
The door closes, and it is silence. As we slowly begin walking left and looking for the chamber, Aubrey speaks in a joking tone.
“‘Ou know, Emiwy? If Aubwey knew that ‘ou wewe goin’ on dis cwazy adbentuwe inbowbin’ stoppin’ some god king’ out east an’ meetin’ centuwy owd monawchs, maybe aubwey shouwd hab joined up when she had dah chance, am awweady hewpin’ ‘ou out on am quest, an’ at weast I wouwd hab gotten paid…”
I chuckle and speak.
“If 'ou had joined, Emiwy knows she wouwd hab sabed am ass mowe times den she can count!”
Everyone let’s out a chuckle and as I was about to continue speaking, there was a sudden voice coming from behind the wall. Causing us all to go silent, with it’s voice sounding weathered and deep.
“I’m sure Billow didn’t give you much trouble did he? I’m sorry about him if he did, he’s very loyal you see…”
There could have only been one person who said that, Viltra…
Still not moving Viltra speaks again after a few seconds, with us even able to hear her echo’s.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come here, we have lot’s to discuss.”
We begin walking and I speak silently.
“Emiwy nu can bewiebe it, it’s hew!”
Finally after reaching the other side of the circular wall, we see an opening. Viltra speaks, sounding a bit tired.
“Find a place to sit, and we’ll get started…”
As we enter the room, we finally see her. She was… I’ll just straight up say it, she was massive! She kind of had the body shape of a pillow, with her skin a saggy pale gray, her insect wings were large but atrophied, and when I looked up to see her face. I was greeted by two large cyan eyes with many wrinkles, long slightly transparent greenish hair, and upon it a crown that quite literally looked as though Viltra grew it on her head. Viltra speaks, her forming a semi smile.
“A long way from home, aren’t you? Especially for you’re scalie friend over there”
Viltra let’s out a weak laugh as I speak, giving a wide smile.
“It’s such an honow to meet ‘ou, Gwand Queen. We 3 am fwom dah kingdom of Motow, whiwe Kwi comes wepwesentin’ dah dwagons.”
Kri speaks.
“It’s an honor to meet you Grand Queen, we dragons are Sssurely to make fast acquaintances with you’re people.”
Viltra takes in this information for a few seconds, before speaking.
“Yes, surely. But I know you came here not just for a quick visit, something very big and bad is happening out east, something very, very, bad…”
I begin explaining everything that I knew, not missing a single detail. Viltra was completely silent throughout the conversation, and once I finished Viltra finally spoke.
“This is horrible, almost apocalyptic… I’m almost willing to lend my support, just one thing…”
Almost willing!? This situation is to dire for that! And it seemed like I wasnt the only one thinking the same thing, Dar speaks.
“What do 'ou mean awmost wiwwing!? Biwtwa dis am sewious!”
Viltra continues to give the same tired look and speaks.
“I understand the gravity of the situation, it’s extremely serious. But tell me this, when you were coming here the route you traveled was in-between Chicago, yes?”
We all give a quiet nod and Viltra continues.
“When you stopped there, did you ask them for the same type of assistance.”
After a few awkward seconds we all nod again ,and Viltra continues on one last time.
“And what was there response to you’re asking for help?”
I speak just loud enough for her to hear me.
“Dey wewe wiwwin’ to gib us hewp, eben owdewin’ dah mobiwization of dah Chicago awmy.”
Already knowing what Viltra was about to say and feeling a bit frustrated, I speak first.
“Emiwy knows Chicago an’ dah hibes hab had a difficuwt past, buh that was in dah past! Dis am dah nao!”
Viltra speaks, her tone a bit more energized.
“Over a dozen time I’ve tried to make amends, each time less successful. The think about these Chicagoans is that they still see us as the enemy, it’s apart of their national identity. Why would I send soldiers to go and fight alongside those who hate us more than the monsters their supposed to stop? It’s going to get bad and I know it…”
I speak, my tone a bit more rash
“‘Ou hab to twy though! Meet them in pewson on neutwaw gwound an’ end dis nonsense…”
Viltra sighs and speaks, her now looking even more tired.
“I wish I had you’re enthusiasm young one, but you just can’t change what’s already happened… Since what Chrysa… My Mother did, hating us is what unifies them. If that was just to suddenly go away, they would be asking themselves what they were even doing? Start questioning why they allow some overmilitarized relic of a bygone era dictate everything that goes on, why they go on reckless crusades against “Enemies of Chicago” Or what they fear most, the general population questioning why they gave up their power to the ultra wealthy and the old families.”
I felt beyond defeated and started thinking maybe this whole going to Hive City thing was a bad idea to begin with, I sigh and turn around with Dar speaking and looking shocked.
“Emiwy what am 'ou doing!?”
I speak, looking at him.
“It’s nu use Daw, Biwtwa’s heawt am hawdened beyond weason. Who knows maybe wiff just Chicago we maybeh bawewy win, wiff hawf of us dead…”
I turn to look at Viltra one last time, she was looking at me, I speak.
“Awso just to wet ‘ou know biwtwa, if we faww an’ dey win, dey won’t stahp. Dey wiww come aftah ‘ou an’ kiww ebewy singwe Changewing’ hewe, destwoyin’ aww. Enjoy dah west of am wife…”
As we slowly start walking out of the main chamber, just reaching the opening, Viltra speaks sounding a bit anxious.
“Wait, stop!”
We turn and she continues speaking.
“If things that really that bad, I will give them one final chance to make amends. Ugh, I can’t believe you convinced me to do this…”
I was speechless, has Viltra finally seen reason? Than before I could say anything, Viltra speaks again.
“But since I am not able bodied, and the other thing… I will send my Granddaughter Queen Vela to undertake this negotiation. And of course these negotiations are to take place on neutral ground and Vela is allowed her Royal Guard at all times.”
Sounding more than fair I was about to accept, but I was also curious. I speak.
“We accept, fank ‘ou su much mowe weconsidewin’. Buh Emiwy was wondewin’ what do 'ou mean by othah thing?”
Viltra let’s out a few weak chuckles and speaks.
“Ain’t it obvious, just look? I’m not long for this world. My Changelings are still in denial, thinking that I’m just a bit sick, but I feel lit. Soon I will leave this world, and the thought of it is a bit terrifying.”
I speak.
“How su Queen?”
Viltra speaks.
“Throughout these many years I’ve tried my hardest to show my people the right way, a new way of life that was different from… Hers. I’ve been mostly successful, I’d say. But when I finally leave this earth, who’s knows what will happen.”
After a few seconds of silence Viltra speaks.
“I am getting mighty tired and you need begin you’re journey home, you may leave now.”
As the others start leaving, there was still one thing left I wanted to ask Viltra, I speak.
“Hey Biwtwa, am it otay’ if Emiwy asks 'ou one question?”
Viltra speaks, her eyes half closed and sounding sleepy.
“Ask away.”
I speak.
“What was it wike meetin’ Souw?”
Viltra eyes open slightly and she looks a bit surprised, but after a few seconds goes back to that tired look and speaks.
“You see Emily I only met him only a few times, and when I try to remember things from that far back it gets well, fuzzy… But I do know one thing about him, he had to be the bravest person I had ever met, a person of virtue who lived during times of barbarity.”
Viltra stops speaking and as I was about to turn around, she speaks one last time, her having a bit of a chuckle.
“Yeah, yeah, now that I think of it. You remind me of him a lot, have that same energy. Goodbye Emily.”
I speak, a smile across my face.
“Goodbye Biwtwa”
With that I head towards the door, still with feelings of complete awestruck. Fin
Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the final part of this chapter done in a few day’s to a week and of course constructive criticism is appreciated. May you have a good day!