“Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come!” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”
[Revelation 6:1–2]
It had been around 2 weeks since I left Fort Driscoll, and the day’s weren’t getting easier. It started right before I left, with me giving each of my comrades a whole hearted goodbye. Charles, Ix and Dar, they were with me from the very beginning, we had spent so much time together both in leisure and during duty and combat. The thought of now not seeing them for months possibly was something I would never get used to… After leaving the Camp me and Squadron 8 quickly met up with Enoch and officially began duty. Most of it was just constantly moving from place to place, looking tough as Enoch had meetings with several important figures about the war effort. When we had little time to ourselves it was spent mostly at whatever city’s barracks we ended up in. Either Pip or Ander would speak about the Gauntlet of Fire to the local guards, Yoyo reading a book, or Ezekiel doing his own thing. In all they seemed to be in much better spirits than me, having the same sort of determination I and my comrades had when getting assigned to go to Nickel city for the first time.
We were resting in the New Junction barracks, us preparing to head out tomorrow and begin the journey to Danielson. It seemed like the the Council of the Great Ten (A council of Priests from the 10 greatest Anuian Temples) Were getting close to deciding a new GrandPriest and Enoch wanted to meet whoever was going to be selected. As the sun sets I look out a window and notice how the leaves are beginning to change color, them now having the shades of yellow, red, and brown. By his own word I knew Madanak was going to be here soon, the only question being when was he coming? As I was contemplating all of this I saw Pip come in, her looking exhausted and beat. She looks to me and speaks as she lays down on a open bed.
“Aww dis twabewin’ am doin’ howwibwe things fo’ my back, ughhh. Was it dis bad fo’ 'ou?”
I chuckle and speak.
“Aftah awhiwe it wasn’t su bad, buh Emiwy nu did do much wawkin’ at fiwst. I an’ my comwades spent most of it on gate duty.”
The mentioning of them turns my once happy expression somber and Pip notices this, her speaking as she looks up at the ceiling.
“Pip knows ‘ou wewe pwetty cwose wiff am owiginaw squad, an’ I know dis isn’t easy. Buh if it makes ‘ou feew bettah dey am aww pwobabwy thinkin’ dah same exact thing, an’ doin’ jobs dey wewe pewsonawwy sewected to do.”
I speak, also now looking up and not feeling much better.
“Emiwy guesses 'ou hab a point, night.”
In the morning we left, us in a wagon behind the Royal Carriage. Despite it now being fall it was still pretty warm outside with a certain calmness falling over me as I sat. Ander and Yoyo spoke, me overhearing their conversation.
“An’ that’s why 'ou awways hab to cawefuw when awound those cwittews, my buddy of mine stiww hasn’t fuwwy wecobewed.”
As Ander finishes speaking, Ezekiel chimes in.
“Hey, hab any of ‘ou actuawwy been to Daniewson? Just wan’ to know what it wooks wike when wewe pwotectin’ His Majesty.”
I speak.
“Emiwy’s heawd it’s not that much of an actuaw city, just bunch of wewigious tempwes an’ monastewies. Not many nowmaw peopwe actuawwy wibe theiw, just a bunch of monks an’ bewiebews.”
Pip speaks.
“y’know Pip actuawwy has an uncwe that’s a monk theiw. Pip wondews how he am, we haben’t spoken in-”
Pip is interrupted as the wagon suddenly comes to a jolting stop. Ander speaks, looking at the driver with a angry and annoyed expression.
“What dah heww am wwong wiff 'ou, awmost bit my tongue y’know!”
The driver speaks, his tone equal to Ander’s.
“It wasn’t fwuffy who chose to stahp! Dah King’s cawwiage isn’t mobin’ at aww…”
Hearing this we all leave the wagon and begin walking towards the carriage, weapons at the ready. It had completely stopped and we didn’t see anything from the back or sides. It was only when we got to the front where the question of why it stopped was answered. A Royal Guard on Raccoon stood infront of the wagon, him looking anxious and holding a letter. He speaks as he sees us.
“Bitaw news fo’ his Majesty, his eyes onwy!”
Ander speaks, bitter in facial expression and tone.
“Who dah heww am ‘ou!? Who am am commandin’ officew!”
The Guard speaks.
“Guawdsmen towk, am in squadwon 3 undah Dac”
Ander speaks.
“Scout, eh? Andah am suwe the-”
The door to the carriage opens and Tethius speaks, looking at Tolk confused
“What in Anu’s name am goin’ on hewe!? We hab a scheduwe to keep!”
Tolk goes up to Tethius, speaking as he does.
“Wettah fo’ dah King’ siw, his eyes onwy!”
Just than I heard Enoch’s voice, as he came walking out.
“What do 'ou mean my eyes onwy?”
Tolk gives Tethius the letter before kneeling down at Enoch. Tethius opens the letter and hands it to Enoch, and he begins to read it while Tethius silently looks over his shoulder and reads as well. Enoch speaks, giving a sigh.
“how couwd enoch fowget, ugh… Aan someone bwin’ mesome pawchment? Enoch needs to wwite some wettews.”
Enoch and Tethius head back inside and for the next few minutes tings were silent, than as they came out we were all slightly startled, and Tethius speaks looking at Tolk.
“We hab owdews fo’ 'ou!”
Tolk speaks.
“Yes Siw!”
Tethius takes out 2 letters and hands them to Tolk, speaking.
“Dah wettah wiff dah d on it am fo’ Daniewson, gib it to dah Counciw fo’ it wiww expwain why we wiww postpone out bisit.”
Tethius continues.
“an’ dah second wettah am fo’ commandah daw at stabwewot. Dewibah dah daniewson wettew, den daw’s. Dismissed!”
Tolk gets back on his Raccoon and rides off, and before any of us had a chance to speak, Tethius does.
“Dewe’s been a change of pwans, whewe headin’ fo’ dah Woyaw Pawace.”
I speak, saying a question that in the back of my head I already knew the answer to.
“What do 'ou mean change of pwans?”
Tethius speaks.
“Dah whowe madanak situation am stawtin’ to bwow obah. Dah wettah we got stated fwuffy had come unawmed an’ wanted to tawk, he cuwwentwy bein’ escowted to dah woyaw pawace as we speak.”
Before we even had a chance to go back to the wagon Enoch speaks.
“Befowe 'ou go, Emiwy 'ou pewsonawwy met Madanak befowehoobe. Enoch wants 'ou to sit wiff fwuffy as we negotiate, that’s why enoch awso inbited daw.”
Feeling a surge in happiness that Enoch wanted me involved and that Dar was also coming, I speak with a slight smile.
“Yes siw!”
It took us a few hours before we reached the Royal Palace, and when we did it certainty looked liked something was about to go down. Dozens of Royal Guards guards lined the walls, each one looking out for possible troublemakers. As we entered and the carriage and wagon came to a stop, I could see Roxy and Jasmine waiting. As we and Enoch got out, I could see him give a smile and speaking.
“Wook who it am!”
He goes to hug both of them and Tethius gets out, speaking to a guard.
“Am Madanak hewe?”
The guard nods and Tethius turns to look at us, speaking.
“Wet’s go…”
Following Tethius we enter the Palace, it looking much different. The palace seemed to have been completely remodeled, it looking as though it was no longer a secondary home but now a place that could rival the best of the White Tower. Passing the two large stone guard statues we made our way to Enoch’s court, and once there multiple figures greeted us. Instantly I saw Madanak, him wearing the same clothes I remember him wearing and sitting tall and proud. And standing beside him where two Tribal warriors/bodyguards, them only missing their weapons. But to even more importance, at the corner of the room I saw Dar. The moment he looked at me we ran towards each other, hugging with warm embrace. Dar speaks.
“Emiwy! How am am 'ou doing!? Daw am su gwad to see 'ou!”
I speak.
“Oh just fine, how about 'ou!”
Dar speaks, a slight sign in his voice.
“Fine as weww, that dipwomacy depawtment am hawd wowk.”
Before either of us had a chance to speak Tethius does, with him sounding a bit standoffish and rude.
“Su am Madanak wight? Weadah of dah twibaw’s who hab been kiwwin’ ouw-”
Enoch walks in, interrupting Tethius.
“Tethius nu, I’ww handwe dis.”
Enoch and Madanak look at each other, both stone faced. Enoch is the first to speak, looking straight into his eyes,
“Am Enoch King’ of Motow, wewcome to dah Woyaw Pawace. It’s honowabwe of 'ou to decide to make peace, we may begin when weady.”
Enoch begins to walk to the other side of the room Madanak was on, and as he starts to pass us he speaks silently.
“Fowwow an’ sit next to me.”
Following Enoch we sit by his side, with Tethius also joining us. There is a moment of tense silence before Madanak speaks.
“Madanak am weady to begin, I hope ouw wack of weapons show’s sincewity.”
Enoch’s nod is interrupted by Tethius when he speaks, sounding mad.
“Sincewity!? Do 'ou nao what am peopwe hab done, how much dey destwoyed!”
Enoch looks at Tethius with genuine anger, with him speaking.
“That’s enough Tethius!”
Madanak who was still stone faced speaks.
“He speaks dah twuth, my peopwe hab been known not to be dah kindest. Buh “Tethius” Madanak doesn’t know if ‘ou fowgot, ow am doin’ dis on puwpose buh am peopwe haben’t been to kind as weww. Destwoyin’ ouw biwwages an’ cwop fiewds, destwoyin’ ouw howy sights, kiwwin’ ouw women, chiwdwen an’ ewdewwy. An’ finawwy wet’s not fowget that am dah ones who entewed ouw wand fiwst, seein’ it as “uncwaimed”. That put’s us on equaw footing, yes?”
I could feel the awkwardness in the air, Enoch speaks.
“Just to wet 'ou know enoch nebah owdewed any attacks on am peopwe, we-”
Madanak interrupts.
“Madanak knows an’ he won’t judge ‘ou fo’ it…”
Tethius speaks right after, sounding bitter.
“Nu intewwupt him!”
Surprisingly the next voice I heard came to the left of me as Dar speaks, trying to restore some calm.
“How about we begin wiff peace tawks, Madanak am suwe ‘ou wan’ dah best’ fo’ am peopwe.”
Madanak speaks.
“Yes… Madanak thinks ‘ou wiww find these tewms acceptabwe, am eben wiwwin’ to join am waw if it means 'ou say yes.”
As Madanak clears his throat, Tethius speaks in Enoch’s ear.
“Say yes fo’ dah waw thing, take as much as can fwom him.”
Madanak speaks.
“Put it simpwy, we wish fo’ ouw own independent state. We wish fo’ ouw own homewand, ouw own countwy whewe we can choose ouw own destiny. Of couwse 'ou maybeh hab wowwies about twade woutes if am, It wiww be wocated in nowthewn wegions of dah peninsuwa, 'ou wiww stiww hab access.”
Silence filled the room. Giving Madanak some of our territory to form his own state? Looking over at Enoch and Tethius, I couldn’t read Enoch’s face he looked stumped while Tethius looked as though his face couldn’t get any more raged induced. Madanak seeing this, adds on.
“Agweein’ to dis wiww be etewnaw peace an’ fwiendship between ouw peopwes, 'ou wiww stiww hab pwenty of mowe wand.”
Tethius looking as though he had enough speaks, nearly shouting.
“Not a singwe miwe of Motow wand wiww be giben up!”
Enoch in a rare act loses his composure, shouting at Tethius.
“What has gotten into 'ou, ‘ou awen’t dah one weadin’ dis donfwe-”
Enoch stops as he notices Madanak get up and start to leave, him speaking.
“If dis am how ‘ou wan’ things to be, fine den. How hab nu idea how am goin’ to bweak dah news of my peopwe.”
I had to do something fast! Thinking of the first thing that could make everyone happy I speak just as Madanak was about to go out of view.
“Wait! What if dewe was sowution to weabe ebewyone happy?”
Madanak stops and everyone looks at me for a few moments, finally he speaks.
“What am it?”
I look at Enoch and he gives a small nod, I speak.
“If we win dis waw, whewe goin’ to come into possession of a wawge amount of wand. Wand that once puwged of dah ebiw that wibes theiw, wiww nee’ new settwews an’ a wuwah. If 'ou join us, Pandemon am youws.”
For the first time, Madanak didn’t have a stone faced expression, instead now looking full of thought and mixed feeling. He started walking towards me, speaking.
“How do 'ou eben know dis wand am gud ow weaw, how can Madanak twust 'ou.”
I speak.
“Fwom dah Nuuk awmies emiwy saw an’ heawd about, dey wouwd nee’ some pwetty fewtiwe wand, an’ dey had gud quawity metaw awmow to. Madanak think about it ‘ou said that am peopwe am goin’ extinct, dis couwd be a fwesh stawt, a new beginnin’.”
Tethius looked as though he was about to speak but Enoch quickly gave him the stink eye. Madanak after some consideration speaks.
“Just decidin’ to get up an’ weabe, it wouwd be to my peopwe a betwayaw.”
I speak.
“Am it weawwy a betwayaw to gib am peopwe a futuwe? ‘Ou hab to admit to youwsewf that wibin’ in a undebewoped, fwozen sowid thwough most of dah yeaw fowest isn’t a futuwe. Buh can choose to gib them that futuwe wite nao… An’ if am wowwied about weactions just say 'ou conned us out of aww of ouw conquests, wowks ebewy time.”
That “conned out of” quote made Tethius give me a bitter look but it was working, Madanak was warming up to the idea. He speaks.
“Enoch wiww 'ou send us aid to hewp us buiwd dis wand up, gib us dah dah guawantee that nu confwict wiww awise ebah.”
Enoch after a bit of hesitation speaks.
Madanak walks up to Enoch and holds out his right hoove and speaks.
“Den by my authowity, Madanak accepts dis pwoposaw.”
Enoch takes his left hoove and they shake, sealing the deal. Enoch speaks.
“Wiww ‘ou be comin’ wiff me when Enoch weabes in dah spwing’ to discuss dah waw, dah peopwe hewpin’ us wan’ aww fightin’ nations to sign a pwopah awwiance.”
Madanak speaks.
“If that’s needed to join dah fight, Madanak wiww come at dah fiwst sign of twee’s bwoomin’ to join 'ou.”
Madanak begins to leave, Enoch speaking to him one last time.
“Take cawe.”
Madanak turns and speaks as well.
“‘Ou an’ am gifted dipwomat as weww.”
With that Madanak leaves, heading to give the news to his people.
After the conference things were pretty quiet, everyone seemed pretty tired by the whole thing. I and Dar now sat alone at the Royal Palace Barracks, us just catching up on what was going on. Dar speaks sounding a bit shocked.
“Stiww nu can bewiebe that nao dah twibaw confwict am comin’ to an end, seems unweaw.”
I speak.
“‘Ou think Tethius hates me? I’d suck if he does, he was dah one who owiganawwy towd fwuffy about what was happenin’.”
Dar speaks.
“Wet him be stubbown fo’ aww daw cawes, ‘ou just stopped a confwict that had been goin’ on fo’ witewaw genewations.”
We both give each other a smile and give a quick kiss. A few seconds later we could hear hoofsteps approach us, and a servant comes holding two letters and speaking.
“Fwom His Majesty.”
we take the letters and the servant leaves, I open the letter and read it.
[For services that well and beyond the role of a Royal Guard, Emily DarkWing is herby given early leave. She is set to return to duty at the first signs of Spring.
-Enoch Doe-StrongWing]
Dar speaks, him having the same smiling face as I.
“'Ou got eawwy weabe to!?”
My smile begins to fade as the realizations of this begin to set in, I speak.
“Yeah… Nu know whewe am goin’ to go though, ain’t got nu home at Seaside, an’ if Emiwy wewe to go back to WindTwaiw I think I’d be awmost impossibwe to get back to Motow wiff how much mud dewe’d be.”
Dar hearing this sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder, he speaks.
“If ‘ou wan’ ‘ou couwd come stay wiff me fo’ dah wintew, Daw has a pwace neaw Weakytown. It’s smaww buh cozy!”
I give Dar a hug and speak.
“That… That wouwd be wobewy!”
As I hug and kiss Dar I think to myself that everyone is currently out of dinner, and won’t be coming back for at least 20 minutes, I speak feeling myself blush.
“Nobody’s goin’ to be in hewe fo’ at weast 20 minutes, wan’ to do something… Naughty”
I tilt Dar down on the bed and put my hooves around his back, he speaks half his face red .
“Otay…” Fin
Thank you for reading my story! Sorry if this one came out a bit later than I had anticipated (internet being as shit as usual) But it seems like it is hopefully fixed for good. After a short break I will start writing Chapter 8. Of course constructive criticism is appreciated and may you have a good day!