“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go”
[Joshua 1:9]
[Pov Ix]
Quin stood there for a few seconds looking very furious and confused, until finally with a raised hoove she ran at Charles and began hitting him. Charles spoke, trying to dodge her punches. (Without much successes)
“Quin pwease stahp, it wasn’t us who did dis!”
She didnt seem to listen and spoke, with the tone that reminded me of a venomous snake.
Ozymandias seeing all of this and looking panicked, seemed to have had enough. And speaks. with a loudness quite surprising.
This act of desperation caught Quin’s attention and less than a second later she froze than looked over at Ozymandias speaking in a much lower but still shocked voice.
“Ozymandias, wha- wha- what am ‘ou doin’ hewe!?”
Ozymandias speaks, trying his best to calm himself.
“These two hab been sent, twyin’ to find 'ou. Ozymandias came awong ‘cos dey wewe in nee’ of hewp wiff that quest.”
Quin now looks even more shocked and confused and speaks, looking at the rubble of her former home.
“Buh wook what dey did to fwuffy’s house, how couwd 'ou wet them do th-”
I couldn’t let Quin accuse Ozymandias of being a traitor and I spoke up, interrupting her with a firm tone.
“For the last time we didn’t destroy you’re house! We went in trying to find you, and we ran into a monster!”
Quin looked conflicted, but when I said monster it seemed to have made her upset.
“What am ‘ou eben tawkin’ about! how!?”
Charles begins slowly explaining what he saw with Quin looking skeptical as he talks, after he get’s to the part about the monster damaging the house Quin speaks.
“Quin thinks she has heawd enough. My house…”
I speak, trying to make her feel better.
“I’m sure his majesty can provide you with the funds to rebuild it.”
This didn’t seemed to make Quin feel better and she spoke, looking at me with condescension in her eyes.
“Why does he eben wan’ me to wetuwn? His fathah thought of Quin as “a dawk fowce” an’ wewibed fwuffy of my duties. An’ actuawwy thinkin’ about it, many peopwe wewe seen as to “dawk” to be awwowed to sewbe, an’ wewe kicked out to. Nao that dah Motow monawchy has came to it’s senses, Quin doesn’t know if dey eben desewbe fowgibeness!”
Charles speaks, looking shocked.
“Am ‘ou wibin’ undah a wock! We am in a state of cwisis, it’s time to put aww of dis pettiness behind…”
Quin gives a one word answer, turning her back to us.
It looked like Charles was about to continue arguing with her, but right before he said anything he sighed and looked at us and spoke.
“Dewe’s nu point in awguin’ wiff dis hag, wet’s go. Tethius shouwd hab nebah sent us hewe…”
No less than a second after Charles spoke, I heard hear Quin turn around faster than I would have thought and spoke, her voice both in disbelief and strangely… Happiness?
“Wait Tethius sent 'ou, to get me!?”
I speak.
“Yes he did, said you were an expert spymaster and the most intelligent person he had ever met. He mentioned he knew you personally.”
Even though she tried her best to hide it, I could see the smallest of blushes coming from her and Ozymandias speaks sounding shocked.
“Wait Tethius? Quin isn’t that dah guy 'ou said-”
Quin interrupts, her voice sounding more and more cheery as she puts a hoove on her check.
“Aftah aww dis time fwuffy stiww…”
Quin notices us looking at her confused and she returns to a firm face and tone as she speaks again.
“It seems that Quin nu wongah had a wesidence, an’ though dah question of who destwoyed fwuffy’s house am stiww undetewmined. Quin thinks it’s onwy wite that dah cwown of Motow am hewd somewhat wesponsibwe fo’ dah damage. Su uwtimatewy Quin wiww accompany 'ou to Stabwewot, to meet wiff Enoch.”
After speaking Quin looks over to her wagon and begins walking towards it, her speaking as she got there.
“go take a seat, Quin wan’'s to be dewe by tomowwow!”
Following her directions we all get on and I look at Quin and speak.
“Since you’re probably going to stay at Stablelot for awhile, does that mean you’ll help us?”
Quin looking a bit annoyed and grumpy gives a short answer.
I knew from the tone I shouldn’t push it, and I saw the collapsed house disappear from view as we began to make it to Nalpi. For the first 20 minutes, things were pretty quiet. Mostly just me looking out at the empty expanse, sometimes flinching when I thought I saw something in the corner of my eye. Than after that 20 minutes things seemed to have lightened a little when Quin began asking Ozymandias how he was and they spoke together. Feeling that I should make some conversation to I look over to Charles and speak, trying my best to sound cheerful.
“At least there’s going to be no more walking now, finally have a moment to just rest.”
Charles who was cleaning his sword speaks without looking up.
“Yeah, nao it’s just up to us buiwdin’ pwopah woyaw guawd.”
Charles sighs like the thought of more work to do, was already tiring him. And he speaks, looking up ever so slightly.
“‘Ou think Emiwy an’ Daw hab finished up at Chicago yet?”
I think for a moment before speaking.
“I’d probably give it a safe yes. The people of Chicago are not stupid when it comes to a threat, and those Order of Talon people… Let’s just say they quite enjoy a challenge. But I am still concerned.”
“It’s just when they get to the Hives, things might get complicated…”
By the look on Charles’s face I could tell I had poked his interest, he speaks.
“How couwd things get compwicated fo’ them at dah hibes, dey nu wike outsidews?”
I take a long sigh and continue speaking.
“Yeah things are like that there. You ever wondered why you never see Changeling traders, it’s because it’s taboo.”
Charles speaks.
“Buh 'ou weft, su not ebewyone has to be that cwosed off.”
I speak.
"I guess you’re right, but I am definitely the exception, not the rule. I guess for them it all comes down to how they present this crisis and the Grand Queen opinion.
“Wait, dah Gwand Queen?”
"Yeah it will be her word that is final, but I have no idea what state she is in. For even back when I was still at the hives I could tell that she was dying, while the others were in denial. Let me tell you Charles if they are able to get into The Hives, and Viltra is still alive. That’s going to be an interesting conversation.
[Pov Emily]
It seemed like the news of the Royal Governor’s decision was able to spread like wildfire, and of boy did we feel it. It seemed like almost every waking hour for the past few day’s there was a rally or a speech, with the speeches mostly being in support of Motor and Nickel city and the people there seeming almost relived that they had someone to blame for the Head Priest’s death. And when the news that we were the ones who told them, and fought there new enemies, we started getting many gifts (Mostly in the form of food) Once the week was nearing it’s end and we had gotten enough rest, we saw it was now best to leave. Alfred speaks to me as I get the last of my things in a bag.
“Awfwed wiww nebah fowget dis moment Emiwy! Wibin’ fwooh histowy feews su suwweaw…”
I speak to Alfred as I exit the room.
“Fank ‘ou fo’ wettin’ us stay hewe. An’ do ‘ou mind wwitin’ wettah fo’ tethius, it’s just to wet him know what we’be done.”
Alfred gives me a smile and says.
I smile and I head up with me joining Dar, Aubrey and Kri at the door. Once I stop Dar looks at me a bit concerned.
“Su what do we do to get to dah hibes?”
I smile and speak to him.
“Simpwe we just fowwow dah wibew, an’ it wiww wead us dewe!”
Both gives a slight nod, than turns to look at Alfred and speaks.
“Fank ‘ou awfwed fo’ aww dah gud 'ou hab done us, goodbye!”
Me, Dar and everyone else wave goodbye and I follow Dar as we exit the Embassy, towards “our” wagon fully stocked with supplies. Getting in the driver’s seat I heard Aubrey speak, her voice disappointed.
“Aubwey am goin’ to miss dis pwace! it’s wike stabwewot if that city had any cwass…”
With how busy the streets were it took us around 20 minutes just to the get the tunnel again and when we did I had a Talon Knight wish us good travels back to Motor (Damn this is going to be hard to explain when the conference happens!) When we exited the tunnel we began to follow the river south, towards Changeling territory. For the next few hours things were mostly quiet and peaceful. I spent most of the time either having small talk with the others, or enjoying the nice mid summer weather. After 2 hours of being in the wagon we had left most populated area, with us entering what I could only call some of the most beautiful county I had ever seen. All around me were open plains, with flowing green fields looking as though they went on forever… I hear Dar comment.
“Stunningwy pwetty…”
When night came we stopped outside a field, with me, Dar and Kri setting up a basic tent for us to rest. Once it was done, Aubrey spoke to me with her laying down.
“Thanks fo’ settin’ up dah tent!”
I look at Aubrey and give her the stink eye before speaking.
“'Ou couwd hab hewped 'ou know!”
Aubrey speaks as she goes in.
“Hey Aubwey doesn’t know how to set up tent. Am dah tough sowdiews 'ou know…”
I continue to giver her a annoyed look as we head inside. As we all found ourselves a place to sleep, I was in the right side corner of the tent with Dar below me and Aubrey to my left. It was pretty cramped, with me barely even able to stand up. Aubrey noticing I was awake, asks me a question.
“What do ‘ou think it’s goin’ to be wike? Aubwey bet’s those hibes smeww awfuw.”
I speak looking up.
“Who knows, nu can be that bad wight? if we expwain why whewe hewe, an’ be fwiendwy aww shouwd be weww.”
Aubrey speaks.
“Weww ou am in chawge, goodnite.”
The next day we continued, the endless green landscape losing most of it’s charm by now. I wondered when we would have reached the border and my question but be answered a few hours later as we saw a sign.
[Chicago Hive border-25 Miles]
[Fort Wildcat 24.5 Miles]
Dar speaks in a disappointed voice.
“Once we get to that fowt, do ‘ou think dey am goin’ to wet us cwoss?”
I speak, completely unsure.
“Maybe, fwuffy nu know.”
They had to let us pass, we didn’t do all this work just to head home now! I speak again.
“C’mon, maybe dey won’t see us. I won’t west untiw we get past dah bowdew!”
Suddenly out of complete nowhere, a deep voice came from the right side, towards the river.
“Goin’ to dah hibes am 'ou?”
We all jumped hearing this sudden voice, and before any one of us could investigate. This person had already made his way up the bank.
He had to be one of the weirdest looking fluffies I had ever seen! The first and most obvious thing I noticed was that he had a white coat with black stripes, stripes I thought impossible for a fluffy to be born with. Next Was his clothing, him having a short sleeved beige robe with a bandana around his head, and earrings on his ears and necklaces across his neck. And finally the last thing I noticed was his weapon, a curved sword, strange… It wasn’t just us who were surprised be this strange man’s appearance, for when he glanced across at Kri he looked just as shocked as us. He spoke again.
“That’s a cweatuwe Mukaw has nebah seen befowe!”
I speak, confused and shocked.
“What, what am 'ou!”
Mukar seemed to take my comment with a laugh and speaks.
“Dah usuaw wesponse fwom fowks when Mukaw goes dis faw up. My peopwe usuawwy caww ouwsewbes Zebwas.”
Zebras? I had no idea where these people lived, but my best guess was something similar to bat ponies. I speak, with a smile.
“Whewe do 'ou come fwom!”
Mukar strokes his face and speaks.
“Mukaw comes fwom dah wand of Abbewtu. It’s a pwace who hab to twabew wong down dah wibah to get to, an’ wet me say it’s nothin’ wike dah pwace hewe. In Abbewtu we hab cities suwwounded by what we caww swamps, whewe dah wawa am wawm an’ humid an’ pwants am ebewywhewe. An’ nu get Mukaw stawted on dah cwittews…”
Kri speaks.
“Wow, that’s amazing!”
Mukar gives a small smile and speaks.
“‘Ou see Mukaw ama twadah an’ Changewings an’ mowe wecentwy Chicagoans am fwuffy’s cwients. Dey’ww wet me pass fwooh nu pwobwem.”
Dar speaks.
“Oh fank 'ou su much! What can we do to wepay 'ou?”
Mukar gives a smile and speaks.
“Oh nothin’ weawwy, maybe gib Mukaw some tawes of whewe am fwom since fwuffy towd 'ou mine.”
Dar nods and I turn to the wagon towards the river, following our strange new friend. Fin
Thanks for reading my story! I have to admit the writer’s block on this one was bad, and had to force myself to continue at some points. But it is done, and I hope after a break (Will probably be over Thanksgiving) I will be refreshed and exited to continue! Constructive criticism is appreciated and may you have a good day!