“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”
[Matthew 5:9]
As we made it out of old Green Roof, we carried the bodies of Tullos and his son making our way to city center. As we passed by shocked and horrified onlookers I started to see more and more of Enoch’s troops, giving me some relief that we won. Now at the center I saw now lot’s of our troops going around securing the city and as I got nearer the gate Enoch and Tethius and as Tethius looked at me he ran over speaking as he did.
“Whewe am Tuwwos, whewe am-”
Tethius finally notices the body with him taking a step back and Dar quickly speaking.
“‘Ou know that beige figuwe he was with? it did dis, dah thin’ was fwuffin’ munsta! wewe wucky to eben be awibe wite nao…”
Tethius speaks shocked.
I speak, feeling that I had the best look at it.
“Tethius undah dah wobe it was wawge bwack haiwwess… Thing! it scawedy me hawf to death, Emiwy seen nothin’ wike it befowe.”
Tethius speaks a little more calm now.
“Whewe di dis beast go?”
As I was about to speak, Charles beats me to it.
“It fwew ‘way, Daw said somethin’ about seein’ somethin’ famiwiaw at Nickew City an’ how that pewson owiginated east.”
Tethius thinks about this for a moment before shaking his head and speaking.
“We’ww bwief obah it watew, we hab a situation on ouw hooves at dah moment. Enoch fwuffy needs to addwess these peopwe, an’ wiff tuwwos dead we nu can wet panic take obah. Come wet’s go see him, an’ cobah dah bodies to.”
Covering the bodies with a tarp we found, we began making our way to Enoch who was sitting under a guarded tent. Making our way in he sees us speaking a she does.
“It’s gud am otay’, Tuwwos am he wiff 'ou?”
Than he sees the fluffy shaped tarps and before he is able to say anything Tethius speaks.
“Dey did not kiww him, it was dah beige figuwe, ow what was undah dah wobe. Some munsta…”
Enoch has dark eyes as he goes over to one of the tarps and lifts it, recoiling instantly and gagging, Tethius speaks again.
“Yeah it’s bad… Come we hab to cawm things down befowe it gets bad. Speak to them as dewe King.”
Enoch speaks taking a deep breth.
"I’ww twy tethius, wet’s go.
As we walked out alongside Enoch, a place was already picked out of where he was going to speak. As Tethius started to lead us there I finally got a moment to look around Green Roof and familiarize myself with it. Firstly in terms of architecture the place reminded me a lot of Stablelot, with Green Roof having tons of markets and districts. But also how different it was, with there being quite a large focus on farming and entertainment (Grambling and substance dens seem quite popular here) Finally after around 10 minutes Tethius stopped as we reached our destination.
The StrongWing Royal palace… of Couse it wasn’t the humble building Soul and his family lived in as noted in my book (Even if they wanted to live there, it sadly burned down 30 years after Soul’s death…) But a giant 3 story tall stone mansion, and at the street where the mansion sat was a hastily constructed stage under a stone statue of Soul, Monica, Merlin, Willy and Jay all together with Soul raising his right hoove high holding a replica of Excalibur. As we climbed the stage, I saw as soldiers started leading people to our location trying to get as many here as possible. After around 5 minutes of standing around, Tethius felt the crowd large enough to officially begin so he went up to the crowd speaking in a neutral tone.
“I Tethius fank ‘ou aww fo’ coming, an’ befowe fwuffy awwow dah King’ to speak, Tethius wiww addwess dah wumows. Yes Tuwwos StwongWing’ am deceased.”
I could hear the panic and shock in the crowd and almost instantly as Tethius said that he speaks again.
“buh do not be confused! Tuwwos was not muwdewed by anyone associated wiff Enoch, he was muwdewed by dah beige figuwe, fwuffy was with!”
The crowd is still in shock, but they seemed to hear what Tethius was saying, than he speaks one final time.
“Nao Tethius pwesents am majesty, Enoch doe.”
Enoch walks up to the stage, with the entire crowd looking at him. Some have faces of anger and hate, while others of confusion and neutrality. Finally after a few seconds of hesitation Enoch finally speaks.
“Fiwstwy I’ww say dis. To many of ‘ou dis am dah fiwst time ‘ou hab ebah heawd of me, an’ Enoch nu can bwame ‘ou if ‘ou feew hesitant to eben wike fwuffy. Buh hewe’s dis, to cwaim am am just doe am wwong. Fo’ by fwuffy’s mummah’s side Wiwwow I hab dah bwood of Souw inside of me, an’ my fathew’s Wiwian, dah Bwood of Bewbet. To say one am mowe impowtant ow am bettah den dah othah has awmost wed dis nation to cibiw waw. Do ‘ou think dey wouwd hab wanted that, Souw an’ Bewbet? boff of them wowked tiwewesswy to pwotect an’ wead dis nation. So’ I Enoch wiww be doin’ dah same… In dis day boff dah Doe an’ Stwongwing’ dynasties wiww cease to exist, as by my decwee boff houses wiww unite undah a singwe bannah. House Doe-Stwongwing! as my dynasty unites, may we as nation unite as weww, wong wibe Motow, may it wibe fowebah undah anu’s gwace!”
Suprisnglly after hearing this the crowd seemed somewhat happy with a few clapping and cheering and Enoch asking us to come with him, as he leaved the stage.
“Did Enoch do gud Tethius? It was dah bestes’ enoch couwd come up wiff.”
Tethius speaks with a bit of concern in his voice.
“Am ‘ou suwe about dis… Who know show ebewyone ewse am goin’ to weact!”
Enoch stops walking and speaks.
“Whewe goin’ to nee’ dah Stwongwing’ dynasty membews, an enoch thinks most wewen’t inbowbed in dah conspiwacy. An awso wiff dah name change Enoch hopes things wiww stawt cawmin’ down. Nao dewe am one wastes’ thin’ Enoch needs to do befowe we head back to dah estate den Stabwewot. Whewe am dah StwongWing’ mausoweum, we shouwd pay ouw wespects.”
It was a groundskeeper who lead to the mausoleum, and thankfully in was located inside the StrongWing mansion it being in the basement. As we went down it was pretty dark, with us having to use torches just to walk. Looking at the mausoleum it was pretty straight forward with us just having to going down a hall of doors with names of StrongWing members on them. The first I was able to recognize was actually the first door I passed and saw “Xavier StrongWing” (Father of Tullos StrongWing) As we kept going the names became less and less recognizable (we were in what was considered the “unremarkable” section it seems) than finally I recognized a name “LedWing StrongWing” He was mentioned in my book, with him being at the battle with King Nalpi when they took Maximus, we were close… After another 5 minutes of walking the once dark stone had turned a painted white as I saw 6 doors infront of us. “Toby StrongWing” “Narmi StrongWing” “Duncan StrongWing” “Willy StrongWing” “Merlin & Jay StrongWing” and finally at my eyes now at the golden center door “Soul & Monica StrongWing” Enoch grabs the door for a moment hesitating but after a deep breath he opens it, and we head inside.
Inside the chamber I am met by a room of pure beauty and extravagance… all around me are framed pieces of art depicting Soul’s and Monica’s most famous moments, and Anuian icons decorating the ceiling. And there were also soldiers statues as well “Guards” that were there to stop grave robbers. And as we followed the guard statues we arrived at two large white stone boxes decorated in ornaments and lined with gold. The box on the left simply read “Soul” and on the right it read “Monica” As Enoch looks at the boxes he goes to his knees speaking as he does.
“Souw an’ Monica if can heaw fwuffy up dewe, Enoch wet’s ‘ou know I gib ‘ou my wespect as boff am descendent, an’ nao King’. West in peace boff of ‘ou, an’ when Enoch does finawwy meet 'ou, I hope 'ou hab kind wowds.”
With that Enoch get’s up and begins to leave with Tethius being next to give his respects than Ix, than Charles, than Dar than finally me. It felt strange being this close to people (Or there corpses…) you held such respect of, and once I got to the two boxes I kneeled before them before, asking for there luck and hoping they are resting in peace. Once I get back up I begin to head to the surface, with nus now ready to head back to the estate, than Stablelot.
Ultimately it was decided to leave a small garrison lead by Netwin, so they could watch over Green Roof and it’s Mayor making sure nothing suspicious happens. As we left Green Roof it was a pretty quiet ride back to the estate, with the only downside being that I was in the same wagon carrying the corpse of Tullos, making the whole thing pretty morbid. As we arrived to the estate, the gate began to open with me seeing Roxy and Jasmine run out and head over to Enoch. Once they get there Jasmine gives Enoch a big hug and she speaks.
“Daddeh am otay’! did we win, what happend?”
Enoch speaks as he goes over to hug Roxy.
“It’s otay’, we nu hab to wowwy about Tuwwos any mowe. wewe safe.”
Enoch and Roxy both hug and kiss and Roxy speaking.
“What happened when 'ou wewe out dewe, did he stand down ow something?”
Enoch speaks giving a quick answer.
“I’ww expwain it to ‘ou in pwibate. Nu wan’ jasmine to heaw…”
Roxy shakes her head and Tethius who was still at the carriage speaks.
“We shouwd stay hewe fo’ dah dawk time, an once it’s day we head to Stabwewot. An’ actuawwy nao that tethius thinks about it, dis pwace wouwd pwobabwy sewbe weww as tempowawy Impewiaw Pawace. Gud pwace fo’ am famiwy to stay safe, am majesty.”
Enoch speaks as he prepares to head inside.
“Yeah that sounds gud Tethius, we am weww do fo’ west… An’ suppah.”
For the night we ate and celebrated our victory, with there being music and dancing. But I didn’t partake in any of it, with me feeling to tired, spooked and wanting just to sleep. When morning came most of the breadbasket soldiers were allowed to head back home with Vaastu and around 200 soldiers deciding to stay with us as we headed there. Beginning our travels Enoch waved goodbye to Roxy and Jasmine (with them having to stay here for there own safety) And we were off. For the next few hours we retraced our path until we had reached the gates of Stablelot. Entering I notice that despite the surprising calm of the place it was a mess, with trash and vandalism everywhere. As we continued I could see two guards notice us and as they did they started running one of them speaking as they did.
“Finawwy am back!”
Tethius seeing this speaks.
“What happened hewe, did 'ou stahp dah wiot?”
One of the guards speak again.
“We got things mostwy undah contwow, buh awound 100 of them bawwicaded themsewbes in dah gobewnment distwict. Cwaimin’ to be waitin’ fo’ dah “twue King” to wetuwn.”
Tethius speaks right after.
“den dey won’t hab to wait wong den. Fank ‘ou fo’ pwotectin’ dah city.”
Making our way to the government district I could see dozens of guards watching over the heavily barricaded streets. With Tethius’s command they began removing the barricades and when it was wide enough for a wagon to pass through we did and greeted the rioters. They looked at us with pure hatred, with the only thing stopping them being the hundreds of soldiers protecting us. Than as we kept going, they saw it… With the tarp removed they saw what remained of Tullos his face almost completely unrecognizable. Before they even had a chance to begin accusing us of doing this deed, Tethius spoke in a harsh cold tone.
“Tuwwos StwongWing’ betwayed by his own awwy! dah beige figuwe, nu munsta!”
The defeat in the eyes of the rioters was immense but short-lived as when looking, dozens and dozens of guards had rushed inside mass arresting the traitors and finally we had the city completely secured.
For the next few hours it was mostly just spent sending soldiers over to secure other Doe cities, and to also inform StrongWing members of the passing of Tullos and his son and to tell them that Enoch was going to be there new dynasty head. Finally the day ended with us publicly burning the corpse of Tullos StrongWing, a indicator of changes to come. After that over the next 2 weeks I spent guarding the King as he met all of dukes and duchess, confirming there loyalties. Than there was the matter on the beige beast, we had a few experts come in as all of us described what it looked like and what it said, it seemed nobody knew and the best guess one of the experts came up with was that it was some sort of extremely deformed Changeling (It wasn’t at all!) Than finally came settling the matter on all the StrongWing family members, where each one was investigated to see if they had any doing in the tower collapse and ultimately it was decided that Tullos probably acted independently. On the day before the 3rd week, Enoch had called us to meet him and as we arrived at his Stablelot chamber he spoke.
“Spwing’ am appwoaching, an’ awso by that am bweaks.”
We are all a little shocked hearing this, at this point we had fully accepted that we were probably going to be staying over the spring and summer, but to still have our breaks! Ix speaks.
“Sir, Thank you so much! But who’s going to guard over you? There’s no Roya l guards left except us!”
Enoch speaks as he opens a box.
“Dah Anuian guawd agweed to watch obah me, stiww goin’ to be a few months befowe dey sewect new Gwandpwiest.”
Enoch hands each of us a letter and speaks again.
“‘Ou’ww be back hewe by summew, fo’ nao enjoy am time off ‘ou desewbe it. An’ who knows maybe ‘ou’ww come back wiff pwomotions. An’ hewp webuiwd dah woyaw guawd.”
As we take off our gear we begin to make our way out of the chamber and on to the streets of Stablelot I look inside the letter and… That’s a lot of money everyone else looks at there letter and has the same shocked face as me. Finally I speak.
“guess dis am goodbye fo’ a few months… what am ‘ou aww goin’ to do?”
Ix is the first to speak.
“To be honest, Emily. I’m probably just going to be staying here, 'I’m going to miss you.”
Than Charles speaks.
“Fo’ me just goin’ to see my famiwy, go to powt xewxes den get on a ship home.”
Reverend speaks sounding the most happy.
“100% gettin’ my own pwace!”
Than came Dar who was silent for a moment and looked a bit down, than finally spoke.
“Daw doesn’t know… Maybe- maybe I’ww head to Maximus. An’ see Dad.”
We all give each other a hug and after that we left Stablelot, with me, Dar and Reverends all heading to Seaside. It was a pretty silent trip there, with us only giving some small talk as we traveled, and generally just relaxing. Once we entered the gates of Seaside we wished Reverend farewell with him heading back to see his father. Than finally it was just me and Dar and after a second I spoke.
“See 'ou in a few months… Daw.”
Dar speaks with him having a light smile.
“Goodbye Emiwy, nu can wait to see 'ou again.”
As Dar was about to turn around I spoke, feeling something wash over me.
“Wait one mowe thing…”
Dar looks at me confused, but as he did I went up to him and gave him a kiss. This goes on for a few seconds before I stop and both of us are blushing. I speak.
“Nu get huwt out at Maximus.”
Dar gives me a big smile and a hug and leaves and I turn, thinking to myself “I CAN’T BEALIVE I JUST DID THAT!!!” Making my way back home excitedly I go up and knock on the door and a few seconds later it opens and I see Mom. We both give each other a big hug as I head inside and am surprised again as I see Lip sitting by the table.
“Sissy am home!”
We now hug each other to and I speak.
“Emiwy missed 'ou su much, it’s gud am back!”
Finally after a few moments I speak again with a slightly less happy tone.
“Daddeh am he hewe?”
Mom speaks her tone of one of somber.
“These past weeks hab been hawd…”
I can feel myself getting a bit teary eyed when she said that and wanting to improve the mood I grab the letter and put it on the table, speaking to my mom directly.
“Mummah dewe’s nu nee’ fo’ 'ou to wowk anymowe, dis wiww hewp us.”
Mom is confused but opening the letter I can see tears in her eyes, and she goes over and hugs me, and I think. “It is so good, to be back home” Fin
[Epilogue-Elohim-LuuBar Capital of Pandemon]
Resting inside my chamber I have my deep mediation interrupted, when I see one of my winged Nuuk’s come flying down. His beige robe still dangling as he comes to my life support pod and kneels before me. I speak.
“Is it done! Is Motor under our control!”
They look up covering a bit as they did.
“There were some… complications. This Biotoy “Tullos” backstabbed me, he kept one of the dynasty members alive to be able to create a more unified country.”
What a shame… I speak
“To bad it would have been easier to take over that way but no matter… I assign you to lead the 2nd army, go meet them as I now have a special assignment for you.”
They get up speaking.
“Yes sir?”
I speak
“Go and lead them to Nickel city, our infiltration operations failed there to, so there’s no use. Go to the city and turn it to ash, take as many slaves as possible and bring them back here. This is also going to be a test of our soldiers as well, we are almost ready to attack the biotoy nations.”
I can see a grotesque smile come across the Nuuk’s face and he speaks as he raises his wings.
“Long live the eternal rule of mankind.”
I speak.
“May man’s rule begin again, dismissed.”
Thank you for reading my Story! I hope to have the first part of Chapter 3 done after a short break, and of course constructive criticism is appreciated. I would also like some opinions about the idea of making a Last Hope Primer (Basically like a Lore Book) As I side project. May you have a good day!
[Orange-Kingdom Of Motor-Capital Stablelot]
[Blue-Confederation Of Chicago-Capital Chicago]
[Purple-United Hives-Capital Hive City]
[Brown-State of Nickel-Capital Nickel City]
[Dark Green-???-Capital-???
[Very Dark Red-Pandemon-Capital LuuBar (Formally known as Pawtucket, Rhode Island)