Leaf Learns A New Sound (Ace)

Hole was a miserable creature. An enfie mare with flea-bitten dull orange fur with a matted blue mane & tail. The room she was imprisoned in was nothing more than a closet. There was a small window that daddeh had nailed a sheet over. She couldn’t look outside and only a small amount of natural sunlight filtered in through it. Not that she wanted to get a good look at her surroundings anyways. There was kibble poured all over the floor: Instead of a bowl, her owner simply dumped an entire bag of food down and she’d eat as she got hungry. A littertray overflowing with poopies, the burning sting of ammonia in the air from peepees. The only form of entertainment she had came from a few broken toys and trash. Whenever Brash, the blue & yellow stallion who daddeh actually loved either broke one of his things or gave it bad poopies, her owner would throw the object into her closet. There were deflated balls, wooden blocks that you couldn’t stack on top of one another. Blankets which had been covered in poopies. Old newspapers she could crinkle with her mouth and make funny noises with. That was about it.

Hole was a soon mummah, though it didn’t cause her much excitement. When daddeh let Brash in every night to give her bad enfies, he’d tell her:

“When you give birth to your little rats, you’d better get a good look at them. Because I’m taking them away.”

This always caused Hole to whimper and protest.

“Daddeh, why yew take babbehs? Dey wiww be gud babbehs.” She didn’t have much to smile about. Life was miserable. The thought of babbehs was a good one though. Her owner always gave the same response.

“Why? Because fuck you, that’s why. Now shut your kibblehole, bitch.”

So she got bad enfies every night and tried not to think much about babbehs. It was getting more and more difficult not to, though. She was swelling up with miwkies and feeling a drive to build a proper nest, pushing around garbage in the room to form one the best she could.

It was one afternoon that she felt a sharp pain, kicked her back legs around rapidly. It was really bad huwties! The mare squealed. “B-Bigges’ poopies!” She screeched out, letting out a flood of babbehs. Daddeh wasn’t home yet. He only came home when it was dark times. Huffing a bit, she got over to examine her foals. There were lots of them! Five, to be exact. Two brown ones, one blue, one orange, and a green one. Her heart swelled up with the biggest happies ever. They were little chirpies!

“Babbehs! Pwettiest babbehs!” She cooed to her children lovingly, giving them wicky-cweanies with her tongue and smoothing out their fur the best she could. Thinking about what daddeh would do when he got home didn’t really matter right now. The mare flopped down and let her foals sup from her teats, singing them the mummah song they all knew from the bottom of their hearts.

This happiness wasn’t meant to last though, because eventually Brash would be yelling that he wanted enfies as soon as daddeh got home.

“Wan gib wowstest enfies tu dummeh mawe! Huwwy up!” The stallion prattled on outside the door Hole was locked up behind. Eyes opening wide with panic, she looked down to her collections of chirpies. They were all wriggling around in a big pile and peeping. All except one. The green chirpy was…well, very quiet. It wasn’t sleeping but simply produced no noise. It hadn’t even since she’d given birth to them all.

“…Mummah hide babbeh.” She said, making a snap decision and tucking the green foal away behind a pile of garbage where it wouldn’t be in any danger. Eventually, her daddeh would answer Brash’s summons and fling open the door to find Hole sitting with her collection of chirpies.

“Oh look, Brash, the fat bitch finally popped.” The stallion stepped in from behind his owner, grunting a bit.

“Ugwy babbehs.” He snorted, and their owner nodded. Grabbed up all of the chirpies, the newborns chirping innocently in his palm.

“Enjoy your nightly fuckfest, you jackass. I’m going to flush your babies down the shitter.” With that, Hole was left to endure her nightly abuse from the stallion. She wanted to protest her babbehs being taken away. Yet she knew in the back of her mind it was a smarty thing not to. If she kept quiet, maybe nobody would notice that there was a babbeh left. After she was given rough enfies, bites, and sorry-hooves from Brash, she was left in the darkness of the trash filled closet.

The green babbeh still didn’t make any noise, yet it suckled from it’s mother hungrily. After giving it wicky-cweanies again after it had gorged itself on milk, Hole discovered that it was a filly.

“Pwettiest babbeh. Yew name am Weaf. Teehee…” Hole nuzzled the silent little sphere of fur, and the baby gave a quiet yawn.

This is how it would go for awhile. She would feed and play with her foal and nobody would be the wiser. No matter how many miwkies the filly got, she never made a sound. Also, Hole noticed that she was somewhat different looking. Her head was lumpy looking, way larger than it should be. As time passed, it became even more noticeable. When she became a walky-babbeh after her eyes had opened, the mare noticed that one of her foal’s legs was noticeably smaller than the other one. She hobbled around weakly, her misshapen limb waggling uselessly at the air. Still! It was the prettiest babbeh Hole had ever seen.

“Weaf su happies!” Hole cooed to her child. The foal had flopped down on a pile of crinkly newspapers and flopped around, legs kicking around excitedly. She loved the noises and feeling of the paper!

“Eeeeeeeeee! EEEEEEEEEE!” She screeched out joyfully and the enfie-mare gasped. This was the very first time her babbeh had EVER made a sound! It was a very special sound and gave her the biggest heart-happies!

“Weaf am su smawties! She am smawtiest babbeh!” Hole gave her foal licks on the cheek, causing the filly to giggle and give a ‘pbbbttfff!’ sound with her tongue. More noises!

“When daddeh am hewe, babbeh nu make noisies. Otay? He am munstah daddeh.” Hole told her offspring, not knowing whether or not she could understand. She thought that the foal could. After all, she made poopies and peepees in the overflowing litterbox after having been taught by her mummah. It had taken longer than it would have for another fluffy her age, but Hole had all the time in the world.

Each night when Brash was let in, Leaf was hidden away in a pile of garbage just as she had been the day she’d been born. To her credit, too, she kept quiet. Perhaps having been told so many times by her mother had done it’s work. Yet as all fluffies do, she just kept growing. The foal had graduated from mummah’s miwkies to gobbling up the kibble which was poured out on the floor, her body rapidly expanding and filling out. It was becoming more and more difficult to hide her and days went on, she was no longer a babbeh.

“Babbeh ‘nee be quiet!” Hole scolded her child who was at this point now a fully grown adult. The room was becoming somewhat cramped with two fully grown fluffs living in the space and Leaf had become somewhat unruly.

“Pbbfttt! Eeeee! PBBBFFTTTT!” The green mare was sprawled out on a pile of broken toys, tongue rapidly poking out of her mouth. She was trying to play but now wasn’t the time for playing! Brash was complaining that he wanted enfies!

“Bad babbeh! Yew ‘nee wisten tu mummah!” Hole tried to cover up the mare with dirty newspapers and shit-smeared blankets but Leaf wasn’t having it. Fussing and kicking her limbs around, she knocked away the stuff which had been concealing her and loudly farted.

“Huuu….nuuu!” Hole desperately tried to prop a blanket over her when right at that moment the door bust open! Standing there was her daddeh and Brash, the mare caught-out in what had been for a fluffy an incredibly daring long-running deception. Or so she thought.

“I know you’ve had that little idiot this entire time.” Her daddeh said, taking a drag on a cigarette and flicking ashes into the room. Brash wrinkled his nose.

“And you know what? I’m fine with it. Because I’ve got an offer for you. She’s old enough to replace you, if you want.” Hole gave her owner a confused look. Replace her?

“No more being an enfie-mare. You can come out here where everything is nice and pretty. Get skettis every day. Play with all the toys. FluffTV…pretty things. Or your baby can. Leaf, right?”

This was an incredibly cruel proposition. She didn’t want to be an enfie-mare. Skettis, FluffTV, room to run around and be carefree in. It’s all any fluffy would want! But…but she loved her babbeh. Even if she was all grown up now, Leaf was still and would always be her babbeh. She deserved having all these nice things, too.

“Weaf ‘an Hole hab nice housie?” She asked hopefully, but her daddeh shook an index finger.

“One or the other. And choose fast or you both rot in there.” Hole looked over to the green mare still playing innocently on a pile of trash. Cheerfully sticking out her tongue, waggling around.



“Teehee! Wub baww! Yaaayyyy!” Hole chased around a little red rubber ball in her shared saferoom. It was a really nice room! FluffTV was always on, there were all sorts of toysies, and Brash no longer gave her bad enfies. When she wanted to nap she cuddled up on a little bed with a heated cushion and even had a collection of stuffy-friends. Instead of nasty kibble just poured out over the floor, she got soft wet food put into a pretty pink dish and skettis every night when daddeh got home.

Every day was the best. This was the best ever! She had forgotten all about the closet. Well. Until the evening. When it was night time, she tried her best not to listen. It was really bad to listen. Leaf was in there. She was the enfie-mare now. The derpy green mare had learned a new sound, too. Before she could go ‘eeeeeeeeee!’ like a living kettle or make cute pooting noises with her mouth but now she screamed. She screamed a lot. It wasn’t a word and wasn’t anything Hole could vocalize in her mind. The sound was harsh, unrelenting, full of fear and pain.

‘SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!’ the mare cried out from the closet like an animal which had caught it’s leg in a trap. Brash was giving her the wowstest-enfies like every night. He didn’t care that it was his own child. The thought likely never even registered in his mind. Hole tried to focus on FluffTV. Dancie babbehs! She got up on her hind legs and bopped around from side to side, front hooves tapping at the air.

“Teehee…dancie babbehs su fun…” She murmured to herself but the carefree music was drowned out by further screeches.

“Nu wan wisten. Huuu…” Leaving the teebee, she walked over to her bed. Stuffed her head down, tried to cover it up with the little mattress.


The sound ripped through her. Made her cry against her bed. She didn’t want Leaf to hurt. But she wanted this life now. It was a good life. All she had to do was ignore it. Ignore it until Brash was done with his enfies. Ignore it every night for the rest of her life.

Eventually Brash would be done with his nightly activity, trotting back into the saferoom and plopping down on his bed. The stallion began to sleep in short order, drooling all over himself and snoring. Leaf didn’t make any noises when he wasn’t in there. No crying, no happy noises either. It was easy to ignore her now. Hole went back to the teebee, starting to dance again. Thoughts of the green mare left her mind in about five minutes and she wouldn’t spare her another thought until the next evening.


Poor leaf :frowning:

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Heart hurties

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Ace: “Mares in my headcannon love all their chidren”

Also Ace: writes this


She loved her child. Prolly a lot more than other fluffies would given her deformities. But staring down the barrel of a continued life of rape and imprisonment in a shit closet? Hell self-preservation and cowardice are like a fluffy’s sword and shield. That’ll trump love every time. I would call baloney if someone decided to have a fluffy valiantly give up a perfect life to spare another. They’re craven assholes.


Hole has a fitting name.


I prefer them being the stupid gullible idiots that take permanent costs for temporary pleasures. One brave moment and they’re locked in for a lifetime of torment.


Wow that is fucked up fr ;/

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Oof, that was rough.

I mean I get why Hole chose freedom, but leaving her mentally challenged daughter to get raped by her dad is a specific form of evil

Worse, Leaf is too challenged to get the same option, or at least understand what’s being asked of her


@Ace honestly, if you had given the ending of the mother sacrificing herself for her daughter I would feel sad, it would have been a waste of cruelty, now neither of them is happy, the daughter being abused without being able to understand what is happening to her, and the mother having everything she dreamed of, but knowing deep down what she had to do.


How very Omelasque.


I wrote a story based on Omelas if anyone’s interested,

He says with shameless self promotion


I’m not going to judge Hole too harshly. She didn’t really opt into parenthood. She was raped and tried to keep one baby safe. But, it can only go so far, and I doubt that Leaf would have had a great life even in the safe room.


Oh that is bleak.

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@Ace I think this may be my favorite story by you yet.

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