Last Hope Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 8 Part 8 Conference of Nations (FluffySadist)


“And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.”

“Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.”
[Revelation 6:3-4]

Entering the conference room after all the stress from last night, let’s just say I didn’t get a good nights sleep. As me, Dar, Charles a few other Royal Guards and of course Enoch and Tethius sat down. We were some of the first to be here, the only others being Vela, GrimDal and there guards. Enoch spoke, him going through a giant stack of papers.
“Dis am ebewythin’ Tethius?”
He nods and GrimDal speaks, him looking intrigued.
“What is all of that King Enoch?”
Enoch speaks, looking and speaking to GrimDal with a tired feeling.
“These am mostwy tweaties, ‘ou see? Enoch thought that since weadews of aww nations am goin’ to be hewe, why not get some signed. Got some fo’ Chicago, a wot fo’ dah bat ponies, Changewings, an’ Madanak, an’ eben few fo’ 'ou.”
Both GrimDal and Vela looked intrigued, GrimDal speaks.
“May I Sssee what you want me to Sssign?”
Vela quickly adds on.
“Yes I’d like to see to as well.”
Enoch after a moment of thinking shifts through the papers and takes out about 2 dozen. He gives them to a Royal Guard, speaking.
“Gib these to them, an’ make suwe 'ou check dah names.”

As the royal Guard came back, both GrimDal and Vela started reading. Only for this to interrupted quite quickly, as the Bat Ponies arrived. GrimDal seeing this put’s the papers to the side, speaking.
“Good you’re here, find a Ssseat!”
Less than a minute later Madanak had made it, GrimDal saying the exact same thing and the Tribal Leader sitting to the right side of Enoch. Vela who was sill completely caught up in the treaties looks at Enoch and speaks, her looking satisfied with the first one.
“Constructing a permanent road between Motor and the Hives, that doesn’t have to go through Chicago territory is a good idea I have to say. It will be a great benefit for our transaction. By the authority of Viltra, who sadly couldn’t be here due to illness and “Physical difficulties” I sign this treaty!”
Vela is given a quill and ink by one of her guards and she signs the treaty with her tentacle, than giving it to the guard to give it back to Enoch. Vela speaks, looking at one of her guards.
“Y’know what, give me same blank parchment. I wish to do some treaties of my own.”
Instantly the other leaders copied what Vela was doing, requesting guards and servants bring them paper and ink, them now seeing an opportunity. Things seemed to be going well, than I remembered the last nation that was coming, and as they entered things got cold.

The leaders of Chicago walked in stone faced, and with enough guards to fight a small battle. Vissarman who was in the front speaks, looking directly at Vela.
“To let you know we are not “comrades in arms” we seek only the resources our people need, and will get.”
The Chicago leadership sits at the opposite side of the Changelings, Talon Knights on the ready at all times. GrimDal speaks, trying to both calm tensions and get things on track.
“Hey how about before we get into Sssigning treaties, we talk about the main issue that unites us all. Pandemon…”
Vissarman speaks, him obviously wanting to discuss the food issue, but not wanting to offend GrimDal.
“Ok than, let’s begin…”
GrimDal takes out a large piece of paper, unfolding it across the table. The picture showed a rough map of the region between Nickel City and the beginnings of Pandemon, the only thing in-between the two being an unclaimed area. GrimDal speaks.
“Before operations can commence, this area (Him pointing towards the unclaimed land) will be taken over and Ssseveral logistics hubs constructed.”
GrimDal after a pause continues.
“After that the first wave of Sssoldiers who attack. And with Pandemon knowing this attack is commencing they will have defenses, Ssso a mix of heavily armored and shock troops will work in Sssecuring a foothold.”
GrimDal prepares to speak again, us knowing what he was about to say next was the most important.

“The main objective is the capture of LuuBar, Elohim’s liar… This task is not going to be an easy one, from the moment we first heard of Elohim about 50 years ago he has been fighting a nonstop war for territory. If only my predecessors known the danger back then, things might have been different.”
GrimDal pulls out another piece of paper, this one small enough to be held. GrimDal speaks, looking at it.
“We believe that Pandemon’s army is roughly 250’000 Ssstrong, with many Ssstrongholds across the land. And with our forces pulled together, Motor 85’000, Chicago 75’000 (20’000 being Order of Talon and 50’000 being regulars) United Hives 70’000, DragonLands 30’000, Nickel City 10’00, and Madanak’s Tribe 7’000, it will equal to 277’000, an advantage for Sssure but there’s a catch. Elohim’s army of Nuuk’s are not fresh recruits, they Ssspent years fighting for him and do not fear death, perfect Sssoldiers in a way…”
After GrimDal finishes it is Vissarman to speak next surprisingly, taking a quick sigh before he does.
“Yes they might have an experience advantage, just minding you that my Talon soldiers are some of the best trained in the world. But I have to tell you this GrimDal, we have been developing something during the fall and winter, something very useful.”
GrimDal speaks, surprised.
“What is it?”
Vissarman speaks.

“When we arrived in Motor during the summer, there were several pieces of Pandemon equipment still left over. We had those pieces taken back to Chicago and studied, what we saw shocked us. Equipment that was used to destroy fortifications and walls, even entire army formations if needed. We had to adopt this technology in our armies, create entire Talon “catapult” units from scratch that utilized this breakthrough. Pandemon may be barbaric, but they surely know how to fight. And also just to let you know we created extra catapults for our allies, enough to create at least a few units.”
GrimDal nods and pulls out a list, speaking as he puts it down.
“Now that we know what where getting into, it’s time to puts down names.”
GrimDal is the first to put his name down, than Madanak, than Vela, than the bat pony heads, than Enoch. And when it came to Chicago, things got a bit heated as Vissarman spoke.
“Will we get our food Enoch?”
Enoch looked a bit shocked that Vissarman would ask this before signing, us all hoping it would be after. After a moment Enoch speaks, looking at Vela instead of the GrandMaster.
Vela hearing her name understands what she has to say and do. She speaks as the Chicago leadership looks in confusion.

“As a part of an agreement between The Hive and Motor, we will be transferring food to you. Enough for the survival of you’re people.”
Vissarman speaks, and I couldn’t exactly make out what he was feeling. It seemed to be a mix of shock and confusion, but not in the way it usually was.
“Importing food from the Hives, from those bugs!? Enoch what is you’re game!”
Vela gives Vissarman a nasty stare with the “bug” comment, Enoch speaks.
“Due to dah fact that ouw food am cuwwentwy aww bein’ used up, we wooked fo’ dah Hibes fo’ hewp. Them habin’ a giant stockpiwe to hewp 'ou.”
Vela speaks.
“But there will be some terms to this transaction!”
Enoch speaks, looking slightly down.
Vela speaks, that same horrible smile from last night appearing again as she grabs the treaty and gives it to one of her guards.
“For this agreement Motor will hand over it’s full knowledge of metalworking and refining, construction and most importantly of all, a 50% discount on all trade from Motor for one hundred years…
The guard places the treat infront of Enoch and looks at it for a few moments, the Chicago leadership looks completely appalled. Finally after a brief hesitation Enoch takes a deep breath, grabs the quill, and signs the treaty. The Changeling guard takes the paper and gives it back, Vela’s face having the look of triumph as she takes it. She speaks.
“This treaty will not be forgotten by the Changeling people King Enoch, we might even build a statue of you at Hive City. Also the food is now there’s, as for our agreement of course.”
Vissarman speaks, almost speechless.
“Giving up all of that to these monsters! You realize how foolish you are being-”
I without hesitation interrupt Vissarman, me getting so tired of his ungrateful selfishness.

“Can ‘ou just stahp it wiff dis whowe anti Changewing’ angwe! dey agweed to gib food tu youw peopwe, makin’ suwe dey nu stawbe whiwe we just basicawwy bankwowwed dah United Hibes debewopment fo’ a 100 yeaws, an’ 'ou stiww hab dah newbe to speak to Enoch wike that! 'Ou shouwd be ashamed of youwsewf, Biwtwa was wite about ‘ou! cwingin’ to a wong gone past ‘cos youw afwaid of what maybeh happen if ‘ou wook to dah futuwe, buiwdin’ a figuwatibe an’ witewaw waww awound youwsewf!”
The room was almost completely silent, the only sounds being the quiet claps of Vela and a few Changelings. Vissarman looked as though he was trying to anger himself up, ready for some heated debate, but than the impossible happened… The Chicago leaders stood up in defiance of the GrandMaster, with SourBeak speaking and pointing to Vissarman.

“There is no need to conflict Vissarman, that is enough! The Royal Guard who just spoke has a good point, King Enoch gave greatly for us!”
Fellie speaks next, her looking over at the Changelings.
“An’ ‘ou know, Bissawman… Fewwie doesn’t get why these bu- Changewings am supposed to be ouw enemy, Fewwie was taught when she was a fiwwy that dey wewe mindwess munstahs, buh except fo’ dis “Bewa” who am basicawwy extowtin’ Motow. On dah whowe dey nu seem that bad…”
Vela who at first gave a surprised but welcomed smile sours slightly at the “extorting Motor” Comment. None of us could believe what was happening, is Chicago actually making a change? Fellie speaks in a slightly embarrassed tone, looking at the Changelings.
“Fewwie am sowwy fo’ cawwin’ ‘ou munstahs wast’ night, it was dah fiwst time Fewwie ebah saw a Changewing.”
SourBeak speaks, looking at both a speechless Vissarman and Fellie.
“It’s time we put our names down and join this war for good, for the betterment of everyone.”
Fellie speaks.
“Souwbeak am wight, wet’s go Bissawman. Dah wist wequiwes aww 3 of us to sign it.”
Vissarman still wouldn’t budge, him speechless and expressionless, him never thinking in a million years that he would be protested against on something. I speak, giving a final plea.
“Bissawman Emiwy knows 'ou am bewy pwoud gwiffon, ‘ou wub am countwy bewy much. Buh things just nu can stay of same, wife just doesn’t wowk wike that. Wiff dis phiwosophy of hatwed an’ distwust, do ‘ou weawwy think dah Tawon Owdah wouwd hab sent Jay to go meet wiff Souw an’ hewp sabe them? C’mon Bissawman ou can be that change, hab dis new wowwd we entah be a bettah one fo’ aww peopwe of Chicago an’ dah wowwd.

Vissarman tilts his head slightly in shame and takes a long sigh, finally after all of that he speaks.
“Emily makes a good point, you all make a good point… For all my life training with the Order, rising through it’s ranks, becoming GrandMaster. I had always had the idea of making my country, my homeland a safer, greater place. But that training I can now see also included some older ideas, older ways of thinking that are clearly getting outdated. We are entering a crossroad now, and we can no longer be blinded. I will sign the treaty, for the betterment of all people, including of course the Changelings.”
I and everyone else were completely dumbfounded, this was the Grandmaster of the Order of Talon speaking! Vissarman and the other Chicago leaders go over to the paper and sign it, officially securing the alliance between nations. GrimDal speaks, relief washing over his face.
“You think we Ssshould name this alliance?”
Everyone looked on thinking, not knowing what to name it. Than Vissarman spoke, him looking at everyone.
“Y’know back when Chicago was being unified, Torres originally wanted to call the nation something completely different, a name he found on a exhibition in his early years. Of course he didn’t pick it, the name Chicago seeming more appropriate to the location. But in the Talon archives we still have this name, it showed to us on a picture of some pretty strange looking colorful fluffies and griffons and other creatures, but even still it’s symbolism obvious. Equestria
Everyone looked at each other and nodded in approval, Enoch even speaking.
“Equestwia, sounds hewoic.”
Vissarman signs the alliance treaty, speaking as he does.
It’s final than, on this day the Equestrian alliance is born!” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! To be honest, this one has serious finale energy (Even the Bible verse at the beginning!) But still this is only part 8 and the finale itself will take me about a week to finish, and of course constructive is always welcome! May you have a good day!